Political Cartoons Vol. 2



According to Racist Ron Paul-bot that Liberturd:

Central economic planning requires an economic police force to monitor every transaction of all Americans. Special interests were quick to get governments to regulate everything we put in our bodies: food, medications, and even politically correct ideas. IRS employees soon needed to carry guns to maximize revenue collections.

The global commitment to perpetual war, though present for decades, exploded in size and scope after 9/11. If there weren’t enough economic reasons to monitor everything we did, fanatics used the excuse of national security to condition the American people to accept total surveillance of all by the NSA, the TSA, FISA courts, the CIA, and the FBI. The people even became sympathetic to our government’s policy of torture.

To keep the people obedient to statism that originated at the federal level of government, control of education was required. It is now recognized that central control of education has actually ruined education, while costs have skyrocketed. National control of medical care has brought a similar result. This has meant more money for bureaucrats, as well as drug, insurance, and health management companies, and less money for medical care. Constantly more police are required to run our lives at greater costs while providing less benefit. “Nationalizing” both medical care and education has provided a great incentive to increase the policing powers of the federal government.

Ron Paul (January, 2015)
The Great Society (America's Great Leap Backwards - launched by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965) was demagogued almost 50 years years ago, to the day. Yes, Progressive Socialism, where we use violence, even murder people, for the 'Good of Society'. Yup, that's worked out about as expected.

You know.... it takes a LOT of violence to redistribute from one group to another. But hey, f*ck it, its for the Good of Society. And you use the roads. Don't you, you f*cker?! Time to pay. Haha....


Our better's, in our Department of Education, found the average Citizen, following a bit over a decade of Government Schooling, has a literacy rate of between 7-8th grade.

... sooner or later, they'll get their Progressive Saviour...let's see how that works out.
