Permission to Lose Virginity

MetaKron Thats why you should change them regually. I mean seriously, my partner changes her pad ever time she goes to the toilet and i assume other women would to. If you change your pad that regually why would you leave one tampon in for a whole day or longer?

They are safe as long as the smallest one that will stop a flow is used and they are changed regually. Also not using them at night would be a good idea too to give it a break

It makes me wonder if magnesium might be part of a good general purpose solution to nasty infections. Obviously a malnourished person is going to be prone to infection.

Good hygiene is important, also. It only makes sense to change pads or tampons as often as practical. I change my underwear more than once a day for similar reasons, whenever it seems needed, just because of sweat and accumulated oily residues.
MetaKron Thats why you should change them regually. I mean seriously, my partner changes her pad ever time she goes to the toilet and i assume other women would to. If you change your pad that regually why would you leave one tampon in for a whole day or longer?

They are safe as long as the smallest one that will stop a flow is used and they are changed regually. Also not using them at night would be a good idea too to give it a break

They are safe even if you use one that is more absorbant than you actually require, (I wouldn't advise it though because it kind of hurts to remove it) and for the most part you'll be okay if you leave it in for longer than 10 hours. TSS is extremely rare, I believe the doctor that I used to work with said there were about 13 cases last year and none of those cases were fatal or caused any permanant complications. Unlike pads, you can't tell how full a tampon is until its practically full otherwise you have to guess. And if you guess wrong you just wasted a perfectly good tampon, cause you can't just put it back. I used to wear pads at night, but that became illogical and uncomfortable, because I can't predict what position I might move into while I'm asleep and if the pad gets bunched up or whatever then it doesn't work. Tampons are much better at night for me. Since I move so much and hate feeling like I'm wearing a wet diaper.
..... I used to wear pads at night, but that became illogical and uncomfortable, because I can't predict what position I might move into while I'm asleep and if the pad gets bunched up or whatever then it doesn't work. Tampons are much better at night for me. Since I move so much and hate feeling like I'm wearing a wet diaper.

I didn't even know about tampons til I went to college, so I was doing the pad/diaper thing for years. :mad:
I understand my Moms feelings about me and sex, but dammit, couldn't she have told me about tampons?!

anyone ever hear the story of how asbestos was put into tampons to make women bleed more, so that more tampons would be used. :rolleyes: Its a simple thing that has been happening almost forever, and yet people are still afraid of it.
I did hear about the asbestos thing, but not until the women from the church told me. I guess maybe some people are afraid that allowing a young girl to use tampons would force them to know more about their bodies. They also mentioned something about masturbation I think, but I had already begun to tune out by then.
Do you think that girls under the age of 17 should have to have their parents permission to use tampons?

There is a church from Nebraska that held a function at my school and they were asking people to sign petitions for a new proposition that they want to push next year. They said that allowing girls to use tampons was allowing them to violate their bodies, like having sex. They consider tampon use the same as losing one's virginity. I guess my real question is do you consider virginity to be more of a physical state or a psychological one?

No, no, no.

They're a bunch of stupid prudes, that's all this is about.
Well, maybe I underestimated the pervertedness of your fellow Indians.

Well, indians pull the strings from childhood.

Why do you worry about how women keep their vaginas clean during periods ? It is their bleeding, their pain, their vaginas, their way of keeping clean. Leave the matter to them, pal.

No conception itself is a good news for the overcrowded globe, bleeding is more natural than jerking off..