Pilot who flew 2 planes used on 911 doesn't believe official Story


Valued Senior Member
RUSS WITTENBERG: "I flew the two actual aircraft which were involved in 9/11... Fight number 175 and Flight 93, the 757 that allegedly went down in Shanksville and Flight 175 is the aircraft that's alleged to have hit the South Tower. I don't believe it's possible for... a so-called terrorist to train on a 172, then jump in a cockpit of a 757-767 class cockpit, and vertical navigate the aircraft, lateral navigate the aircraft, and fly the airplane at speeds exceeding it's design limit speed by well over 100 knots, make high-speed high-banked turns,.. pulling probably 5, 6, 7 G's... I couldn't do it and I'm absolutely positive they couldn't do it."

I'm a career flight instructor with over 8,000 hours, and I don't buy it either.

Really it took me about 35 minuets to learn to control a TH-55 in flight training, I could hold a hover, and do a take off from hover, and a landing to hover, and touch down, and lately I have been spending some time on flight simulators of some advanced fighters, its nice to still have friends in service, and had no problems making the transition from 120 kts, to 1100 knts, I even do a fair ground strike mission on the simulator.
let's follow this logic for a sec:
1 - 19 terrorists could not have flown the planes
2 - but planes did fly into WTC
3 - hence someone else was piloting the planes?

and who might that be? what about all the info (including the videotaped wills) that was found about these 19? the CIA and FBI believe it was these 19, the government believes it was these 19, the jihadis believe it was these 19, the Muslim retardational sector believes it was these 19 (when they're not denying it and at the same time saying America deserved it), the governments of the world believe it was these 19

so how come they all have it wrong?

or maybe the guy from the article and our resident career pilot are in the huge minority of people who don't agree with the broad consensus?
No one really knows the extent of actual training they had.

All it takes is a few decent ones doing the work.

It sure doesnt look that hard.
and who might that be? what about all the info (including the videotaped wills) that was found about these 19? the CIA and FBI believe it was these 19, the government believes it was these 19, the jihadis believe it was these 19, the Muslim retardational sector believes it was these 19 (when they're not denying it and at the same time saying America deserved it), the governments of the world believe it was these 19

Some of those hijackers are still alive.

Good thing we found those IDs still in the 9/11 wreckage tho!

- N
I could crash my motorcycle into a wall at 150mph, and I guarantee my driver's license will survive. That's why they put the organ donor thing on there.