POLL:What do you think the origin of UFOS is?

What is the origin of UFOs?

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"lol, i like the idea of a communist alien, very clever, theres also the possibility they are completely different from us, like being peaceful, i cant think of any logical reasons for any supposed actions they have taken, perhaps they wish to conserve our planet and its life, maybe they arnt just interested in us but are interested in plants/wildlife and studying that aswel and perhaps protecting it(since its most likely unique), perhaps we now know where the last dodo's went...."

hippie aliens? even if that is right, the best way to protect earth, is to have most the humans off it, or in zoos

vortox, i really dont think they are going to be too different. Life only started on Earth, maybe mars too. So there can only be a certain amount of conditions.
Looking at different types (not neccesarily species) of animals
insects - cant grow very big, tend to swarm an area and then die out when there is no food so wouldnt become the dominant species

sea creatures, unlikely, cant get technology without hands and cant take over much of a world, space travel would be VERY hard

mammal - would all end up basically the same as humans anyway (such as from Planet of the Apes"

dinasour tpye of thing - very low intelligence, no chance of getting into space

single celled crap - no chance of getting into space

i cant see any animal apart from humanoids that could get to space
>They are from our FUTURE like 23,500 AD - the next civilization

That's a possible explanation for me, too.
There is a relatively unknown TV movie, made in the 1980ties, named "Mission Alien".
even if that is right, the best way to protect earth, is to have most the humans off it, or in zoos
Too true, i guess it wouldnt be such a bad life in a zoo, no need to work or have money, just eat, sleep and watch tv, yep thats the life for me, now, where are those damn hippie aliens......
My explanation was not listed.
They are hallucinations, but they are TRUE hallucinations. Aliens are trying to communicate with us. The only way is to cause disturbances in our brain, which is quantuum entangled with every other point in the universe,

or something.
They are the results of the populace eating too many BigMacs and watching too much tv.
On more than one occasion, I have inadvertantly frightened people, who perceived me as operating an alien spacecraft. Alas, it was just me & my airplane. Most often, night aerobatics get the impressionable in a twitter, sometimes from nearby, and sometimes from many miles away. I often must change where I practise, because inadvertantly frightening the public is an increasingly serious "offense". Leaving the gullible awestruck remains an unwritten transgression, but the FAA & their attorneys take great offense in these cases, and have immense tax-paid resources dedicated to pinning something life-wrecking on the offending "alien".

>They are the results of the populace eating too many BigMacs and watching too much tv.

:D :D
That's a good one!

Indeed, people eat too many FatMacs.

And I think the effect is even worse if people eat their Mac's WHILE watching TV...
The irony is that I made that comment while we were eating Taco Bell and watching TV.
I'm surprised and disappointed that the likeliest option
in the poll (as I see it) does not even show. I refer
to unmanned fully robotic, albeit highly intelligent probes
sent for exploration and scientific purposes.

Why should we limit our choices to sci-fi, Hollywood
monster flicks, spiritualism and hallucination? There
are interesting and plausible alternatives. - Larry


Of course unmanned fully automated robots are the technically most realistic option.

But: those who sent the robots would have no chance to ever see them back in the lifecycle of their civilization.

If the constructors want to get back some results of the robot expeditions in a reasonable interval of time, the robots would need hyper-light-speed propulsion, time-travel-facilities or at least any hyper-light-speed medium for information transmission (tachyons?)

Time travel: would that have an EMD effect on any computer system on board of the robot, so that computer would go out of order, and gained scientific results would be lost?

Other possibility: the robots not intended to return results, but to communicate something to those they meet on the expedition (that was the reason for the golden disc with info about humanity on board of Pioneer)
But no alien robot vessel has ever tried to establish contact or to deliver alien information to Earth. Why?
Larry, I have wondered about the possibility that some UFOs might be a type of
automated probe sent to gather information also. Just speculation, of course, but
somewhat more reasonable than some other speculation. I can give a link to a site
that a list of the 46 nearest (less than 50 light years) stars that are similar to our
sun in size and luminosity. Assuming an advanced civilization, they may understand their own bodies well enough to have a 150-200 year or longer lifespan. Probes with
speeds close enough to 'c' could be launched and return within their lifetimes, making
them a reasonable way to gather information. The website has much speculation on it,
but there is also some good information. The charts were established after the Betty
and Barney Hill incident and Marjorie Fish's interpretation of the 'star chart' Betty drew
after hypnotism. They were established by some in the scientific community to include
Distance, Apparent Magnitude, Luminosity, and Spectral Class of the stars. Another
chart has some of the estimated ages of the stars, some billions of years older than
our own sun. Interesting for someone not already familiar with the details of this story.
UFO's are U, and I have no factual evidence of what that ID might be, therefore I choose to think nothing, until such factual evidence shows up.
I hate empty speculations
Avatar, you mean like the 'thought exercises' given so often to help students understand Special Relativity? Like flying a pole into a barn at .8c and having someone
slam the barn doors shut? I hate it too. There is evidence for UFOs, but no evidence
as to what they are, just evidence to what they are not.
well, I don't say that thinking is bad, but thinking needs some input data, and I have no such data.
Terrestrial organisms have lifespans ranging from less than a day to several thousand years. Speculation on the lifespan of ET life is futile.
zira said:
>They are from our FUTURE like 23,500 AD - the next civilization

That's a possible explanation for me, too.
There is a relatively unknown TV movie, made in the 1980ties, named "Mission Alien".

I am glad, you like that. Many years ago, I had a dream about that which is gradually coming true. Also, I had a dream about fish people, our first contact with Aliens that would happen in about 150 years....
kmguru! nice to see you !

out of all these explanations and theories and speculations, i like to point to one good comment:

They are hallucinations, but they are TRUE hallucinations. Aliens are trying to communicate with us. The only way is to cause disturbances in our brain, which is quantuum entangled with every other point in the universe,

this, my friends, is a GREAT statement. why is it that SOO many people claim to see aliens, UFOs, etc- when there is NO PHYSICAL EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT ANY OF IT ?

and dont get me wrong here- there can be multiple-hallucinations, meaning diff people can see the same hallucination (mass UFO sightings, or just take some LSD with a couple friends :D )

this is not to say that there ARENT UNMANNED PROBES just 'watching' - this is very likely also. but what im talking about are the real UFOs, the Aliens, and the strange phenomena.


i have been trying to think very hard on how to explain to non-believers the situation. this is really my task right now.

why does it seem like we are the only people in the universe?
when mathematically there should be millions of life forms abound?

well, consider some of the things that supposed 'channelers' claim:
1) they seem to agree on the idea of progressive realities.
a) they call these realities 'densities' or 'dimensions' (most say density)
b) they agree that intelligent life begins at 3rd density.
c) they claim that life forms rise in density, becoming less physical and more spiritual energy the higher up

2) they state that - what differenciates the densities is the frequency at which the Atoms vibrate. the higher the density the higher frequecy/more vibration.

3) some even go to the extent to explaining this as the reason Humans have a hard time seeing/believing they exist.

now, i do believe some of this density talk, because it seems to solve alot of the mystery surrounding this subject.

but theres other implications to this as well, and i would like to share them with you also:

a) if there in fact other dimensions of reality, like many Humans have proclaimed before, then perhaps this can be related to the way InterStellar Travel works.

i will expand on this in hopes of giving an idea of how this density idea works:

like i stated before, the higher the density, the less physical mass and the more spiritual mass (soul) you carry. physical mass, as you know, is subject to alot of interaction/interference, when compared to other things, such as radio waves or microwaves. now, the spirit (soul) has no physical properties, in other words it could quite possibly step inside of a black hole (extreme example)

so, with this in mind, try to imagine what its like living in another density.

it is said that you can see gravity in either 4th or 5th density, meaning the construction of the other realities (densities) are SUBSTANTIALLY different from what we know as physics and relativity and etcetera.

this is what is claimed as methods for space travel, according to some sources. they shift into a higher density, in order to have less physical mass, or perhaps to shift into a dimension where time is non-existant (or perhaps slower at least) - and then proceed to 'travel' in this other reality. why? here is a simple explanation:

when they move 1 light-year in this shifted density, they in essence travelled 100 light-years in their real , original , density.

thats just what i gather from all the sources i have studied and searched.
of course it is purely speculative, but i thought you guys would know that by now !
Faulty said:
Terrestrial organisms have lifespans ranging from less than a day to several thousand years. Speculation on the lifespan of ET life is futile.

That's great Faulty! So we can finally despense with the tired old argument
there can't be aliens visiting "because it would take too long to get here."
We have no way of knowing how long it would take them to get here or
what percentage of their life that would be.