Pick a card!

Did the cards help?

  • No, never, you imbecill!

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • I dunno...huh?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Almost, I want to try again.

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Yes, you are the best, Bebelina!

    Votes: 11 78.6%

  • Total voters
So it's getting spooky now? :D

Can you just pick a card for me for today.
The Magician! There you go, count on succes and have faith in your decisions. :)

Merlijn, I hate to be right too, when the news are depressing. But there is always more love and new hope in the world, for you too. :)
Yaaayyy!! I knew it would be a good one. I think that is the first good card I have ever gotten! Thanks again Bebelina:)

Take care:)
Thanks Bebelina! I have a Tarot deck, too, but half the cards went mysteriously missing!:eek: The Hermit seemed to come up a lot for me when I still knew where the card was...:cool:

1. Should I move or I should stay here?

2. Who will win the world cup?
Ok then...

What exactly do I need to do...?
The Devil. You need to get in control of your ego. The best way to do this is to acknowledge it, embrace it, be loving and understanding toward it, but don't let it control you.

1. Should I move or I should stay here?
Seven of Pentacles. Be where your heart is. It is a card that signifies satisfaction over the things already done and that is it time to plant new seeds for next season. You can do this where you are, or where you are going.
I took another card too, beacuae I still had Nelsons question in mind, and then it bemcame Judgement, which also speaks of that you have done progress and need to take time to think where to go next.

2. Who will win the world cup?
Ace of Pentacles. I have no idea, but the card speaks of perfect contentment, ecstacy, felicity and gold! Very suiting. :D
I know nothing about football and neither does the cards, perhaps it will work better if you ask about a specific team.
I got a feeling about Argentina yesterday when I accidentally saw a list of the teams, but who knows...

Originally posted by Bebelina

Seven of Pentacles. Be where your heart is. It is a card that signifies satisfaction over the things already done and that is it time to plant new seeds for next season. You can do this where you are, or where you are going.
I took another card too, beacuae I still had Nelsons question in mind, and then it bemcame Judgement, which also speaks of that you have done progress and need to take time to think where to go next.

I am thinking about getting a new job. Right now engineering jobs in US are hard to find and there are still layoffs everywhere. I have job security in my current job because my division is doing very well, but I am sick of my job. I have no idea if I should stay or go. I was going to flip a coin and decide :D

Ace of Pentacles. I have no idea, but the card speaks of perfect contentment, ecstacy, felicity and gold! Very suiting. :D
I know nothing about football and neither does the cards, perhaps it will work better if you ask about a specific team.
I got a feeling about Argentina yesterday when I accidentally saw a list of the teams, but who knows...

How about is Sweden going to beat England tomorrow?? :D
Bebelina, I have a question for the Cards too. :) What can you tell me about a trip or journey to come in the near future?

Can you tell me what kind of journey/trip it concerns? In what way I mean? Can be in several ways, like a real journey/trip or spiritual or otherwise.

Will you please pick a Card for me to see what you can make out of them? :)

Thank you so much...;)
How about is Sweden going to beat England tomorrow??
Page of Swords. The card speaks of authority , overseeing and spying. I will interpret this as that Superior Sweden will win( of course!) and that we will kick the shit out of those filthy brits once and for all!!!! .....? What happened , I was filled with rage, never ask this again....:eek:

What can you tell me about a trip or journey to come in the near future?

Can you tell me what kind of journey/trip it concerns? In what way I mean? Can be in several ways, like a real journey/trip or spiritual or otherwise.

Will you please pick a Card for me to see what you can make out of them?
I picked five cards for you.
1. Queen of Wands. 2. Knight of Swords. 3. The Hermit. 4. The Emperor. 5. The Lovers.
The Queen of Wands, which speaks of a friendly countrywoman( you?) that has strong feelings toward the next card, Knight of Swords, which signifies a young man, but also skill, bravery and defence, maybe his qualities.
The Hermit then, talks about spiritual evolvement and the need to reconsider your values.
The Emperor means that you either being controlled by an authority, or that you yourself must become ruthless to reach your goals.
Finally The Lovers( the first time this card appears in this thread) , which speaks of love and good relations, both in marriage and friendship, and that you should embrace the difficulties that relationships( of all kinds) offer. It also says that you now are very capable to make important decisions.
I don't know if this made any sense, none of the card speaks of a journey though, but they were all very strong cards.

Heres a pair:

Will India and Pakistan go to war, and what will the ramifications be?

You know... I came her for Canada for a reason... (that I won't tell you...:D)... Can you give me the reason? (just seeing if I'm crazy or God really told me to come here to...do something...;) )

Thank you so much Bebelina, :) it does make sense, yes. :)

Will India and Pakistan go to war, and what will the ramifications be?

Yeah, that would be easy, just ask the Cards what will come of some political idiots and their war making tendencies. Guess everybody should use the Cards for that purpose by now then...

It's hot in Sweden, almost impossible to be outside.....phiuuu....:cool:

Will India and Pakistan go to war, and what will the ramifications be?
Ace of Pentacles. Apparently not, or the outcome of the war will be VERY good, how that's even possible. Maybe they will work together and defeat USA. That would be something. :D

Can you give me the reason?
Three of Pentacles. You are there to work. It's a card of nobility and speaks of skilled labour and glory.

now why couldn't you have picked that card (the lovers) for ME?????
Does this mean that I was right after all? :(

I ask myself, will I be happy with my life in the end?
Ten of Pentacles. I guess I will. :)
The card speaks of gains and riches and the abode of a family.

Only Pentacles today, is money the word of the day?
yes you were right
its over for good

so i will ask 4 questions

will going to the shrink actully make a difference?
is there actully any point to ANY of this?
will i ever get a girl who loves me?
and will i keep this job that i am being tried for?

I need you!!!! I need a card!!! Im about to move out into my very own place (first time in my life living by myself!) - Will it be a good move? Should I pick the 1 bedroom or the 2 bedroom?:)
*stRgrl*, I can answer that one.

Choose the 2-bedroom. Don't move in with a guy. Guys aer untrustworthy. Move in with a girl. Safer for both of you, and she pays half the rent. Preferably a Bulgarian weightlifter kung-fu champion girl, for security.
Thanks Adam! I actually DO have a female friend who wants to move in with me. I would not move in with a guy right now anyway. But I really want my own place. The cheapest I could find is 600 bucks for a studio (no rooms). The rent is horrible here. So I think Ill have to get a roomie. Thanks for the tips:)