Personal Experience

It is relevant to the group of Christians as well. Lets take your apple example. A group of Christians can see a single apple and see that it is red, can each take a bite and know it is sweet and juicy and will see the core of the apple when it is eaten; all Christians within that group will completely agree on the single apple.

I don’t think your apple example works here. The “common” Christian believes in the trinity, which simply consists of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. This is the Godhead, One God. If you want further clarification on the Trinity I’d recommend this website:

If you want to call them Gods, fine, we can agree to disagree.

Do you get it now?


Again, you’re missing the point entirely. I’ve never been to Australia yet I know it exists. I can look at pictures, hear descriptions from other people, look at a map or globe to know Australia exists. Everyone can easily agree to the descriptions and existence of Australia.

You’re basing this fact on other people’s experience. I too haven’t been to Australia but know it exists even though I might never ever go there. I can’t produce the immense evidence that can be produced for the existence of Australia for God, as he isn’t physical.

The same can be said about the apple to the people in the village but cannot be said about gods for each individual. Do you get it now?

I realise my example didn’t touch down.

I see little difference from the scriptures and other works of fiction. Many of the stories it contains are too fantastic to have actually happened or to have existed in nature.


What does love have to do with gods? If someone does not believe in gods, does that mean they are devoid of love?

A lot. It is my belief that it’s because of Love that we are here today.

Allegedly, a man was arrested and crucified, so were tens of thousands of other people. No one really knows what he did or the claims he made. The story of this event was written some 80-100 years after the fact, so it’s not likely the story is accurate.

I don’t think I’ll be able to change your opinion here, as I believe the bible is inspired by God but you don’t.

I don’t hate anyone;

Me neither.

I treat my friends and neighbors with respect.

Sound’s cool. Did they have to earn the respect?

This is a sociological issue that has nothing to do with gods.

What is causing this issue? Evolution or something?

Civilizations existed all over the world that had never heard of Jesus or his god, yet managed to get along with one another.

Nice. How are they doing now?

They also did not kill in the name of their gods, something Christians cannot claim.

I don’t think any Christian alive today would condone what happened in the crusades for example, in fact I find it hard to believe now, so anti-christ like behaviour.

If the scriptures contain common sense, perhaps they were written by men who came to the same conclusion any rational man would. Again, this is a sociological issue in which the intervention of gods is not required.

The bible was written by some 40 people from different areas, in a period of over 1500 years, and still comes together well. Is this not a bit more of an achievement compared to the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy (some might disagree here)?

As a child, it’s not likely one is able to rationally decide what to believe. In fact, you were probably told to believe in god, it was crammed down your throat, so to speak. You really didn’t have a choice.

It wasn’t thrown down my throat, so to speak.

Perhaps your confirmation was formed to fit your childhood beliefs as opposed to what really happened. It could simply be a matter that you really wanted your confirmation to have ethereal meaning. There may also be numerous other possibilities, which you have yet to take into account or refuse to accept.

Well, like I said I won’t go into it, but what happened is enough for me.

No, I’m saying that gods’ interventions are not required to come to the same conclusions the commandments offer. Most of the commandments can be surmised from a sociological standpoint. And, they most likely were.

Well, give me the proof.

We can look at fossil records. But of course, that does not prove one way or another the feat claimed. Millions of species have existed long before man began to imagine gods. It is simply not possible anyone could round up all those species from all over the world and fit them on a craft the size of the ark. This story is equivalent to Santa Claus – didn’t you say you stopped believing in SC long ago? Why would believe an equally fantastic story such as the ark?

I stopped believing in Santa Claus because of proof. It's amazing how logical kids can be.

Yes, from simple observations. We know that the Earth is slowly spinning down due mostly in part to the moon being tidally locked with Earth and the fact that it is slowly moving away from the Earth. In that case, days were actually slightly shorter in the past than they are today, not longer, as the scriptures claim.

Oh, so we have a time machine to observe the earth in Noah’s time?

But that’s not what is observed in evolution. There would be clear evidence of these mutations and advanced evolved species. That evidence simply does not exist. Again, these are clear contradictions to the scriptures.

Ok. Could we be looking in the wrong place? I don’t know, I’m not a scientist.

Or, gods had nothing to do with the story whatsoever. The story could simply be an inaccurate, exaggerated account of a huge flood. In times of disaster, people have a tendency to come together for a common cause, including the wicked. Perhaps the wicked were not washed away at all.

You seem to be a somewhat expert on human behaviour. What is the benefit from writing this story after it happened, a while after it happened? and by Mose's I think. Do you think Moses had problems, wanted to sell a good book or something?

Everyone knows that it is the duty of all Christians to spread their faith. That could be your agenda here – I don’t know. Regardless if it is or not, there are many who may wish to understand why people believe in gods, considering there is nothing to warrant the belief aside from a single book written by men many years ago that has little basis in reality.

There is much wisdom to be had from the Bible imo, a lot of it has got basis in this reality. Like forgiving others makes you feel better.

Sure, the Bible has some nice stories that give one a ‘warm and fuzzy’ feeling, but so do Aesops fables and Grimms fairy tales. What’s the difference?

You know, since reading the bible I have never had these ‘warm and fuzzy’ feelings…

Each of us are on our own spiritual path. Yes, there are differences; but there are many similarities as well. Constructive criticism is wonderful, but badgering each other is meaningless. IMHO, each of us will (are) progressing at the speed we choose to progress. Some slower than others. Some of us it will take several lifetimes to catch others. I like this forum because it allows those who have progressed further to help open the eyes and inspire those who haven't. Love, compassion and nurturing is what is needed to inspire others, not mocking and berating.
Awake said:
Each of us are on our own spiritual path. Yes, there are differences; but there are many similarities as well. Constructive criticism is wonderful, but badgering each other is meaningless. IMHO, each of us will (are) progressing at the speed we choose to progress. Some slower than others. Some of us it will take several lifetimes to catch others. I like this forum because it allows those who have progressed further to help open the eyes and inspire those who haven't. Love, compassion and nurturing is what is needed to inspire others, not mocking and berating.
M*W: Awake, you are very wise. Did your wisdom come from maturity or were you "born" with it? Who/what were your spiritual influences in life, if I might ask?
Wow, I didn't realize how fast my post has accumulated. Reading SOME posts I realize many will always have their opinion. Please keep in mind I didn't make that post to influence nor "convert" anyone into Christianity. I am merely posting to what >>>I<<< believe is a miracle. Everyone has their opinion on what this event was and thats absolutely fine. What I dont understand is where does everyone's hatred come from?
Forever soul..

Well I'm happy to hear you survived your ordeal, I've had a close one before in the water, and you are right drowning would be a bad way to go, much suffering in drowning, loosing your air, lungs getting filled with water, and finally loosing consciousness. Sounds familiar. No I didn't have a miracle cause I survived, heck I even had a spraine in my leg, this is what started the problem, however what did it for you, and what did it for me, is we didn't "panic!"

You of course you thought of your pastor and what he had recomende, "god save me", while I just pushed forward and tried to rest floating in the water, relaxing the pain in my leg, it seemed like forever, people thought I was in deep trouble, however I kept on floating on the water till I started to slowly regain use of my leg, what i did to swim ashore is not use the leg that had been injured, and by pure will and the cognition of survival, I finally made it to shore!. No nurses just my girlfriend who understood I had gone through a small drama, the only difference in our story is that I'm an atheist, and I was in a lake swiming, while your a Christian and in the ocean, we both survived our ordeal. Though I don't consider my experience a miracle. The only miracle in my life is been born!.

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Godless said:
Forever soul..

Well I'm happy to hear you survived your ordeal, I've had a close one before in the water, and you are right drowning would be a bad way to go, much suffering in drowning, loosing your air, lungs getting filled with water, and finally loosing consciousness. Sounds familiar. No I didn't have a miracle cause I survived, heck I even had a spraine in my leg, this is what started the problem, however what did it for you, and what did it for me, is we didn't "panic!"

You of course you thought of your pastor and what he had recomende, "god save me", while I just pushed forward and tried to rest floating in the water, relaxing the pain in my leg, it seemed like forever, people thought I was in deep trouble, however I kept on floating on the water till I started to slowly regain use of my leg, what i did to swim ashore is not use the leg that had been injured, and by pure will and the cognition of survival, I finally made it to shore!. No nurses just my girlfriend who understood I had gone through a small drama, the only difference in our story is that I'm an atheist, and I was in a lake swiming, while your a Christian and in the ocean, we both survived our ordeal. Though I don't consider my experience a miracle. The only miracle in my life is been born!.

M*W: Yes, Godless, you understand the miracle of life. It is a miracle that we are here--not that it was necessarily a complicated ordeal when we made our entrance. Sometimes, too, our mere entry into this world requires a miracle. Our life is a miracle, because there is a reason we are here. Sometimes I wonder why I'm here after all. I "died" about 16 times right after I was born. They had a hard time getting me to breathe, but I guess I decided to beat the odds. I'm still here, and it's a miracle everyday I wake up from my sleep. It's a miracle that I've lived long enough to see my grandchildren growing up. Our lives are a miracle. That's why I don't tempt fate with my life. The miracle of this world existing is also a miracle, and being part of it as we are, is a miracle. This is our place in creation. That's a miracle. It doesn't matter who people "thank" for their existence. It could be God, it could be Jesus, it could be Allah or Muhammad or Shiva or Buddha. It may be no higher power at all, but I just want to thank "myself" for having the desire to save my own life and allowing me to be here as long as I have been. Maybe there's no one to "thank" at all! We're still here; we know that for sure! So, until I can see tangible proof that there is a higher power than myself, I'll continue to thank myself for my life and everything in it. I will continue to thank myself for the food I am able to buy and to eat. I definitely thank myself for my family whom I can see will live a long life beyond my existence thanks to "me" for bringing them into the world, and for those whom they brought into the world. If we are not our own higher power, then there is no God.
Why are opinions fine? Hitler had opinions but also had power and millions died.

Suicide bombers have opinions and people die.

Without facts people with opinions are potentially dangerous and often actually cause havoc and chaos and death. Another good reason why religions should be severely curtailed and at the very least kept seperate from government and from those with power.

forever.soul said:
Wow, I didn't realize how fast my post has accumulated. Reading SOME posts I realize many will always have their opinion. Please keep in mind I didn't make that post to influence nor "convert" anyone into Christianity. I am merely posting to what >>>I<<< believe is a miracle. Everyone has their opinion on what this event was and thats absolutely fine. What I dont understand is where does everyone's hatred come from?
M*W: This one's for you!

God will take care of me!

There was a very religious man named Jim, who lived near a river. One day, the river rose over the banks and flooded the town, and Jim was forced to climb onto his porch roof. While sitting there, a man in a boat came along and told Jim to get in the boat with him.

Jim said, "No, that's okay. God will take care of me."

So, the man in the boat drove off. The water rose higher, so Jim climbed onto his roof. At that time, another boat came along, and the person in that one told Jim to get in.

Jim replied, "No, that's okay. God will take care of me."

The person in the boat then left. The water rose even more, and Jim climbed onto his chimney. A helicopter came along and lowered a ladder for him. The woman in the helicopter told Jim to climb up the ladder and get in. Jim said, "That's okay." The woman said, "Are you sure?"

Jim replied, "Yeah, I'm sure God will take care of me."

Finally, the water rose too high and Jim drowned!

Jim got to heaven and was face-to-face with God. Jim said to God, "You told me that you would take care of me! What happened?"

God replied, "Well, I sent you two boats and a helicopter. Vhat else did you want?"
Hey!! M*W..

LOL, Yea I've seen that story before, I quess the guy was expection something else. :rolleyes:

This is what gets me, every one expects something else, just like "soul" he can't explain that self consciousness got taken over by survival cognition, that he swam like hell side ways to get out of the under toe, once out of the under toe, he found himself in shallow waters able to walk out, because there were people on the beach "nurses" that saw him exausted, and called an abulance, this is just plain luck!!.

Though since of his religious background he calls it a miracle!. No budy you were lucky and dumb at the same time for going swiming in rough waters, and putting yourself at risk in the first place.

My life was a strugle too M*W. My mom had had an accident, I was born pre-maturely 3 1/2mths, as you can imagine, I was tiny, underdeveloped lungs, I'm told I spent nearly two months in an incubator, and then after ward, I was sick all the time, not much hope from the doctors, mom tells me that she never lost hope, however lots of doc's. were telling her my chanses were slim. Then a young man relative of some friend of mom's, had just started his practice and the rest is history!! So after all, I was saved by a young doctor, who did bring new ideas for pre-mature babies.

Anyhow M*W, life itself is a miracle. That we are ignorant of our origins, we create supernatural gods, to explain life, not at all understanding that whatever one beliefs are, the miracle is Yourself!.

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Your opinion on my experience being plain luck is completely valid. But like I said, many will have their opinion on my experience but regardless I will still believe it was a miracle. Call me a "fool" if you will that is fine too for I am not here to change anyones belief.
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Soul, even the Vadicant would claim that you'r experience was plain luck! Had you been miles off shore and suddenly appear in the Pope's precence then THAT!! would be considered a miracle.

But no! I'm not cold hearted to call you a fool, nor an idiot, for believing something else took over and saved your life! Truth be told, this is called disasociation. You can't explain what happened your not dead! I'ts a miracle!!! The miracle would be more credible had you drowned and spent hours dead, as doctors had already pronounced you gone! then suddenly you wake!. This kind of scenario you could send to the Vatican with proof of "doctors, innocent by-standers, nurces, pronounced dead for specific amount of time, your waking a freak of unexplainable nature" Then of course most atheists still wouldn't believe you!. ;)

I think in order for atheist to believe in a miracle something extreme would have to happen such as...... A person surviving 50 bullets to the head. Other than that I guess it's just plain luck. I didn't expect any atheist to interperet my experience as a miracle for atheist have already taken it upon themselves to reject god as he exists. Maybe i'll post back after a gun raid when I survive a whole clip from an AK-47 to my chest.

Most true christians try to spread the gospel. I also do from time to time if I can. As for strong atheists I respect their descision and move on to those willing to hear me out.

Here's a question. Just say the end was here and Jesus had come down to earth for us. If you saw him with your eyes with thousands of angels by his side. Given the chance would you repent and surrender yourself to him or would you reject him? Just say this happened right now while you were at your computer reading this post. I know many probably think that is never going to happen but try to work with me here.

I think you are seriously missing the point about atheists - they merely ask for evidence and for explanations that have no other interpretation. If Jesus arrived and showed with clear proof he had godlike abilities then certainly atheists would accept that. It isn't that they are obstinate and will refuse to believe anything regardless of evidence.

Your claims had no merit because we could provide much simpler and far more believable natural explanations that did not require the fantastic ideas of gods and supernatural realms.

Katazia you made a good point. Although it would be great if I could give people my memory so they would know exactly what I went through. I am not about to retell my experience but that is the best I can explain it in my original post and to my understanding I dont believe my body could of made it out alive without the help of christ. YES, I do know the human body will go to extreme lengths when it comes to a life threatning situation. During the experience I was so far off shore, I knew this because I stopped swimming and looked up for half a second to make sure I wasn't swimming in the wrong direction. When I reached this point far off in the ocean the fatigue was so unexplainble people can only experience it for themselves to know what a horrible feeling this is (IMO I think drowning would be the absolute worst way to die). With that said I still believe God gave me the strength to save myself.

I know my statements will most likely have no affect to change anyones opinion and many will say God had nothing to do with my experience and I have come to accept that and those who decide to believe in what they want to.

Has anyone ever drowned or come close to drowning? I've never met anyone who has gone through a similar experience and I kid you not the feeling almost makes you want to die. It doesn't end there, when I was released from the hospital I got such terrible headaches because their were blood clots in my brain due to lack of oxygen during my experience. These headaches lasted about 2 weeks. But I guess I shouldn't complain im alive and healthy arn't I.


btw, kat try to call me soul its sounds better =)
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OK so ask yourself another question then - what makes you so special that God chose to save you and not save the many other thousands of people who die every day, many under terrible circumstances?

Perhaps he doesn't like you and didn't want you hanging around him in paradise just yet - so saving you means you have to suffer as a physical human for perhaps a few more decades.

The thing is Kat.

That when a person goes through some form of tragedy "stuck in undertoe" Prays a little they actually believe that this extremely busy unknown phenomenon they call god, will stop all and concentrate to save one person, when the posibility of thousands praying at the same time to be saved, are been neglected, cause thousands of people die daily, who also pray for physical salvation, if it were true that with simply stating "god save me" you survive any dilema, there wouldn't be any accidental deaths!. Just the fact that some people do survive, they are inclined to call it a miracle.

The strength he found to swim ashore is simply adrenalin, the exaustation that came afterwards is the explanation of this fact. That he decides to call his survival a "miracle" comes from his religious views, if he were Muslim he would have claimed Allah had saved him, he has no other explanation why he made it to shore, without realising that if he did nothing!! he would be dead.

forever.soul said:
Most true christians try to spread the gospel. I also do from time to time if I can.
trying to score some points with the big imaginary sky dude dont ya? :D

surviving drowning isnt a miracle,
now if you stood up on water and walked to shore that could be called a miracle,yes?
Here's a question. Just say the end was here and Jesus had come down to earth for us. If you saw him with your eyes with thousands of angels by his side. Given the chance would you repent and surrender yourself to him or would you reject him?
I have nothing to repent for.

and being a man I have absolutely no wish for surendering to any man, ;)
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forever.soul: I think in order for atheist to believe in a miracle something extreme would have to happen such as...... A person surviving 50 bullets to the head. Other than that I guess it's just plain luck. I didn't expect any atheist to interperet my experience as a miracle for atheist have already taken it upon themselves to reject god as he exists. Maybe i'll post back after a gun raid when I survive a whole clip from an AK-47 to my chest.
M*W: Although I'm not an atheist, I agree with Godless. My idea of God is the higher power that resides within humanity. So, in your case, when you were out there in the undertow, your adrenalin kicked in like Godless said. Your "prayers" were nothing more than the powers of positive thinking. The savior within yourself made it possible to save yourself. That power does not come from an old white bearded guy in the sky, it comes from you (i.e. your adrenalin rush).
forever.soul: Most true christians try to spread the gospel. I also do from time to time if I can. As for strong atheists I respect their descision and move on to those willing to hear me out.
M*W: When you say "true christians," what do you mean by "true?" I had a Jewish person ask me what a "true" Christian was as compared to a "false" Christians. They assumed it meant the difference between the Catholic Church as being the "one true church" and the Protestant churches as being the "false churches." I told him that wasn't it. I told him that "true" Christians really practice their faith and the "false" Christians lip-sync theirs.
forever.soul: Here's a question. Just say the end was here and Jesus had come down to earth for us. If you saw him with your eyes with thousands of angels by his side. Given the chance would you repent and surrender yourself to him or would you reject him? Just say this happened right now while you were at your computer reading this post. I know many probably think that is never going to happen but try to work with me here.
M*W: I don't have a problem with Jesus himself, but I do have a problem with his followers. Jesus was a Rabbi and a good Jew. Therefore, it would probably be in my best interest to say I'm a Jew when he appears, because that is what he taught--Judaism NOT Christianity, because Jesus was NOT a Christian! Not even the first Christian! Not even the creator of Christianity! If I saw Jesus coming with his bands of angels, I'd probably say, "JEE-ZUS H. C-H-R-I-S-T!" I'd probably treat him no differently than I'd treat anybody else I hadn't seen in a while. After all, isn't that what he said he wanted us to do to the least of our brothers? If Jesus really appeared in the flesh or in spirit, the first thing I'd ask him would have to be, "Have you seen Elvis?" The second thing I'd say is "Mazol Tov, Rabbi."