Peace be unto you.

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Encephaloid Martini
Valued Senior Member
Rote learning? False pretenses? Propaganda agenda?

What are your opinions of the Muslims who end off every post with this statement or one similar to it?
Rote learning? False pretenses? Propaganda agenda?

What are your opinions of the Muslims who end off every post with this statement or one similar to it?

Peace be unto you ;)
I think signing your posts is a silly habit. Some are more annoying than others, but all are useless text.
Is genuine compassion and peacful intentions not even an option in your mind?

Of course it is, but do you actually believe that is the intention? Those who actually are compassionate never have to constantly reaffirm their intentions. It is those who do that are hiding their real agenda.

They discuss Muhammad and other prophets of Islam with reverence, adding the phrase "peace be upon him" whenever their names are mentioned (wiki)

the retard is dead, retards. wishing him well or ill aint gonna make a difference
Of course it is, but do you actually believe that is the intention? Those who actually are compassionate never have to constantly reaffirm their intentions. It is those who do that are hiding their real agenda.

Repetition is not used only for "reaffirming" but can be used due to repeated contact. For example each "post" can be considered a new contact. Just like you say "Hi" and "Bye" (conventionally) every time you meet, a use of "Peace be unto you" can be used in a similar manner. Not all cultures have "Hi" and "Bye" some use words that have other meaning. They may be derived from religion but that doesn't change the fact that it can become part of culture and tradition so the use must be understood in the context, not simply the religious context.

Peace be unto you ;)
at this point i must caution all infidels....never turn your back on a wahhabist. he will kill you

/because i care
Remember "Peace, love Jan Ardena"? He finally quit, not that it mattered to me since I had him on ignore by then.
at this point i must caution all infidels....never turn your back on a wahhabist. he will kill you

/because i care

Pointless..... Although (Q) might like it because it has the "cult" undertone. :rolleyes:

Peace be unto you ;)
Rote learning? False pretenses? Propaganda agenda?

What are your opinions of the Muslims who end off every post with this statement or one similar to it?

It strikes me as odd.
The typical Muslim reference of a dead is "Peace be upon him"
The typical Jewish reference of a dead is "Of righteous memory"
I don't know if the Christians have one.

Also the greeting is identical for Jews and Muslims.
Shalom alaykhm (Hebrew)
A-salam-alaykem (Arabic)

The difference is when it's said. The Hebrew isn't usually said at the end of a conversation in my experience. Instead you usually hear "b'hetlakha' which really means "With good favor."

Also the Muslims and Christians are in general more obsessed with peace than their Jewish counterparts. Which makes some sense in an ironic way.
Jesus of nazareth spoke of peace, or at least his authors did, his words were given to both Muslims and Christians. Mohammed made a case for arguing that there are times when war is necessary. Both of which have been historically violent compared to Jews.
Jewish texts are full of wars, there's a few wars in the Torah alone. More in the texts that follow, and there's even a case where they're told they are eternally at war with a certain tribe.

In general there's a passage from Jeremiah that discusses the issue of peace in a very intelligent tone;

10 Therefore will I give their wives unto others, and their fields to them that shall possess them; for from the least even unto the greatest every one is greedy for gain, from the prophet even unto the priest every one dealeth falsely.
11 And they have healed the hurt of the daughter of My people lightly, saying: 'Peace, peace', when there is no peace.

Which really outlines what I think of the Muslim greeting. I think it's a farce and only said through convention.
Which really outlines what I think of the Muslim greeting. I think it's a farce and only said through convention.

Interesting that you have tried to identify the Muslim greeting through Jewish and Christian teaching, pointing out that Jesus taught of Peace while both Jewish and Muslims have "war", it is a way you are separating Jesus from all of this. In a way suggesting that Jesus did not obey the old law and didn't understand it to be God's law, the fact being he accepted the old law and was a Jew himself. On what basis do you separate Jesus from all this is beyond me.

Peace be unto you ;)
Interesting that you have tried to identify the Muslim greeting through Jewish and Christian teaching, pointing out that Jesus taught of Peace while both Jewish and Muslims have "war", it is a way you are separating Jesus from all of this. In a way suggesting that Jesus did not obey the old law and didn't understand it to be God's law, the fact being he accepted the old law and was a Jew himself. On what basis do you separate Jesus from all this is beyond me.

Peace be unto you ;)

Rewrite your post to make sense and I'll categorize my post.

1. Pointing out the Jewish and Muslim greetings have similarity.
2. Point out the difference in the greetings use.
3. Point out that Muslim and Christians have a shared prophet who speaks continually of peace.
4. Point out that despite the Jewish texts being the most full of instructions to do war, they've had the least amount of internal and external violence.
5. Cite a biblical quote from Jeremiah that discusses search for peace over accuracy as as one of the root causes of the 1st Jewish exile.
6. State conclusion based on the fact that Islam under Mohammed follows more closely the citation, however its modern followers are more similar to that of Christianity.
Repetition is not used only for "reaffirming" but can be used due to repeated contact. For example each "post" can be considered a new contact. Just like you say "Hi" and "Bye" (conventionally) every time you meet, a use of "Peace be unto you" can be used in a similar manner.

No, there isn't any "new contact" - it is the same contact in the same thread. People don't say high and bye after everything they say. That's ridiculous.

I'm sure if you were threatening my life, you wouldn't be adding a "peace be upon you."

So, since I don't need the constant affirmation, then it must be you who does. If not, then it's a facade, a fake, a front.
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Your argument is full of assumptions. You may be right that it is fake, but still is an assumption. In the end what "Peace be unto you" really means is what the person who said it wants it to mean. Further discussion on the matter is pointless if you understand that all you would be doing is speculation based on assumptions. If you want to speculate you have everything open to you.

Peace be unto you ;)
Your argument is full of assumptions. You may be right that it is fake, but still is an assumption. In the end what "Peace be unto you" really means is what the person who said it wants it to mean.

No, it isn't. If a person wishes well on another, they do so with sincerity and for a reason. They only need to do so once. The recipient gets it, he knows the other person wishes well upon them.

But, that's not your intention at all. You use in all your posts to everyone all the time. It's meaning has long been lost and is now just a mantra of habit, vacuous and insincere. It becomes an insult to ones intelligence as you could just as easily be holding a knife behind your back as you mutter those words. In other words, you cannot be trusted.

Further discussion on the matter is pointless if you understand that all you would be doing is speculation based on assumptions. If you want to speculate you have everything open to you.

Hitting the nail directly on the head drives the nail in deep. :)
Rote learning? False pretenses? Propaganda agenda?

What are your opinions of the Muslims who end off every post with this statement or one similar to it?

I believe in freedom of religion, thoughts and even freedom of common sense .
If someone wants to end his or her statement with " fuck you all " is it really my business to criticize them ?.
We live in a free world and we are all different .
If you do not like " peace be unto you " do you like " war be unto you "...?!!.
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