Pathological Skepticsm.

shaman_ said:
Because scientific method is responsible for all the evil in the world right duendy? If it weren't for science we would be muuuch better off right?

what you mean 'better off'??
i know this. that yu are prt of oneevil muthafuker of a machine . a soul dead machine that has caused un PRECedented evil. it batters people, othe speces down, and in theprocess poisons everything it touches.......we are talking here materialisticscience which sucks the spirit out of everything with its pervasive dogma. making little children into little robots as a sacrifice for its unending greed.

i will dance on 'your' grave--ie., the mindset of your vile science, with much joy. i have nuthing but utter contempt for yur fledgling upstart iron fist you call 'the scientific method' in combination with souldead people

the FACT you cat even see what te problem IS speaks much for its deadly dulling effects propagated by its insidious propaganda

you wont lastr. you think you are gods gift to te universe. but you are divided from yourself and will eat yourself away. only problem is the irreversable damage you re doing to all life

yeahhhh, you very will MAY make flashy spacecraft where you buzzoff into the sapace. but wherever you land you will carry on the evil you do. lessen you wake up to yourselves.....oneday
duendy said:
oh, mr phlo, you are going all righteous and indinant aren't ou. you talk about respect....?

Er, no, pay attention. Empty has been talking about respect. I pointed out that he showed no resprect for the law, getting him in jail, and still shows no respect, and has an illegal firearm.

YOU who are part of an evil fukin machine that hastrampled over everyone, and other species. shittin on people, poisoning everythng. making life a livin hell. a prisonplanet.

Er, woah, I'm just some guy, not an evil supergenius. Well, with an IQ of over 140, I am a frikking genius, but that isn't the issue. I am not guilty of anything you accuse me of, so try and keep this sane, eh?

YOU talk about respct. you are a fukin koker....and a hypocrite of thehighest order

No, Empty was talking about respect. Please, feel free to pay attention at any point.
phlogistician said:
Er, no, pay attention. Empty has been talking about respect. I pointed out that he showed no resprect for the law, getting him in jail, and still shows no respect, and has an illegal firearm.

me)))'pay attention pay attention!' yu sound like a friggin school teacher.
and yes i know whats beeig talked about. you accusing others of showing no respect, right?

Er, woah, I'm just some guy, not an evil supergenius. Well, with an IQ of over 140, I am a frikking genius, but that isn't the issue. I am not guilty of anything you accuse me of, so try and keep this sane, eh?

me))))))IQs? pile of shite designed up by the self-important middle classes so as to make their dried souless cerebral top-heavies seem somehow superior to millenia of instinctual and cerbral intelligence.....notice, mr phlo, how th resident racists at tese boards at at othr forums etc use the argument of IQ tests to pathetically suggest their superior intelliegnce over others wit darker skin, etc. do you see irony here? please Do tell me if you do wont you???

No, Empty was talking about respect. Please, feel free to pay attention at any point.

and I a saying that you and your philosophy pay absolutely NOrespect for life in general. so this is wy your use of the tern 'abhor' for one individual with an illegal shotgun and 'no respect for te LAW'...?? is SO fukin overstated......For that term is best suited by faar for a mindset that shits on life itself! do you get me now?
superluminal said:
What exactly is "pathological" skepticsm?

exactitude? in a universe of approximations?
i believe the question is the answer

“That’s another thing we’ve learned from your Nation,” said Mein Herr, “map-making. But we’ve carried it much further than you. What do you consider the largest map that would be really useful?”

“About six inches to the mile.”

“Only six inches!” exclaimed Mein Herr. “We very soon got to six yards to the mile. Then we tried a hundred yards to the mile. And then came the grandest idea of all! We actually made a map of the country, on the scale of a mile to the mile!”

“Have you used it much?” I enquired.

“It has never been spread out, yet,” said Mein Herr: “the farmers objected: they said it would cover the whole country, and shut out the sunlight! So we now use the country itself, as its own map, and I assure you it does nearly as well....."(Lewis Carroll)
phlogistician said:
Well, with an IQ of over 140, I am a frikking genius, but that isn't the issue.

in a thread titled "pathological skepticism," i would say that it has the potential to become an issue if one chose to make it so. ;)
Gustav said:
exactitude? in a universe of approximations?
i believe the question is the answer

“That’s another thing we’ve learned from your Nation,” said Mein Herr, “map-making. But we’ve carried it much further than you. What do you consider the largest map that would be really useful?”

“About six inches to the mile.”

“Only six inches!” exclaimed Mein Herr. “We very soon got to six yards to the mile. Then we tried a hundred yards to the mile. And then came the grandest idea of all! We actually made a map of the country, on the scale of a mile to the mile!”

“Have you used it much?” I enquired.

“It has never been spread out, yet,” said Mein Herr: “the farmers objected: they said it would cover the whole country, and shut out the sunlight! So we now use the country itself, as its own map, and I assure you it does nearly as well....."(Lewis Carroll)

phlogistician said:
Er, no, pay attention. Empty has been talking about respect. I pointed out that he showed no resprect for the law, getting him in jail, and still shows no respect, and has an illegal firearm.

Er, woah, I'm just some guy, not an evil supergenius. Well, with an IQ of over 140, I am a frikking genius, but that isn't the issue. I am not guilty of anything you accuse me of, so try and keep this sane, eh?

No, Empty was talking about respect. Please, feel free to pay attention at any point.

Phlog, as someone with an IQ of over 140 I have to ask you a question. How do you interpret what he/she is saying? I've tried several times to interpret Duendy and his posts, but have failed everytime. I'm not trying to be mean, there's clearly enough of that here.

Do I need an IQ of 140 to understand it?
Ah! There's a nice documentary on right now about Colares. I've been thinking of mentioning that weird event before.

You know, that vampire bat that was illuminated by the moon, and attacked that town. Well, the initial event was the glowing vampire bat; the rest was mass hysteria and hallucination.

Sure, maybe the Brazilian airforce team photographed some things they THOUGHT were lighted craft, but hey! They're Brazilians! Such superstitious people.

It was probably a submarine.
btimsah said:
Phlog, as someone with an IQ of over 140 I have to ask you a question. How do you interpret what he/she is saying? I've tried several times to interpret Duendy and his posts, but have failed everytime. I'm not trying to be mean, there's clearly enough of that here.

Do I need an IQ of 140 to understand it?

It's not easy, and I'm sure I don't get everything he/she is trying to get across, because apart from being poorly formed, the semantics are twisted too.

But generally, knowing duendy's angle helps. Duendy has a huge chip on their shoulder about science, mental health, the class system, drug laws, and education. This is because duendy is badly educated, in a low income bracket, takes illegal drugs, and feels helpless.

Duendy can't stick to the subject, so don't expect replies to be on topic, they are often tangential so don't try and make sense of them in context all of the time.

Duendy will take two unrelated 'facts' (I use that term for convenience, not it's strict definition, I don't think duendy has posted many facts, ever) and sticks them together to make a spurious conclusion, so don't expect consistency.

Oh, and everything is a patriarchal conspiracy to stop the populace gaining enlightenment through drug use.

Anyway, hope this helps, and good luck. If it doesn't, there is always the 'ignore list'.
phlogistician said:
Oh, and everything is a patriarchal conspiracy to stop the populace gaining enlightenment through drug use.

You forgot the "fact" that every man is gay. Buddha1 never mentions lesbians does he? Odd that.
phlogistician said:
It's not easy, and I'm sure I don't get everything he/she is trying to get across, because apart from being poorly formed, the semantics are twisted too.

me)))))not as twisted as your receptive capacity

But generally, knowing duendy's angle helps. Duendy has a huge chip on their shoulder about science,

me))))no. about materialistic science. whose not payin attention now...jeeeez

mental health,

me))))))notice you didn't have nuthin to say in the relevant threads about all tis clever sod

the class system,

me))of COURSE!!

drug laws,

me))of COURSE?

and education.

me)))haha...'eduCATION is that what you think you'vehad metal-head?

This is because duendy is badly educated, in a low income bracket, takes illegal drugs, and feels helpless.


Duendy can't stick to the subject, so don't expect replies to be on topic, they are often tangential so don't try and make sense of them in context all of the time.

me)))oh ypou poor thang. how u must suffer readin me
give me yer phone mumber, wel'll talk

Duendy will take two unrelated 'facts' (I use that term for convenience, not it's strict definition, I don't think duendy has posted many facts, ever) and sticks them together to make a spurious conclusion, so don't expect consistency.

me)))))i see. you are mr perfect. i know you know you are. actually all you do the day long and nihttime to is insult people. is you teacher's pet then? Hitler's?

Oh, and everything is a patriarchal conspiracy to stop the populace gaining enlightenment through drug use.

me))IS thewre or IS there not A war on [S O M E] drugs? i await an answer.

Anyway, hope this helps, and good luck. If it doesn't, there is always the 'ignore list'.

obviously you dot want to put me on cause you findme fascinating right. an 'other' to your dreary dreeeary dreary world. yeah?
phlogistician said:
It's not easy, and I'm sure I don't get everything he/she is trying to get across, because apart from being poorly formed, the semantics are twisted too.

But generally, knowing duendy's angle helps. Duendy has a huge chip on their shoulder about science, mental health, the class system, drug laws, and education. This is because duendy is badly educated, in a low income bracket, takes illegal drugs, and feels helpless.

Duendy can't stick to the subject, so don't expect replies to be on topic, they are often tangential so don't try and make sense of them in context all of the time.

Duendy will take two unrelated 'facts' (I use that term for convenience, not it's strict definition, I don't think duendy has posted many facts, ever) and sticks them together to make a spurious conclusion, so don't expect consistency.

Oh, and everything is a patriarchal conspiracy to stop the populace gaining enlightenment through drug use.

Anyway, hope this helps, and good luck. If it doesn't, there is always the 'ignore list'.

:) I thought perhaps English was not Duendy's native language, but I don't know..
superluminal said:
1) I was drunk and misinterpreted a satellite reentry.

2) I was sober and misinterpreted a satellite reentry.

PROOF that all sightings are easily explainable!
How often do satellites fall to earth? How often do these satellites not leave a fiery trail? How often would this fiery reentry be mistaken for something like this:
a "large, round, silver metal object" with dark portholes equally spaced around the circumference, which "descended into the atmosphere from above," according to his hand-written report. Schultz and his first officer braced themselves for a mid-air collision; the object suddenly made a high speed turn and departed.

Oh, that's right!

3) I was bored and needed a bit of excitement so I made up a story

Of course! How could I have been so stupid! If you can't attack the sighting, attack the credibility of the witness; it's easier. That way it becomes a "yes" versus a "no". Stalemate.

4) I was in need of some cash and a good "UFO" story is always good for some publicity income

RIDICULOUS BS! Roughly 95% of UFO sightings and reports remain confined to the files of organizations that investigate and compile these sightings. Rarely do they make it to a book, magazine, or television show, and if they do, there's no guarantee of any money. Unless you're a researcher who writes and sells books, or does lectures, etc, there is little money to be had. By far the majority of witnesses get nothing. They're just footnotes, more or less.

5) I really did see something I can't explain. Since I'm the credulous type and easily swayed by the media, I conclude that an alien spaceship buzzed my jet.

What does that have to do with anything? Whether or not someone concludes that what they saw was an "alien spaceship" does not necessarily change in any way their testimony.
Two of the three pilot's sightings said nothing about what the object might be. And if the object definitely resembled a piloted craft beyond a reasonable doubt, and it was not readily identifiable (or behaved in a peculiar manner) then it is perfectly understandable why someone would call it a spaceship.
You seem to be confusing the characteristics of the sighting with any hypotheses or attempts to identify the craft (like calling it a "spaceship").

I could go on but you get the point.

By all means, go on!

Nothing matters but physical evidence and repeatable controlled experiments and observations.

Ball-lightning is a rarely observed phenomenon. Probably fewer photographs of ball lightning exist than do photos of UFOs. It is one of those things that cannot be confined to a controlled-environment (though a very small handful of people claim it can). Practically all of the known data concerning ball-lightning relies solely on observation, and nothing more.

Funny, though, that no one is denying its existence, just because it rarely sits still long enough to have its picture taken. It is given the benefit of the doubt, despite its mysterious and often inexplicable behavior.
But if two trained commercial pilots encounter a "large, round, silver metal object" with dark portholes equally spaced around the circumference suddenly the odds are against them, and they must be witnessing and misinterpreting a burning satellite falling through the atmosphere. And if that can't explain it, then they certainly must be lying.