Personal Experience


Registered Senior Member
I was on vacation in Florida in the summer time. I was on the beach and the water was EXTREMELY ROUGH (made it more appealing to play in) since there was a hurricane a few miles off shore near Florida. It was early in the morning so only a few people were on the beach.

I started swimming and got caught in a really strong draft that i could not fight. i found myself fighting for my life about 20 meters off shore with the water about 15ft deep. As i was in the water i thought to myself " ah crap, this is it......." i then rememered a sermin in church that my pastor had preached several weeks ago and something caught my attention. What caught my attention during the sermin was my pastor said>> Whenever you are in trouble or in danger all you got to say is a few simple words.... "God, save me".

It felt like HOURS have past in the water and after i remembered that sermin i said in my head.....God, save me. right then and there i felt my foot touch the ocean floor as i some how WALKED to shore againts a draft that can easily rip my arm off. I walked through it as if it was air. A big wave caused by the rough water hit me square in the back washing up shore, weird enough i washed up RIGHT IN FRONT OF 2 EXPERIENCED NURSES on vacation, like im talking i washed up 2 ft away from them while they were on a morning walk.

I flopped onto shore like a noodle and someone called the ambulance and i was released from the hospital 2 days later. and funny enough my parents had just gotten insurance a few weeks before this happened and if they haddent it would of cost us 50,000 american dollors for hospital fee's. By the way NEVER EVER get injured badly enough to put u in the hospital without insurance....why? because they will charge you 10,000$ for an arm sling or a tynonel pill. you get my drift....

after i washed up shore i had no energy i couldnt even lift my arm yet i some how managed to walk through a draft with the power of a brick wall.

*call this what you may, but i myself believe it is a miracle. if you think its a bunch of BS and it just happened out of luck then thats okay too. everyone is entitled to their opinion. this is 100% true story.

*i am 100% christian.

*everytime i look bak it this expierence i tihnk to myself........damn thats crazy. i now believe the worst way to die is to drown to death. the feeling is unexplainble. your trying to catch breath while swimming like mad.

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Originally posted by forever.soul
I was on vacation in Florida in the summer time.I was on the beach and the water was EXTREMELY ROUGH (made it more appealing to play in) since there was a hurricane a few miles off shore near Florida.It was early in the morning so only a few people were on the beach.

I started swimming and got caught in a really strong draft that i could not fight.i found myself fighting for my life about 20 meters off shore with the water about 15ft deep.As i was in the water i thought to myself " ah crap, this is it...." i then rememered a sermin in church that my pastor had preached several weeks ago and something caught my attention. What caught my attention during the sermin was my pastor said>> Whenever you are in trouble or in danger all you got to say is a few simple words.... "God, save me".

It felt like HOURS have past in the water and after i remembered that sermin i said in my head...God, save me. right then and there i felt my foot touch the ocean floor as i some how WALKED to shore againts a draft that can easily rip my arm off. I walked through it as if it was air. A big wave caused by the rough water hit me square in the back washing up shore, weird enough i washed up RIGHT IN FRONT OF 2 EXPERIENCED NURSES on vacation, like im talking i washed up 2 ft away from them while they were on a morning walk.

I flopped onto shore like a noodle and someone called the ambulance and i was released from the hospital 2 days later. and funny enough my parents had just gotten insurance a few weeks before this happened and if they haddent it would of cost us 50,000 american dollors for hospital fee's. By the way NEVER EVER get injured badly enough to put u in the hospital without insurance....why? because they will charge you 10,000$ for an arm sling or a tynonel pill. you get my drift....

after i washed up shore i had no energy i couldnt even lift my arm yet i some how managed to walk through a draft with the power of a brick wall.

*call this what you may, but i myself believe it is a miracle. if you think its a bunch of BS and it just happened out of luck then thats okay too. everyone is entitled to their opinion. this is 100% true story.

*i am 100% christian.

*everytime i look bak it this expierence i tihnk to myself.....damn thats crazy. i now believe the worst way to die is to drown to death. the feeling is unexplainble. your trying to catch breath while swimming like mad.

--soul [/B]

M*W: soul, I'm glad you survived this incident, and you can call it a "miracle" if you want to, but as I see it, it's just another stupid Christian trick to tempt fate but live to call it a miracle! You don't say how old you are, but I certainly hope that you are not young and that English is not your native tongue. Since you lived despite your gross stupidity about going into the water under those inclement conditions, I would recommend that you spend less time endangering the life God gave you and spend more time learning to read and write acceptable English, even though you may be a foreign national. If you're an English-speaking person, you are a disgrace to those who speak English AND your poor communication skills definitely reflect on the intelligence of your religion. Why is it so profoundly obvious that English-speaking Christians cannot spell or write in communicable English? You know, I think the whole world knows I'm not Christian, but for God's sake, you make Christians look bad. (okinrus, hello...)!

What will your next trick be to prove God saved your sorry ass?
M*W, if you would be less prideful, perhaps you could be saved; but as of now, you cannot even let logic rebuke you. You believe that you are a god but you are no god. Like I told you before, it's better to spell a few words wrong that are said in truth than your blasphemy done in correct spelling. At one moment you say your god is Allah. Then in another post you say your god is a phallus. Fact is you don't even have a god. Even if your goddess was yourself, she would be quite a contradiction. Now, then, don't pretend that your upset because that's the response you wanted. You want Christians to be upset at you, don't you? It's some sort of psychological bonus isn't it? Yet I'm calling your bluff, and I have enought sight to see through you. In case your wondering, I did not post that. If you were ever a Catholic, you would know that we don't refer to priests as pastors.
Re: Re: Personal Experience

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
... your poor communication skills definitely reflect on the intelligence of your religion.
That is a remarkably (but not unexpectantly) petty and stupid statement.
Originally posted by okinrus
M*W, if you would be less prideful, perhaps you could be saved; but as of now, you cannot even let logic rebuke you. You believe that you are a god but you are no god. Like I told you before, it's better to spell a few words wrong that are said in truth than your blasphemy done in correct spelling. At one moment you say your god is Allah. Then in another post you say your god is a phallus. Fact is you don't even have a god. Even if your goddess was yourself, she would be quite a contradiction. Now, then, don't pretend that your upset because that's the response you wanted. You want Christians to be upset at you, don't you? It's some sort of psychological bonus isn't it? Yet I'm calling your bluff, and I have enought sight to see through you. In case your wondering, I did not post that. If you were ever a Catholic, you would know that we don't refer to priests as pastors.
M*W: okinrus, you are so young and silly. Pride has NOTHING to do with my statement, but since you mentioned it, I do take pride in what I write and how I write it. So if this is preventing me from your idea of salvation, who gives a rat's ass?

I believe that all creation, and not just me, myself, are God, and that humanity is on its way to Godly perfection. You are so simple minded that your narrow vision of creation and humanity (i.e. God) blasphemes our Creator! Who are YOU to say I don't have a god? You're just another judgmental Christian. Obviously, you don't understand anything I say, but then I don't expect YOU to. That's why I keep writing, and I'll never stop until I get my message out in the world. No, I don't want Christians to be upset with me, but it makes no difference to me what they think. In time, there will be no more Christianity, so what they think about me is irrelevent. I'm not alone in my vision. "Spelling a few words wrong" does not indicate truthfulness. It indicates incredibility. I have a love for the English language, and I cringe when I see it bastardized like you and soul have just done!

You are confused about Allah, too. Allah is more my God than "God." Allah is no different than "God," "YHWH," "Jehovah," "Elohim," "El Shaddai," "I AM THAT I AM," etc. To me, "Al-lah" means "ALL,"and this is my perception of our Creator. "God" is just an abbreviation for "good." You may not understand this, but Allah is your God, too. 'What's in a name?" Humanity encompasses the "Godhead."

That "other" post where I call God a "phallus," I was responding to Haiku poetry. Poetry can be anything it appears to be to the reader. I happen to be a published poet for 40 years now. Poetry is not doctrine, but it can be. It's the reader's choice, not the writer's. You might be surprised to know that I've published quite a bit of spiritual poetry as well, but I'm sure you would hate it. That's okay, because my intent in writing anything is to incite thought-provoking emotion in the reader. It may offend some, but it may inspire others. My point here is that God being everything in creation, is a phallus, too. How can we condemn one little part of creation as being vulgar or socially unacceptable, yet use it to propagate God on Earth? Why would anyone be ashamed of this? The phallus is a gift from God, at least most men believe this, it's part of our temple, and we should worship everything in our temple as good--as God. Bottom-line, this was a poem, and I will stand on my poetic license.

I'm afraid, okinrus, that you will not live long enough to ever be able to see through me, regardless of what you think you see. Even those closest to me think they know me, but they are ever surprised to find out something new about me, because I am growing spiritually and changing colors like a chameleon. I am wise like the serpent in the garden, and yes, there are some that fear the serpent in me, but I proudly wear my cadeceus.

By now you should know the story of my Catholicism. I am well aware Catholics call their parish leader "priest." Had your communications skills been at least average, you would have understood that I was referring to soul's "pastor," you know the one who preached those "sermins" that miraculously saved him from his own stupidity?

okinrus, you need to spend less time trying to threaten me into believing I will not attain salvation because I reject your beliefs, and spend more time reading, writing, taking typing lessons, etc. If you have something so important that you would want people convinced to believe it, then give it credibility with intelligent communication--or, better yet, shut up.
there will be people in life that show up as medicine woman did. its very amusing to how people react is such anger. keep it comin medicine. you havent even scratched the surface.
Originally posted by forever.soul
there will be people in life that show up as medicine woman did. its very amusing to how people react is such anger. keep it comin medicine. you havent even scratched the surface.

M*W: Maybe I haven't "scratched the surface," yet, so I plan to "keep it coming." You, on the other hand, and all your Christian brothers haven't even found the surface, yet, and you never will, because what you're looking for doesn't exist.
Originally posted by forever.soul
there will be people in life that show up as medicine woman did. its very amusing to how people react is such anger. keep it comin medicine. you havent even scratched the surface.

I don't think MW is inetrested in scratching the suface of a rotten egg or peeling the layers of any onion.

As barney sings:

keep your (germs/smell/salvation) to yourself, don't share them with anyone else.
Originally posted by Flores

keep your (germs/smell/salvation) to yourself, don't share them with anyone else.

This guy is sharing an experience that seems to belong to this sub forum, your comments however don't, I'm surprised the moderators don't intervene.

Thanks for sharing your experience forever.soul and welcome to sciforums.

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Originally posted by davewhite04
I'm surprised the moderators don't intervene.
Simple, They have better taste and insight than you....They don't wish that their respectable forum turn into a bible testimony. I guess they have a reputation to worry about, you on the other hand seem to be a garbage disposal.
Miracles are part of the christian religion and since this is a religious sub forum then sharing and then discussing a potential miracle does belong here.

Originally posted by Flores

They don't wish that their respectable forum turn into a bible testimony.

This forum is losing respect because of the crap that you and the like rant about which does not bear any value.

And if you don't know why the subject of this thread is unworthy, here's the reason

I was on vacation in Florida in the summer time. I was on the beach and the water was EXTREMELY ROUGH (made it more appealing to play in) since there was a hurricane a few miles off shore near Florida. It was early in the morning so only a few people were on the beach.

I started swimming and got caught in a really strong draft that i could not fight. i found myself fighting for my life about 20 meters off shore with the water about 15ft deep. As i was in the water i thought to myself " ah crap, this is it......." i then rememered a sermin in ([SIZE=0.5]CHURCH replaced with[/SIZE]MOSQUE) that my ([SIZE=0.5]pastor replaced with[/SIZE]Sheikh) had preached several weeks ago and something caught my attention. What caught my attention during the sermin was my ([SIZE=0.5]pastor replaced with [/SIZE]Sheikh) said>> Whenever you are in trouble or in danger all you got to say is a few simple words.... "([SIZE=0.5]GOD replaced with[/SIZE]ALLAH), save me".

It felt like HOURS have past in the water and after i remembered that sermin i said in my head.....([SIZE=0.5]GOD replaced with[/SIZE] ALLAH), save me. right then and there i felt my foot touch the ocean floor as i some how WALKED to shore againts a draft that can easily rip my arm off. I walked through it as if it was air. A big wave caused by the rough water hit me square in the back washing up shore, weird enough i washed up RIGHT IN FRONT OF 2 EXPERIENCED NURSES on vacation, like im talking i washed up 2 ft away from them while they were on a morning walk.

I flopped onto shore like a noodle and someone called the ambulance and i was released from the hospital 2 days later. and funny enough my parents had just gotten insurance a few weeks before this happened and if they haddent it would of cost us 50,000 american dollors for hospital fee's. By the way NEVER EVER get injured badly enough to put u in the hospital without insurance....why? because they will charge you 10,000$ for an arm sling or a tynonel pill. you get my drift....

after i washed up shore i had no energy i couldnt even lift my arm yet i some how managed to walk through a draft with the power of a brick wall.

*call this what you may, but i myself believe it is a miracle. if you think its a bunch of BS and it just happened out of luck then thats okay too. everyone is entitled to their opinion. this is 100% true story.

*i am 100% ([SIZE=0.5]CHRISTIAN replaced with[/SIZE]MUSLIM).

*everytime i look bak it this expierence i tihnk to myself........damn thats crazy. i now believe the worst way to die is to drown to death. the feeling is unexplainble. your trying to catch breath while swimming like mad.

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Originally posted by davewhite04
This forum is losing respect because of the crap that you and the like rant about which does not bear any value.

Then do us all a favor and get out.
Typical christian testimony: My personal experience with it

Typical christian testimony:

Typical Christian : I was drunk, I used to beat my mom, I was a drug dealer, then I found christ and he saved me.

My answer : Well, I'm none of the above, so get the hell away from me you freakin looser.

Typical Christian : I was poor, I had no hope, I lived in the streets, I stole, ect, ect...Then I found christ, now I'm a good person.

My answer : Gag...

I think I can see why you're a bit peeved, maybe I'm wrong. But going by what you edited above then is it because the post seemed to come across as though miracles only happen to christians? This I personally do not believe.

Originally posted by Flores
Then do us all a favor and get out.

I remain here because there are alot of wise folk who luckily still post here, and I learn a lot from them. So I won't be going anywhere soon, unless I get banned from my earlier comment.

Sorry to disappoint you.

Your reaction time seems to be slower than the rate of hair growth on a chinease man's chest.

I got a New year's party to plan for, see your sorry ass in two days.
I believe that all creation, and not just me, myself, are God, and that humanity is on its way to Godly perfection.
Let's see what's wrong with statement. If we are truely God than who is perfection? How can there be a way to to perfection if perfection does not exist? That's fine M*W, believe whatever you want to. You are in a ship with no direction and no north star, tossed upon waves at sea. Perfection is unattainable because it does not exist. If it does not exist, you define your own perfection. And what good is that? It's frightful to imagine a perfect populace as arrogant as you. Thus perfection defined by the individual is relative unless if true perfection exists. It cannot, indeed, be created as you said.

You are so simple minded that your narrow vision of creation and humanity (i.e. God) blasphemes our Creator! Who are YOU to say I don't have a god? You're just another
judgmental Christian. </b></i>
Your being stereotypical.

In time, there will be no more Christianity, so what they think about me is irrelevent. I'm not alone in my vision. </b></i>
So your a prophet now?

"Spelling a few words wrong" does not indicate truthfulness. It indicates incredibility. I have a love for the English language, and I cringe when I see it bastardized like you and soul have just done!</b></i>
Did I say spelling a few words wrong indicates anything? You need to get a life. This is a public Internet forum with conventions similar to social email. I'd rather you carp at what is actually been said than my spelling; but it seems you are unable to raise any real points, so I'm going to conclude that this is all you have.

To me, "Al-lah" means "ALL,"and this is my perception of our Creator. "God" is just an abbreviation for "good."</b></i>
Allah does not mean "all" in arabic. I'm not questionuing you having Allah as a God, but that you are changing the name of your God so frequently that any rational person would conclude that God is some sort of fad to you. You have not even read the Quran have you? So why do you believe that you can use the term Allah when you don't even have a clue of the meaning of Allah to muslims?

I'm afraid, okinrus, that you will not live long enough to ever be able to see through me, regardless of what you think
you see. </b></i>
Your predicting my death?

By now you should know the story of my Catholicism. I am well aware Catholics call their parish leader "priest." Had your communications skills been at least average, you would have understood that I was referring to soul's "pastor," you know the one who preached those "sermins" that miraculously saved him from his own stupidity?</b></i>
No, why did you write "hello okinrus" as if I wrote it. I did not write it. In fact, I'd rather avoid discusing what I did not write, but you draw me in with your silly statements.

okinrus, you need to spend less time trying to threaten me into believing I will not attain salvation because I reject your beliefs, and spend more time reading, writing, taking typing lessons, etc. If you have something so important that you would want people convinced to believe it, then give it credibility with intelligent communication--or, better yet, shut up.</b></i>
When I write formal writing, I use a word processor that is capable of checking spelling.
Originally posted by okinrus
I believe that all creation, and not just me, myself, are God, and that humanity is on its way to Godly perfection.
Let's see what's wrong with statement. If we are truely God than who is perfection? How can there be a way to to perfection if perfection does not exist? That's fine M*W, believe whatever you want to. You are in a ship with no direction and no north star, tossed upon waves at sea. Perfection is unattainable because it does not exist. If it does not exist, you define your own perfection. And what good is that? It's frightful to imagine a perfect populace as arrogant as you. Thus perfection defined by the individual is relative unless if true perfection exists. It cannot, indeed, be created as you said.
M*W: okinrus, you are too young and uninspired to understand anything about God and his Creation.
You are so simple minded that your narrow vision of creation and humanity (i.e. God) blasphemes our Creator! Who are YOU to say I don't have a god? You're just another
judgmental Christian. </b></i>
M*W: Com' on, young man, this is a cop-out. There is no way at your age you could even begin to know the power of the Creator.
Your being stereotypical.
In time, there will be no more Christianity, so what they think about me is irrelevent. I'm not alone in my vision. </b></i>
So your a prophet now?
M*W: Yes, I am a prophet. There are many prophets, but the TRUE message is the SAME.
"Spelling a few words wrong" does not indicate truthfulness. It indicates incredibility. I have a love for the English language, and I cringe when I see it bastardized like you and soul have just done!
Did I say spelling a few words wrong indicates anything? You need to get a life. This is a public Internet forum with conventions similar to social email. I'd rather you carp at what is actually been said than my spelling; but it seems you are unable to raise any real points, so I'm going to conclude that this is all you have.
M*W: You can conclude anything you want to conclude, but you're lost, so nothing you have to say is worth anything.
To me, "Al-lah" means "ALL,"and this is my perception of our Creator. "God" is just an abbreviation for "good."</b></i>
Allah does not mean "all" in arabic. I'm not questionuing you having Allah as a God, but that you are changing the name of your God so frequently that any rational person would conclude that God is some sort of fad to you. You have not even read the Quran have you? So why do you believe that you can use the term Allah when you don't even have a clue of the meaning of Allah to muslims?
M*W: I have not read the Qur'an in its entirety, and I don't claim I have. I said "Allah means All to ME!" Don't try to change the context of what I have said! Allah is the only God. It's one name for God. There is ONLY ONE GOD, call it whatever you want. I know that I am a part of the God-head, but YOU ARE NOT! There are NO CHRISTIANS in the Godhead! Muslims ARE PART OF THE GODHEAD.
M*W: I'm afraid, okinrus, that you will not live long enough to ever be able to see through me, regardless of what you think
you see.
M*W: No, your stupid ass, I am not predicting your death, I am saying that you are young and inexperienced and believe in a Christian God that doesn't exist. I could care less when your death comes. You're so stupid, that I predict you won't live a long life, however.
Your predicting my death?
By now you should know the story of my Catholicism. I am well aware Catholics call their parish leader "priest." Had your communications skills been at least average, you would have understood that I was referring to soul's "pastor," you know the one who preached those "sermins" that miraculously saved him from his own stupidity?
No, why did you write "hello okinrus" as if I wrote it. I did not write it. In fact, I'd rather avoid discusing what I did not write, but you draw me in with your silly statements.
M*W: I wrote "hello, okinrus..." because of your bastardization of the English language, not that you wrote anything intelligible.
okinrus, you need to spend less time trying to threaten me into believing I will not attain salvation because I reject your beliefs, and spend more time reading, writing, taking typing lessons, etc. If you have something so important that you would want people convinced to believe it, then give it credibility with intelligent communication--or, better yet, shut up.
When I write formal writing, I use a word processor that is capable of checking spelling.
M*W: Obviously, your spell check is faulty. Don't depend on spell check to prevent your horrid spelling. Take a typing class or something. You present yourself as illiterate, and you don't give any credibility to Christianity, if that is your intent.
M*W: okinrus, you are too young and uninspired to understand anything about God and his Creation.
Proof the falacy in my argument then.

M*W: Yes, I am a prophet. There are many prophets, but the TRUE message is the SAME.
Great then. You contradict the Quran which says that Muhammed was the last prophet. You are no prophet and I think we can all see that.

M*W: You can conclude anything you want to conclude, but you're lost, so nothing you have to say is worth anything.
I thought everyone was on this path to perfection? Stop repeating your religious mantras and argue what I say.

M*W: No, your stupid ass, I am not predicting your death, I am saying that you are young and inexperienced and believe in a Christian God that doesn't exist. I could care less when your death comes. You're so stupid, that I predict you won't live a long life, however.
If I'm stupid then find the flaws in my argument.

Now that it seems that your nitpicking my spelling. I tell you truth, learn to quote long passages with quote escapes. I can't differentiate between your words and mine.
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Originally posted by okinrus
Proof the falacy in my argument then.

Great then. You contradict the Quran which says that Muhammed was the last prophet. You are no prophet and I think we can all see that.
M*W: There are many prophets. I am not in competition with Muhammad. That was then, this is now.
I thought everyone was on this path to perfection? Stop repeating your religious mantras and argue what I say.
M*W: I will not stop repeating my religious "mantras" as you call them. I speak the truth. You speak lies.
If I'm stupid then find the flaws in my argument.
M*W: You're young, you're inexperienced, you're not knowledgeable of any religion including Christianity.
Now that it seems that your nitpicking my spelling. I tell you truth, learn to quote long passages with quote escapes. I can't differentiate between your words and mine.
M*W: I'm not surprised. You are young, unlearned, blind to truth, and can't spell. Yet, you profess Christianity in all your illiteracy! I suggest that you grow up, learn the truth (which is NOT Christianity), learn to write like an educated adult, don't confuse truth with fiction, and read everything you can about Christianity so you will come to the conclusion that Christianity is false. You are young enough that you will see the truth, yet old enough that you will know what the truth is and what isn't.