Political Cartoons Vol. 2

Ridiculous but no more so than in the US, whatever the reason.
The Empire State Building was completed in 1931 while bridges & highways were designed to last 50 years, most of which are over 50 years old & not well maintained. Most streets were built & are maintained even worse.

maintenance ain't sexy
building a new bridge seems better and is sexy = foto-op = votes
Plus you get to use modern techniques and materials from the ground up. The Brooklyn Bridge is 135 years old, and must feel it.
Ironic that the Brooklyn Bridge comes up in discussion of failing infrastructure. It is an exception to what I said. It was much better designed & constructed & recently was renovated.
I am not an expert but I have the impression much in the NYC area is better designed & constructed than in most other areas.

Ironic that the Brooklyn Bridge comes up in discussion of failing infrastructure. It is an exception to what I said. It was much better designed & constructed & recently was renovated.
I am not an expert but I have the impression much in the NYC area is better designed & constructed than in most other areas.

I did mention the US at the start of this but I do not want anyone to misunderstand. I know very much less about this situation in other countries. I do suspect it is a human problem rather than a US problem. Might be interesting to hear from other countries about this. If this goes on tho, I will start a thread for it.
