Poor Aisha

On fundamentalist Christianity

Established around 1910, the Five Fundamentals of Christian Faith:
1) The miracles of Christ (ie, He walked on water, not a sandbar)
2) The virgin birth of Christ
3) The substitutionary atonement of Christ
4) The bodily resurrection of Christ
5) The inspiration of Scripture

This is the traditional platform of Protestant fundamentalism in the United States.

Tiassa :cool:
Tiassa the traditional platform of a fundamentalist is a bit more than those five. I've goten fundamentalists to say that I have 1000s of demons within me so I've beat M*W by 999 on the demon count. This is because they believe only in those five pluss a few more. The Scripture itself is a misnomer because the catholic canon has more books than the protestants. They usually accept everything literally but when it comes to "This is my body, which will be given for you; in memory of me" they interpret that symbolically. So basically they accept literally stuft that doesn't really matter such as knowing God created the world in 6 days, but not the stuft that does matter. They deny the tradition in church and believe in sola scriptura and sola fide.

So, the Romans made up the term "Christians?" In that case, why would anyone who chose to follow Jesus want to be called that?
Well some people put too emphasis in the name. I don't think that history tells us who specifically coined the name christian. It is believed that the really early called themselves members of the Way and were a loose Jewish sect. The Way is a referance to the highway of truth mentioned at the end of Isaiah. And then the term "Christian" began to be used for the christians living in Antioch and then Tao took over the other name.

It makes no sense to me. This is one major problem I have with Xians, I believe the term "Christians" and "Christianity" is a falsehood in itself. Jesus wasn't a Xian. The term "Christianity" wasn't even used in Jesus' day. It was started by Saul/Paul and Peter. By the way, I attended a lecture yesterday, and it was stated that Peter didn't trust Paul, and it was Paul's big mouth that got both of them killed--and Xianity is based on this???
Well I'm not sure whose lectures you've been hearing. I suggest that you trust no one, but only read primary sources. At the end of 2 Peter, Peter comments that Paul's writings were hard to understand but he clearly endorses them.

I believe it is sacreligious and blasphemous to call oneself an "Xian." Now that you have clarified that it was a name the Romans placed on the followers of Saul/Paul, I believe it more strongly. The ideal Xian thought is to believe in Jesus' teachings and NOT in Jesus himself. Believe it or not, okinrus, I do believe in the teachings of Jesus. I just don't believe he's God or any kind of savior.
No, God could care less what specific name we call ourselves. Except for Saul but that's another story. No, believing in Jesus means believing in Truth, Love, Trust, Goodness because God is the source of all these. I think you pretty much have to believe in him being divine if you accept any of the gospel to be truth. Isaiah says "They shall all see their Teacher" and Jeremiah says "they shall all be taught by God". Jesus quotes Jeremiah when he feeds 4000 to emphasize that "man shall not live on bread alone but on every word from the mouth of God". And that is why we ask for our "daily bread" in Our Father, because a prayer given to us from God would not ask for what perishes.
Did some one said Petros?

Okinrus, you failed to answer my simple question just like a typical xian always try to avoid the simple questions and answer in most fruity way as possible. You are no different then a typical SouthernBatist. You just proved it.

By the way ptere was a delusional psychopath who saw things and heard voices. If you believe him then God bless You. He was suffering from serious trauma. Please avoid that So called Holy Ghost trauma syndromes. Bad for your health, I do'twant you to start your own bible. ok?
Oh yeah ....

Old school fundamentalism! I'm talkin' down-town!

Sorry ... er ... yeah. There is that.

Tiassa :cool:
Okinrus, you failed to answer my simple question just like a typical xian always try to avoid the simple questions and answer in most fruity way as possible. You are no different then a typical SouthernBatist. You just proved it.
I don't really care if what you think. I'm not a Southern Baptist but if that makes you feel better about yourself then believe it. Of course you would have some narrow view points, but that's not my problem. So why don't you go read where I said "yes" and explained what being a disciple of Christ is. Christians let their "yes" be yes and their "no" be no because His Yes is within us as Paul said.

By the way ptere was a delusional psychopath who saw things and heard voices. If you believe him then God bless You. He was suffering from serious trauma. Please avoid that So called Holy Ghost trauma syndromes. Bad for your health, I do'twant you to start your own bible. ok?
You've already commented about your views on the Holy Spirit on a past thread. So why again? If I've heard him as well, then what's that to you. The bible is viewed differently depending on the person. For example, american slaves would view Exodus as their own exodus to freedom. For some passages, a correct interpretation depends on the person. And Christ has given us his Spirit and told us that it would lead us to all truth. So if you want to be taught by Him or by yourself that's not my choice.
Originally posted by okinrus
Christians let their "yes" be yes and their "no" be no because His Yes is within us as Paul said.

Is that Paul the lier? Then the yeses and the Nos of the chrisitans are quite confused. Aferall, they interpreted a bread and wine dinner as if Jesus is telling them that he will sacrifice himself on the cross and be the bread and wine for them. With the same standards, christians will interpret me having Italian dinner with bread and wine as a desire for me to be crossed tonight....These don't sound to me like people who listen to yes and no, more like ones that act on made up believes. Jesus never said kill me now or don't help me, yet his sorry deciples watched him dye without moving a finger or even one of them trespassing the maddness to put a stop to the massacre even if that risked their own lifes....Yeah, christians do know the meaning of yes and no alright...they are selfish loosers lazy bums waiting for someone innocent to die in their place. No wonder their civilization always flourished on salvery, racism, sacrificial lambs, scapegoats, ect.
Nobody stopped the xifiction

Originally posted by Flores
Is that Paul the lier? Then the yeses and the Nos of the chrisitans are quite confused. Aferall, they interpreted a bread and wine dinner as if Jesus is telling them that he will sacrifice himself on the cross and be the bread and wine for them. With the same standards, christians will interpret me having Italian dinner with bread and wine as a desire for me to be crossed tonight....These don't sound to me like people who listen to yes and no, more like ones that act on made up believes. Jesus never said kill me now or don't help me, yet his sorry deciples watched him dye without moving a finger or even one of them trespassing the maddness to put a stop to the massacre even if that risked their own lifes....Yeah, christians do know the meaning of yes and no alright...they are selfish loosers lazy bums waiting for someone innocent to die in their place. No wonder their civilization always flourished on salvery, racism, sacrificial lambs, scapegoats, ect.

Elegant as usual, Soul Sister. You know why no one lifted a finger to stop the xifiction? Because Jesus wasn't xified!
Re: Nobody stopped the xifiction

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
You know why no one lifted a finger to stop the xifiction? Because Jesus wasn't xified!

I wanted to say that too, but I already pushed that envelope too far...Thanks for extending my thoughts and making that important observation.
Originally posted by Lucysnow
And what is this about no crucifixtion?

The answer to this question is :

- Have you seen Jesus Christ being crucified?
No of course

- Have any of the people that wittenessed the crucifiction seen Jesus personally bleeding and knew that this was the Jesus they know then wrote a book and distributed it?
If they saw the beloved jesus dying out of bleeding an act that takes days to accomplish, then why didn't one person move to help Jesus out of his agony, afterall, Jesus cured the blind, gave life to the dead, healed lepers....comeon now, how can such a person die in the wittness of many people without one lifting a finger to help him

- If Jesus was crucified indeed, an act that takes days, don't you expect that he would say a lot of things while he is hanging on the cross. Not a single word was documented out of Jesus mouth during the crucifiction and the last word he said during the time that the mob started going crazy was "forgive them god for they are people that don't know what they are doing". So how can you trust the witness and opinion of a crowd that was described by Jesus as mad intoxicated with hate and not doing what they are doing......they could be crucifying a goat in Jesus place and not know what hit them.

The Quran statement about Jesus death is both respectable, accurate, and is in complete agreement with the mood of Jesus at the time of his end. Jesus didn't care at the end, he was fed up, he resigned from his duties as a prophet to god....He was preaching to donkeys. The Quran denies any speculations and places Jesus in the correct light.

The Women
[4.157] And their saying: Surely we have killed the Messiah, Isa son of Marium, the apostle of Allah; and they did not kill him nor did they crucify him, but it appeared to them so (like Isa) and most surely those who differ therein are only in a doubt about it; they have no knowledge respecting it, but only follow a conjecture, and they killed him not for sure.

From the bible regarding the mood of Jesus before his death.

[33] And when the sixth hour was come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour.
[34] And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? which is, being interpreted, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

[34] Then said Jesus, Fathe, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.

And you still wonder why we question the lies about the Jesus peace be upon him.

If you ever want to get a flavor about the credibility of people who are intoxiicated with hate, just view our posts while we were fighting and see how much of it resembeled good reasoning or the truth. This was the exact frame of mind that affected those that documented Jesus death.

See my post above for more detail.
No xifiction

Originally posted by Lucysnow
And what is this about no crucifixtion?

A goodly amount of Biblical scholarly research has been done by various objective scientists who concluded that Jesus could not have died on the cross. While uncovering these untruths, they also found that the Bible was entirely symbolic and written in a code that they cracked. Furthermore, their research led them toward an Egyptian connection of Jesus, Mariam of Magdala, and their children. Recent works have implied that Jesus was actually a Pharoah, possibly the last Pharoah of Egypt. Another enigma in question was the wedding at Cana which is now believed to be Jesus and MM's wedding. Supposedly they had three children, two boys and a girl. The boys were possibly named Jesus Justus, Justin and Tamar or Sarah (meaning princess in Aramaic which could have been a title rather than name).

Further evidence proves that Saul/Paul never new Jesus and that his invention of "Xianity" was for his personal profit. Jesus' family didn't like Saul/Paul and neither did Peter trust him.

The researchers have determined that the Gospels were not written by the authors claiming to, and The Acts was written by Luke and not Saul/Paul. The RCC destroyed or hid certain biblical parchments that would prove Jesus' genealogy. They may have found some of these parchments in France where Jesus, MM and their children lived their royal lives happily ever after the alleged xifiction. More on this research can be found at www.rennes-le-chateau.com.

Some of the ancient stories in the OT were taken from the Sumerian creation of the world stories, so they were definitely NOT original. Also, the sequence of the OT is not in correct chronological order. Supposedly, the story of Noah and the Flood preceded the Garden of Eden story. The serpent in the GOE story was possibly a reptilian alien that preceded and interbred with the human race through Eve or some highly evolved ape called Eve. It is curious that the words/names Eve, Jehovah and serpent are all the same Hebrew word "hawwah." I am not sure of the spelling, but the name's the same.

Lies will end, but the truth never fails. It's only a matter of time!
Well Sumerians are where real history is at.

The Enuma Elish is a masterpiece, and the root cause of genesis. There's sumerian artifacts depicting a plam tree with the fruit of life and fruit of enlightenment- yes, guarded by a serpent.

Genesis itself places the garden of eden, (e-din: sumerian meaning 'house of purity'), in sumeria.

Ziusudra is the foundation for the noah epic. Yes, the story included the Anunnaki, (nephilim), who were watching the flood from the mountains. The story remains plausible unlike the genesis mass exaggeration of events. The Euphrates blew it's banks and Ziusudra who was on a barge going to market, (with some animals etc), floated off down stream until he ended up in the persian gulf. Eventually he landed on a bank where he made a sacrifice to the gods who "smelled the pleasing aroma."

Moses is also another person who is based on a sumerian individual, (Sargon).

Abraham was from Ur, Sumeria. On an archaelogical expedition in Ur, they found many artifacts relating to stories copied into the bible from original sumerian beliefs/ideas.

Sumerian gods even appear in the bible including marduk, damuzi, (tammuz) etc.

In this instance the bible is a wonderful look at how "chinese whispers" works, but not a lot more. I still urge people to read Sumerian ;)
Is that Paul the lier? Then the yeses and the Nos of the chrisitans are quite confused. Aferall, they interpreted a bread and wine dinner as if Jesus is telling them that he will sacrifice himself on the cross and be the bread and wine for them.
Yes, there is no intepretation. That is what Jesus said and he said to do it in remembrance of him. "Therefore wehoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will have to answer for the body and blood of the Lord." (Corinthians 11:"27)

....These don't sound to me like people who listen to yes and no, more like ones that act on made up believes. Jesus never said kill me now or don't help me, yet his sorry deciples watched him dye without moving a finger or even one of them trespassing the maddness to put a stop to the massacre even if that risked their own lifes....
The disciples of Christ would really stand a chance against the roman army when they only had two swords. Of course this was all portended when David went to get the sword that he slew Goliath with from the priest. David said that he and his followers were consegrated at arms and the Priests gave David and his followers the holy bread. However now Jesus consegrates his disciples with truth, his truth within him. "Consecrate them in the truth. Your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, so I sent them into the world. And I consecrate myself for them, so that they also may be consecrated in truth." (John 17:17) And from mouth of Jesus comes a double edged sword(Revelation).

Yeah, christians do know the meaning of yes and no alright...they are selfish loosers lazy bums waiting for someone innocent to die in their place. No wonder their civilization always flourished on salvery, racism, sacrificial lambs, scapegoats, ect.
Slavery was practiced by Muslims as well. If I recall correctly, Muhammed had a coptic slave woman as a wife. Racism would not be practiced by true christians because all nations are under Christ.
Originally posted by okinrus
Yes, there is no intepretation. That is what Jesus said and he said to do it in remembrance of him. "Therefore wehoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will have to answer for the body and blood of the Lord." (Corinthians 11:"27)

Jesus never said that, you must dig up the author of Corinthian to check okinrus, but if blind faith is of your liking go ahead and recite Corinthians to us.

Originally posted by okinrus
The disciples of Christ would really stand a chance against the roman army

yeah, tell that to the judge that is questioning, why is it that only Jesus and a bunch of criminals died on the cross that day.

Originally posted by okinrus
And from mouth of Jesus comes a double edged sword(Revelation).

Would that be the same mouth as yours and your pastor, or is your yes here means maybe no.

Originally posted by okinrus
Slavery was practiced by Muslims as well. If I recall correctly, Muhammed had a coptic slave woman as a wife. Racism would not be practiced by true christians because all nations are under Christ.

How can a slave be a wife? A wife is a free woman. To correct you, prophet Mohamed married a coptic slave to free her.

And corrections, all nations are under god, read the US currency and constitution if you have a doubt. US is a nation under god the creator, and Christ is not found in our currency, our laws, or our constitutions. The Jesus is god slogan can only be found on the bumber stickers of retarded white trash labeled Southern baptists.

Originally posted by SnakeLord
Well Sumerians are where real history is at.

The Enuma Elish is a masterpiece, and the root cause of genesis. There's sumerian artifacts depicting a plam tree with the fruit of life and fruit of enlightenment- yes, guarded by a serpent.

Genesis itself places the garden of eden, (e-din: sumerian meaning 'house of purity'), in sumeria.

Ziusudra is the foundation for the noah epic. Yes, the story included the Anunnaki, (nephilim), who were watching the flood from the mountains. The story remains plausible unlike the genesis mass exaggeration of events. The Euphrates blew it's banks and Ziusudra who was on a barge going to market, (with some animals etc), floated off down stream until he ended up in the persian gulf. Eventually he landed on a bank where he made a sacrifice to the gods who "smelled the pleasing aroma."

Moses is also another person who is based on a sumerian individual, (Sargon).

Abraham was from Ur, Sumeria. On an archaelogical expedition in Ur, they found many artifacts relating to stories copied into the bible from original sumerian beliefs/ideas.

Sumerian gods even appear in the bible including marduk, damuzi, (tammuz) etc.

In this instance the bible is a wonderful look at how "chinese whispers" works, but not a lot more. I still urge people to read Sumerian ;)


I have a couple of questions for you, O Wise One!

Was Ur, Sumeria the same place as Ur of the Chaldees? Just curious--no ulterior motive--just wondering.

Secondly, did this Sumerian Abraham, who most likely was an Arab, ever become a Hebrew, and is this spelled out anywhere in the Bible?

Thirdly, Sarah, formerly Sarai, means 'princess.' Is it likely that she was an Egyptian princess? Then Abraham would be an Egyptian prince, wouldn't he? Sarah was the concubine of the Pharoah, but the Pharoah was not Abraham. He gave Sarah to the Pharoah with his blessings, I've read.

So, in essence, what you are saying in your post is that the gods of Sumeria were really the gods of the OT,too?

I'd really like to read more about the serpent that guarded the 'fruit.'

Thanks for your post!!!
Jesus never said that, you must dig up the author of Corinthian to check okinrus, but if blind faith is of your liking go ahead and recite Corinthians to us.
Why wouldn't he? It was already mentioned and portended in Isaiah. "Why spend your money for what is not bread; your wages for what fails to satisfy? Heed me, and you shall eat well, you shall delight in rich fare. Come to me heedfully, listen, that you may have life. I will renew with you the everlasting covenant, the benefits assured to David."

Would that be the same mouth as yours and your pastor, or is your yes here means maybe no.
No, I don't have a pastor. If you would actually listen then you'd realize that I'm talking about Jesus.

How can a slave be a wife? A wife is a free woman. To correct you, prophet Mohamed married a coptic slave to free her.
This is incorrect and based on your own speculation on why Mohammed married her. I simply said that he married a slave woman. http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/med/lewis1.html
Oh my but this is rich. Jesus married Mary Mag the 'fallen woman' and had three kids? Well maybe he wasn't so bad after all. Eve the ape mating with reptile aliens? I cannot tell you how sweet this all sounds, unbelievable, I love it. Thanks for the site Medicine Woman

You bring up an interesting point Flores, if this was a man curing the blind and bringing back the dead and the Roman enemy were to hang him up to die one would think it would create a riot, civil unrest. I mean LA did far more for a much lesser man (rodney king).
Rodney King

Originally posted by Lucysnow
I mean LA did far more for a much lesser man (rodney king).

Dear, Dear Lucysnow,

Since you brought up the name of our Great American Prophet, Rodney King, I think it's time for us to pause and reflect on the natural wisdom and forethought that Rodney revealed to the world on that fateful night in LA. Oh, to hear those dear sweet words again here in the Religion Forum, where they are sorely needed to remind us that we are all bros. and sisters under the skin. His words mean so much to those of us who care, who really, really care. Rodney, we love you! We'll never forget you! You are our hero! And, so my fellow Religion Forum posters, let's bow our heads and read the most important words to be spoken in our time:

"Can't we get along? Can't we all just get along?"

"Can't we get along? Can't we all just get along?"

Evidently not. Strange how all those religions preaching peace inspire war hatred and intolerance just as successfully as any secular power hungry institution. On second thought it isn't ideology its us, human nature I guess. Perhaps the rule of thumb should be arm everyone with a glock. We are a killing species and no prophet, messiah or god will change this, even if we keep the peace it takes only one stone-thrower.