POLL:What do you think the origin of UFOS is?

What is the origin of UFOs?

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chunkylover58 said:
Why not witches flying on brooms? Why not demons? Why not dragons? These are the kinds of explanations that would have been made centuries ago, up until sci-fi writers started going on about aliens and such. The imagination is a wonderful thing, but it can be tricky. For some people, hear a strange noise at home in the suburbs at noon on a sunny day... "Huh..." Hear the same noise at midnight with a full moon in a beat up old house in the country ... "Is that a ghost?" All a matter of perspective.


I consider this paragraph to be an attack.

One thing you should understand is that the proponents who accept the idea that these object may in fact be from out of this world, do not use the lights in the sky reports to confirm their suspisions. These reports are in fact, a burden on the entire issue. They bring out the kooks, and muddy the watters. There is an incredible amount of real evidence that needs to be given to the public so they can make up their own mind. Unfortunately, this subject suffers the greatest from the ridicule factor. What this does is prevents those who may have a curiosity from ever looking into it with an open mind.

What you've done is accept the debunkers explanation for the entire subject. What they do is attack the fringe element, and stay far, far away from any incident they can't explain. They often times use the Broomsticks/witches, Santa Claus and Elvis anologies to poke fun. I've seen it far too often.

I'm not trying to be an ass, but you sound like a reasonable person, who just doesn't know the real facts on this subject. I really think you would be doing yourself a great justice by looking into it a bit. You might be very surprised by what you find.
[/QUOTE]Boulder, Colorado. August 2001....Could have been the space lab, but it was going in the right trajectory and was late in the evening before the shuttle landed the next morning in Califorinia.[/QUOTE]

Sure.... I think you are seeing things. What makes you think it was the shuttle, when there are other things just as plausible, like demons and Santa? :bugeye:
Pure speculation on my part, but timing, location, probability indicate as much....
Newscasts that indicated earlier that if you look up in the night sky later this evening, you might get a glimpse of the shuttle passing over ... that sort of thing.

Still, the last thing I would have thought it to be would have been an alien spacecraft of any sort. Nor demons or Santa for that matter. None of those things are proven to exist. Space shuttles do, indeed, exist.
chunkylover58 said:
Pure speculation on my part, but timing, location, probability indicate as much....
Newscasts that indicated earlier that if you look up in the night sky later this evening, you might get a glimpse of the shuttle passing over ... that sort of thing.

Still, the last thing I would have thought it to be would have been an alien spacecraft of any sort. Nor demons or Santa for that matter. None of those things are proven to exist. Space shuttles do, indeed, exist.

What is scary is that you make the comparison between Santa and UFOs as equal fictional things, although they really have nothing in common. One is a fictitious tale and the other is a mystery.

Do you think it is strange that if something was flying overhead and didn't appear to be anything you were familiar with, that it might not be man made? Just do the Drake equation and tell me how Occam's razor would actually say that it is most likely there is intelligent life besides us existing, and millions of it.

N = The number of civilizations in The Milky Way Galaxy whose electromagnetic emissions are detectable.

R* =The rate of formation of stars suitable for the development of intelligent life.

fp = The fraction of those stars with planetary systems.

ne = The number of planets, per solar system, with an environment suitable for life.

fl = The fraction of suitable planets on which life actually appears.

fi = The fraction of life bearing planets on which intelligent life emerges. For more information, please visit Dr. William Calvin's "The Drake Equation's fi"

fc = The fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space.

L = The length of time such civilizations release detectable signals into space.

For fun, try this
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Unknown_user said:
What is scary is that you make the comparison between Santa and UFOs as equal fictional things, although they really have nothing in common. One is a fictitious tale and the other is a mystery.

Do you think it is strange that if something was flying overhead and didn't appear to be anything you were familiar with, that it might not be man made? Just do the Drake equation and tell me how Occam's razor would actually say that it is most likely there is intelligent life besides us existing, and millions of it.

I didn't make the Santa comparison, you did.

As for the second bit, that's the whole point. Knowledge is power. I know what it could most possibly have been, with a fairly high probability. Are you saying that if I couldn't speculate that it might possibly be the shuttle, because perhaps I were unaware of the shuttle's existence, it would make it all the more probable that it wasn't terrestrial? What it is and what I perceive it to be are two different things. Could have been the space lab. Could have been a meteor (unlikely ... no trail), but given the circumstances and the finite information I had at the time, chances were quite good that it was the shuttle. But of the world of things man-made or natural that it COULD have been, there is still no reason for me to reach to the point to speculate alien intelligence was present.

None of the posts and links here about Belgium or Mexico City or funny balls of light or anything else can state unequivically that what was being observed was of ET nature, only that it looks mighty strange and a bunch of people couldn't figure out what it was. That does not equal alien life.
Basically, this can be ended here. The three of us are apparently the only ones continuing this thread and two things are obvious: 1. The links and accounts you have posted throughout the thread are insufficient to convince me that what has been observed is conclusively out of this world. 2. I will never convince you that concluding that something is what you believe it to be, lacking the ability to identify it otherwise ("It's not___ it must be ___"), is not a credible way of identifying anything.
chunkylover58 said:
I didn't make the Santa comparison, you did.

As for the second bit, that's the whole point. Knowledge is power. I know what it could most possibly have been, with a fairly high probability. Are you saying that if I couldn't speculate that it might possibly be the shuttle, because perhaps I were unaware of the shuttle's existence, it would make it all the more probable that it wasn't terrestrial? What it is and what I perceive it to be are two different things. Could have been the space lab. Could have been a meteor (unlikely ... no trail), but given the circumstances and the finite information I had at the time, chances were quite good that it was the shuttle. But of the world of things man-made or natural that it COULD have been, there is still no reason for me to reach to the point to speculate alien intelligence was present.

None of the posts and links here about Belgium or Mexico City or funny balls of light or anything else can state unequivically that what was being observed was of ET nature, only that it looks mighty strange and a bunch of people couldn't figure out what it was. That does not equal alien life.

Yes, of course. However, with knowledge you should find it a little easy to weed out the debunker skeptics and the UFOoligists, Art Bell, etc., who are trying to fool the fools. The only thing left is credible stories, unidentified flying objects, and some documents discovered due to the FOIA that make me personally a little skeptical of the gov. telling anything close to the truth on the issue of ET. Of course, they really don't say anything, they just black out pages of info and deny.
:cool: Well friends if UFO's are not spiritual energy, then they are real? But what is keeping them from showing up? world hysteria ! of-course is keeping them from doing so!

World hysteria will die out after one month of there presence, so why our alien friends shying to show up?

In my opinion to understand UFO's we have to go back back into hstory of religion and locate is anybody there travelling in space and how. Our answer lies in the past, and we will, i am sure find out the reason behind there feeling shy not show up in open.
I'm sorry to say that I cannot reply to the poll, because it assumes there is only one possible explanation for all UFO phenomenon. Project Blue Book's conclusions alone (which show dozens of differnt explanations for it's cases) prove this premice is false.
The history of recovered flying saucers appears to begin in 1947 with the Roswell crash. I have listened to and read sufficient testimony from retired military personnle and other closely associated with the Roswell base to have concluded that:-
1. It was a machine not originating from this planet.
2. The military retrieved it.
3. They covered up (1) and (2) because of the 'Cold-War' by means of threats to anyone who challenged their handling of the situation.
Since Roswell mankind appears to have created Alien Reproduction Vehicles (ARVs) by back-engineering of recovered flying saucers. Col. Philip Corso explains how this was done in his book 'The Day After Roswell' which is well-worth reading.
The major flaw in this poll is the question itself, the question implies the origin of ALL ufo's, yet theres no option for a combination of all the answers, i dont believe they are all of ET origin, i dont believe they are all manmade, i dont believe they are all hallucinations, i believe(or am open minded towards) a combination of all of the possibilities.
Well, I since I have got this opportunity, acoording to me, UFOs are what you want them to be!
Let me explain.
For a desperate believer, they are the proof;
For a sceptic, they are a hoax, nothing but weather balloons!
For a rational thinker, they are a possibility;
For a cult member, they are a sign...
and so on.

Being brought up in a questioning environment, a modern human being does not let himself taken for a ride, no doubt how tempting and strong the evidence may seem. It all depends on the outlook of the person who is undergoing a sighting at that time.
Tell me, do you still believe what you were taught in school?
Where the hell is the "other" or "more than one of the above" options? Because it's impossible to say "what do you think an object is the isn't instantly recognisable as a plane?" because every answer would be right. I can't believe that anyone would be able to say that something unrecognisable was ALWAYS something man-made, or ALWAYS a weird cloud or whatever. Because if its unidentifiable then it could just as easily be any of them, right?
just think, aliens are most likey going to be quite similar to humans
if that is true, the aliens will either be;

capitalist, they would have made deals with the humans to use us a tourist attraction, you can say that conspired with the gvt to keep away from us but rebellious aliens would still be plentiful

Emperor, think Japan hundreds of years ago. If they were like this, they wouldnt have been spotted by the public, unless the alien emporer wanted open deals with us

Monarchy, No, not possible, if it was a monarchy, the aliens would have attacked by now (they would automatically win, we dont even have the technology to find them)

communist, they would have talked to the general public by now, or would have possibly killed us

Fascist, wed be dead or slaves by now

i dont ligically see why ufos would have done what they are sposedly doing, if anyone can see a logical reason, im all ears
lol, i like the idea of a communist alien, very clever, theres also the possibility they are completely different from us, like being peaceful, i cant think of any logical reasons for any supposed actions they have taken, perhaps they wish to conserve our planet and its life, maybe they arnt just interested in us but are interested in plants/wildlife and studying that aswel and perhaps protecting it(since its most likely unique), perhaps we now know where the last dodo's went....
Err where's the "other" option in the poll? I don't think it either of those options. It think the word UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) came from what it's name proposes, an unidentified flying object. It is the title we give flying objects that we cannot identify right then and there. It doesn't mean they are aliens, it could mean they are balloons or high speed manuevering aircrafts.

Now if we are talking about ALIENS, then this is something else. Alain they wouldn't be like us either. Over the past few thousand of years we have evolved to look much different than out former selves (not greatly though). This is just a blink of an eye in the long history of earth and the lives of it's inhabitants. We have been living for so a short amount of time it is quite amazing. Aliens would have evolved for millions of year, an seemingly infinite amount of time compared to the span of humans on earth. They would be much more evolved and look much different they we would. Or, maybe they just took the same path as the rest of the animals on our earth and grew up looking like an et version of a dog. Who knows?