People created god?

That whole bit sounds like a frustrated angel to me.
Saying something like: "We've done all this work and we have not succeeded in getting the population of this region to believe in God." :):)

Well God is saying it through the angel. He is just exclaiming who doesn't believe in what Gabriel brought down from Him is for good intent and purpose and some people still disbelieve after they have been shown clear signs, because they are immoral and they claim to believe and but in fact do not believe to begin with.
Well God is saying it through the angel. He is just exclaiming who doesn't believe in what Gabriel brought down from Him is for good intent and purpose and some people still disbelieve after they have been shown clear signs, because they are immoral and they claim to believe and but in fact do not believe to begin with.
Well it reads differently to me. But go back to your own experiences, it sounded like you wanted to share something with us. Did you have a God Experience?:)
Well it reads differently to me. But go back to your own experiences, it sounded like you wanted to share something with us. Did you have a God Experience?:)

Lol. The only thing I was trying to do is share some truth and I believe I did.
Lol. The only thing I was trying to do is share some truth and I believe I did.
Well if that was it I missed it!
Sounds a bit like life in general.
This is a science forum, but it appears more a anti-God forum to me, and the opposition are tough, and don't take old fashioned arguments like quotes from the Koran or the Bible as proof of anything.
I don't base my beliefs on quotes, but experiences of God.
I would liken myself to Mohammed, and his experiences. OK he got the following but I haven't. Unless you can stand out in the paddock and bring fire down these guys are not going to change their atheistic point of view. :)
Well if that was it I missed it!

The first quote about you controlling anything I receive from God even if I have invented God.

You do not control anything I receive from God whether you believe in God or not. That is a true statement. Simplest form of truth.

Sounds a bit like life in general.

That's the whole point of reading The Koran. Teaches basic knowledge and principals nothing fancy or crazy as atheists stereotype. They never bothered to read.

This is a science forum, but it appears more a anti-God forum to me, and the opposition are tough, and don't take old fashioned arguments like quotes from the Koran or the Bible as proof of anything.

True it is a science forum and an anti-God one, the religion section is for them to mock, you don't actually think it was for intelligent discussions about religion, lol. That one made me laugh. They ain't tough, they just refuse to believe reason. Denial. Like the other quote, "they will never be convinced," unless they see magic.

I don't base my beliefs on quotes, but experiences of God.
I would liken myself to Mohammed, and his experiences. OK he got the following but I haven't. Unless you can stand out in the paddock and bring fire down these guys are not going to change their atheistic point of view. :)

"Those who believe and those who are Jews, Christians and Sabeans, [in fact] anyone who believes in God and the Last Day, and acts honorably will receive their earnings from their Lord: no fear will lie upon them nor need they feel saddened."-Koran
"Those who believe and those who are Jews, Christians and Sabeans, [in fact] anyone who believes in God and the Last Day, and acts honorably will receive their earnings from their Lord: no fear will lie upon them nor need they feel saddened."-Koran
This is going to be put to the test!
All I see are Christians being beaten up by the Muslims and I have had enough of it. But what can I do? I don't see the tolerance you seem to imply.
"Those who believe and those who are Jews, Christians and Sabeans, [in fact] anyone who believes in God and the Last Day, and acts honorably will receive their earnings from their Lord: no fear will lie upon them nor need they feel saddened."-Koran
This is going to be put to the test!
All I see are Christians being beaten up by the Muslims and I have had enough of it. But what can I do? I don't see the tolerance you seem to imply.

That just implies that it does not matter what you are or who you are as long as you believe in God and do good deeds and are a good person you will go to haven. To put it in simple words.

It has nothing to do with what people do to each other. What they do to each other is their own hands in the name of something they do not believe in, in order to further their agenda. I am ashamed that even so called Muslims do unspeakable things, but if that is the case they are not Muslims they just call themselves Muslims. That goes for every nation and religion. I have come to realize the mistakes comes from the mind of the person (intentions) and not from what proceed to pretend to be or the cause they fight for.
You don't control anything I receive even if you believe in Him or not. Quote is in The Koran for people who believe in God to tell people who like to argue about such things. Smart Fellow He is. Wise.

No, a fly has a body and I can see it and touch it so it is from this realm. I doubt anyone has seen God or touched God. It is not the same in any way.

"Or were they created out of nothing, or are they their own creators? Or did they create Heaven and Earth? Rather they will never be convinced."-Koran

Another quote from the Koran. You will never be convinced unless I show you magic tricks. That God Fellow is pretty Wise for a 1500 year old fairy tale.

Lesson here don't listen to "those religious people" you so heard they say and do and nonsense. Go read The Koran, The Bible, and Torah. Make an assessment and think about it, use your reason and see what you find. The burden of proof is on yourself if you want to believe in God, not on someone else.

"God does not change what any people may have
until they change whatever they themselves have."-Koran

In the Bible there are talking snakes, and talking bushes, but you think that someone talking to a fly is crazy.
They base all their opinions on mere books written by wich may have been people we would commit to the psychiatric ward or not.. who knows...
SAY: "Even if men and sprites organized to produce something like this Reading, they would never bring anything like it no matter how much assistance they lent one another." We have set forth every [kind of] parable for mankind in this Reading; yet most men refuse to do anything except disbelieve.-Koran

Talking about you guys.

That is in the bible, I don't think there was a talking snake in The Koran.
Pariah I knew, but for some reason I keep getting Saturn and Jupiter (Jovial) mixed I thought you were happy about being a pariah.
I am happy to be a pariah most of the time...however whenever I do want to make friends or have conversation...people ignore me or pre-judge me for being atheist. I do it to some extent ( being that most people that I encounter in real life are ignorant or complete idiots) however I choose to be pariah. I’m an introvert with Asperger Syndrome so that’s double whammy for anti-social behavior stacked against me. I do not value my or anyone else’s emotions as much, empathy and communication with neurotypicals is straining. I value intellect more over emotion and feelings. This is why religion doesn’t appeal to me. Religion is about faith and your feelings…both of which are questioned and push aside by my mind for cold hard truisms. I find society to be annoying and rather perplexing and filled with hypocrisy to the brim. We are labeled dangerous for not displaying enough emotion or being cold and heartless. I’ve dealt with prejudice all my life.Having to be grouped in with the mentally disabled,( I’m talking Down’s Syndrome and Sever Mental Retardation) never fitting in with my classmates, always alone. But I have found friends and they understand me for who I am. Even if I’m a minority in world filled with “normal” neurotypicals I’m happy to be pariah…at least I know that I’m unique and not just another dumb “normal” sheep
ok ok, i see your point. But a metaphor that makes people kill eachother, abandon other races/classes/species/food/environments just for a methaphor? I do agree that most religions have valuable lessons to be learned for modern society even. Not all but some, like to treat eachother with respect or not kill eachother over nothing (even tho that has happened very often in history thats the irony really).

People should respect each other without the need to believe in fairy tales. is pretty high in cholesterol...
I think it was to break the life cycle of really serious zoonotic diseases.
Though "Tasty," Wild Pork May Be Dangerous

In the new research, DePerno and colleagues found evidence of exposure to the parasites Toxoplasma gondii and Trichinella in the blood of 83 wild pigs killed in North Carolina between 2007 and 2009.

The results are very similar to those of studies conducted in other parts of the country—including Texas and South Carolina—that show feral pigs could be disease vectors, DePerno said.

(See "Wild Pigs in U.S. Spreading Disease, Ruining Property, Experts Say.")

However, this is the first time scientists have found these particular parasite species in wild pigs, he said.

Although T. gondii and Trichinella have been eliminated in domestic swine, more people these days are hunting wild pigs for food, DePerno said.

"They're pretty tasty—more flavorful than domestic pigs."

People would most likely be infected by eating parasite-ridden meat. Once transmitted, both parasitic species can invade muscle tissue and organs and cause flulike symptoms, DePerno said.
@Rob --

You know what kills trichinella and toxoplasma gondii effectively? Cooking your meat thoroughly, something that was within the grasp of even cavemen. The presence of those parasites is hardly hazardous.

Plus, how could one ancient tribe have attempted to prevent parasitic infection when they didn't even know about parasitism yet?