Pilot who flew 2 planes used on 911 doesn't believe official Story

Welcome B1900Mech. Post #120, your first post was interesting.

Below posted by a user named Michael Hogan: May 21 2006, 07:32 PM at http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=6819&st=15&p=63067&#entry63067
Len Colby challenged Ron Ecker to: "find me ONE airline pilot in good standing (not the nut who got fired from Continental in the 80's after failing psychological exams) who says Atta, Shehhi and Hanjour weren't good enough to have done what that did."

Russ Wittenberg makes that claim during an interview on Wing TV (Whatever that is). Here are his claimed credentials:

Russ Wittenberg has numerous FAA certificates ranging from Airline Pilot and Flight Engineer to Ground Instructor and Aircraft Dispatcher. He is certified to fly an incredible range of aircraft including Boeing 707s, 727s, 747s, 757s, 767s and 777s. The supposed aircraft used on 9/11 were Boeing 757s and 767s.

At the beginning of the interview, Wittenberg says: "I started out in aviation as a graduate of the University of Miami, Florida, a Hurricane and I went through Air Force ROTC. And received my commission in the Air Force as a second lieutenant. Afterwards I went through Air Force flying schools and Air Force fighter pilot during the Vietnam Era. A hundred combat missions in Vietnam. And there I got out of the Air Force and I got a job with the airlines, airlines up in Miami, and I flew with them for a short time then I went with Pan American World Airways for twenty years. Then in 1986, Pan Am sold its Pacific division to United Airlines for 750 million dollars and 430 of us pilots went from Pan Am to United. So the reason I tell you that is because I have a unique position of having been with two different airlines. I flew the Pan Am 747 that went down in Lockerbie. Scotland sixteen years ago and I also flew the two United airplanes that were involved in 9/11. Those two actual airplanes."

"Well you can...you can simulate the flight in the simulator but what I'm talking about is they're saying this airplane was flown at around 500 knots which is beyond the speed envelope. The VMO/MMO speed of a 757 that down low is around 320 knots. So it was exceeding it's design speed envelope well over a hundred knots. Now when you start doing that and you start pulling high speed turns the airplane's going to start what they call high speed stalls and it's going to fall out of the sky. These...the only vehicle that could do that would be a missile or a jet fighter."

For anyone interested in the subject, I urge them to read the interview in its entirety and judge Wittenberg's credibility for themself.

Here is another extensive article by Joel Harel, a member of Physics 9/11, which purports to be the "Scientific Panel Investigating Nine-Eleven." For his qualifications and others, see their member list. Harel claims to be an aeronautical engineer and pilot. He says:

"There are some who maintain that the mythical 9/11 hijackers, although proven to be too incompetent to fly a little Cessna 172, had acquired the impressive skills that enabled them to fly airliners by training in flight simulators.

What follows is an attempt to bury this myth once and for all, because I’ve heard this ludicrous explanation bandied about, ad nauseam, on the Internet and the TV networks—invariably by people who know nothing substantive about flight simulators, flying, or even airplanes.

A common misconception non-pilots have about simulators is how "easy" it is to operate them. They are indeed relatively easy to operate if the objective is to make a few lazy turns and frolic about in the "open sky". But if the intent is to execute any kind of a maneuver with even the least bit of precision, the task immediately becomes quite daunting. And if the aim is to navigate to a specific geographic location hundreds of miles away while flying at over 500 MPH, 30,000 feet above the ground the challenges become virtually impossible for an untrained pilot.

I shan't get into the aerodynamic impossibility of flying a large commercial jetliner 20 feet above the ground at over 400 MPH. A discussion on ground effect energy, vortex compression, downwash reaction, wake turbulence, and jetblast effects are beyond the scope of this article....
Let it suffice to say that it is physically impossible to fly a 200,000-lb airliner 20 feet above the ground at 400 MPH."

Harel claims to have a letter from a senior airline captain currently flying with an airline involved in 9/11 containing the following statement:

"Regarding your comments on flight simulators, several of my colleagues and I have tried to simulate the hijacker's final approach maneuvers into the towers on our company 767 simulator. We tried repeated tight, steeply banked 180 turns at 500 mph followed by a fast rollout and lineup with a tall building. More than two-thirds of those who attempted the maneuver failed to make a "hit". How these rookies who couldn't fly a trainer pulled this off is beyond comprehension."

Once again, I urge the interested reader to examine Joel Harel's article in its entirety.

Ironically, I found this information at the very website Len Colby used to buttress his claim that: "Finding the Pentagon would not be difficult all Hanjour had to do was program the autopilot to fly the plane to Washington National Airport...."
"Hanjour was not as bad a pilot as made out to be: he had a commercial pilot's license and about 600 flight hours and had trained on a Pan Am 737 simulator and 757/767 PC simulators. http://www.911myths.com/html/flight_school...outs.html"

Interestingly, the link that Mr. Colby provides for his claims provides all sorts of conflicting information at to the training and capabilities of Hanjour. I think people often find a website, pick out excerpts that tend to support their view, and post the link as if somehow it proved their assertions. Often, visiting the website actually offers evidence which refutes the very point they were attempting to make. If the reader doubts this, just visit the website supplied by Mr Colby (link above).

According to reports from CBS:

(CBS) Months before Hani Hanjour is believed to have flown an American Airlines jet into the Pentagon, managers at an Arizona flight school reported him at least five times to the FAA, reports CBS News Correspondent Vince Gonzales.

They reported him not because they feared he was a terrorist, but because his English and flying skills were so bad, they told the Associated Press, they didn't think he should keep his pilot's license.

"I couldn't believe he had a commercial license of any kind with the skills that he had," said Peggy Chevrette, the manager for the now-defunct JetTech flight school in Phoenix......

Chevrette said she contacted Anthony (FAA Inspector) again when Hanjour began ground training for Boeing 737 jetliners and it became clear he didn't have the skills for the commercial pilot's license.

"I don't truly believe he should have had it and I questioned that," she said.

Other Arizona flight schools he (Hanjour) attended also questioned his abilities.

And finally from the Washington Post in an article entitled Hanjour an Unlikely Terrorist:

While in Oakland, he enrolled at the Sierra Academy of Aeronautics. He attended a 30-minute class on Sept. 8 and never came back. Dan Shaffer, the academy's vice president for flight operations, speculated that Hanjour was intimidated by the school's two-year training regimen and $35,000 price tag.

The next month, he turned up in Arizona, a magnet for aspiring pilots because of its clear weather and relatively affordable flight schools. Hanjour paid $3,800 by check and $1,000 in cash for lessons at CRM Flight Cockpit Resource Management in Scottsdale.

During three months of instruction in late 1996, Duncan K.M. Hastie, CRM's owner, found Hanjour a "weak student" who "was wasting our resources." Hanjour left, then returned in December 1997 - a year later - and stayed only a few weeks.

Over the next three years, Hanjour called Hastie about twice a year, asking to come back for more instruction.

"I would recognize his voice," Hastie said. "He was always talking about wanting more training. Yes, he wanted to be an airline pilot. That was his stated goal. That's why I didn't allow him to come back. I thought, 'You're never going to make it.' "

The last time Hanjour called, sometime last year, he was asking to train on a Boeing 757, the kind of aircraft he is believed to have crashed into the Pentagon.

Rebuffed by Hastie, Hanjour went elsewhere. In 1998, he joined the simulator club at Sawyer, a small Phoenix school known locally as a flight school of last resort. "It was a commonly held truth that, if you failed anywhere else, go to Sawyer Aviation. They had good instructors," said Fults, the former simulator manager there.


That plot was in high gear by the second week of August, when Hanjour arrived in the Washington area for what appears to have been his final preparation - this time, at Freeway Airport in Bowie, Md. Instructors once again questioned his competence. After three sessions in a single-engine plane, the school decided Hanjour was not ready to rent a plane by himself.

Its 43 years after the murder of John Kennedy, and people still debate whether or not Oswald possessed the skills and the weapon to do what the Warren Commission claimed. Anyone can post a link to some "expert's" testimony and make a case for either side.

It's just a shame the 9/11 Commission failed to do a proper job of investigating, relegating the search for the truth in the hands of internet websites. I don't claim to know what happened. I wonder how others can be so sure.

Mike Hogan

This post has been edited by Michael Hogan: May 21 2006, 07:32 PM
My B767-200 Flight manual states that the VNE or never exceed speed at sea level is 360 indicated. (Actual wind blast on pitot sensors) or max Q, 300 Pounds per square foot on the airframe.. That is were the red and white painted "Barber Pole" needle sits on the crews airspeed indicators,as a warning that triggers the master caution light on the glare shields in front of both crew,and also triggers the audio warning. As the aircraft climbs to cruise level, this barber pole slowly moves counter clockwise down to about 260 indicated at 41000 feet,as air density decreases. UA175 was way over speed,and should have been shedding parts,and exhibiting severe flight control fluttering at the least. As a counterpoint,If I remember my FAA airframe and power plant training in tech school, I think US aircraft have to be certified for 150% over max ,for failure, In order to gain FAA certification? But as usual, something smells rotten in Denmark,as the saying goes. The fact that they wont release the FDR's is very telling,But they could cook the data if they wanted to any way. My only comforting thought is that God was watching that day, and the guilty ones will be held to task.

While I suspect this is a "drive-by troofing"..... The Vne for a 767 is 360 knots which is 414 mph...you seem to have forgotten the units. The first plane was estimated to be traveling at 435 mph, the second at 560. Anyway, the terrorists weren't too worried about exceeding Vne..they just aimed the planes at the buildings at pushed the throttle to max. You yourself have said that planes are certified for 150% over max. That would be 621 mph. I'm just curious...what smells "rotten in Denmark"? They didn't release the FDR's data because the FDR's were never found or were too badly damaged in the mountain of debris. What data could they cook? The planes speed can be estimated just from video analysis.

What exact point are you trying to make?
Hype, commercial planes don't start coming apart just because they exceed VNE.

Above VNE heavy turbulence and rapid control inputs might possibly deform/break the structure, but there was no indication of heavy turbulence (it was clear cool, relatively still Sept morning air) and we do have videos of both of the run ins to the towers and there were no abrupt moves, and it's clear from the videos that the flexing of the wings, was nowhere near what it takes to break one of them:

What it takes to break the wing of a modern jet liner:


All the flight paths have been released.


Nothing done that morning required inordinate skill, or certainly nothing above what their training suggested they should have been capable of.

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kinda funny that you with absolutly 0 experience flying take the news story over a vet. pilot when someone credible with alot experience says its not possible then its not

Well I have plenty of flying experience and those claims that it was not possible to fly the planes like they were, were based on nothing but made up BS.

The flight paths have been produced and it's clear that there was no overly difficult flying done that day.

Similar BS Claims, like one posted in this thread and at other Troofer sites: that it is physically impossible to fly a 200,000-lb airliner 20 feet above the ground at 400 MPH. are frankly silly.

The flight paths have been produced and it's clear that there was no overly difficult flying done that day.
Of the pilots I know, not one thinks the training described for the pilots named was adequate for the maneuvers performed - even for the towers, let alone the military level skill exhibited in the Pentagon approach.

There were of course many other sources of training available, that the US government would have preferred to conceal for ordinary reasons - the Saudi military, Pakistani military, etc - and no grand "inside job" style conspiracy is indicated.

As far as "conspiracy", all that is indicated is a presumption that the W administration's slacking on security was perhaps somewhat on purpose, opened a window for a vaguely comprehended exploit of uncertain scope but possibly welcome opportunity. That accounts for all the circumstantial evidence and most of the speculative considerations.
Of the pilots I know, not one thinks the training described for the pilots named was adequate for the maneuvers performed - even for the towers, let alone the military level skill exhibited in the Pentagon approach.

Then you don't know many pilots.
The Pentagon approach was nothing more than one big descending circle, pretty much the simplest maneuver one can fly.

There were of course many other sources of training available, that the US government would have preferred to conceal for ordinary reasons - the Saudi military, Pakistani military, etc - and no grand "inside job" style conspiracy is indicated.

Total BS.
The US is the main destination in the world for pilot training in Commercial jets.
They had plenty of training, including simulator training to do the modest maneuvers they performed that day.

As far as "conspiracy", all that is indicated is a presumption that the W administration's slacking on security was perhaps somewhat on purpose, opened a window for a vaguely comprehended exploit of uncertain scope but possibly welcome opportunity. That accounts for all the circumstantial evidence and most of the speculative considerations.

Total BS.

No security was slack that day, normal procedures were followed up and down the line, and there is absolutely nothing to indicate Bush or his admin was in any way complicit in 9/11.

adoucette said:
The Pentagon approach was nothing more than one big descending circle, pretty much the simplest maneuver one can fly
Uh, sure. You bet.

Given reasonable odds I'd put money against a pilot with no more experience than alleged for that guy even finding the Pentagon from the air with that airplane, reliably.
adoucette said:
They had plenty of training, including simulator training to do the modest maneuvers they performed that day.
Not even in the official accounts is there any mention of training in such maneuvers.
adoucette said:
No security was slack that day, normal procedures were followed up and down the line, and there is absolutely nothing to indicate Bush or his admin was in any way complicit in 9/11.
Security had been slack for months, and was not tightened even after direct warnings. The close relationship between W's administration and various Saudis, including Bin Laden's family and other terrorist connected ones, was only made more obvious in the aftermath of the event. And so forth.
Uh, sure. You bet.

Given reasonable odds I'd put money against a pilot with no more experience than alleged for that guy even finding the Pentagon from the air with that airplane, reliably.

Again, total BS based on lack of knowledge.
Hani Hanjour, the hijacking pilot of the AA77 had a Commercial Pilot license. Which means he had hundreds of flight hours. Even so, the majority of the flight back to DC was flown on Autopilot (pg 4) and finding Regan Natl, which is right next to the Pentagon, is no harder than dialing a single number into your Nav and navigation to distant airports is one of the first things you learn how to do when learning to fly.


The Pentagon would have been obvious on the clear morning and after it was spotted he made a single descending turn followed by a straight run into the side of the Pentagon. Descending turns and straight and level flight are obvious maneuvers someone with a Commercial Pilot license can easily do. (page 5). The other flights into the Towers didn't even involve a descending turn. (Atta on AA-11 and Marwan al-Shehhi on UA 175 both had a Commercial License (CL has a minimum 250 hours of flight time as Pilot) and both had hundreds of hours in a commercial jet simulator)


Not even in the official accounts is there any mention of training in such maneuvers.

Again, BS, No difficult maneuvers beyond what you learn in the first dozen or so hours of flight instruction were flown that day. Turns are the first thing you learn after learning how to fly straight and level. Put it in perspective, most new pilots learn to fly SOLO pretty quickly, meaning before being turned loose by themselves they have to demonstrate the ability to reliably recover from unusual attitudes, get out of a stall or spin, take off, climb, turn while climbing, hold straight and level flight, perform a level turn, track straight in a cross wind, perform a descending turn and land the plane in one piece. Most can do it in about 10-12 hours of flight training. The highjacker pilots all had their Commercial ticket and more than 250 hours of flight training including plenty of advanced simulator training.

Security had been slack for months, and was not tightened even after direct warnings. The close relationship between W's administration and various Saudis, including Bin Laden's family and other terrorist connected ones, was only made more obvious in the aftermath of the event. And so forth.

Total unadulterated BS, not worthy of a response.

As to security, the fact is before September 11th, 2001, no U.S. flagged aircraft had been bombed or hijacked in over a decade. Yet the airlines had been warned, but pre-9/11 the FAA did not control security checkpoints, the Airlines did. Still:

9/11 Commission said:
In July 2001, the FAA alerted the aviation community to reports of possible near-term terrorist operations…particularly on the Arabian Peninsula and/or Israel. The FAA informed the airports and air carriers that it had no credible evidence of specific plans to attack U.S. civil aviation. The agency said that some of the currently active groups were known to plan and train for hijackings and had the capability to construct sophisticated improvised explosive devices concealed inside luggage and consumer products. The FAA encouraged all U.S. Carriers to exercise prudence and demonstrate a high degree of alertness.

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Which simply shows graphically what I posted months ago:

The Pentagon would have been obvious on the clear morning and after it was spotted he made a single descending turn followed by a straight run into the side of the Pentagon. Descending turns and straight and level flight are obvious maneuvers someone with a Commercial Pilot license can easily do.
It would be interesting to make a reality show where they train people using the Microsoft flight simulator and minimal pro training and see how they do it with the big bird. There would be backlash from a certain part of the viewership, but people would watch it anyway.
For incentives, the best pilot would get a decent prize...

My other idea is to take an older (getting out of commission) airplane really high than aim at the ground and see how much left after it hits the ground...
It would be interesting to make a reality show where they train people using the Microsoft flight simulator and minimal pro training and see how they do it with the big bird.

Just to be clear, this situation does not describe the 9/11 hijackers.

The highjacker pilots all had their Commercial ticket and more than 250 hours of flight training including plenty of advanced simulator training in these type of aircraft (NOT MS Flight Sim, but the ones Airline pilots use).