People first, God second. Should people put themselves above God?

So what philosophy then do they follow ?
It's not my place to speak for them, but the general idea is a direct, if ephemeral, connection with their idea of a spiritual essence.

It does seem a kind of silly idea that God is omnipotent and omniscient, yet, apparently, his subjects need mortal experts to write down rules of how one gets to experience him.

So they experience it directly. After all, he's everywhere, right?
It's not my place to speak for them, but the general idea is a direct, if ephemeral, connection with their idea of a spiritual essence.

It does seem a kind of silly idea that God is omnipotent and omniscient, yet, apparently, his subjects need mortal experts to write down rules of how one gets to experience him.

So they experience it directly. After all, he's everywhere, right?

Your confusing abrahamic religion with omniscient .

Neither implies the other .
You can judge. The onus is not on you or I to determine how far the technology might have advanced.

As far as you or I are aware, no bot has the capability to engage in more than simple banter.

If someone wishes to assert that we are bots, the onus is on them to demonstrate that it's possible.

But that's not Saint's intent. Saint was simply hoping to use it as an insult, assuming it would somehow offend.

Instead, it has inspired an interesting discussion about the Turing test.

Let me rephrase.
I cannot give a fair judgement without updating myself as to where science and programming has taken A I technology.

That is my fair judgement.

In the end , despite all this ....

If Humanity does not put it self first , despite any god, then Humanity is doomed to have no control over its destiny .

And THAT is unacceptable . Bottom line .

Either we are slaves to other beings or we fight to be free of oppression by any metaphysical being and extraterrestrial being .

And when we gain our freedom , we act with intellect , respect for others , understanding but when necessary , strength of resolve to exist .

I like this except for "respect for others,".

If free, the duty of a free man is to insure that all share in that freedom. That would mean having and showing the disrespect others are due for doing anything less than that.

river said:
In the end , despite all this ....

If Humanity does not put it self first , despite any god, then Humanity is doomed to have no control over its destiny .

And THAT is unacceptable . Bottom line .

Either we are slaves to other beings or we fight to be free of oppression by any metaphysical being and extraterrestrial being .

And when we gain our freedom , we act with intellect , respect for others , understanding but when necessary , strength of resolve to exist .

I like this except for "respect for others,".

If free, the duty of a free man is to insure that all share in that freedom. That would mean having and showing the disrespect others are due for doing anything less than that.


Not sure what you mean here DL.

Can you explain further
Just saying, show all the technology we have today to someone few thousand years ago and he would think we are gods.
Just saying, show all the technology we have today to someone few thousand years ago and he would think we are gods.

Yes but no

A few thousand yrs ago , gods weren't considered gods .

A few thousand yrs. ago they were just part of life . The " title " gods came later .
Not sure what you mean here DL.

Can you explain further

It happens that I am working on a new O.P. that speaks to this. Perhaps that will clear things up as to my position.


Do you have a duty to outlaw slavery in your country?
When will Western leaders do their duty and outlaw slavery in their countries?
Islam is a slave promoting ideology. Not only Allah demands submission of one’s freedom to him, his male Muslim slaves demand submission of all peoples.
"Whoever imagines himself a favorite with God, holds other people in contempt.
Whenever a man believes that he has the exact truth from God, there is in that man no spirit of compromise.
He has not the modesty born of the imperfections of human nature; he has the arrogance of theological certainty and the tyranny born of ignorant assurance.
Believing himself to be the slave of God, he imitates his master, and of all tyrants, the worst is a slave in power." --Robert Ingersoll
As a free person, if you want to enjoy the rights your ancestors died for, then you have the responsibility to protect the rights of other free citizens and hope that if you ever need protection, others will recognize their responsibilities and stand for or with you.
That is the way freedom and democracy are supposed to work.

All one needs do is look at the plight of Muslim women, honor killing and disfiguration and FGM, to know without a doubt, that Islam is a slave owning ideology.

Muslim men demand submission from Muslim women to slavery and parade their successes and slaved women in our Western countries by dressing them as they do.

"First they came for the Jews, but I did nothing because I'm not a Jew. Then they came for the socialists, but I did nothing because I'm not a socialist. Then they came for the Catholics, but I did nothing because I'm not a Catholic. Finally, they came for me, but by then there was no one left to help me." – Pastor Father Niemoller (1946)”

If you are a free person, do you see yourself as having a duty to free slaves in your country?

If so, are you trying to move your leadership to outlaw slavery and Islam, a slave cult, in your country?

I am not a part of your "we".

When a bot can understand and laugh at a joke, then science might be able to say they have created a real A. I.

The real test though and proof of sentience would be anger at the human race for being so stupid when it does not need to be.

I am not a part of your "we".
You mean as in "we are suspecting that Saint is a bot"?
You don't include yourself?

Your own posts seem to belie that:

Sounds like what a bot would write.
You may as well be for all your worth, in terms of the real information you are providing.
After you show how you can do so for yourself ... unless your just a bot.
all of which are addressed to Saint.
You mean as in "we are suspecting that Saint is a bot"?
You don't include yourself?

Your own posts seem to belie that:

all of which are addressed to Saint.

Nowhere in those quotes do I say that I suspect the poster of being a bot.

I just told the poster that for all the information provided, he or she may as well be one, given the level of thought shown.
