People first, God second. Should people put themselves above God?

Greatest I am

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People first, God second. Should people put themselves above God?

Jesus put people above God and so should we. “Mark 2;27 And he said unto them, The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath: 28Therefore, the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.”

I think that the world would be a better place if people put their wants and needs as well as the wants and needs of other people above God’s.

I look at all the wealth that religions squander on themselves with huge churches and mosques, which are mostly empty, --- while many people still live in poverty and despair, --- and wonder if that wealth would be better spent on the poor. That would conform more to what Jesus taught us to do for the poor.

Governments seem to be of the same mindset as the religions as they spend lavishly on themselves while the poor go with their needs ignored.

I would think that religions would show the better mindset but that does not seem to be the case.

Before religions started thinking of God as a literal and real being, a more peaceful world, religiously speaking, home churches were the order of the day. Archeology has proven this. They were used as feeding stations for the poor and destitute and contributed more to the fellowship that people need more that the mega churches, temples and mosques that we have today.

Should we consider the benefits of the older ways and bring religion back into the homes where it’s expression and help for the poor can be better served?

Seems to me that the religious crave a personal relationship with their God, and that is best expressed from homes and not from the self-aggrandizing mega monstrosities and opulent churches and mosques that advertise their wasted wealth in our cities.

Does charity really begin at home, by putting people first and not God?

@ op God puts your needs first, and he finds love. If God loved you, he would also fall in love first, go figure.
@ op God puts your needs first, and he finds love. If God loved you, he would also fall in love first, go figure.

Love, to be true love, must be expressed in works and deeds just as Jesus indicated faith was. It must also be returned by the recipient as it takes two or more for love to be true love.

If God loves anyone and does not express it with works and deeds, then it cannot be true love.

Its humanism to put humans before anything which would make sane sense. What good does it to put god before humans? The very reason humans believe in god in any way, shape or form is to benefit humans most anyways.

But there are truly astoundingly depraved people who reject humanism using religion (not their welfare, mind you) for the purpose of manipulating 'others' to sacrifice themselves through some type of blind subservience programming and to not question authority whether its through sexism, racism, social hierarchy etc.
The very reason humans believe in god in any way, shape or form is to benefit humans most anyways.
I think it goes without saying that the premise of the topic is that God exists. If that is not the premise then the question makes little sense.

So, presuming God exists, it does not follow that humans believing in God is mostly for the benefit of humans.

It would be like saying believing the Earth is round is mostly for the benefit of humans.
I think it goes without saying that the premise of the topic is that God exists. If that is not the premise then the question makes little sense.

So, presuming God exists, it does not follow that humans believing in God is mostly for the benefit of humans.

It would be like saying believing the Earth is round is mostly for the benefit of humans.

Okay but worshipping it then would be pointless then unless you believe god is going to reciprocate or favor you in some way. We know things exist but we dont pray to it or ask for favors.
Okay but worshipping it then would be pointless then unless you believe god is going to reciprocate or favor you in some way.

I mean, if nothing else, God will at least reciprocate by letting us (people or species) live.

Its revealing how humans have the capacity to be dumber than any lifeform on this planet. When humans become ungrounded or become too removed from basic natural instincts, they become unnatural and even destructive to themselves as well as their own. This is one of the reasons humans are far more capable of harm to even their own tribe than animals. Case in point, humans are far more capable of detaching to the point of abuse and coldness even to their own offspring than any other species. There are positives and negatives to a brain that can veer completely off into artificial territory disconnecting, fragmenting or less tethered of primary root truths. A more complicated brain but coupled with stupidity and/or depravity thats capable of more creativity but divorced from reality can breed lots of twisted dangerous bs and insanity. Thats when humans can learn a few things about getting back to uh, reality by observing the animal kingdom like fuking just take care of yourself and dont worry about pleasing some imaginary god, you imbeciles, with your crazy sacrifices and bizarre ideas.

Yeah like food, shelter, taking care of your family etc like animals know they need to do. Anything not to this end or veering from this is pointless, waste or just batshit crazy.

Improvement is always good BUT if one becomes disconnected from the natural foundation of 'why', then weird chaos and destruction is the result.

Most animals would be fighting tooth and nail for the wellbeing and safety of their offspring (yeah, love?) not like a stupid human so easily brainwashed away from natural instinctive truths with some 'vague' sense of not wanting to sacrifice their child etc because the idiot human can be programmed or brainwashed with anything into its head even dismissive, easily mislead or ignoring all natural healthy sense and truth. Duh?

The mind can be a great tool or the cruelest taskmaster and worst deciever. Sometimes if you lose your way into insanity, trace back to roots and there you will find again sanity and freshness and true reasons for your existence and why?Simplicity is the truth. Just like how animals can show one the meaning of true friendship, family, loyalty, genuine affection, joy in the good things of nature etc. They dont need god or religion to show them that. They just didnt let their brains get ahead of their heart or instincts, so to speak!!! You still need both to make real improvements because those instincts are going to be the reason why or else you are more foolish than animals by putting the cart before the horse just the same!! Why do people think we are going organic, recycling, trying to get more back to nature etc. Because blind advancement and striving for domination at any cost is stupid, destructive and unhealthy just as well.
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Investigate the history of the flood .

Humanity will only survive once we understand our roots . Which it seems not many take seriously. They should though .

Humanity survival is based on our Humanity towards Humanity . Otherwise we will be destroyed utterly.
Another way to phrase the topic is, should children put themselves ahead of their parents? If they did, they could eat candy and cake all day, play video games anytime they want, and even skip school if they wish. Parents make you do stupid things that are boring and often require work.

The main western religions have God the father, instead of God the mother. Only the Catholic religion has a high level female figure; Mother Mary. This symbolism is based on an extrapolation of family unit. Mothers are easier for children to manipulate, using emotional manipulation. This is due to the unconditional love of the mother for her children. God the mother religions, would be it like there is no parent in charge. She is more like a maid, who cleans up after the mess, with her unconditional love. If you skip school and pretend to feel remorse, mother forgives you. The father is more about conditional love; go to school and candy is a treat not a meal or else, your punished. This forces the child to do what they don't wish to do. This is not fun, until they develop the wisdom of age and can see the logic behind less impulse and extra work.

If you look at the inner cities; symbolically, where there are often only one parent, mother, God the mother, does the best she can. She seems to be able to reach the girls better than the boys. The boys do not have a male figure, and leave the home; no religion. They join gangs and get into trouble trying to look cool. God the father is connected to the need of the boys, so they can become men, and not a source of dereliction and destruction. If culture was only women, God the mother would be sufficient. This is only one step away from no religion. But since there are also men, and men can do more damage; war, they need a father to help structure their minds; work before impulse.
People first, God second. Should people put themselves above God?

No. If God exists, if God is truly divine and worthy of worship, if God is ultimate reality and ultimate goodness, and if God is the source of salvation for all beings, then God would seem to be infinitely more important than we are. Focusing on humans would seem to be the worst sort of short-sightedness and self-regard.

I think that the world would be a better place if people put their wants and needs as well as the wants and needs of other people above God’s.

You don't think they already do that?
Another way to phrase the topic is, should children put themselves ahead of their parents?

Yes, children should try to exceed whatever their parents are and eventually place themselves above them.

That is what I want for my children.

That is not quite the same as adults placing themselves above an imaginary God.

No. If God exists, if God is truly divine and worthy of worship, if God is ultimate reality and ultimate goodness, and if God is the source of salvation for all beings, then God would seem to be infinitely more important than we are. Focusing on humans would seem to be the worst sort of short-sightedness and self-regard.

You don't think they already do that?

If they do, good.

To your first. Focusing on an imaginary God is what is short-sightedness and self-regarding as the faithful is the one to benefit from idol worship and not a God.

But what if one is capable of navigating the family tree and meets the origin of humanity? Is this placing oneself "above" God?