Playing it safe

Dirty Dan

And knowing is half the battle
Registered Senior Member
Ok, so a lot of you are non believers, saying the Bible is not true, God is not real blah blah blah. The worst that will happen then we rot in boxes. BUT...what will you do if the Bible ends up true and there is a God? I am a Christian, probably not one of the puriest ones and I believe in what the Bible says. case that my beliefs come true, which they are i.m.o...I rather play it safe and have my soul saved with the chance to go to Heaven rather then spend an eternity in a very very painful and horrific place.

Wouldn't you rather be safe than sorry?
Why on earth from thousands of religious books and thousands of religions you see the only truth is the bible ?!!!.
Why on earth from thousands of religious books and thousands of religions you see the only truth is the bible ?!!!.

Now Im not the most puriest Christian and my knowledge isnt that deep, but I believe that the Bible is the only book I should follow faithfully and worship only God and his son Jesus.
Now Im not the most puriest Christian and my knowledge isnt that deep, but I believe that the Bible is the only book I should follow faithfully and worship only God and his son Jesus.
My point is there are thousands of religions in this world and not just hundreds . To single out one as the truth and and ignore the rst means only one thing : religion from parents or educators to kids and it keeps on going....:D .
Great!! Then why not become an atheist?

I see where you are going with this and you got me chisel chest. I fear that if I dont have a relationship with God and Jesus and die before I am forgiven of my sins, then I rather be safe than sorry to go to Heaven rather than spend eternity in Hell. If the Bible is wrong and there is no God and Jesus (which I believe there is becuase I have the choice)...then we just rot in boxes.
I see where you are going with this and you got me chisel chest. I fear that if I dont have a relationship with God and Jesus and die before I am forgiven of my sins, then I rather be safe than sorry to go to Heaven rather than spend eternity in Hell. If the Bible is wrong and there is no God and Jesus (which I believe there is becuase I have the choice)...then we just rot in boxes.

Sorry. Have you ever reflected back on why you maintain this fear?

Not trying to be smart but if the God you believe in knows you're only faithful because you fear rotting in boxes, then is He going to accept that? Does this give you the urge to dedicate more of every waking hour to your God?
What if it turns out true that God rewards the intellectually honest: those who followed where the evidence leads and didn't just blindly believe in the bible? There is a possibility of a God who rewards atheists and condemns christians- so my friend, we're in the same rut.
Ok, so a lot of you are non believers, saying the Bible is not true, God is not real blah blah blah. The worst that will happen then we rot in boxes. BUT...what will you do if the Bible ends up true and there is a God? I am a Christian, probably not one of the puriest ones and I believe in what the Bible says. case that my beliefs come true, which they are i.m.o...I rather play it safe and have my soul saved with the chance to go to Heaven rather then spend an eternity in a very very painful and horrific place.

Wouldn't you rather be safe than sorry?

no. i would rather know for sure. and i do. :)

What you're describing is not new:

Pascal's Wager

Note, there have been a number of responses that fully invalidate this position.

....always play the odds...

I rather play it safe and have my soul saved with the chance...

Yes but this is unethical; I mean "playing safe" is not an honest path to take in terms of evaluating your existence, consciousness, and self-respect.

Wouldn't you rather be safe than sorry?

I'd rather try not to fool myself in this life, instead of believing in something just to guarantee an assumed afterlife story. Even if your God existed, I'm sure he'd already know your reasons to believe in him. And I would suspect that he would reward you for this "well thought" pensioner investment scheme...
billions of other people have gone to hell, how bad can it be. the fire and brimstone is mostly pr hype imo.
What if it turns out true that God rewards the intellectually honest: those who followed where the evidence leads and didn't just blindly believe in the bible? There is a possibility of a God who rewards atheists and condemns christians- so my friend, we're in the same rut.
if god's fair and loving, plus gave us our critical thinking/skepticism, he can't condemn us. if he's not fair and loving, who is he other than a powerful dickhead?
billions of other people have gone to hell, how bad can it be. the fire and brimstone is mostly pr hype imo.

if god's fair and loving, plus gave us our critical thinking/skepticism, he can't condemn us. if he's not fair and loving, who is he other than a powerful dickhead?

billions of people are in hell right now. take a look around...they don't seem to mind at all!
billions of people are in hell right now. take a look around...they don't seem to mind at all!

i bet since the bible was written they've spruced the place up considerably. its probably 241 (2 for 1) movie hire thursdays right now.
i bet since the bible was written they've spruced the place up considerably. its probably 241 (2 for 1) movie hire thursdays right now.

it's just conditioning you know...people can get used to just about anything. :shrug:
Ok, so a lot of you are non believers, saying the Bible is not true, God is not real blah blah blah. The worst that will happen then we rot in boxes. BUT...what will you do if the Bible ends up true and there is a God? I am a Christian, probably not one of the puriest ones and I believe in what the Bible says. case that my beliefs come true, which they are i.m.o...I rather play it safe and have my soul saved with the chance to go to Heaven rather then spend an eternity in a very very painful and horrific place.

Wouldn't you rather be safe than sorry?

I also am a Christian, I believe it is foolishness not to be one. Nonetheless, the fear tactic, which I admit I have used before, is not the way to go about things. I suppose the same things could be said for Islam, what if it is true? Why not be safe, and become a Muslim? You can't be a Christian, just in case...
i'll tell you guys a story. everybody cross their legs indian style...

one time i watched a documentary about near death experiences called "to hell and back". and this one guy said that he died in the hospital and was escorted to hell, by beings who seemed really first...but then weren't so nice. he ended up in a place that was dark as dark could be...pressingly dark. he couldn't see a thing, but he felt torment in every way. he said that what he heard from the other beings there were the foulest utterances he had ever heard...could ever even imagine. and he felt physical pain, as if his body was being torn to shreds.

he was extremely scared.

he thought about why he was there, and he said he knew why.

he wanted out.

so he started to pray. like the national anthem or something. he realized he didn't know how to pray and so he just cried out for jesus to help him.

as soon as he did, he saw a faint point of light in the distance. the light grew brighter, and closer, and before long, jesus was there. jesus touched him and healed his wounds, and he took him out of there.

for some reason jesus wanted him to return to life here, and although the man did not want to, he agreed.

and that was his testimony.

after i watched the documentary, i was thinking that something didn't make sense to me. so i asked god, "why didn't the other beings that were in hell with that man run to the light and ask jesus to take them out too?" and god told me it was because they were afraid of the light. they ran and hid from it, because they didn't want to see what they had become. they didn't want to see the truth about what they did to themselves and each other and how ugly it was. they were afraid.

isn't that ironic?
I truly wish I was deeply educated in the Chritianity to argue these posts. But I'm not. I am always going to my relatives who know a lot about the Bible and being a good honest Christian with questions and concerns and they always seem to have the answer. I just wanted to see how people felt abut how I felt.