Palm reading?

hmmmm, your hand looks a lot like my hand.
My Mom said Down Syndrome people have a line straight across the palm of their hand. Its one way to recognize a Down's newborn.

Is that true? Do they really have that line?
Uhm yes.. ? Should I take that as an insult ?

No...some reason I thought you are female. My mistake.

Anyway, a quick review says, you will have a long life...over 85 years, then some health problems.

Financially, it will be a rocky one but then settle down by ~45

Long marriage or cohabitation. Serious with one between 16 and 20, but solid with someone later.

Artistic hand (we know that, dont we!) - that says creative and using both brains

Two kids, may be three (third one may have health problems if there is a third)
No...some reason I thought you are female. My mistake.
No prob :)

Anyway, a quick review says, you will have a long life...over 85 years, then some health problems.

Financially, it will be a rocky one but then settle down by ~45

Long marriage or cohabitation. Serious with one between 16 and 20, but solid with someone later.

Artistic hand (we know that, dont we!) - that says creative and using both brains

Two kids, may be three (third one may have health problems if there is a third)

Interesting, thanks :)
Did you mean health problems around 85 or did you not mean any particular age ?
Did you mean health problems around 85 or did you not mean any particular age ?

No major health problems indicated. Problems will start after ~85. Of course there will be minor problems off and on like flu and such. Around 65, there may be an issue/incident though not fatal, like minor accident or something to watch for.

Dates are difficult to calulate without some reference so that scaling can be used. There could be a +/- 3 yrs error.

Life span shows about 92. Live long and prosper.
No major health problems indicated. Problems will start after ~85. Of course there will be minor problems off and on like flu and such. Around 65, there may be an issue/incident though not fatal, like minor accident or something to watch for.

Dates are difficult to calulate without some reference so that scaling can be used. There could be a +/- 3 yrs error.

Life span shows about 92. Live long and prosper.

Cool :D
In fact I had some 'close' family members that lived long lives (around 100). So you could be on to something.
Cool :D
In fact I had some 'close' family members that lived long lives (around 100). So you could be on to something.

i am NOT going to live until i am 100 i will go to switzerland and drink the lethal medication they have to kill myself, where it is legal to do so
i am NOT going to live until i am 100 i will go to switzerland and drink the lethal medication they have to kill myself, where it is legal to do so

Chances are that unless Enmos is in a car accident that messes up his body, when he is 92, he will still be walking around like 70 years of today.

Todays 85 is tomorrows 100. Just make sure you keep your brain active.
People who are 30 years old today, if they do not abuse their body (just a disclaimer!) will see their 120th birthday....with the help of glycation inhibitors of course.
well this is what happened to me in USA when i walked into a book store or library i think it was
this tall man came out and asked why i was interested in this certain book i had william northcraft with me he went on he was very psychic as well he also now works for the cops in usa and has a movie made about him now
but back then he went on to me saying i was satans only child
i tried hard to reason with him but got no where he went i was gonna destroy alot of things and he also claimed the book i wanted was infact evil
i was like what mate its only a book i told him very little bout it he kept asking me abut it
then he asked me my name i told him then he said your real name silly billy told him mny real name ...the guy psychic said he was gonna contact a few peoiple and let them know bout me
well ever since that i been running from town to town now i think i can face these occult twits cause the way i see it is they cant go against thier own belief
and i wear the pants not them\
so i donr run no more
Oh, the line straight across is called a simian line. And it is found on people with Down Syndrome.
It can be write. But whether or not is always is, does it really make a difference whether or not you know your future?