parapsychological Ignorance

They cannot be separated. If so, please show me a mind that operates without a brain, or a personality that exists without a brain.

I originaly said 'the brain is an engine that some people do not drive' and gave you an example when you disagreed...I say the Conscious,the I, etc is in say the brain is in control..I disagre...I see what you are saying yet, remember you say the brain is the driver not the engine, I say it is the engine and it is the I,spirit,conscious etc that is the driver...and if you look at the wiki brain description it is the last bit that I say drives the entirety (the driver chooses where to go)the conscious(which has many interpretations in many cultures)....
hhmm my analogy was in relation to that...

the fact is there must be just as greater difference in ability in the mental being as in the physical being yet just as some do not exercise enough, some do not try to use their brain in the same way as others....some astounding feats come about through years and years of practice i.e. tai chi,the raising of body temperature,mind over matter (breaking blocks)....
I do not think I have the power of telekenisis as I have never tried to move objects with thought alone, if I tried I would probably all do the first time they try to read....but who's to say if I practiced for 30 years I would not get anywhere...the fact that say I have not had reason to believe in anybody's claim's to paranormal/abnormal abilities does not lie in any fault with skepticism, It lies with the inability by the claimant to provide proof..

I was trying to say that I agreed it was a valid field
He's obviously addressing me, not knowing me in the process; puts his head right on the platter. :mad:

However close to right he is, do note that I am very determinend and have started a thread you haven't said anything about in about the members sub-forum.
hint: I am working on a psychology degree. Not that this even remotely gives me credit to the whole issue of paranamoral activity, but it does give me credit enough to say that there typically is a psychic. Hah. What an understatement.

Feed me more. Might get me out of my shell. But besides, the psychic exists; I am writing about the schizophrenics right now; and their abilities exist, most often, within everybody.

Take that and examine everybody and you have an explaination which fits your behavior.

Sisyphus what did this mean.....?:bugeye:
but thats not the point i'm making...or one that I've hinted at...?

If the brain is the personality, how can it be driven by it's own personality? It is either within itself to do things, or it is not. It cannot therefore be 'driven' and your analogy falls flat.

And you have failed to demostrate that mind, brain, and personality are separate entitites, because you can't, they are inseparable, and that is obvious!
If the brain is the personality, how can it be driven by it's own personality? It is either within itself to do things, or it is not. It cannot therefore be 'driven' and your analogy falls flat.

And you have failed to demostrate that mind, brain, and personality are separate entitites, because you can't, they are inseparable, and that is obvious!

it is you that say's it implies separation...the only seperation i'm implying is function.
do not forget they are three different functions, therefore seperate
egg white,egg yolk, egg shell are they three seperate entities combining to a whole(the egg) or are they inseperable and cannot be looked at as anything but an egg

“ from Wiki...The human brain controls the central nervous system (CNS), by way of the cranial nerves and spinal cord, the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and regulates virtually all human activity.[1] Involuntary, or "lower," actions, such as heart rate, respiration, and digestion, are unconsciously governed by the brain,[1][2] specifically through the autonomic nervous system.
The engine.
Complex, or "higher," mental activity, such as thought, reason, and abstraction,[2] is consciously controlled.
note that the higher order of mental activity is conciously controlled, this concious is the I the driver...
so there you have it is controlled as opposed to complete self running

I can't get over the fact that you think the brain,mind and personality are the same thing...look them up in a dictionary..or try neurology,phsycology,phsyciatry,paraphsycology
can you seperate the mind,body and soul and out of the 3 which do you say is in control.....?

and if as you say mankind is a collective of individuals what is it that gives us that individuality...?

and again you have not read the wiki desriptions of the mind,brain and personality...and all you are doing is repeating " they are inseparable, and that is obvious" show me how, when the sciences behind each one is different, the descriptions are different, the functions they represent are different, and plain and simply they are three different things....tell me how they are inseperable with some facts..

and if they cannot be seperated why do we have neurologist's, pshycologist's, and phsyciatrist's,paranormal claims why not just para-phsycia-neuro-pshycologist's........?

my analogy was supposed to be like this-
the fact is there must be just as greater difference in ability in the mental being as in the physical being yet just as some do not exercise enough, some do not try to use their brain in the same way as others....some astounding feats come about through years and years of practice i.e. tai chi,the raising of body temperature,mind over matter (breaking blocks)....
I do not think I have the power of telekenisis as I have never tried to move objects with thought alone, if I tried I would probably all do the first time they try to read....but who's to say if I practiced for 30 years I would not get anywhere...this is a simpler version of the analogy 'do you get it'

or :geek:'the brain is an engine which some people do not drive'
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Yes that's right!

All you nobody's saying parapsychology is trash, think again:

You are ignorant to the parapsychology's claims of telepathy. You are ignorant to that which holds great effect to the minds of others. You are ignorant of the arts of tai chi and yin and yang. You are ignorant to what the mind is capable of.

And I post this stating that parapsychology is a valid field, and would like to have commentary on this as similar to another thread I started about (would you believe it? The defense of God) [not like I am a little more atheistic than theistic, but I am a little mild on both].

So, take it away.
Let's hear some of the commentary.

I agree with you!
Your egg analogy is flawed too. Show me a chicken that lays empty shells, and you may have a point.

you are avoiding the issue...ZZZzzzzzzz...try anwsering about what we are talking about the brain,mind,and personality which you say are one and the same...(egg shell wasn't that good) now go back and read the rest of the post which IS what we were talking about and conveniently you have the fact that mind,brain,personality are three seperate functionaries....

That is quite ignorant to point out the only bit of the post which was irrelevant..perhaps because the rest of the post flaws your 'brain.mind.personality are inseperable issue
someone with a split personality (for ease sake) good and bad, In a spate with the bad personality being dominant and the good being dormant the person stabs a stranger at a cash point...WHY does the brain not override the personality's socialy/moraly wrong action...WHY because it does not have control or the final say....the personality (as you say) or the I,Me,You,spirit,essence,soul (as I say) Is in control.
He's obviously addressing me, not knowing me in the process; puts his head right on the platter. :mad:

However close to right he is, do note that I am very determinend and have started a thread you haven't said anything about in about the members sub-forum.
hint: I am working on a psychology degree. Not that this even remotely gives me credit to the whole issue of paranamoral activity, but it does give me credit enough to say that there typically is a psychic. Hah. What an understatement.

Feed me more. Might get me out of my shell. But besides, the psychic exists; I am writing about the schizophrenics right now; and their abilities exist, most often, within everybody.

Take that and examine everybody and you have an explaination which fits your behavior.

for the third time what did you mean when you wrote this......or is it just drunken babble.....?
What is something someone could read to help their ignorance of parapsychology?- Something better than a website please...

Ying and Yang and whatnot don't really make sense to me. I don't like these weird conceptions of energy that don't seem to have a basis. Its no good to tell people they are ignorant if you can't provide some text to educate them.
I am well aware of parapsychology.


I am well aware of parapsychology.

I repeate once more:

I am well aware of parapsychology
Let me repeate that.

I am well aware of parapsychology.
for the third time what did you mean when you wrote this......or is it just drunken babble.....?

I am not going to respond to this. Okay? I am glad I got an actual parapsychology discussion going; the rest of them are mostly trash.

I repeate:

I am well aware of parapsychology.

I repeate:

I am not going to respond to this. Okay? I am glad I got an actual parapsychology discussion going; the rest of them are mostly trash.

I am not going to respond to this. Okay? I am glad I got an actual parapsychology discussion going; the rest of them are mostly trash.

I repeate:

I am well aware of parapsychology.

I repeate:

I am not going to respond to this. Okay? I am glad I got an actual parapsychology discussion going; the rest of them are mostly trash.


I've just looked at the 275 threads you have started....most seem to have between 0-20 reply's is it because you do not anwser peoples questions
is that what you do write things then when people ask, you don't reply...:scratchin:..
as you probably won't reply cause you have an other thread to start it becomes clear 'YOUR IGNORANCE OF STARTING A THREAD THEN SAYING NOTHING MAKES THE TITLE ALL CLEAR'

Alorus asked a question are yougoing to anwser that....cheeeeet your a time waster...

PPPffff.......t$%t I noticed you said you were phsycic in post 39...figures then that when you are asked any questions can't respond, but make excuses.....well done have joined the ~99%...

instead of the Phsycology degree try a little degree of Phsycology on yourself. have a nice day
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The brain is an Organ, it's makeup you could suggest to be billions of Microswitches with a finite number of processing nodes (Neurons) that are constantly changing their alignments, sometimes for the better sometimes for the worse.

A person perception is processed within this "Neural Network" and without a network being present, their manifested personality would cease to exist.

Pinocchoi's Hoof said:
When you are tired your brain doesn't shut your body down as it needs rest...You,not an organ but you, your essence,soul,spirit,being decides when you go to bed.

Actually this isn't totally true, although your brain processes events for other areas of your body to react, there are occasions where a mere decision isn't enough. You see within the brains inner workings is Chemical Synthesis and a equilibrium that can only be mirrored in the personification of a Pill popping addict that's constantly taking downer to deal with uppers, and uppers to deal with downers.

Certain events can occur in a persons life that alter their perspective and alter how their brain processes such events, this can cause inbalances within their chemical equilibrium and in turn cause drastic alterations in how many pills of a certain type the personification takes.

When this occurs of course our brain can suffer like any Addict would, certain things (taxis's) are so positive that we become addicted and require more of the interactions that fullfill them, while others are so negative we go to any lengths not to suffer the Come down.

You could say that some people suffer Addictive personalities that are likely to fullfill their needs with what generates the most positive taxis's. This could be watching television, using a computer, doing a particular sport, reading a book or having sex.

If people Drive then this would mean that they physically control their breathing, their heart and their will to exist. However this is disproven with people that are depressed or suicidal. They might whole heartedly hate living and just want to cease existing, however they physically can't do it. This proves that a number of our base functions are "automated" and this makes sense when you look towards "Survival of the Fittest". Afterall to stick round long enough to Evolve would require making sure that you can go the distance and sometimes this requires the "person" to not be able to think for themselves ;)


The mind is synthesised within the Body's "brain" organ, the Soul is either some lucid manifestation of selective viewpoints from a persons life experiences or better written as sole being the bottom of your feet. In essense the meaning of Soul stems right back from Ancient times when the world wasn't so scientifically understood and people filled in the gap with their philosophical rantings, Some of which are legendary (i.e. Aristotle) while others are just the basis of misconception. (And probably formed a religion or two)

Pinocchoi's Hoof said:
(A joint and a beer later)
Both a "Joint" and a "Beer" can release positive taxis's on a person. Each causes changes in their chemistry, some effects are obviously positive to the user while others are clearly negative. Namely with Cannabis it increases the amount of Dopamine and Seratonin in your brain, this can take weeks for your body to rehabilitate from and if used in large doses for prolonged periods it will in fact change how your brain produces those chemicals in the future. (The brain obviously tries to adapt to the increase and this is why you end up with some dope smokers suffering from Paranoid Psychosis fits on occasion)

As for Beer, it in quantity is damaging to the neural networks and can actually be seen to creat certain inhibiting effects (The main reason why some people that suffer psychiatric problems turn to the bottle to escape) however this is only a short term effect, it's long term effect through abuse can be damaged to various organs throughout the body, increases in certain types of bacteria, impairment etc. this is what you expect from a poison, which alcohol technically is, it's just you can get away with it's positive taxis's in smaller quantities. (So one beers all right, one Keg however not so good)

In both the case of the Joint and the Beer, you could ask the question.... Are you in control?

I mean a mix of the two will generate an interesting toxicological mix, which I'm sure will impair your judgement and critical thinking. So when you think are you thinking for yourself, or is it a composite of this mix?