Polygamy Sect in Texas

I'd recommend burkhas.
M*W: I was going to say that, but I thought it would be offensive to some of the folks here. I kinda think burkas look comfortable, and with the head scarves, we women wouldn't have to worry about how our hair looks.
M*W: I was going to say that, but I thought it would be offensive to some of the folks here. I kinda think burkas look comfortable, and with the head scarves, we women wouldn't have to worry about how our hair looks.

If you get the really excellent flared ones from Morrocco or Dubai, you can be butt naked underneath and no one can tell (well almost!):p
The allegations prompted police and social workers to remove hundreds of children from the 1,900-acre YFZ Ranch near Eldorado, the documents stated. The ranch was built by followers of imprisoned polygamist "prophet"

So no one has been found guilty of doing anything wrong in a court but they are taking everyone out of the compound. Seems that's overstepping the legal system somewhat, but hey, I always thought your innocent until proven guilty !
Grim tales surface of sect's sex slavery

"My father had four wives yet he couldn't keep his hands off his daughters," said Rena Mackert, one of 31 siblings. "One of my sisters had five sons, all sodomised by their father." Referring to her own experience, Rena's sister, Kathleen Mackert, said: "I was required to perform oral sex on my father when I was seven, and it escalated from there. "The abuse was rampant - physical, sexual, emotional. We experienced all three. Some of it at the hands of the men, some of it at the hands of the wives."

Kathleen Mackert, 50, who said she had undergone extensive therapy since leaving the group after her husband's work moved the couple away, said she was relatively lucky being forcibly married to a stepbrother only 10 years her senior.

"You are taught that you can all but kill a child for deliberate disobedience. The men have their power taken away by [Warren] Jeffs. The only thing they have control over is their wives and children. It's power, it's control, and it's sex.

"This is about underage children being bartered as sex slaves, taken across state lines to marry into other compounds. It's just that they tried to cover it up under the label of freedom of religion."

Moore-Emmett criticised Utah officials, saying the state did little because polygamy was so normalised. "The politicians are Mormon. Mormons have abandoned polygamy. However, it's in their scripture, and they all expect to live it in the hereafter."
I bolded the portion about the scripture because it makes a valid point. One I try often to make. That being, when unenlightened bullshit (such as polygamy or murder or ect) is incorporated into a religious text, it can have negative repercussions for generations and generations. An enlightened person would immediately (and easily) recognize that such verses WILL be used by the unscrupulous to take advantage of the innocent or naive (as has happened in this case) and simply stay well away from such arrogant and pointless remarks. Here we have mentally sick pedophiles taking "The" Last Prophet John Smith's idiotic life and "revelations" to justify and excuse their own demented pedophilia.

Just something else to think about,
More children moved into foster care

"I believe we have ... children who are victims of physical abuse, and I think we have children who are victims of sexual abuse. I think we also have children who were at risk because of the environment they were in -- that they could be potential victims or they certainly could be witnessing abuse or neglect. And I believe and our department believes that this was not a safe environment for these children."

It's obvious that most Mormons do not sexually abuse their children. They are pretty good people. Much like most people. BUT it's also apparent that John Smith was not an enlightened person. And by enlightened I mean that he did not have the foresight and was not able to understand what his life's example could set in motion. I do not mean "enlightened" as in a spiritual connection. He simply wasn't a wise man - let alone a "prophet". Oh, he obviously was a good swindler and this does take some brains. But that's about it.
from WIKI:

Smith was married to approximately 33 women besides Emma. During Smith's lifetime, his wife Emma reportedly "vacillated between acceptance and rejection" of the practice, with Emma even attending the marriage of Smith to at least one of his plural wives.

People know when something is wrong. BUT most people will rationalize it. We've actually evolved this ability as part of out decision making process. "Who can argue with God?" "Well, that's how it was back then" etc... ... hence the term apologist. People know when something is not right. They look for ways to disprove it ever happened or nay say or simply say: That's the way it was back then in the "real world"

For most Mormons it's impossible to move past their indoctrination. I hope these children get the help they need so that they don't grow up to become child abusers themselves.
But no one has ever been found guilty of child abuse as yet! How can authorities just take away children when their parents weren't found guilty of anything at all? This is a travisty of justice and Texas is going to have a very large lawsuit when all is said and done! :(