People first, God second. Should people put themselves above God?

This Religion forum is plagued with people who know not True God, people who have deep prejudice.
There is nothing good we can learn here.
But what if one is capable of navigating the family tree and meets the origin of humanity? Is this placing oneself "above" God?

No. That original was a man and that is all we have ever had.

Above the immorality of the Gods on our menu is all we need reach to have better morals than they do have.
There morals are demonstrably lousy.

This Religion forum is plagued with people who know not True God, people who have deep prejudice.
There is nothing good we can learn here.


There is no True God except to fools who are just idol worshipers.

No one can show you your thinking, neither you.
I have doubt the people here are just "computer programs" to answer this thread.
Can you prove that you are human, a fleshy human typing on keyboard?
Show me your pictures.
Anyway, pictures can be fake also, not the real you.
I am skeptical that I am talking to non-human, but computer programs.
This Religion forum is plagued with people who know not True God, people who have deep prejudice.
There is nothing good we can learn here.
Your mistake is thinking that this Religion forum was made for the purpose of preaching.
It wasn't.
It was made for the purpose of discussing.

Stop preaching.
I wondered why you wrote as ignorantly as you do to those who will not join you in belief in the supernatural.
Do you think Saint is suggesting we are computer programs?

I had trouble parsing Saint's sentences.
"I have doubt the people here are just "computer programs" to answer this thread."
and this
"I am skeptical that I am talking to non-human, but computer programs."
suggests Saint thinks we are not programs.

I suppose your interpretation makes more sense.
People who have inferiority complexes have a tendency to try to bring others down below their level.

Saint is manifesting as if the only way s/he can be superior to an opponent is if those opponents are less than human.
That speaks volumes about Saint's self-esteem.

Maybe we're going about this wrong. Maybe Saint feels left out. Maybe Saint wants to be part of the happy, non-judgmental world the rest of us live in, but doesn't know how to be accepted.
Do you think Saint is suggesting we are computer programs?

I had trouble parsing Saint's sentences.
"I have doubt the people here are just "computer programs" to answer this thread."
and this
"I am skeptical that I am talking to non-human, but computer programs."
suggests Saint thinks we are not programs.

I suppose your interpretation makes more sense.
People who have inferiority complexes have a tendency to try to bring others down below their level.

Saint is manifesting as if the only way s/he can be superior to an opponent is if those opponents are less than human.
That speaks volumes about Saint's self-esteem.

Maybe we're going about this wrong. Maybe Saint feels left out. Maybe Saint wants to be part of the happy, non-judgmental world the rest of us live in, but doesn't know how to be accepted.


I see everyone judging many things all the time so I would not say we live in a non-judgemental world.

I would not want to live is such a brain dead place.

Comparatively non-judgmental. As in compared to Saint's judgement.

Saint uses quite an array of epithets to describe people that s/he disagrees with. Certainly more than I am used to in a typical week day.

I was just showing why, perhaps, he does not judge.

He or she does not seem good at it.

There is no proof that the "members" here are human.
Please, give me proof beyond doubt.
There is no proof that the "members" here are human.
Please, give me proof beyond doubt.
Sure. You first.

And since you've kicked that door open, I'm free to comment. Your posts are the most suspicious, with hallmarks of being bot generated. Most of them are not in engaging in two-way discussions, more like sound-bites, as if generated write-only. And the content could be pulled from a "bible thumper's epithets list", written in XML, to wit:

There is one True God and MANY fools do not know him.
Go and buy a Study Bible, and read it with humble prayer.
There is only one place the pagans will go, eternal hell.
Death in eternal hell.
The pagans always thought that they know Bible with their foolishness.

Tell you what, you assume others are humans, and we'll assume you are.
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