People created god?

Who created the creator?

Uh yeah... I believe that's what we've been saying. It's a control mechanism.

The same what was before the Big Bang ? ( who created the creator )

I can mention only about our planet . We don't know how life come to this planet ? It have come from some other place in the universe.

What would happen to us humans if there would not be any control ?
The same what was before the Big Bang ? ( who created the creator )

I can mention only about our planet . We don't know how life come to this planet ? It have come from some other place in the universe.

What would happen to us humans if there would not be any control ?
IF you have a point;
THEN you are not doing a good job of expressing it;
People created god?

Are you using "god" to mean the word and the associated concepts that go with it? Or does "god" mean the supernatural being that the word and concepts supposedly refer to?

I think that it's indisputable that people, both individually and culturally, form their own concepts of god. But it's less clear that those concepts are all that there is of god. Humans have formed their own concepts of the Sun as well, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a star up there in the sky irradiating us.

So the question of whether or not god exists in reality, independently of what we might think, or only exists in our own myths still stands.

In my personal opinion, i think religion is a big laugh and a big money pot. I seem to fail badly in understanding why peope exactly believe, or at least still believe. I really could not come up with 1 point wich would make sense.

I'm an agnostic, but not nearly as cynical about religion as you seem to be.

People have believed for ages. Why? Well if we look back on the pyschology of the human being it is logical one seeks answers to their questions. People have been on the rise to power ever since we developed our own consciousness. People have used power ever since they knew how it worked. The difference between people exists so one may have more need for power than one other.

That's "power" in three successive sentences. I take a far less Foucauldian view of intellectual life. I don't see it all as a game of power. Not at all.

My own speculation is that some kind or religiosity has probably existed since before human beings were entirely human. Homo erectus appears to have collected human skulls on occasion. Perhaps he was just hungry and liked to eat brains. But maybe it was something more than that. He also used fire and it's hard to imagine how a paleolithic hominid could have conceived of fire as anything other than a supernatural force. Fire was a wonderful, dangerous and uncanny thing and fire-tenders might have been the world's first magicians/shamans/priests.

Between the ones that seek power more than others are two groups: The dumb and the smart. The smart obviously used power in a more efficient way than the dumb (or less smart if it offends anyone). To get to my point: If one that is smart had the tools to invent a being as god to control a certain society would one use it or not use it?

I agree that smarter people probably had more input into creating the mythologies, the traditional tales that were told around paleolithic campfires. But I don't believe that they were knowingly lying, trying to create bullshit with which to control and exploit their fellows. The stories probably evolved slowly as they were told over and over and over, and weren't simply invented all at once by somebody hungry for power. I'm sure that the story-tellers believed too. Why wouldn't they?
You bring up some good points. But why are there less wars? Because we are being controlled in a better way not only refering to religion. The only countries where people still think are the countries without tv's and media. They are the ones being bombed down and tried to control. Why the surge for power is so big in my point of view? Humans are animals. Animals are a good example of how instinct works. We still have instinct, power is a very great asset in our instinct. People have been on the surge for power ever since they existed. Same reason peace will never exist. As long as animals still see others as either a threat or prefer certain people.

And yes i am a very cynical person. But i am one that researches allot. When we take a good look at how humans mindset works, its most logical that one controls its society by various means. It has been done in allot of ways in history.

Any god concept scares the shit out of people.. why? Because its an almighty being. No matter if its a supernatural existence or a guy in the sky looking down at you. It has to be supernatural or at least superior.

But yes there is always the maybe factor in allot of things in life and that is why i came here to discuss these :)
Who created the creator?
to you take the view that the universe is bereft of absolutely any eternal components?

Uh yeah... I believe that's what we've been saying. It's a control mechanism.
God's existence + knowledgeable society = repercussions in societal order

Anything less is simply not logical.

IOW citing societal control as grounds for undercutting the existence of god is kind of like citing wetness as grounds for undercutting the existence of water
water is wet, water can be seen, wet is an aspect of water. If you can name me 1 logical aspect that god has or even 1 logical explanation that one exists id praise you, sadly for you no one can, no one ever could, because its hoping for something that isnt there. When you die your in the ground simple as that. Life = energy. Energy can be seen/felt/measured/etc. If god was an energy, there would be proof for him to exist. Sadly to me it has proven multiple times that relgious history is one of the funniest and most shocking stuff ever seen.
water is wet, water can be seen, wet is an aspect of water. If you can name me 1 logical aspect that god has or even 1 logical explanation that one exists id praise you, sadly for you no one can, no one ever could, because its hoping for something that isnt there. When you die your in the ground simple as that. Life = energy. Energy can be seen/felt/measured/etc. If god was an energy, there would be proof for him to exist. Sadly to me it has proven multiple times that relgious history is one of the funniest and most shocking stuff ever seen.

Maybe he's dark energy? :shrug:
water is wet, water can be seen, wet is an aspect of water.
then you are now proposing a different argument than "societal control = basis for people creating god
If you can name me 1 logical aspect that god has or even 1 logical explanation that one exists id praise you, sadly for you no one can, no one ever could, because its hoping for something that isnt there.
advocating that god be seen as one can see water is hardly logical since one belongs to a category that is dull matter and the other is a type of consciousness that all other types of consciousness is contingent on.

This doesn't mean that there is no way to collect a solid basis for god's existence (because there are a host of ways to collect info about other personalities who are ontologically superior to ourselves - eg one's parents, the president etc) - I'm merely pointing out that you are going about all the wrong way.
When you die your in the ground simple as that. Life = energy. Energy can be seen/felt/measured/etc.
yet if one wants to talk about what are the exact requisites of energy to grant life all one gets is waffle ....

If god was an energy, there would be proof for him to exist.
The problem with your empirical analysis is that empiricism, by its very nature, can only ever hope to have scope to a metonymic perspective.

IOW the knowledge it offers is partial at best (and inaccurate at worst - which is why it constantly gets updated).

So when you talk about god not existing because he doesn't exist in current understandings about energy, its not really valid since energy systems are nowhere near (nor can can they hope to be via empiricism) fully understood

Sadly to me it has proven multiple times that relgious history is one of the funniest and most shocking stuff ever seen.
What is sad is when persons insist on the standard of empiricism for proof in all things since it renders existence shallow and absurd and not even practical (if one is happy to live in an absurd shallow world)
@lightgigantic --

to you take the view that the universe is bereft of absolutely any eternal components?

If you're going to posit eternal components to the universe then why posit one for which there is no(and according to some can be no) evidence? Why not save a step and just posit an eternal universe?

Even with our modern view of physics there are several respectable theories which would account for such a universe. Positing a god is just so....messy and complicates and doesn't even answer any questions.

Personally I don't see any need to posit an eternal universe, so why bother positing anything eternal?
@lightgigantic --

If you're going to posit eternal components to the universe then why posit one for which there is no(and according to some can be no) evidence?
interested to hear how you propose one evidences something eternal ....

Why not save a step and just posit an eternal universe?
because it simply begs the question which parts or qualities of the universe one is referring to as eternal
Even with our modern view of physics there are several respectable theories which would account for such a universe.
respectable by whom?
Positing a god is just so....messy and complicates and doesn't even answer any questions.
Feel free to reference those "modern views" that account for the universe that aren't messy (or unnecessary) and that answer any questions ...


Personally I don't see any need to posit an eternal universe, so why bother positing anything eternal?
Then you are left with the problem of incorporating "nothing" into a sequence of cause and effect
You bring up some good points. But why are there less wars? Because we are being controlled in a better way not only refering to religion. The only countries where people still think are the countries without tv's and media. They are the ones being bombed down and tried to control. Why the surge for power is so big in my point of view? Humans are animals. Animals are a good example of how instinct works. We still have instinct, power is a very great asset in our instinct. People have been on the surge for power ever since they existed. Same reason peace will never exist. As long as animals still see others as either a threat or prefer certain people.

And yes i am a very cynical person. But i am one that researches allot. When we take a good look at how humans mindset works, its most logical that one controls its society by various means. It has been done in allot of ways in history.

Any god concept scares the shit out of people.. why? Because its an almighty being. No matter if its a supernatural existence or a guy in the sky looking down at you. It has to be supernatural or at least superior.

But yes there is always the maybe factor in allot of things in life and that is why i came here to discuss these :)
It doesn't make sense to say "man created God". For the first person to tell another there was a god would have been laughed at for the rest would be like the atheists are today.

Unless the first person was like the wisest person in the land and was able to control things with his mind and had unnaturally refined powers of psychic ability, and could foretell the future (the sort of things I can do) no one would take any notice.
This wise person would explain these things as "they come from God", for there is no obvious explanation as to how these things are possible if there wasn't some form of help. For that is why I say there is a God, for how can I do what I do?:)
@lightgigantic --

ecause it simply begs the question which parts or qualities of the universe one is referring to as eternal

Still simpler than an eternal god that we have literally zero evidence of.
It doesn't make sense to say "man created God". For the first person to tell another there was a god would have been laughed at for the rest would be like the atheists are today.

Unless the first person was like the wisest person in the land and was able to control things with his mind and had unnaturally refined powers of psychic ability, and could foretell the future (the sort of things I can do) no one would take any notice.
This wise person would explain these things as "they come from God", for there is no obvious explanation as to how these things are possible if there wasn't some form of help. For that is why I say there is a God, for how can I do what I do?:)

People will say almost anything, and it will be accepted when nobody knows the answer. Take a look at Quantum Physics... :D
I think my post on origins of religion is helpful with this one. If u would be kind enough to read and respond to it. In it I explain, and it is the answer to ur title, which is why its relevant, that humans created gods of religions as a social tool.
I think my post on origins of religion is helpful with this one. If u would be kind enough to read and respond to it. In it I explain, and it is the answer to ur title, which is why its relevant, that humans created gods of religions as a social tool.

I believe the religion tool factor was necessary and at the present also is necessary
I think my post on origins of religion is helpful with this one. If u would be kind enough to read and respond to it. In it I explain, and it is the answer to ur title, which is why its relevant, that humans created gods of religions as a social tool.
Could you repeat that one for me?:)
Societal control is not my only thought why man created god, there is more to go with it. But imo that is one of the big factors. Do you believe that everything you see on tv is just to "entertain" you? That what you see on discovery channel is from the current year? Do you believe that we are not kept busy to keep us from thinking? regarding if its religion or not, we are being controlled that is nearly certain. Religion is just a very good tool to win the other 20% that do not work or are criminals. Like thugs or mafia. Maybe im thinking to much about it.

On the energy thing, i know we havent reached anywhere near what we want to know. Like how we still dont know how the brain completely works or whats on the bodem of the ocean. If there was a god even in the form of an energy with conciousness, why would it have the need to not show or fix this cruel idiotic world. Letting nature take its course? how.. he created the nature... he already knew what the course was.

Not to mention how many other beings are in god stories. I have read the catholic bible and the jehova whitnesses bible and it speaks of angels and higher beings. How come in those days energy did contact humans? How come people that claim to have voices in their heads are just plain lunatics these days? No more miracles. Not to mention that all miracles Jezus performed where mentioned numerous times in different religions with different profets.
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