parapsychological Ignorance

Maybe you are just paranoid, and then again maybe you are actually not paranoid.

Creepy shit I say;
Not all things in this universe are explainable. Working in medicine I have certainly realized that. Of course I take many "paranormal" things with a grain of salt, but I don't know how human intuition works yet I certainly do believe in its existence and there is also that creepy lady who lives across the hall from me. She doesn't claim to be psychic or anything, but her predictions really freak me out. Maybe I'm just paranoid.

I would wager that all things in this universe are explainable. Even little old ladies across the hall. You will be old some day.

Exactly what is unexplainable in the medicinal field? Placebo effect? Power to heal oneself?
Yes that's right!

All you nobody's saying parapsychology is trash, think again:

You are ignorant to the parapsychology's claims of telepathy. You are ignorant to that which holds great effect to the minds of others. You are ignorant of the arts of tai chi and yin and yang. You are ignorant to what the mind is capable of.

And I post this stating that parapsychology is a valid field, and would like to have commentary on this as similar to another thread I started about (would you believe it? The defense of God) [not like I am a little more atheistic than theistic, but I am a little mild on both].

So, take it away.
Let's hear some of the commentary.

I believe in the paranormal/unexplained 100%, but I also believe that 99% of people who claim to have "abilities" are mistaken or deluded or suffering a side effect of mental illness (not necessarily in a bad sense)....

The amount of 'physical difference' between mankind must also have some relation to 'mental difference', so the probability of parapsycholoy being a valid field is Very high...

The problem is if someone had a 'mental ability' the chances are they would be as embaressed/confused as someone who had an unseen physical deformity, they would probably even try to repress it (see it as a burden).

The people who put this paranormal schmooze on the tv are returning to "parlour tricks" for the sake of money,while dumbing down a potential science into the effects of an evolving brain be it "abnormal memory capacity","pre-cog'" or anything that physicaly defies anatomical law....

'The brain is an engine that some people do not drive'
What a load of trite nonsense.

Well some people sit around all day and night watching TV, unmotivated, hardly going out just existing not really living....Whereas some people read, study, progress, constantly motivate themselves live to their physical capacity.....
Some people have never read a book so the part of the brain which recognises letters,words for what they are (the thinking process of reading in an actual neurological sense) would be dormant in comparison to an opposite. Yet the capability for using the dormant process of literal recognition(call it what you will) is there and could be used if practiced enough.... Ok chit analogy, but if the analogy is car for man then surely the Brain is the engine
'People' do not drive the brain, the brain contains the person, and the person is the brain and the sum of it's experiences. So say 'people do not dive the brain' implies separation, that is why it's trite nonsense.
'People' do not drive the brain, the brain contains the person, and the person is the brain and the sum of it's experiences. So say 'people do not dive the brain' implies separation, that is why it's trite nonsense.

When you are tired your brain doesn't shut your body down as it needs rest...You,not an organ but you, your essence,soul,spirit,being decides when you go to bed.
If people do not drive the brain, then why do we not believe everything that the mind tells us be it dreams,daydreams,phobias',paranoia's.some people cannot tell the difference between dreams and reality, Is it because they are not taking control of the mind and letting their imagination(interference from the brain) run riot...
no I'm sorry I completely dis-agree with you it was only an analogy and if man is a car, the brain is the engine, and the soul,spirit,essence,decision-maker, the I, the me is the one doing the driving...
If you do not get up on time (because its cold outside and warm in bed etc) and you are late for an appointment who is to Blame...your brain as it did not function properly in getting you up, or yourself for being to lazy if you say yourself then you are in control not your brain...
And the analogy 'some people do not drive' is in relation to the people who do not mentaly stimulate themselves (do not use the brain/body to any effectiveness). If you are bored do you A] wait for your brain to stimulate you, or B] to you stimulate yourself via motivation.

If I made any spelling mistakes is it my fault, or is it my brains for not picking them up
Do you not see a difference between the psyhical body (organs,blood,bone,skin,hair) and the mental being (the result of chemical balances,electrical impulses. We control our actions which means we control our minds...loss of that control is deemed diminished responsibility and can be dangerous....explain diminished responsiblity if we are not in control
Who is 'we' if 'we' isn't our mind?

I meant we as in mankind/humans...I just had a thought on the bus, if you are right then explain to me the difference between the mind, the body and the the analogy, the engine, the shell and the driver.

And you did not anwser my questions..

When you are tired your brain doesn't shut your body down as it needs rest...You,not an organ but you, your essence,soul,spirit,being decides when you go to bed.
If people do not drive the brain, then why do we not believe everything that the mind tells us be it dreams,daydreams,phobias',paranoia's.some people cannot tell the difference between dreams and reality, Is it because they are not taking control of the mind and letting their imagination(interference from the brain) run riot...
no I'm sorry I completely dis-agree with you it was only an analogy and if man is a car, the brain is the engine, and the soul,spirit,essence,decision-maker, the I, the me is the one doing the driving...
If you do not get up on time (because its cold outside and warm in bed etc) and you are late for an appointment who is to Blame...your brain as it did not function properly in getting you up, or yourself for being to lazy if you say yourself then you are in control not your brain...
And the analogy 'some people do not drive' is in relation to the people who do not mentaly stimulate themselves (do not use the brain/body to any effectiveness). If you are bored do you A] wait for your brain to stimulate you, or B] to you stimulate yourself via motivation.
. We control our actions which means we control our minds...loss of that control is deemed diminished responsibility and can be dangerous....explain diminished responsiblity if we are not in control

And you did not anwser this....I'm sorry but my quote still stands.... there is a 3 way seperation between the mind-body-soul
And out of the 3 which is in control
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(A joint and a beer later) If your brain is in control that would mean your whole persona, social history, everything you have ever done, you have had no choice, but follow the whim of the mind...if the brain controls the body then what is the point of a soul..........surely that, the being,the essence,the spirit,holy ghost,the I,the You the me is what is coresponding to you now, the rest is nature's machine that gives me the ability to do this..the brain and the body in unison to create I.....without the Me,I then this composite of flesh,palpitating watery mass,Physical existance would have the capabilities of a vegetable it is the I,Me, the You that is the spark that denotes every angle of yours,my,our existence.
.next time i get a parking ticket
"Yes, sorry..but my brain was not working properly..I knew it was wrong but the body acted under the control of brain and the brain is in control"...:scratchin:
Well some people sit around all day and night watching TV, unmotivated, hardly going out just existing not really living....Whereas some people read, study, progress, constantly motivate themselves live to their physical capacity.....
Some people have never read a book so the part of the brain which recognises letters,words for what they are (the thinking process of reading in an actual neurological sense) would be dormant in comparison to an opposite. Yet the capability for using the dormant process of literal recognition(call it what you will) is there and could be used if practiced enough.... Ok chit analogy, but if the analogy is car for man then surely the Brain is the engine

He's obviously addressing me, not knowing me in the process; puts his head right on the platter. :mad:

However close to right he is, do note that I am very determinend and have started a thread you haven't said anything about in about the members sub-forum.
hint: I am working on a psychology degree. Not that this even remotely gives me credit to the whole issue of paranamoral activity, but it does give me credit enough to say that there typically is a psychic. Hah. What an understatement.

Feed me more. Might get me out of my shell. But besides, the psychic exists; I am writing about the schizophrenics right now; and their abilities exist, most often, within everybody.

Take that and examine everybody and you have an explaination which fits your behavior.
He's obviously addressing me, not knowing me in the process; puts his head right on the platter. :mad:

However close to right he is, do note that I am very determinend and have started a thread you haven't said anything about in about the members sub-forum.
hint: I am working on a psychology degree. Not that this even remotely gives me credit to the whole issue of paranamoral activity, but it does give me credit enough to say that there typically is a psychic. Hah. What an understatement.

Feed me more. Might get me out of my shell. But besides, the psychic exists; I am writing about the schizophrenics right now; and their abilities exist, most often, within everybody.

Take that and examine everybody and you have an explaination which fits your behavior.

do not understand what you are saying....?
Like I said, you cannot separate the brain, mind, and personality, so the idea that the brain can be 'driven' when it is in fact the driver, is rather ludicrous.
from Wiki...The human brain controls the central nervous system (CNS), by way of the cranial nerves and spinal cord, the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and regulates virtually all human activity.[1] Involuntary, or "lower," actions, such as heart rate, respiration, and digestion, are unconsciously governed by the brain,[1][2] specifically through the autonomic nervous system. Complex, or "higher," mental activity, such as thought, reason, and abstraction,[2] is consciously controlled.

from wiki...Mind collectively refers to the aspects of intellect and consciousness manifested as combinations of thought, perception, memory, emotion, will and imagination; mind is the stream of consciousness. It includes all of the brain's conscious processes. This denotation sometimes includes, in certain contexts, the working of the human unconscious or the conscious thoughts of animals. "Mind" is often used to refer especially to the thought processes of reason.

from wiki...Personality psychology studies personality based on theories of individual differences. One emphasis in this area is to construct a coherent picture of a person and his or her major psychological processes (Bradberry, 2007). Another emphasis views personality as the study of individual differences, in other words, how people differ from each other. A third area of emphasis examines human nature and how all people are similar to one other. These three viewpoints merge together in the study of personality.
Yet they can be seperated,they are three different things:bugeye:

the brain is in control of running bodily functions/transfering info etc but that is done sub-consciously automaticaly (in most cases)..the conscious is our individuality..the controller,
They cannot be separated. If so, please show me a mind that operates without a brain, or a personality that exists without a brain.

To claim they are separate shows how divorced from reality you are.