Political Cartoons Vol. 2

I'll give you a freebee. I don't care what you think. Your hissy fits won't change my mind about what I choose to comment on. Yep, you are utterly ineffectual.
cartoon in 2295
The Republican Party media and operations wings have been focused - for some time now - on convincing the majority of Americans
- who would otherwise vote against the candidates favored by their minority and manipulated base of fundies, bigots, and patsies -
that all politicians are the same, everything bad is equivalently both sides's fault, and voting is a waste of time.

Their backers and moneybags are putting a whole lot of money and effort into their program of selling that. They have enlisted Russian bots, dozens of media figures and outlets, and the services of the most capable mass marketing professionals the world has ever seen, in that effort. They have an entire mass media chorus trained to say "both sides" and "we" and "Washington" and "politicians" and "what about" and so forth at every fresh Republican bedshitting.

Meanwhile, another cause of theirs is gerrymandering and rigging the mechanics of voting in favor of Republican candidates. It's worth a lot of money to them, that difference. Because "both sides" is for other people to believe, not themselves.

From the State that gave the world Paul Wellstone, Jesse Ventura, and Michelle Bachmann, I can tell you for a stone cold fact that they are full of shit.

Just sayin'.