Permission to Lose Virginity

inzomnia. They are safe as long as you dont use them 24hours a day and pick the smallest one which will stop your flow.
Yeah like everything else its a matter of hygiene. Using a vaginal wash (also known as douching) for instance may be more harmful than good - squirting things into your vagina could introduce infection by disturbing the normal microflora. Avoiding the use of scented tampons, pads and panty liners (its a vagina, not a flower garden, the products used for scent may irritate your skin and cause inflammation). The vagina (like the rest of your cavities) cleans itself by producing mucus so soap and water works fine for cleansing. Any unpleasant odor may be a sign of an infection and should warrant a trip to the doctor.
bloody churches.

wondering are any women in support of this?

does the church also wanna ban prostate checks? cos i'm thinking i'd probably appreciate that in about 30 years. dudes have holy holes too.

Surgery? Why would I ever need surgery? My success rate when it comes to pleasing women is in excess of 99.9%. If I'm not adequately sized (in the rare situation), I fuck her with my desert eagle. What? Is that somehow weird and unethical to you? If it makes you feel any better, I always keep the safety lock on.

Why are you obsessing about tampons and penises? Is that your job? Some kind of tampon and penis inspector? Is that it? I never made any reference to my own package. I was merely referring to the general shape of tampons. But whatever ... quite frankly, I've used the word penis just way too many times for one conversation.

I'm fine with that.

this is in response to a bunch of your posts.

dude, chicks bleed. deal with it. you sound like a 13 year old boy in sex ed. which i'm wondering if you ever went to.

course a tampon is cock-like. what do you think goes in vaginas? it'd be nice if it was designed to store love hearts and teddy bears, but that's not how shit works.

where's your empathy? every month they get period pain, and get all emotional and on top of that they bleed. you'd deny them a modified cork?

lol the bloody safari stuff you were talking about, does anyone still think kadark actually knew how tampons functioned?

back on topic, its totally ridiculous. the church is putting the pussy on a pedestal, and its just a hole. i think wearing a nappy and bathing in bodily fluids is way less refined.
codanblad put it this way. If you have a finger up the bum every so often you wont have to have your prostate removed if they find a small growth. If however you leave it to the stage where you show symptoms insted of having regular checks then firstly your risking your life but even if you survive thats the compleate end of your sex life. Without a prostate men cant get errections or get off, even viagra wont work if you dont have a prostate
inzomnia. They are safe as long as you dont use them 24hours a day and pick the smallest one which will stop your flow.

Indeed. The reason why TSS has been associated with the use of tampons generally because of the Rely tampons of the 80's (which were designed to hold the entire 5 day menstrual cycle.. scary really). You can get TSS by cutting your finger for example. Getting it by using tampons is extremely rare if proper hygiene is maintained. For example, you wouldn't let one sit there for hours on end... don't know why one would, but you never know.. Nor would you not wash your hands thoroughly before (and after of course) using it.

You can also get TSS from the use of IUD's.

codanblad said:
course a tampon is cock-like. what do you think goes in vaginas? it'd be nice if it was designed to store love hearts and teddy bears, but that's not how shit works.
They are the furthest thing from being penis like. Unless your penis is tiny, made of cotton and has a string attached.. But seriously, it is nothing like a penis at all.


As for the topic of this thread.. How stupid. As I had pointed out before, a woman can use tampons and not break her hymen. Just as a woman can not use tampons and have it tear while riding a bike.
Do you think that girls under the age of 17 should have to have their parents permission to use tampons?

There is a church from Nebraska that held a function at my school and they were asking people to sign petitions for a new proposition that they want to push next year. They said that allowing girls to use tampons was allowing them to violate their bodies, like having sex. They consider tampon use the same as losing one's virginity. I guess my real question is do you consider virginity to be more of a physical state or a psychological one?

no i dont think children under the age of 17 should have they're perents permission to use tampons, whatever makes the girls feal comfortable at that time.

I need to ask, the people starting the petition, where they male??
That's insane, just fuckin' insane. It's no more their business whether girls use tampons than it is their business what toilet paper they wipe their bottoms with.

No, it really isn't. There is nothing dignifying about shoving cotton up your vagina and going on a safari to remove it. If you call that dignity, then you're a very strange person.

Is it degrading yourself to wipe your arse with toilet paper? Or use a condom?
This thread is too much. One thing comes to mind is - who give a F***?

As an aside they are gonna drive these kids insane. The older i get the more i realise that this obsession with female anatomy is just a little disturbing.
Losing your virginity requires a penis.

Oh, hell no. This is THE funniest post I've read today:roflmao::bravo::worship:

Is that how you lost your virginity, Spider? Was he good?

So, ladies. Is this quote correct? Is a penis the only way to lose your virginity?
Its sad that he didn't know that. Not surprising though.

Does anyone know what church this was? I would have loved to have been at the meeting where it was first brought up.

And Cutsie, how was a church allowed to do this at your school?

Well its a big university and their is a free speech area so they just set up camp there. There are always a bunch of people trying to get students to donate or sign petitions or register to vote... yada yada yada. Its rare that we get religious or conservative groups though because I am located in a very liberal city, but I guess they were hitting all of the major universities in the west.
The older i get the more i realise that this obsession with female anatomy is just a little disturbing.

Totally agree.

And to answer a question that a lot of you have been asking, I don't know who came up with this ingenius plan, but most of the people promoting it were middle aged women. And they wanted the opinions of female students, which I guess makes sense because the male students could care less. And the lady that talked to me asked me all of these weird questions about tampon use and virginity and innocent children... I was flabbergasted :eek:
Oh, hell no. This is THE funniest post I've read today:roflmao::bravo::worship:

Is that how you lost your virginity, Spider? Was he good?

So, ladies. Is this quote correct? Is a penis the only way to lose your virginity?

Yes. Unless of course you fuck another woman.
Do you think that girls under the age of 17 should have to have their parents permission to use tampons? There is a church from Nebraska that held a function at my school and they were asking people to sign petitions for a new proposition that they want to push next year. They said that allowing girls to use tampons was allowing them to violate their bodies, like having sex. They consider tampon use the same as losing one's virginity. I guess my real question is do you consider virginity to be more of a physical state or a psychological one?
It sounds like the morons who run this church slept through their sex education class-or probably attended "Christian" schools that don't teach sex ed. They are confusing a hymen with virginity, and they're not equivalent.

Virginity is the state of not yet having had intercourse. There's a substantial minority of teenage girls these days (hard to get the figures but I'd estimate at least 5%) who have only engaged in oral sex, and I'm sure many of them even had orgasms and/or participated in simultaneous oral sex. Do they get to call themselves "virgins" just because they still have hymens?

At the other extreme, there is a small percentage of women who were born without hymens. And plenty more whose hymens are unusually shaped and break easily from strenuous but unremarkable exercise. If they've never had any kind of sexual activity, what kind of religious retard is going to say they're not virgins?

Furthermore, it's a myth that tampon usage destroys the hymen. It does in some girls, usually the ones with the precariously shaped hymens, who could just as easily lose them some other way. And of course using it wrong could increase that possibility, and of course that is what girls are likely to do if they don't get any training in their use from their demented elders.

Nebraska is just about in the precise geometric center of the Bible Belt. Their neighbors in Kansas briefly allowed schoolteachers to teach that evolution is false. So what can you expect from those people and their schools?
I'm just operating under the belief that tampons are disgusting ways of stopping a disgusting process. . . . Bleed with dignity.
Ka-Dork, I'm a MAN and I find these things you say about women unbearably offensive. I know a couple of women who grew up with serious psychological problems stemming from the reaction of some caveman in their family to their first menstrual period.

If I weren't a moderator I'd put you on my Ignore List. But unfortunately moderators don't get to ignore people.
They are generally in the same aisle.


W** gentle glide?????!!!! :mad:

Why can't they sell like masturbator devices for men with "gentle glide" in the same isle than? :mad:
They are the furthest thing from being penis like. Unless your penis is tiny, made of cotton and has a string attached. But seriously, it is nothing like a penis at all.

some people would say the eiffel tower is phallic. but my penis is not a 300m metal structure (when its flacid newayz). assuming cocklike is a very loose description, i maintain tampons are cocklike. maybe asian cocklike.
Bells, a useful tidbit about TSS: I read an article way back when that said that it was found that the fibers in the tampons absorbed magnesium from the fluids of the vagina and that aggravated normal bacteria, causing toxic shock syndrome.
MetaKron Thats why you should change them regually. I mean seriously, my partner changes her pad ever time she goes to the toilet and i assume other women would to. If you change your pad that regually why would you leave one tampon in for a whole day or longer?

They are safe as long as the smallest one that will stop a flow is used and they are changed regually. Also not using them at night would be a good idea too to give it a break
Two cents: Toxic Shock trivia

Bells said:

You can get TSS by cutting your finger for example. Getting it by using tampons is extremely rare if proper hygiene is maintained.

This is one of those things that I don't like to admit to knowing, largely because, well, it is what it is.

Anyway, Michael Adkisson, better known by his ring name, Mike von Erich, one of five brothers to rise to prominence in a legendary family of professional wrestlers, suffered toxic shock syndrome associated with a surgical incision to repair damage to his shoulder after he suffered an injury in a match in Israel. The resulting physical decline, combined with his increasing substance abuse, contributed to his suicide in 1987.

As a side note, two other brothers—Kerry and Chris—also committed suicide. David died of what was likely a drug-induced heart attack. The last brother, Kevin, is apparently still alive at age 52, although he also lost a brother, Jack, at age two. Talk about cursed.

Anyway, that's my two cents' worth of "I can't believe I know this" trivia for the day.