Pearl Harbor, foreshadowing 9/11


I'm responding to this post from fedr808. It's somewhat off topic in the thread it was in, so creating this thread for it.

Sorry ive been gone for a while peeps:p But scott answer this question, how did the US decode a Japanese transmission if the cypher was actually solved around 1-2 years later? Did someone have a time machine or something?

Look, I don't know about this cypher issue. But the case that FDR allowed Pearl Harbor to be attacked is immensely strong. I'll start off with some background information:
1904 - The Japanese destroyed the Russian navy in a surprise attack in undeclared war.

1932 - In the Grand Joint Army-Navy Exercises, 152 aircraft carrier planes caught the defenders of Pearl Harbor completely by surprise. It was a Sunday.

1938 - Admiral Ernst King led a carrier-born airstrike from the USS Saratoga successfully against Pearl Harbor in another exercise.

1940 - FDR ordered the fleet transferred from the West Coast to its exposed position in Hawaii and ordered the fleet remain stationed at Pearl Harbor over complaints by its commander Admiral Richardson that there was inadequate protection from air attack and no protection from torpedo attack. Richardson felt so strongly that he twice disobeyed orders to berth his fleet there and he raised the issue personally with FDR in October and he was soon after replaced. His successor, Admiral Kimmel, also brought up the same issues with FDR in June 1941.

7 Oct 1940 - Navy IQ analyst McCollum wrote an 8 point memo on how to force Japan into war with US. Beginning the next day FDR began to put them into effect and all 8 were eventually accomplished. 11 November 1940 - 21 aged British planes destroyed the Italian fleet, including 3 battleships, at their homeport in the harbor of Taranto in Southern Italy by using technically innovative shallow-draft torpedoes.

11 February 1941 - FDR proposed sacrificing 6 cruisers and 2 carriers at Manila to get into war. Navy Chief Stark objected: "I have previously opposed this and you have concurred as to its unwisdom. Particularly do I recall your remark in a previous conference when Mr. Hull suggested (more forces to Manila) and the question arose as to getting them out and your 100% reply, from my standpoint, was that you might not mind losing one or two cruisers, but that you did not want to take a chance on losing 5 or 6." (Charles Beard PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT AND THE COMING OF WAR 1941, p 424)

March 1941 - FDR sold munitions and convoyed them to belligerents in Europe -- both acts of war and both violations of international law -- the Lend-Lease Act.

23 Jun 1941 - Advisor Harold Ickes wrote FDR a memo the day after Germany invaded the Soviet Union, "There might develop from the embargoing of oil to Japan such a situation as would make it not only possible but easy to get into this war in an effective way. And if we should thus indirectly be brought in, we would avoid the criticism that we had gone in as an ally of communistic Russia." FDR was pleased with Admiral Richmond Turner's report read July 22: "It is generally believed that shutting off the American supply of petroleum will lead promptly to the invasion of Netherland East seems certain she would also include military action against the Philippine Islands, which would immediately involve us in a Pacific war." On July 24 FDR told the Volunteer Participation Committee, "If we had cut off the oil off, they probably would have gone down to the Dutch East Indies a year ago, and you would have had war." The next day FDR froze all Japanese assets in US cutting off their main supply of oil and forcing them into war with the US. Intelligence information was withheld from Hawaii from this point forward.

14 August - At the Atlantic Conference, Churchill noted the "astonishing depth of Roosevelt's intense desire for war." Churchill cabled his cabinet "(FDR) obviously was very determined that they should come in."

18 October - diary entry by Secretary of Interior Harold Ickes: "For a long time I have believed that our best entrance into the war would be by way of Japan."


Surely you realize that even at this point, FDR's behaviour is highly suspect?
Its rather simple I think. Imagine waking up one day and seeing the Japanese warships off the coast of Florida. What would the US do?
Its rather simple I think. Imagine waking up one day and seeing the Japanese warships off the coast of Florida. What would the US do?

Bomb Muslim weddings! of course.:) j/k

(off topic...I'd love to hear your opinions, Sam, about the events of 9/11 in one of the many 9/11 threads...take your pick. I really like to hear the perspective of a Muslim about that day. Thanks, Mac)
Its rather simple I think. Imagine waking up one day and seeing the Japanese warships off the coast of Florida. What would the US do?

Heh :). Well, skipping to the chase, here's evidence closer to the event that makes it rather clear that not only did they know a great deal, but that MacArthur's command even lied concerning some crucial information:
From traffic analysis, HI reported that the carrier force was at sea and in the North. THE MOST AMAZING FACT is that in reply to that report, MacArthur's command sent a series of three messages, Nov 26, 29, Dec 2, to HI lying about the location of the carrier fleet - saying it was in the South China Sea west of the Philippines. This false information, which the NSA calls inexplicable, was the true reason that HI was caught unawares. Duane Whitlock, who is still alive in Iowa, sent those messages.
Bomb Muslim weddings! of course.:) j/k

Considering who you're talking to, you are just -bad- MacGyver :p.

(off topic...I'd love to hear your opinions, Sam, about the events of 9/11 in one of the many 9/11 threads...take your pick. I really like to hear the perspective of a Muslim about that day. Thanks, Mac)

She's muslim then? I had suspected as much, but I wasn't sure and she wouldn't say :p. Not that I hold it against her, it's just that it now makes more sense that she's so against Israel...
You are so mean Mac- sometimes I think you belong with that evil dog admin ;-). Now if I could just remember the name of that plasticene dog...

Dude...I only "burn" people I like...just like I "burned" Sam with bombing weddings comment...:) Take it as a complement. :p
Originally Posted by scott3x
With friends like you, who needs enemies? j/k :)

With friends like'd have no enemies. :)

Wait a second there, laugh :). Well actually I think I get along with you pretty well. Always good to get along with one's opponents; otherwise things just get messy; dialogue becomes next to impossible and before you know it, the old 'you're with us or against us' motto comes in and all hell breaks loose ;-).
Well then, i would have to say that either this conspiracy is false, or FDR was the worst strategist in history. Think about it this way, if FDR knew that there were multiple carrier fleets bearing down on pearl harbor. He knew that they would be doing a complete suprise attack. If FDR knew this he could've ambushed them right then and there. He could have taken down one of the greatest navies in history at that point in time. And no, you guys he was never willing to sacrifice two aircraft carriers. aircraft carriers are the most valuable warships in the world. Battleships are mere toys compared to what an aircraft carrier can do. Why do you guys think that the battleships are all but extinct by now? Now, considering that your arguement that FDR was a genius in his execution of this plan than we can assume he is not a moron. The aricraft carrier is too valuable. Take one of the carriers that avoided the attack, the USS Enterprise (not the space ship, but the WW2 aircraft carrier), it won more than thirty gold battle stars, a presidential award, the British Navies highest reward (to this day no foreign ship other than the Enterprise has won it) and uncountable individual awards to the crew. It is quite possibly the most famous ship in recent history, FDR was not willing to sacrifice aircraft carriers.

Also the cypher has EVERYTHING to do with it. If he did not know where the enemy was he could not have carried out his plan. He could never have known how close the Japanese fleet was to pearl harbor.

And here's another problem. Pearl harbor was considered safe for one reason, air dropped torpedo's at the time would have never worked. The reason why is that when they hit the water they dive down very deep and take a long time to resurface. Such a long distance that normally the width of pearl harbor was barely large enough to accomadate them, and even then the water was too shallow for normal torpedos to work. So the Japanese made some ingenius devices to make it so that their torpedos only dived around 20 feet. There is no way without the cypher (and even then it is unlikely) for the US to have known about this. Also there was a torpedo net at the entrance to the harbor to my knowledge.

Information is the number one thing a commander wants. without it you cannot do anything ever. That is why the US spends millions on UAV's because the second you know where your enemy is you have won the battle. The US would have needed the Japanese Cypher to be able to have concocted this supposed conspiracy. And where did people ever get this information about FDR discussing with his cabinet. Did someone wire tap the room? I do not think that any of those people have any truly viable "sane" sources.

Anyways didn't we already discuss how that author is insane, convicted of assault, and tried to stab his sister to death? Once more we need sources that aren't 14 year olds, not crazy, not wackjobs, and not killers.
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Ummm, you just helped the FDR "Conspiracy"(gimme a break - he wanted the U.S IN and everyone knows it) Argument.

The Carriers were out to sea most of the time in fall 1941. They were not in port at the time of the attack. Mostly, the obsolete(as you pointed out) Battleships were nicely lined up like ducks in a row, at Pearl.
The McCollum memo(it went to all executive branch U.S military and Federal government with clearance - like the President):


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10. If by these means Japan could be led to commit an
overt act of war, so much the better. At all events we must be fully
prepared to accept the threat of war.
Well this proves that whomever made this knew how to use a typewriter. It does not prove that the author is who u guys claim it to be.