Personal Experience

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman

What's "wrong" with your spelling errors is they're stupid mistakes...


Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
M*W: You are wrong! I criticized okinrus for his lackadaisical attitude toward English communication. okinrus and I may never see eye-to-eye on religion OR computer science. I gave him my advice, and I believe he understands about good grammar and spelling. This advice was to benefit okinrus' presentation regardless of the content, and not mine! Just because the human brain can decipher words in their entirety without regard to letter sequence certainly adds nothing to the truth of what is written. You seem to forget that my advice to okinrus would also help him present his position about Christianity in a more convincing way. okinrus and I have resolved our dispute, amicably, I might add. Why don't you butt out.

The reason I got involved is to let Okinrus know that I can understand his words perfectly. It seems like you're the only one that has got a problem with them(In this thread in anyway). So who's illiterate?

Originally posted by davewhite04

The reason I got involved is to let Okinrus know that I can understand his words perfectly. It seems like you're the only one that has got a problem with them(In this thread in anyway). So who's illiterate?

M*W: You missed the whole point. I knew what okinrus was "trying" to say. Why should I have to decipher one's English if that's what one speaks? okinrus explained further, and I accepted his explanation. Most people on the forum don't speak, write or TYPE correctly. He's young, and I do not apologize for the advice I gave him. Regardless of what okinrus believes, I do give him credit for reading, researching, and posting valuable links. My problem with okinrus was not his religious beliefs, but the way he presented them. Now that he and I have had this conversation, I understand his challenge with English, and I will not condemn his English grammar or spelling anymore. BTW, he's NOT the only one who is challenged by English or even typing. He was honest with me, and I accept his explanation and will not get onto him about his communications skills again.
Originally posted by forever.soul
> Whenever you are in trouble or in danger all you got to say is a few simple words.... "God, save me".
I guess we can close all the hospitals then and let God save and heal all the sick,huh?
By the way NEVER EVER get injured badly enough to put u in the hospital without insurance....why? because they will charge you 10,000$ for an arm sling or a tynonel pill. you get my drift....
not in Canada,they wont:p
Re: Re: Personal Experience

Originally posted by Q25
I guess we can close all the hospitals then and let God save and heal all the sick,huh?

I don't think it was forever.soul's intention to explain how God's mind works, he shared an experience that if you believe then:

a) It was down to luck.


b) It was all logical and could be proven scientifically.


c) There was divine intervention i.e a miracle.

There are many people who have faced simply incredible odds like forever.soul and come out alive. There were other things like the insurance issue and the 2 nurses just falling into place, also his pastor's words that just sprang to his mind. This you may well say is just coincidental and really we cannot prove otherwise, so I respect the skepticism.


So god "saved" this guy - it's a miracle.

Well, how about all the people that god doesn't choose to save??

We all hear stories about the person who didn't make a flight - for whatever reason - and the flight goes down killing 200+ people. There is that person on the news thanking god for their deliverance. By that logic god KILLED those 200+ people.

God - if one accepts his existence - IS a capricious diety who chooses to save only some - a THEIST cannot argue this point.

Why even bother to worship such a diety?

Re: OK...

Hiya Barkhorn, welcome to sciforums.

Originally posted by Barkhorn1x
So god "saved" this guy - it's a miracle.

I didn't say that.

Well, how about all the people that god doesn't choose to save??

I can't answer for God.

We all hear stories about the person who didn't make a flight - for whatever reason - and the flight goes down killing 200+ people. There is that person on the news thanking god for their deliverance. By that logic god KILLED those 200+ people.

Sounds to me like the persons time keeping wasn't very good, or it was very good depending on how you look at it.

God - if one accepts his existence - IS a capricious diety who chooses to save only some - a THEIST cannot argue this point.

God's ways are mysterious and unknowable imo. Evidence or experiences that point to divine intervention does suggest that God has favourites, Maybe it's a case of only some people realising that they've experienced divine intervention.

Re: Re: OK...

Originally posted by davewhite04

God's ways are mysterious and unknowable imo. Evidence or experiences that point to divine intervention does suggest that God has favourites, Maybe it's a case of only some people realising that they've experienced divine intervention.

This is a cheap out - you really should be embarrassed to post it.
1. If god is "mysterious and unknowable", then why bother to worship, acknowledge him/her/it? You derive nothing from your efforts.
2. "...God has favourites..." Holy crap!!! Why would a perfect omnipotent being need to play favorites??

This just in;
Cover story in the 01/04/04 South Florida Sun-Sentinel =
"God Kept Me Alive - Woman, 97, rescued 8 days after Iran's quake"

Here is the on-line link;,0,6575721.story?coll=sfla-news-nationworld

This is the quake that killed an estimated 37,000 people. The headline should read;
"God Commits Mass Murder, Again, but Sees Fit to Save One Old Lady"

FAITH Kills - or at Least Gets You Very Little.

Re: Re: Re: OK...

Originally posted by Barkhorn1x
This is a cheap out - you really should be embarrassed to post it.
1. If god is "mysterious and unknowable", then why bother to worship, acknowledge him/her/it? You derive nothing from your efforts.

You missed the word "ways" meaning I can't explain everything that happens regarding humanity in this context.

2. "...God has favourites..." Holy crap!!! Why would a perfect omnipotent being need to play favorites??

You missed the word "suggests". If you're gonna quote me, quote me correctly.

This just in;
Cover story in the 01/04/04 South Florida Sun-Sentinel =
"God Kept Me Alive - Woman, 97, rescued 8 days after Iran's quake"

Maybe you should ask her why she says "God Kept Me Alive"

This is the quake that killed an estimated 37,000 people. The headline should read;
"God Commits Mass Murder, Again, but Sees Fit to Save One Old Lady"

This earthquake is a massive tragedy, and there has been many headlines regarding the numbers killed. However I see no negative effects from printing this fortunate ladies story, as at the very least it gives people hope for more survivors, what would be the advantage of printing your headline?

Re: Re: Re: Re: OK...

Originally posted by davewhite04

This earthquake is a massive tragedy, and there has been many headlines regarding the numbers killed. However I see no negative effects from printing this fortunate ladies story, as at the very least it gives people hope for more survivors, what would be the advantage of printing your headline?


Because god gets all of the credit and none of the blame - except that he works in "mysterious ways".

Re: Re: Re: OK...

Originally posted by Barkhorn1x
"God Commits Mass Murder, Again, but Sees Fit to Save One Old Lady"

FAITH Kills - or at Least Gets You Very Little.


How very convineant for both of you.....One wants to print a story to defame god and the other wants to print a story to sell most evil......Forget the damn cheaters contractor that insist on building a house on the worst spot ever on top of a fault, mix dust with cement to save money, ect.....Forget us ugly humans who don't have any respect for our environment.....Forget responsbility.....The same earthquack in california didn't kill anyone.....Same god, same earthquake, different building codes, different living styles.....Go figure.
Originally posted by Barkhorn1x
Err...I was making a point on how many people view god - see my last post above.


So why don't you tell us all how YOU VIEW GOD. We understand and respect your desire to keep religion private and if you don't want to answer, it's your right.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: OK...

Originally posted by Barkhorn1x
Because god gets all of the credit and none of the blame - except that he works in "mysterious ways".


Hiya Barkhorn,

I can see where your anger is coming from regarding that article. What we need to acknowledge is that as human beings we need to take responsible steps to minimise tragedies like the Iran earthquake, if we can.

As Flores has pointed out above, the area in which the earthquake struck was known as a potential hazard before it happened, so if they had moved people or rebuilt stronger structures earlier this tragedy might not have happened, or at least might not have been as bad. We as humans have to take some responsibility.

Whether it was the people of this cities faith that prevented them from learning more about earthquakes and such or lack of cash, I don't know.

Re: Re: Re: Re: OK...

Originally posted by Flores
How very convineant for both of you.....One wants to print a story to defame god and the other wants to print a story to sell most evil......Forget the damn cheaters contractor that insist on building a house on the worst spot ever on top of a fault, mix dust with cement to save money, ect.....Forget us ugly humans who don't have any respect for our environment.....Forget responsbility.....The same earthquack in california didn't kill anyone.....Same god, same earthquake, different building codes, different living styles.....Go figure.

Hiya Flores,

Who said they wanted to print a story to sell christianity?

I agree with what you wrote after that.

Originally posted by Flores
So why don't you tell us all how YOU VIEW GOD. We understand and respect your desire to keep religion private and if you don't want to answer, it's your right.

Oh come now - can't you figure that one out?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: OK...

Originally posted by davewhite04
Who said they wanted to print a story to sell christianity?

It is really common sense....

The writer is obviously interested in telling his personal experiece and glorious story to everyone...He is obviously proud and convinced of something...He wants to share his experiece and views....Is that a crime???? Yes it is...And here's why.

For a person to give me an advice about my health and prescribe to me medecine, he must be a certified doctor.

For a person to build my house to standard building codes, he must be a professional licensed engineer.

For a person to protect me in a court of law, he must be a certified lawyer.

So how could it be so simple to prescribe to others pills for salvation and "how to be saved in icky situations", by merely highschool diploma pastors... So what now, can I sew my pastor or this guy when I cry, save me god when I'm caught in the current, and obviously god doesn't come for my rescue...Is our pastors or this guy who posted his story acting responsibly???? Or are they selling religion for their fame and gain? I definetly think that it's the later. And as the other dude said, how about all of those that don't make it, is their prayers not good enough like our friend that was saved...Come on now..
Originally posted by Barkhorn1x
Oh come now - can't you figure that one out?


Just a guess, but you don't believe that an old man with white beard is striking lightening bolts us...You also don't believe in his blond hair blue eyes son who is always half naked on the church walls. As Cris says, I don't believe in invisible green flying elephants either.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: OK...

Originally posted by Flores
It is really common sense....

The writer is obviously interested in telling his personal experiece and glorious story to everyone...He is obviously proud and convinced of something...He wants to share his experiece and views....Is that a crime???? Yes it is...And here's why.

For a person to give me an advice about my health and prescribe to me medecine, he must be a certified doctor.

For a person to build my house to standard building codes, he must be a professional licensed engineer.

For a person to protect me in a court of law, he must be a certified lawyer.

So how could it be so simple to prescribe to others pills for salvation and "how to be saved in icky situations", by merely highschool diploma pastors... So what now, can I sew my pastor or this guy when I cry, save me god when I'm caught in the current, and obviously god doesn't come for my rescue...Is our pastors or this guy who posted his story acting responsibly???? Or are they selling religion for their fame and gain? I definetly think that it's the later. And as the other dude said, how about all of those that don't make it, is their prayers not good enough like our friend that was saved...Come on now..

M*W: Flores, you just inspired a phenomenal thought with your analogy! What if, just what if, when Christianity is finally proven to be a false religion (and I know in my heart it will be in our lifetime), it would be one hell of a class action lawsuit suing all the "pastors," "priests," "reverends," and other "men and women of the cloth" everywhere that by their sermons, counsel, teaching, etc. they could be sued by their parish and congregations! Then just think what the IRS would do! Sue these numbskulls for tax evasion! These "ministers" are supposed to have licenses, but I don't know the percentage of those that do. Parishoners could sue for all the tithing, donations they have paid over the years! You know, this may be what they are calling the "tribulation!"
Dave sez:

What we need to acknowledge is that as human beings we need to take responsible steps to minimise tragedies like the Iran earthquake, if we can.

If earthquakes were acts of god, why would we need to minimize the deaths? Would that not go against the will of god?

Whether it was the people of this cities faith that prevented them from learning more about earthquakes

It was their “faith” that kept them there.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: OK...

Originally posted by Flores
It is really common sense....

The writer is obviously interested in telling his personal experiece and glorious story to everyone...He is obviously proud and convinced of something...He wants to share his experiece and views....Is that a crime???? Yes it is...And here's why.

For a person to give me an advice about my health and prescribe to me medecine, he must be a certified doctor.

For a person to build my house to standard building codes, he must be a professional licensed engineer.

For a person to protect me in a court of law, he must be a certified lawyer.

So how could it be so simple to prescribe to others pills for salvation and "how to be saved in icky situations", by merely highschool diploma pastors... So what now, can I sew my pastor or this guy when I cry, save me god when I'm caught in the current, and obviously god doesn't come for my rescue...Is our pastors or this guy who posted his story acting responsibly???? Or are they selling religion for their fame and gain? I definetly think that it's the later. And as the other dude said, how about all of those that don't make it, is their prayers not good enough like our friend that was saved...Come on now..

Oh I see, I thought you meant I wanted to print the article...

I did say I can see no negative effects from the printing of this article and so I'm obviously wrong.

It did make me wonder why some/most of the international aid left so early(2or3 days) when after 8 days a lady of 90+ years had survived.
