Polygamy Sect in Texas

Anyway lightgigantic,

I'm not suggesting that people MUST teach their children to be good little consumers, hang out at the mall and listen to Britney. The Amish appear to be good people. They also let their children go to University, get an education and move off into the world - then they can choose to come back and live a rural life or move away as they see fit.

Texas takes legal custody of 401 sect children

Authorities said Monday they have taken legal custody of 401 children who lived on an isolated West Texas polygamist retreat built by imprisoned "prophet" Warren Jeffs.

Dear Prophet Warren - thanks arse hole you ruined the lives of over 400 children.

Just imagine if something wasn't done and a generation there would have been thousands of FCLDS worshiping "Prophet" Warren's every utterly stupid nuance.

Just Pathetic,
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I am a product of my society. I hold certain truths to be self-evident. Namely that all people are created equal and that they are endowed with certain unalienable Rights - among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

This is the foundation of our social contract with one another. Like I said, in another place or another time perhaps it would be acceptable to brainwash female children that they are to subserve the male that the cult/religious leader has chosen for them and that this man will probably be their grandfather's polygamist buddy. Certainly vestal virgins had an odd life.
In case you haven't noticed, this social amendment is also violated in the (non-mormon) shopping malls - I guess it doesn't cause such a stir because it is socially accepted (although a fifteen year old, ipod sporting, garish lipstuckered and dressed in less material that I dry my dishes with ..... certainly strikes me as an odd life)
But this is Texas and the here and now and it is not acceptable. It may even be illegal.
where there are dominant social foundations there are laws - whether it is McDonalds or a Mosque

Think on this. Long ago people were raised to think that their bloody sacrifice would appease the Gods and bring bountiful harvest and abundance. They willingly and happily hoped into the volcano knowing that this was a great service they did for their people. Guess what - you could easily brainwash someone today to do just the exact same thing. Well, it's wrong today in America - to do that is called child abuse. THAT'S what is happening in this cult.
Once again, to argue that one's social foundations are superior requires the establishing of benefit and suffering, and (once again) it is tricky .... since the 15 year old married mormon girl could indicate a meth addicted single mum as the equivalent of jumping in the volcano of dominant consumerist culture

Anyway lightgigantic,

I'm not suggesting that people MUST teach their children to be good little consumers, hang out at the mall and listen to Britney.
well it tends to happen, and the result is not always as simple as a bad choice in music and clothes

The Amish appear to be good people. They also let their children go to University, get an education and move off into the world - then they can choose to come back and live a rural life or move away as they see fit.

Certainly a person feels no danger within their social perimeters (university does not exist outside of cultural norms) - how do you suppose you would feel if your child displayed an enthusiasm to go study islam in the middle east at a traditional university to better understand their world?
a meth addicted single mum as the equivalent of jumping in the volcano of dominant consumerist culture
nice :)

I'll think on it

how do you suppose you would feel if your child displayed an enthusiasm to go study islam in the middle east at a traditional university to better understand their world?
Firstly, I'm thinking of my kid as myself and so as long as it was safe I wouldn't mind it at all. But if I knew my kid and thought there may be a problem - like maybe they are going to be hurt then no it's not getting my support. Then again - how old is my kid? 18 is a far cry from 25 or 37....
nice :)

I'll think on it

Firstly, I'm thinking of my kid as myself and so as long as it was safe I wouldn't mind it at all. But if I knew my kid and thought there may be a problem - like maybe they are going to be hurt then no it's not getting my support. Then again - how old is my kid? 18 is a far cry from 25 or 37....
similarly, there are different notions of "safety", since one of the easiest ways to get hurt (both physically and mentally) is to enter a social environment that one is not familiar with .... perhaps I could ask it in another way .... what do you think would be the prominent response of western (white middle class) parents to the notion of their children going on to study in a traditional islamic academic institution to better understand their world?
I am a product of my society. I hold certain truths to be self-evident. Namely that all people are created equal and that they are endowed with certain unalienable Rights - among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Still doing it. :D:m:
So where is the 16 year old girl that "supposedly" called the police about being abused? Seems that the police only wanted to make an excuse to bust the sect. I'm not all in favor of polygamy but what right does the police have to jail anyone without finding anything wrong?:shrug:
The girls are not allowed to use crayons, disgusting....
M*W: Heard on the news last night that these kids are not allowed to laugh either! Crayons are the evils from the outside world. What gets me is that every woman and little girl had on pastel dresses. What floozies! The very idea of color in their lives! They should have all been wearing black! Joyfulness must be a sin!
M*W: Heard on the news last night that these kids are not allowed to laugh either! Crayons are the evils from the outside world. What gets me is that every woman and little girl had on pastel dresses. What floozies! The very idea of color in their lives! They should have all been wearing black! Joyfulness must be a sin!

I'd recommend burkhas.
similarly, there are different notions of "safety", since one of the easiest ways to get hurt (both physically and mentally) is to enter a social environment that one is not familiar with .... perhaps I could ask it in another way .... what do you think would be the prominent response of western (white middle class) parents to the notion of their children going on to study in a traditional islamic academic institution to better understand their world?
I do not have a problem with anyone studying at Uni anywhere. As long as it is a reputable Uni. Anyway, it could be a good career move - go to the ME do religious studies, so some archeology, language studies, write a dissertation, get a good job teaching at Uni.
In this thread - it is impossible not to SAM. I am sure that the pedophiles in the Sect think they are right while I know they are sick in the head pedophiles.

What next MABLA?

Aren't they legal in some European country?

A Dutch political party that openly embraces pedophilia won a major legal battle this week, avoiding a possible state ban in a decision handed down by The Hague District Court of the Netherlands.

The PNVD, widely known as the "pedophile" party, caused a stir in May when the group announced on a newly-registered official website its goal of lowering the legal age of sexual consent from 16 to 12 and ultimately scrapping the age requirement altogether. The group believes children should have the right to make sexual decisions without state interference.

That's just sick. SICK.
The Dutch need to stop smoking pot and pull their head out of their arse. 12 years old children should not be even remotely close to some sick in the head pedophile.
i have to agree with you in part micheal. Humans are not good at determing cut off points. Why should an 18 year old be able to smoke but not drink (US) or a 16 year old concent to medical treatment but not concent to sex

I am by no means excusing pedophila (in the true sence of the word) but im not sure age of concent laws work very well. For instance the example someone here (i cant rember who) of an 18.1 year old put on the sex offenders registry for sleeping with a 17.9 year old. For the moment its the best system we have but maybe a better one would be a licence to have sex saying that you can understand the physical, psycological and emotional things that come with sex. Of course most ADULTS couldnt pass this (ie the bush pigs with 16 kids who havent learned what a condom is)
Then there will have to be a law from <18 that defines the # of years. Two year separation or three year depending on the age. The main thing is to keep pedophiles as far from children as is possible.
This cult was like a pedophile farm. Producing and growing their own crop of children who are then brainwashed. Who knows just how young some of the children were. 12? 9? 7?
seperate pedifiles from those who are atracted to under age people. PEDOPHILA is atraction for PRE pubesant children

However statitory rape is MISSLABLED as pediophila to often and thats where a teacher or any other adult who sleeps with a POST pubesant teenager. This is a compleatly different issue and needs a closer look at how we can protect those who ARNT capable of making those choices while agnologing that there are cases where 16 year olds CHOSE to stawk 30 year olds and know exactly what they are doing and are chosing to do that

I'm not sure I understand your position on all of this. Could you try to be a little more clear?

I like to error on the side of caution. Also, make it clear to the 30+ teacher that no they may not sleep with their 16 old student. Done.