Personal Experience

Originally posted by Flores
Just a guess, but you don't believe that an old man with white beard is striking lightening bolts us...You also don't believe in his blond hair blue eyes son who is always half naked on the church walls. As Cris says, I don't believe in invisible green flying elephants either.

Yep, that's pretty much it. My standard of proof for belief in diety is pretty high and - so far - no has given me a reason to change my mind.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: OK...

Originally posted by davewhite04
It did make me wonder why some/most of the international aid left so early(2or3 days) when after 8 days a lady of 90+ years had survived.


It's a cost/benefit ratio...Spend millions of dollars that the aid agencies doesn't have versus saving a 90+ old woman who might die tomorrow anyways....I know it's cruel, but it's the truth.
Originally posted by Barkhorn1x
Yep, that's pretty much it. My standard of proof for belief in diety is pretty high and - so far - no has given me a reason to change my mind.


But that means that the same god that you are set to disproof, is a fantacy tale of your imagination. Are you always acting as your worst enemy like that?..Supressing your own imagination in the name of awaiting someone to come and change your mind.
Re: Dave sez:

Originally posted by (Q)

If earthquakes were acts of god, why would we need to minimize the deaths? Would that not go against the will of god?

Where and who said that this earthquake was an act of God?

It was their “faith” that kept them there.

I did read something yesterday about this. I can't speak for the people of Iran.

Re: Re: Dave sez:

Originally posted by davewhite04
Where and who said that this earthquake was an act of God?

I agree with Dave, I guess??

Earthquakes are caused by faults (fractures) in the earth geotechnical structure..This is resulting from loading and type of soils. A man made structure can induce a fault. For example, In Egypt, the Aswan dam has impounded a huge man made lake that have introduced new pressures and loads to the soils and have caused a new earth fracture and fault to form in that region that never used to experience earthquakes.

Faults and earthquakes also play a major role is configuring our earth, including formation of mountains, streams, ect...To adjust to new ages and new pressures.

Where and who said that this earthquake was an act of God?

Don’t all you Christians believe your gods are in control of their destinies? Don’t you also believe that earthquakes and other such occurrences and tragedies are acts of god?
Originally posted by (Q)

Don’t all you Christians believe your gods are in control of their destinies?

Firstly, it's God not Gods, and secondly no(I can't speak for every Christian here though) When you become a Christian you don't lose your free will, you may change your lifestyle somewhat.

Don’t you also believe that earthquakes and other such occurrences and tragedies are acts of god?

I don't think this earthquake is an act of God, or any other earthquake that has occurred in my life time. As for tragedies, what did you have in mind? Natural tragedies are exactly that "Natural".

Firstly, it's God not Gods

No, its gods. No one has ever seen a god and the bible can be interpreted in many ways therefore each person has their own definition and idea of god. If each person has their own version of a god, then one must use the term gods when referring to a group of theists.

When you become a Christian you don't lose your free will

Of course they have lost their free will, they are subservient to their gods demands.

I don't think this earthquake is an act of God, or any other earthquake that has occurred in my life time.

Then gods have nothing to do with earthquakes; therefore gods have nothing to do with any such natural occurrence. And if gods have nothing to do with natural occurrences, then we can conclude gods are not necessary to the physical world or simply, to the universe.
It's interesting that I had this almost drowned experience when I was 5. I accidentially slipped through a ring like inflatable tube and completely under water, except my two hands, still hanging on the inside edge of the tube. It was a country side river. Not many people come there. I was able to calmly half swimming half walking back to the river bank while hanging under water. I didn't know how to swim at that time. I was playing there because I had the inflatable tube and my older friends where playing/swimming there. I don't know how long I was under water, but I remembered I drank mouth full of water. Maybe I was able to hold breath longer than the kids in that age, but I never contribute this to a miracle, because I had never heard of "god" until much much older.
Originally posted by daktaklakpak
It's interesting that I had this almost drowned experience when I was 5. I accidentially slipped through a ring like inflatable tube and completely under water, except my two hands, still hanging on the inside edge of the tube. It was a country side river. Not many people come there. I was able to calmly half swimming half walking back to the river bank while hanging under water. I didn't know how to swim at that time. I was playing there because I had the inflatable tube and my older friends where playing/swimming there. I don't know how long I was under water, but I remembered I drank mouth full of water. Maybe I was able to hold breath longer than the kids in that age, but I never contribute this to a miracle, because I had never heard of "god" until much much older.

M*W: Where were your parents and did they permit you to go with those older kids?
Originally posted by (Q)

No, its gods. No one has ever seen a god and the bible can be interpreted in many ways therefore each person has their own definition and idea of god. If each person has their own version of a god, then one must use the term gods when referring to a group of theists.

Monotheism is the belief of one God. Christianty abides by this doctrine therefore christians all believe in the same God. Your example is poor. To explain this to you simpler. 100 people are looking at the same apple, but their view of the apple is all slightly different because of the angle they're looking at it from.
There is still only 1 apple and an apple is in fact an apple.

Of course they have lost their free will, they are subservient to their gods demands.

You mean they pray twice a week or maybe twice a day and sing songs to worship him. Also quit murdering, stealing, adultry etc...

"Honey, Check your diary, God filled it in last week for ya, he..."

Your idea of the Christian God is not sound.

Then gods have nothing to do with earthquakes; therefore gods have nothing to do with any such natural occurrence. And if gods have nothing to do with natural occurrences, then we can conclude gods are not necessary to the physical world or simply, to the universe.

You can conclude what you like. This thread is about a persons experience which they felt may have involved God. Miracles occurred in the Bible so I conclude that it is possible that they still occur now.


i would strongly recomend you do some reading and learning about beachs'
and how the water moves in different directions
you were very lucky to survive
many people dont and many are drowned every year of all sorts of religions and beliefs

what is the lesson that you take from your experience?
aside from the terrible cost of health care in the usa
will you do the same thing again and maybe endanger the lives of those who may try to save you?

do some reading on drowning statistics and beach safety
it would be a way to pay some respect to those two nurses for a start
Monotheism is the belief of one God. Christianty abides by this doctrine therefore christians all believe in the same God. Your example is poor.

That is an oversimplification. Each Christian has their own idea, interpretation and definition of a god, regardless of their belief in that god.

100 people are looking at the same apple, but their view of the apple is all slightly different because of the angle they're looking at it from.
There is still only 1 apple and an apple is in fact an apple.

How many of these people have actually seen a god? How can they even make comparisons?

Your idea of the Christian God is not sound.

My idea of gods is no more or less ‘sound’ than anyone else. In fact, it is simply ridiculous to think anyone can have a sound idea of gods. You have no evidence to suggest gods exist and I have no evidence to suggest gods don’t exist. Your logic is faulty.

You can conclude what you like. This thread is about a persons experience which they felt may have involved God.

Perhaps, but I’ve yet to see a link between gods and the experience. It appears more that this person simple wanted to believe gods were involved.

Miracles occurred in the Bible so I conclude that it is possible that they still occur now.

They may have occurred in the Bible, but that does not mean miracles occurred in reality.
Most Christians believe in the Trinity. In fact, that's how must people define Christianity. Thus, most Christians not only believe in the same God, but also the same nature of God. In further comparision, Jews and Christians worship the same God, but their worship and view of God are different.
Hiya Q

Each Christian has their own idea, interpretation and definition of a god, regardless of their belief in that god.

I think what you are referring to is various cults, the christians I know all have the same fundamental idea of who God is and the basic definition of God. Interpretation may differ slightly due to their Bible interpretation and their own personal experiences, this is why there are so many christian forums and pastors and such.

How many of these people have actually seen a god? How can they even make comparisons?

It can't be proven that anyone has actually seen God. We believe in the Bible and our own personal experiences. Comparisons are made around the Bible and personal experiences. If I take my apple example and expand on it. If you visited a village in a third world country where apples don't grow and explained to a child there what an apple is, they may not understand. So if you left them a written description then soon they would develop an idea of what an apple is like, and everyones idea in the village would be similar. You will probably disregard this example but it is the only one I can think of at present.

My idea of gods is no more or less ‘sound’ than anyone else. In fact, it is simply ridiculous to think anyone can have a sound idea of gods. You have no evidence to suggest gods exist and I have no evidence to suggest gods don’t exist. Your logic is faulty.

I didn't say God's, I said the christian God. I have both faith and logic. Faith plays a more important role as far as my belief is concerned than logic. I do understand that there are many people who cannot accept this, really it's a case of swallowing your pride and searching for God through the Bible, prayer and eventually worship. The key is to want to believe that a "just" God does in fact exist, that hates sin. You or someone might rebuke that how can he be just when he does this that and the other in the world and in the Bible, my answer is to read the Bible and discuss it with other christians, and to ask God for guidance.

Perhaps, but I’ve yet to see a link between gods and the experience. It appears more that this person simple wanted to believe gods were involved.

Here's a tip, you won't find a link, unless you were on the beach with various scientific equipment and such to prove scientifically that what occurred was supernatural or not.

They may have occurred in the Bible, but that does not mean miracles occurred in reality.

This boils down to believing that the Bible is the inspired word of God, which all christians do, such as myself.

Medicine*Woman said:
Yet, you profess Christianity in all your illiteracy! I suggest that you grow up, learn the truth (which is NOT Christianity), learn to write like an educated adult, don't confuse truth with fiction, and read everything you can about Christianity so you will come to the conclusion that Christianity is false.

Can you prove that your spiritual beliefs and ideas on the nature of God are more true than those of Christianity?
Flores said:
I don't think MW is inetrested in scratching the suface of a rotten egg or peeling the layers of any onion.

I agree. She seems more interested in applying double standards to Christians/Christianity and posting hateful, illogical comments.

There are two misspelled words in the part of your post I have quoted. I wonder if Medicine Woman will make some remark about "the intelligence of your religion"?

Interpretation may differ slightly due to their Bible interpretation and their own personal experiences, this is why there are so many christian forums and pastors and such.

Exactly the same reason why the plural form of god is necessary when talking about groups beliefs.

If you visited a village in a third world country where apples don't grow and explained to a child there what an apple is, they may not understand.

Or, I could take a photograph, draw or paint a picture. The point is that an apple exists in the physical world, it can be seen by anyone. That can’t be said about gods. That is why your example can’t be used.

A similar example would be to try and explain something that does not exist in nature, like a flying fire-breathing dragon or the tooth fairy.

I have both faith and logic. Faith plays a more important role as far as my belief is concerned than logic.

If you applied logic to your faith, what do you think the results would be?

The key is to want to believe that a "just" God does in fact exist

Remove the word “just” and the statement is true.

how can he be just when he does this that and the other in the world and in the Bible, my answer is to read the Bible and discuss it with other christians, and to ask God for guidance.

Yes, and I’ve found that no one has a logical answer, and I doubt you have as well. How does one “ask god?” To whom and where am I speaking?

This boils down to believing that the Bible is the inspired word of God, which all christians do, such as myself.

Agreed. But it would seem that one could easily interpret so many different things from the Bible from one extreme to another. It also doesn’t help one to have an understanding of something the Bible professes to be true yet has no basis in reality.

Noah’s Ark is a good example.
Exactly the same reason why the plural form of god is necessary when talking about groups beliefs.

Hiya Q,

Yes, we can agree come to think of it :) As some cults professing to be
christians have a different view of God, and I think some of them believe
in Gods.

Or, I could take a photograph, draw or paint a picture. The point is that an apple exists in the physical world, it can be seen by anyone. That can’t be said about gods. That is why your example can’t be used.

The apple is real to you and most other people, but not to the village.
Like theists, their God or God's is real to them but not to you. I can't draw
you a picture of God like.

Remove the word “just” and the statement is true.

Well you're free to paint your own picture of God from whatever text you may or may not decide to read and study, or you may not paint a picture at all.

Maybe you have read all the scriptures and have come to your conclusion. I might add that I didn't come to know God personally through his word. I read his word and debate it now to get a better understanding of him. I do understand it's the reverse for some, maybe most believers. I can only put it down to my child like belief. Don't mock this, as I also believed in Santa Claus when I was young. I stopped believing in SC when I realised it was my mother buying the presents, pretty logical.

Just out of curiousity. If you have decided not to paint a picture, what
is your benefit from this?

Yes, and I’ve found that no one has a logical answer, and I doubt you have as well.

I don't want to sound all lovey dovey and such, but where is the logic in love?
Or do you not believe in it? You see, the old testament you can follow through and gain a little logic from the actions of God. But where is the logic in sending his son to save us? This is the question, but obviously the words believe/God/Jesus and such complicate the question. Love is the answer, and there is no logic.

Jesus taught the following about which are the most important commandments:

"The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one.[5] 30Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.'[6] 31The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'[7] There is no commandment greater than these."

Love being the main theme. This is what ALL christians should be trying to achieve or they make a mockery of there own belief, but Jesus forgives. It's hard to love someone you may hate or not acknowledge like God or a neighbour, you need to become more like Jesus. He teaches everyone this on a one to one basis or so it seems to me.

This scripture makes so much sense because. If you have enough love flowing that you follow the commandments above, then all the other commandments you will follow naturally.

But it would seem that one could easily interpret so many different things from the Bible from one extreme to another.

I can only give you my personal account. Since I was a child I believed in God. When I was around 8 I prayed for the first time, in the hope God would help a friend of mine through a difficult patch. Since then I prayed on and off for selfish things and eventually grew out of it when I went through a very rough time myself, when I was 15. God, seemingly, was not there for me.

When I was 27 I went through a rough time again, but this time instead of me going to God, God came to me! I won't explain how as I don't know you from Adam, and quite frankly you probably would say it was nothing out of the ordinary, it's because nothing could be seen only thought and feelings were evident. This is my experience, I understand that a lot of people I've met haven't experienced this, thus I can't confidently suggest a solution. An innocent prayer might help. It took me a while after this experience to actually realise what happened, I registered with this forum sometime after this event, but my confirmation only came recently. I won't share my experience here as I've discovered that it might upset or anger believers of other religions or turn into a discussion I don't want to have.

It also doesn’t help one to have an understanding of something the Bible professes to be true yet has no basis in reality.

Would you say that none of the 10 commandments have a basis in reality? Or Justice? Or Love?

Noah’s Ark is a good example.

Exactly how many creatures existed in Noah's day? Does anyone really know for sure even how long a day was then? Maybe what we see today is evolved species that may of mutated to increase the number. So the story might not be as daft as it sounds. I tend to look at what the story means. God killed the wicked but decided to give Noah and his family a second chance. This story shows Gods mercy.

Q, I gain somewhat from discussing these issues no doubt, but I do have many other things I could be doing. Why do you think I choose to discuss this? What have I got to gain when I have already found my answer? Is this logical? I do gain some wisdom as far as debating skills go.

Apologies for the length of the post, hope it clarifies my position at least.

As some cults professing to be
christians have a different view of God, and I think some of them believe
in Gods.

It is relevant to the group of Christians as well. Lets take your apple example. A group of Christians can see a single apple and see that it is red, can each take a bite and know it is sweet and juicy and will see the core of the apple when it is eaten; all Christians within that group will completely agree on the single apple.

However, they will not agree on their various perceptions and descriptions of a single god due to their own personal experiences. Therefore, the number of different gods that exist will be proportional to the group of Christians. Do you get it now?

The apple is real to you and most other people, but not to the village.
Like theists, their God or God's is real to them but not to you.

Again, you’re missing the point entirely. I’ve never been to Australia yet I know it exists. I can look at pictures, hear descriptions from other people, look at a map or globe to know Australia exists. Everyone can easily agree to the descriptions and existence of Australia.

The same can be said about the apple to the people in the village but cannot be said about gods for each individual. Do you get it now?

Maybe you have read all the scriptures and have come to your conclusion.

I see little difference from the scriptures and other works of fiction. Many of the stories it contains are too fantastic to have actually happened or to have existed in nature.

I don't want to sound all lovey dovey and such, but where is the logic in love?
Or do you not believe in it?

What does love have to do with gods? If someone does not believe in gods, does that mean they are devoid of love?

But where is the logic in sending his son to save us?

Allegedly, a man was arrested and crucified, so were tens of thousands of other people. No one really knows what he did or the claims he made. The story of this event was written some 80-100 years after the fact, so it’s not likely the story is accurate.

Love being the main theme. This is what ALL christians should be trying to achieve or they make a mockery of there own belief… It's hard to love someone you may hate or not acknowledge like God or a neighbour

I don’t hate anyone; I treat my friends and neighbors with respect. This is a sociological issue that has nothing to do with gods. Civilizations existed all over the world that had never heard of Jesus or his god, yet managed to get along with one another. They also did not kill in the name of their gods, something Christians cannot claim.

This scripture makes so much sense because. If you have enough love flowing that you follow the commandments above, then all the other commandments you will follow naturally.

If the scriptures contain common sense, perhaps they were written by men who came to the same conclusion any rational man would. Again, this is a sociological issue in which the intervention of gods is not required.

Since I was a child I believed in God.

As a child, it’s not likely one is able to rationally decide what to believe. In fact, you were probably told to believe in god, it was crammed down your throat, so to speak. You really didn’t have a choice.

It took me a while after this experience to actually realise what happened, I registered with this forum sometime after this event, but my confirmation only came recently.

Perhaps your confirmation was formed to fit your childhood beliefs as opposed to what really happened. It could simply be a matter that you really wanted your confirmation to have ethereal meaning. There may also be numerous other possibilities, which you have yet to take into account or refuse to accept.

Would you say that none of the 10 commandments have a basis in reality? Or Justice? Or Love?

No, I’m saying that gods’ interventions are not required to come to the same conclusions the commandments offer. Most of the commandments can be surmised from a sociological standpoint. And, they most likely were.

Exactly how many creatures existed in Noah's day?

We can look at fossil records. But of course, that does not prove one way or another the feat claimed. Millions of species have existed long before man began to imagine gods. It is simply not possible anyone could round up all those species from all over the world and fit them on a craft the size of the ark. This story is equivalent to Santa Claus – didn’t you say you stopped believing in SC long ago? Why would believe an equally fantastic story such as the ark?

Does anyone really know for sure even how long a day was then?

Yes, from simple observations. We know that the Earth is slowly spinning down due mostly in part to the moon being tidally locked with Earth and the fact that it is slowly moving away from the Earth. In that case, days were actually slightly shorter in the past than they are today, not longer, as the scriptures claim.

Maybe what we see today is evolved species that may of mutated to increase the number.

But that’s not what is observed in evolution. There would be clear evidence of these mutations and advanced evolved species. That evidence simply does not exist. Again, these are clear contradictions to the scriptures.

God killed the wicked but decided to give Noah and his family a second chance. This story shows Gods mercy.

Or, gods had nothing to do with the story whatsoever. The story could simply be an inaccurate, exaggerated account of a huge flood. In times of disaster, people have a tendency to come together for a common cause, including the wicked. Perhaps the wicked were not washed away at all.

Why do you think I choose to discuss this? What have I got to gain when I have already found my answer? Is this logical?

Everyone knows that it is the duty of all Christians to spread their faith. That could be your agenda here – I don’t know. Regardless if it is or not, there are many who may wish to understand why people believe in gods, considering there is nothing to warrant the belief aside from a single book written by men many years ago that has little basis in reality.

Sure, the Bible has some nice stories that give one a ‘warm and fuzzy’ feeling, but so do Aesops fables and Grimms fairy tales. What’s the difference?