
Mystech said:
You've got to be kidding, what are you even talking about here? Most of this stuff is working against Christianity and certainly disproves any literal interpretation of the Bible in many cases.

The Hindus have idols that drink milk, buddy, let's see your blinged out crusifix do that.
This thread is quickly becoming yet another prove Christianity thread. As much as we are tempted to debate Chrisitianity, let's keep that discussion in one of those other threads. We can also continue in private if you like Mystech. I cannot prove the existence of God yet (and I doubt that we can), but I have evidence to prove the Bible's accounts.

Drink milk? Really? I can pull a rabbit out of a hat! Pharoah could turn staffs to snakes. Magic gives not weight to anything, even Moses firgured that out.

Mystech said:
Well I suppose this could be considered true to some certain degree, in that there are a lot of religions in the world and some of them happen to be younger than Christianity. Then again, Wicca and Scientology don't exactly carry a lot of weight in the world, and other than those Christianity is still sort of the new kid on the block. If age alone were a good qualification for validity of a religion then you should probably convert to Judaism, or seek some of that good ol' Eastern religion. Personally I'd go and spend some time with the Aboriginals of Australia, chances ar they've got one of the older religions in the world.

Then again some might see extreme age as a failing of Christianity. After all, looking to the mistranslated writings of an ancient nomadic desert wandering tribe who couldn't possibly comprehend the world we live in today, for all the answers both metaphysical and practical in the world seems kind of silly when you really sit and think about it.
The thing is that since the hearts of men never change, their writings apply today just as much as yesterday. For instance, when Paul writes to the churches, I am in awe how history repeats itself when we don't learn from our mistakes. We are becoming more and more like the ancient nations.

Mystech said:
Hahaha, go ahead, I encourage you to start such a thread. I'd very much like to see this evidence and proof of Christianity as the one true religion. What ever happened to faith? You start going around and saying that empirical evidence and demonstrate some spiritual or theological truth, and you're setting yourself up for some heartache.
You misunderstand. You need faith to go against rational thought.

Don't misunderstand me, I cannot prove that Christianity is not mythological to those who do not have faith. I can prove Christianity vs any other religion in terms of absurdity. I can prove that it is the least absurd, and the one with the most evidence. The illogical teachings of other religions will make any atheist laugh more than they do at Christianity. What is the point though? Should I waste my valuable time doing that? How many souls could I save? I don't think it is worth my time. I need a reason to make a case such as this.
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jayleew said:
You misunderstand. You need faith to go against irrational thought.

Silly me, I thought that one needed faith to go against rational thought. Otherwise we'd all be secularists and demand empiric evidence rather than being susceptible to being made to jump and huddle in fear of superstitions and ancient ghost stories.
You are a Christian, and yet you go against one of the ten commandments that are set out for you by your God and therefore forsake Him.

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors wife.

Your faith seems to be faltering and your virtue tarnished. Or have you just decided that you are going to hell, and figured "fuck it."?

I think this whole thread, like the smoking one is just your weird little way of attempting to convince yourself that your harmful behaviour is somehow righteous.
Mystech said:
Silly me, I thought that one needed faith to go against rational thought. Otherwise we'd all be secularists and demand empiric evidence rather than being susceptible to being made to jump and huddle in fear of superstitions and ancient ghost stories.
My bad, I put the wrong word in. I corrected. Thanks!
getts said:
I am not interested in becoming a Mormon...I am a Christian. I follow Christ.

Matthew 7
And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: 27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.

I do not covet....there is a difference in coveting and desiring. To covet something, you must wish to posess it INSETAD of someone else posessing it. That is not at all what I am interested in doing. I do not want to take this mans wife away from him...just borrow her with his approval. Big difference.

You certainbly like to point out others sins.....maybe you need to take a look at your own life and find out why you are so interested in condemning me....
cov·et (kŭv'ĭt)

v., -et·ed, -et·ing, -ets.

To feel blameworthy desire for (that which is another's). See synonyms at envy.
To wish for longingly. See synonyms at desire.


To covet is to desire. Perhaps you should spend more time in church and less out chasing womens tails.
Synonyms: envy, begrudge, covet
These verbs mean to feel resentful or painful desire for another's advantages or possessions. Envy, the most general, combines discontent, resentment, and desire:

Maybe you need to read what you cut and paste......(see synonyms at envy)

I have none of theose characteristics.....

By the way, I don't chase tail....I sleep with a few women....in my wifes presence....there is a difference.

And while we are at it, I don't really care for someone who doesn't believe in God telling me to spend more time in church.....Tell me your reasons, as an atheist, if you want to, but leave God out of your arguments. He doesn't exist to you, so how can you argue his words??
By the way, people, I am not looking for your approval....I was just looking for debate. So why don't you folks with daggers in your eyes for me get back on the topic, and off of me personally. Not that I care, but it would be nice to think that you were intelligent enough to discuss a subject with out lashing out at me personally.
So you both covet your neighbors wives. That makes it less sinful.

If you didn't want the debate to be personal, you shouldn't have made it about yourself, and used yourself as justification and debate.

P.S. A synonym is a close match, not an actual definition. The definition of covet is posted above. But keep grasping at straws. Regardless, it's against the rules of your bible. It goes against the wishes of your God. Be sure to enjoy your stay in hell, at least it will be easier to light your cigarettes.
getts said:
I am not interested in becoming a Mormon...I am a Christian. I follow Christ.

Mormons are <a href='http://www.mormon.org/question/faq/category/answer/0,9777,1601-1-55-16,00.html'>Christians</a>
Now hear this: everything I do is ok, and is cool with God, he told me so himself. He also says I'm still free, and actually obligated to point out the sins of others. I know this is kind of a convenient position for me to attack others from, but they, maybe you should try living exactly the way I do before you start getting upset. Then you'd realize that there is no such thing as the anthropic principle.

End of discussion (God said it was ok for me to deem this thread closed and kick you suckers - who profane his name by speaking of him so lightly - right out the door).
Mystech said:
Now hear this: everything I do is ok, and is cool with God, he told me so himself. He also says I'm still free, and actually obligated to point out the sins of others. I know this is kind of a convenient position for me to attack others from, but they, maybe you should try living exactly the way I do before you start getting upset. Then you'd realize that there is no such thing as the anthropic principle.

End of discussion (God said it was ok for me to deem this thread closed and kick you suckers - who profane his name by speaking of him so lightly - right out the door).

This is clearly a new epoch in theology that supercedes all religions that have come prior. I hail Mystech's divinely inspired moral authority as superior to all others.
SpyMoose said:
I hail Mystech's divinely inspired moral authority as superior to all others.

You have come one step closer toward true ecstatic enlightenment this day, my child. Rejoice.
Mystech said:
End of discussion (God said it was ok for me to deem this thread closed and kick you suckers - who profane his name by speaking of him so lightly - right out the door).

Feels pretty good, doesn't it? Now you know how most of us feel about gay rights and marriage ....and gays in particular! See? Feels pretty good, huh? And interestingly enough, for all your talk about "joining" our society, you're even more interested in kicking out those who don't hold to your beliefs. Pretty neat feeling, huh? ....LOL!!

Baron Max
getts said:

You certainbly like to point out others sins.....maybe you need to take a look at your own life and find out why you are so interested in condemning me....
Did I say you were going to hell? Did I say God's wrath will be on you? God shall be your judge, and he judges by the law that is found in the Word.

I want you to search for the truth and not turn a blind eye because my heart aches for people who are blinded by sin.
I confess my sin. I admit that I am weak, but I turn from sin with God's strength who delivers me.
Romans 7:
14 For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin. 15 For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I. 16 If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good. 17 Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. 18 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. 19 For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. 20 Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. 21 I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me. 22 For I delight in the law of God after the inward man: 23 But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. 24 O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? 25 I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.