Political Cartoons Vol. 2

The Moment Janet Yellen Figured it All Out…


WSJ: The "world’s top finance leaders on Tuesday in effect backed currency depreciation as a tool for promoting growth by signaling strong support for aggressive easy-money policies aimed at boosting the fragile global economy." Spot the person who just realized it's not going to work (via ZeroHedge).

Bernanke's Sermon on the Mount

I wonder? When they formalize State-worship, will they pass out Religious books whereby State-bots read of the time when the State's Prophets (Profits): Bernanke, Obama and Geithner saved the world with TARP, QE1, QE2, QE3, QE4va, and the $800 billion Glorious Porkulus bill? We can all sing praises to the 0.1% State Aristocracy/Oligarchy who are ushering in our wonderful Prosperity and Plenty. I mean, isn't the "Great Recovery" just glorious?

Praise Be To The State.

Note: Saint Bernanke is netting in $300,000 for a lunchtime speech at BoA and is raking in more than $10 million per year. How nice. Oh, and when his ilk saved us from the GFC they caused - He was making $200,000 / year (as the Fed Chairman). Hey, I have an idea, lets all go down to Walmart, buy a made in China American flag and wave it in front of the TV on the special occasions when Dear POTUS appears to Bless the functionally illiterate masses. We can all jump up and down in front of the TV and gush and talk at it. The State is the provider of all that is good in this world and is more than deserving of our Worship. It protects us from Apple Inc, Toyota and ensures our Internet and food is safe to consume. Without the State taking care of everything for us, why, we'd be living just like the Somalis.
Note: Paying Ben Bernanke $300,000 to crack a couple one-liners for 15 minutes at a luncheon is simply a legal means of paying off a bought and paid for stooge. Recall that Bernenke has ZERO experience working outside of academia. All of his un-noteworthy "economic theories" are published for anyone to freely read. He claimed right up until the crash of 08 that 'Housing was fine". No one in their right mind would pay this imbecile a red cent. And now he'd raking in $10 million a year - apparently this is what it costs to buy a trillion dollar payout/bailout for the aristocracy with generational debts heaped atop the functionally illiterate 'middle class'. That and some 'Free' OxyContin al-la ObamaCaresless. At $10 - 20 million a year, Helicopter Ben will be well on his way towards a billion by the end of his lifetime - thus securing his family's place in America's Banking Aristocracy.