Patriotism is wrong

Why would a country fall apart without patriotism? And is it wrong if a country falls apart for lack of a institutionalized feeling?
1. Patriotism is emotional and learned.
2. Patriotism strives to impose morals on others.
3. Patriotism can be used to control people.

Well, that should be enough to get something started.
So, if I say that all Sciforum members, but me, are socially inbred wankers, how does that make you and the rest of the local community feel about me because of my clinical, unemotional, imposition/control resisting attitude about wanking conformity engineers?

All group-think is group-think.

Anarchists who seek any kind of organization are Patriots, too.
Mr. G said:
So, if I say that all Sciforum members, but me, are socially inbred wankers, how does that make you and the rest of the local community feel about me because of my clinical, unemotional, imposition/control resisting attitude about wanking conformity engineers?
you'd be right in your opinion, I have no opinion either way.
your entitled to yours
Mr. G said:
All group-think is group-think.
Anarchists who seek any kind of organization are Patriots, too.
yes, if people have simular ideas they become a group.
the human animal's need for alegence, strives him on.(this is why we have favourites sport's teams)
if only he could, keep to one big group.(perhaps one day)
I am a humanist, so I have an alegence to humanity, but it's not for the want of anarchy.
humanity split, becomes Patriotic anarchy.
spuriousmonkey said:
...I mock it for the same reason I mock religious people. If a person insists on blind faith in country or god, or both, he can expect my mockery. If he can't handle mockery he clearly isn't faithful enough...
The soldiers are supposed to be the most patriotic but they are also supposed not to question the orders given to them in terms of morality; so dude what U r saying is not an accepted norm.
Baron Max said:
Let's view this from another perspective and situation. Does the list below sound any different to what you've stated and/or implied?

1. Love of ones family is emotional and learned.
2. Love of ones family strives to impose morals on others.
3. Love of ones family can be used to control people.

4. Love of ones family encourages people to be proud of actions and acheivements they had absolutely nothing to do with.

By the way, I think you have the idea of patriotism wrong. You might want to review your ideas and/or definitions more carefully.

Baron Max

Let's view this from another perspective and situation. Does the list below sound any different to what you've stated and/or implied?

1. Love of tax money is emotional and learned.
2. Love of tax money strives to impose morals on others.
3. Love of tax money can be used to control people.
4. Love of tax money encourages people to be proud of actions and acheivements they had absolutely nothing to do with.

5. Love of tax money can intrigue wars that have no credibilities.

By the way, I think you have the wrong idea of family promoted wrongs. You might want to review your ideas and/or definitions more carefully.

- The Anomaly (equivalent of one in the Matrix movie).
Hapsburg said:
... If anything, patriotism and nationalism have the ability the unite a country.
So why cant we unite the world in the name of patriotism. That will be good for every country; no wars, no more worries. no more war expenses, no more terrorism etc, etc.
I can see why people may not like patriotism. I don't think you'd guys like it if I started going on and on about how I just love my country. But there really isn't anything wrong with liking your country. I mean it's your homeland where your parents have grown, and so on. It's fine to like your country and be proud of it.
There is a difference between liking and being proud of a country.

Your attitude towards your homecountry changes once you start living in different countries. It gives a shift in perspective. You notice then that patriotism is not normal. You can like living anywhere without being a patriot about it. Liking it somewhere is not linked to patriotism. Even people who don't like it somewhere can be patriots.

Look at the racists on this forum. They bitch about immigrants and blacks in 'their' country. Still they would call themselves patriots. They hate parts of their country. Look at the dirt poor in a country. Treated like trash they can still display patriotism.

Patriotism is learned.
spuriousmonkey said:
Could you explain the 'greed' part? I can see the vanity but it would be interesting to know what you mean by greed?
Look at America, Its greed has become the cause of its collapse.
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How does greed and vanity link to Patriotism? I can see vanity in it as, being proud of a country or having nationalism is about what the country has done. You feel proud, and pride taken to the extreme "vanity." But "greed"? How can one feel patriotic if the leader is greedy?
"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it." -Mark Twain
Patriotism in essence is perfectly natural.
Solitary animals care about their own well being, social animals care about the well being of their social unit, and once social units of humans united to form countries it was the natural progression for them to support their country as it was an extended tribe. An extension of themselves.
Ofcourse, it's all related to the natural instinct to favours ones own genes.

The instinct is just misplaced with most of todays countries as they're multicultural, with families which aren't closely related. Countries (with a few exceptions) are no longer "big families", so the whole point of the instinct is lost.
Patriotism for "america" is patriotism for an arbitrary abstract concept as opposed to your genetic strain and it's natural habitat.

Which is why I feel "patriotic" for real english people and the english countryside as opposed to "england" or "australia".
identityless said:
How does greed and vanity link to Patriotism? I can see vanity in it as, being proud of a country or having nationalism is about what the country has done. You feel proud, and pride taken to the extreme "vanity." But "greed"? How can one feel patriotic if the leader is greedy?
I hope U have heard the term history repeats itself and a person called Adolf Hitler.