parapsychological Ignorance

If people Drive then this would mean that they physically control their breathing, their heart and their will to exist.
The brain controls these actions, yet the mind conciously controls complex mental activity within the brain (logic,reason etc), with the driving analogy it was to do with if a man can bricks with his hands its is not so abnormal as he has chosen to practice enough to reach this level....I cannot break bricks (I havn't tried though) because I have not practised(mind over matter), yet It is an ability in all of us yet some have chosen not to try, it maybe the same for people with 'para-normal' abilities connected with the mind, I was trying to say this maybe a latency (if that is a word) in all of us, some people maybe using their mind in a different way to others and as with the brick breaking have reached an abnormal level (to the norm) through years of practice, and if the years of practice have caused a change in the workings of the mind then it is through choice, the brain does not choose it is an organ, so that leaves the mind and the"I", If the mind refers to realm of thought then the decision maker has to be the"I" or the driver if the analogy is car for man.

Both a "Joint" and a "Beer" can release positive taxis's on a person. Each causes changes in their chemistry, some effects are obviously positive to the user while others are clearly negative. Namely with Cannabis it increases the amount of Dopamine and Seratonin in your brain, this can take weeks for your body to rehabilitate from and if used in large doses for prolonged periods it will in fact change how your brain produces those chemicals in the future. (The brain obviously tries to adapt to the increase and this is why you end up with some dope smokers suffering from Paranoid Psychosis fits on occasion)

As for Beer, it in quantity is damaging to the neural networks and can actually be seen to creat certain inhibiting effects (The main reason why some people that suffer psychiatric problems turn to the bottle to escape) however this is only a short term effect, it's long term effect through abuse can be damaged to various organs throughout the body, increases in certain types of bacteria, impairment etc. this is what you expect from a poison, which alcohol technically is, it's just you can get away with it's positive taxis's in smaller quantities. (So one beers all right, one Keg however not so good)

In both the case of the Joint and the Beer, you could ask the question.... Are you in control?

I tried to think of what Phlogisition said about the brain being the driver and it didn't make sense to me (poss because of the beer/joint) but I put that just in case what I wrote did not make any sense .

I didn't expect an analogy to be such a headache is my analogy correct in the sense I have used it or is it wrong...
the fact is there must be just as greater difference in ability in the mental being as in the physical being yet just as some do not exercise enough, some do not try to use their brain in the same way as others....some astounding feats come about through years and years of practice i.e. tai chi,the raising of body temperature,mind over matter (breaking blocks)....
I do not think I have the power of telekenisis as I have never tried to move objects with thought alone, if I tried I would probably all do the first time they try to read....but who's to say if I practiced for 30 years I would not get anywhere...or 'the brain is an engine which some people do not drive'

I ask you if you agree that the 3 things brain,mind,personality(I,You,Me,Spirit) are in fact three seperate functionaries and can be viewed seperatley.

I do not believe that narcotics/rec drugs/alcohol any way boost intelligence if 'anything like a wolf in sheeps clothing' it (after long term use) will do the opposite..(when i'm stoned I tend to talk b*^^*£ks)
And thank you for giving the first proper anwser to me with fact and something to go on apart from 'thats nonsense'

P.S. I'm also not the king of analogy's or infallable and learn from my mistakes when i'm wrong I like to know why, when i'm mistaken apart from "your wrong" and am grateful for any guidence which points out irregularities in my perceptive outlook.
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With Steven Hawkins hasn't the brain let down his body yet his mind (logic/rationalisation) is in tact, and his personality is still there and is projected....
If the brain was the driver how could this be possible...
Okay...:worship: I just didn't fancy my head on a platter

Praise the lord, PICCO!

Btw, you are right, it is just that the thread deserves the platters threat.

Most people would start threads on this site and are ignorant of parapsychological ignorance.... I think they should be relocated to this thread; and the fact, as said eariler:

listeria_m said:
If the normal exists, shouldnt the paranormal?

Parapsychology isn't really discussed on this forum; neither is what parapsychology is at it's true depth. People deserve to hear the truth before they do the false.

This is "parapsychology" afterall! And a good forum to discuss!
Parapsychology as a valid field:

Yin and Yang. Is considered as parapsychology (oops my medication is starting to hit me). For fucks sake guys!: the title to this forum is parapsychology; it isn't a bad forum, it isn't quite the dumps. The forum which I will be about to be moderating lables degrees of parapsychology. Why can we not just accept the thread the way that it is?

In my experience with such things, there are people who practice Tai Chi. This is a parapsychologicial experience in which power is shared with individuals and such. Balances of power with the environment; yin and yang. These kinds of things. This is a valid explaination for some parapsychologicial endeavoures or ... studys.

Now, telepathy and mind destruction, is a field which is parapsychologicial in nature because the defination to telepathy isn't exact whatsoever; and if it is then the whole experience of telepathy is, once again, parapsychologicial.

Parapsychology is a valid field and there is no reason for anyone to dismiss anything about parapsychology. That is all I am saying.

Anything that is wrong, by all means, I am a skeptic as well, as well as a mild believer; mild as in very salty believer, infact more skeptic than believer. But anything that is wrong, with a parapsychologicial experience or event that you guys would like to diss, or is anything wrong with my post here, you can post it if you would like.
If the normal exists, shouldnt the paranormal?

An obvious taken out of context.

Learn the forum better, longnose!~:mad:
Please see listeria statement above.....:shrug:
try reading, Gooseface..:D

Which implies that an explanation will eventually be forthcoming.

And is that not wrong, should there not be eventual explanation into what we don't know...if there was no eventual explanations then we would still believe that gods threw lightning and the sun was heaven...

Plus there is only Normal and variations of the norm -ab being not of the norm, -para being an unexplainable norm.
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Plus there is only Normal and variations of the norm -ab being not of the norm, -para being an unexplainable norm.

I hate to say this but........... are you sure about this ?

I hate to say this but........... are you sure about this ?


The constant is the normal, the prefix's show the variation of an accepted normality (-ab, -sub, -para)....

Fairly sure but i'm not infallable...can you say how it is incorrect
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The constant is the normal, the prefix's show the variation of an accepted normality (-ab, -sub, -para)....

Fairly sure but i'm not infallable...can you say how it is incorrect

Yes, I may just be able to do that.

Plus there is only Normal and variations of the norm -ab being not of the norm, -para being an unexplainable norm.

Implies a variable or whatever word you would choose, that excuses everything else within parapsychology. Wording them like that is something that I wouldn't quite be so certain for (if you notice my weakness), and labling para as "para" and normal as "normal" and "ab "normal", these things; all your really doing, is classifying parapsychology in ways that it isn't meant for.

I suppose you could devise some sort of principles or use of words with the adjectives ab, norm, and para norm, but that would exclude parapsychology practicalities and normalities.

All I mean is, you aren't defining any terms at all, I myself am attempting, however I must admit I take a liking to the adjectives that you are using.

Would you care to elaborate a little bit please on some of the terms that you are using? If you would you would only do what I do over and over again when asked to say what I myself mean.

Using para and ab like that is dismissing all of parapsychology. You are seeking a way out and that is not going to happen.... not on my watch. Until someone, like you, can define the terms it isn't going to happen.

As you can tell that is precisely the location of this thread.
Yes, I may just be able to do that.

Implies a variable or whatever word you would choose, that excuses everything else within parapsychology. Wording them like that is something that I wouldn't quite be so certain for (if you notice my weakness), and labling para as "para" and normal as "normal" and "ab "normal", these things; all your really doing, is classifying parapsychology in ways that it isn't meant for.

I suppose you could devise some sort of principles or use of words with the adjectives ab, norm, and para norm, but that would exclude parapsychology practicalities and normalities.

All I mean is, you aren't defining any terms at all, I myself am attempting, however I must admit I take a liking to the adjectives that you are using.

Would you care to elaborate a little bit please on some of the terms that you are using? If you would you would only do what I do over and over again when asked to say what I myself mean.

Using para and ab like that is dismissing all of parapsychology. You are seeking a way out and that is not going to happen.... not on my watch. Until someone, like you, can define the terms it isn't going to happen.

As you can tell that is precisely the location of this thread.

OK I se the point (if i'm right) about the thread, but it applies to paraphsycology also

It is all of the 'mind' and a 'variation of perceptive knowledge' to do with the field it relates to so, the constant is 'the mind', just as in a defined norm the variations could be Ab or Para so there is only normal.

I only came on here to give an opinion on your OP (post 24) and got roped in here by Phlogistician's "What a load of trite nonsense":grumble:.....

lol I wonder now if i'll ever leave:grumble:
No, no you're welcomed here PH.
I like you. You inspired a "better" post of mine.
You are quite correct however the defining of terms to me, at least is important. That's why the opening post is so critical.
OK I se the point (if i'm right) about the thread, but it applies to paraphsycology also

It is all of the 'mind' and a 'variation of perceptive knowledge' to do with the field it relates to so, the constant is 'the mind', just as in a defined norm the variations could be Ab or Para so there is only normal.

I only came on here to give an opinion on your OP (post 24) and got roped in here by Phlogistician's "What a load of trite nonsense":grumble:.....

lol I wonder now if i'll ever leave:grumble:

Good point, I suppose we could take this issue philosophically. Sure, it's all of the mind and a varation as you say of perceptive knowledge; to do with the field it relates to so the constant is the mind; just as in a defined norm, the varations could be ab or para so, t here is only normal.


It is difficul to understand it though. I guess you'd say, since it's all a varation of the mind, that the mind is THE variable, you could call parapsychology a disclipine of the mind.. a variable of the mind I mean. You see, I'm still taking this parapsychology thing seriously and, although it might be just a varation of the mind, try considering it's implications first before you throw it down.

Beam me up, Scottie, is just as relevant to any other understanding, and yes although it is a disclipine of the mind (you can see I am very demanding in my requests), it also inspires thought to consider some of it.

Take telepathy for instance. Take parapsychology as the norm.

This thread should be stickied in validation of parapsychological validity.
No, no you're welcomed here PH.
I like you. You inspired a "better" post of mine.
You are quite correct however the defining of terms to me, at least is important. That's why the opening post is so critical.
Thanks Sisyphus,
I guess you'd say, since it's all a varation of the mind, that the mind is THE variable, you could call parapsychology a disclipine of the mind.. a variable of the mind
Yes I quite agree, not many people are able to do anything first time round, but after practice,training,discipline who is to say a lot of these abilities or parapshycological traits are not dormant in all of us.
I'm sure that if schizophrenia had not been accepted at the turn of the last century that schizophrenics would be classed in parapshycology as 'people possessed'.
People who flatly deny it's existence are being ignorant to the potential of what we do not fully understand, as it is the study of the paranormal (I think)and as the paranormal covers a wide range of issues, almost anything which we cannot classify as accepted can fit into this class, and once proof/knowledge is obtained and the mechanics behind any one of the Psi processes can be explained, it may well be that the process will be brought under the wing of Pshycology as an accepted process.....fingers crossed.
Take telepathy for instance. Take parapsychology as the norm.
If you were telepathic it would be your norm as you would not know any different.

To put a Sisyphean twist on it the biggest problem is the vast amount of people who are deluded,mistaken,or suffering a mental illness you have to look, test, examine them all, at a guess (just my opinion) you would probably have to test 10-15,000 people to find 1 who you could have no explanation for and then that means another 15,000 to find a comparison...truley a task for Sisyphus.

Its the people who don't come forward I think where the anwser lies as they not main stream accepted traits, people who have these gifts will feel normal,ashamed or would have been convinced by their peers that they are wrong to the extent that any potential gifts may be nothing more than a repressed memory by the time they come to an age of understanding themselves...

like you I believe, yet I am vey skeptical....
Sorry about the misunderstanding, I am only human and unfortunatly sometimes turn into a complete arse without realising it....Good Thread:D:thumbsup: