People are the most ill-equipped animals(for wilderness survival)

I'd think she would probably kill you in order for her to survive but you wouldn't do that to her to survive.

I wouldn't kill him for my survival, but I would for my children's. If he died naturally, I would eat him, not bury him. OR use him as bait to catch other animals.

And Enmos, you asked about bears. I don't have to outrun a bear. I would just have to outrun you. :D
I've always wondered why survivors of small plane crashes in remote areas don't set the plane on fire. They don't even do that on survival shows.

Modern jet fuel is far too efficient to make smoke.

Smoke is created depending on the efficiency of the fire, the less efficient it is, the more smoke. Jet fuel is pretty efficient, thats why you dont see smoke coming out of the airplane jet engines in flight.

But if you have ever tossed water on a large fire youll notice a ton of smoke comes up, its part steam, but mostly smoek because the fire is becoming significantly less efficient
I wouldn't kill him for my survival, but I would for my children's. If he died naturally, I would eat him, not bury him. OR use him as bait to catch other animals.

And Enmos, you asked about bears. I don't have to outrun a bear. I would just have to outrun you. :D

I was thinking about your children when I posted my response. I knew you had to help them to survive as well along with yourself for they are a part of you.
And Enmos, you asked about bears. I don't have to outrun a bear. I would just have to outrun you. :D

True, but you'll have to keep me alive for that, and be friends with me if you want me to run in the same direction.
I doubt you will be able to outrun me though ;)

I asked if you lived in bear country because bears will come for your leftovers.
If you want to know how poorly people adapt and survive, turn off their power for long enough for their food supply to spoil and/or run out. I think it's safe to say that the majority of us living in first world countries would be absolutely screwed, save for a few who really know how to live off the land and have done so. But those few will also have to learn how to form a community of people who think and act like them, because alone is much harder than in small groups. The stupid and the anti-social would be among the first to perish, whether it by by starvation, exposure or some Darwinesque termination.

But one only has to look at tribal culture in third world countries like Africa and South America. Tribes can thrive and exist without all that we have today, and survive very well. Even some into their 70's and 80's. Humans aren't ill-equipped, we are ill-prepared for the most part, but not all of us. Most of the cities would be in ruins fast though, and I'd venture you'd more likely be killed by someone elses bullet than by an animal or the elements.

Our strength comes in our intelligence and our sense of community. Our herd instinct, if you will.
If you want to know how poorly people adapt and survive, turn off their power for long enough for their food supply to spoil and/or run out. I think it's safe to say that the majority of us living in first world countries would be absolutely screwed, save for a few who really know how to live off the land and have done so. But those few will also have to learn how to form a community of people who think and act like them, because alone is much harder than in small groups. The stupid and the anti-social would be among the first to perish, whether it by by starvation, exposure or some Darwinesque termination.

But one only has to look at tribal culture in third world countries like Africa and South America. Tribes can thrive and exist without all that we have today, and survive very well. Even some into their 70's and 80's. Humans aren't ill-equipped, we are ill-prepared for the most part, but not all of us. Most of the cities would be in ruins fast though, and I'd venture you'd more likely be killed by someone elses bullet than by an animal or the elements.

Our strength comes in our intelligence and our sense of community. Our herd instinct, if you will.

megga dittos
Most "civilized" humans don't have the mental endurance, emotional ability or will to survive. Many would starve, thinking there's nothing to eat, with bugs & other food all around. Some would panic at the sight or sound of a wild animal. Being chased by a bear or wolf, many wouldn't even think to climb a tree. Some, seeing cute pups or cubs, would run up to pet them.

What do bears have to do with ice cream???
Most "civilized" humans don't have the mental endurance, emotional ability or will to survive. Many would starve, thinking there's nothing to eat, with bugs & other food all around. Some would panic at the sight or sound of a wild animal. Being chased by a bear or wolf, many wouldn't even think to climb a tree. Some, seeing cute pups or cubs, would run up to pet them.

What do bears have to do with ice cream???

Climbing a tree wouldn't do much good when a bear is following you. In fact, running away would do much good either. If he wants you dead you're pretty much dead, if you don't have any weapons or some shelter.
Maybe I should have said the right tree but people have escaped bears by climbing trees.
There are usually weapons in the wild if 1 can recognize & use them.
Maybe I should have said the right tree but people have escaped bears by climbing trees.
There are usually weapons in the wild if 1 can recognize & use them.

Bears can climb trees pretty well, but perhaps a very densely branched tree would prove too big an obstacle for a bear.
As for weapons, I don't think hitting it with a big stick or throwing rocks at it is going to do you any good. You may just enrage it more.
I seem to be arguing both sides of this. While most "civilized" humans are ill equipped to survive in the wild, some can do so quite confidently. I am 1. I knew bears climb trees.
Density is 1 factor.
Throwing rocks can be very effective if done right. Most people wouldn't do it right.
I seem to be arguing both sides of this. While most "civilized" humans are ill equipped to survive in the wild, some can do so quite confidently. I am 1. I knew bears climb trees.
Density is 1 factor.
Throwing rocks can be very effective if done right. Most people wouldn't do it right.

Well the problem is that you have to be sure to do it right, or not do it at all. But I don't think that an already enraged bear would be put off by rocks.
Another thing is, from what position are you throwing rocks ? You may not have time to go looking for some.
The best thing to do, imo, is not looking directly at it and not startle it in any way.
If it already is enraged and comes after you, drop down and play dead. And hope for the best.
(Not that this aspect pertains to me.) Why right or not at all when earlier you assume a bear following you means you absolutely have no chance???
(Not that this aspect pertains to me.) Why right or not at all when earlier you assume a bear following you means you absolutely have no chance???

I was assuming you were talking about throwing rocks at a bear that wasn't already enraged. My earlier post was about a bear that already comes after you.
But either way I doubt throwing rocks would do any good, I was just trusting you on it ;)
The best thing to do, imo, is not looking directly at it and not startle it in any way.
If it already is enraged and comes after you, drop down and play dead. And hope for the best.

Not startle it? I thought we were discussing escaping a bear.

WHOA! Not me in 99% of possible situations! I doubt that'd be best for most others too. Running can aggravate the situation but staying absolutely still once he's interested will most likely have him investigating you up close & personal.
Not startle it? I thought we were discussing escaping a bear.
Yea, but I thought you were talking about bears in general.
Usually bears only attack when they are startled. I think I heard the eye-contact bit on some documentary.
The first sentence is about a close encounter, the second sentence is when the bear already went apeshit ;)

WHOA! Not me in 99% of possible situations! I doubt that'd be best for most others too. Running can aggravate the situation but staying absolutely still once he's interested will most likely have him investigating you up close & personal.
He will be investigating you and most likely decide you are not a threat any longer. You might get mauled in the process, but the bear is less likely to kill you.
Running would certainly aggravate the situation. Unless you have an escape close by I wouldn't.
Actually, it depends on the bear. For a grizzly, it would be better to play dead unless he starts charging, in which case the best plan is to fight back with your legs spread far apart and your elbows up to avoid clawing and to prevent the bear from flipping you over for any reason. Once he has you on the ground flipped over, all bets are off as to your survival. If it is a black bear, the best thing to do is to fight back making a lot of noise. You cannot outrun a bear, and you are safer facing the bear than you are being attacked from behind.

If you are going to play dead, lay on your side in a ball, or face down flat with your hands behind your head protecting your neck. But if he's already stalking you, and treating you like dinner, it's already too late to play dead.

As I said, community is important. Always travel or camp together because most bears will not attack a camp or group of six or more.