Palm reading?

Charlotte Wolff - chirologist

leaving aside the fortune telling aspect of palm reading, lets eyeball what can be known about an individual thru the hands.

Charlotte Wolff (1897-1986) is the one chirological researcher who has conducted complete studies on the hands of the mentally retarded and the mentally diseased. As a qualified physician and a psycho-analyst, she stands as one of the very few scientifically trained people ever to have seriously investigated the diagnostic significance of the hand. Moreover, she stands as one of the very few people to have conducted substantial empirical research into the patterns of the hands which, as a result, have given chirological diagnosis a sure and certain scientific basis.

For instance, she has statistically verified the association of each half of the palm with the 'conscious' and 'subconscious' mind and confirmed that the fingers are indeed related to both cognition and thought. She affirmed that the index finger and the thumb are indicative of self-consciousness and willpower respectively and that the Major Air line is indeed one of the most important indicators of mental functioning. She demonstrated how the lines of the hand are more reflections of mental and emotional activity rather than being caused by any mechanical means and she also established that various medical conditions do indeed manifest in the hand. Her investigations of gross endocrinological dysfunctions showed how the hand could reveal both physiological and psychological disorders.

Her other researches revealed that the hand can be successfully employed in the assessment of schizophrenics, manic depressives, imbeciles, mental defectives and congenital idiots and she reproduces many handprints in her texts to illustrate her findings. Her main chirological contributions therefore are to the fields of endocrinology, mental defectiveness and mental health and how these can be detected from the hand.

In all, she has contributed considerably to the development of scientific chirology and has provided much in the way of sound argumentation for the physiological and psychological basis for the study of the hand. She views the hand as the visible part of the brain and considers that handreading could have a revolutionary impact on the whole study of psychology. She even goes so far as to say that she believes the hand to be a far more reliable means of gauging temperament, character, intelligence and mental functioning than any other psychological test available in her day, a fact that remains true even now.


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Over thousands of generations, people who have been interested have noticed that certain markings or features of the hands tend to show up more commonly when certain behavioral traits are present. At various times the summed average has been taken, producing a broad variety of texts. There has been a reluctance to rely on these historical documents, or on the more modern day palmistry theory, when scientific inquiries are made.

ie: a rich man has x marking, another rich man has x marking and so on.. collect the enough data to then say x marking implies a rich man or a rich man in the making. as with any stat, there is a margin of error but that doesnt mean the hypothesis will not work for the most part.


simple how to..
Originally posted by man_of_jade
anyone able to palm read, or have a palm reading turn out right?

I do. I can share my version of it also.


Lakshmi (Goddess of Money) resides at the tip of the finger, at middle of the palm is Saraswathi (Goddess of Knowledge), at the bracelets resides Brahma (Lord of the Universe) so its better to have a look at the palm as the first thing in the morning. Like a lucky charm.

The whole story goes like this. When you walk up in the morning, as the first thing, keep both hand together (both palms opened so you can see the lines and together as if holding palm full of water) with edges of hands touching each other, and have a look at various locations in the palm to receive the result as stated in the above poem. Meaning, if you are for money, look at the fingertips, if you want knowledge look at middle of the palm, and so on.

And it also has a test, to confirm the percentage of result that you are going to achieve. That is by looking at the merging of Line of Heart of both palms and how best have they met with each other at the joining of both hands. The perfect the match the best the results.

Hope this might be a new info to many readers. Do test and post you comments after practical testing. And before some one types a lot of funny lines, this is just a possibility, another way of thought from some old book that’s all. This do not offer a scientifically proven method to become rich like Bill Gates, nor knowledgeable like Einstein but simple possibility. Test it and try thoroughly and post comments on the same.

I am good at palmistry I would like to share my knowledge with other and also see whether what I have learned is correct with people from various continents.

Try me on palmistry.

And I am also intersted to try out to predict the lines in the palm when a persons name and date of birth is given !

too fucking cool!


step right up folks!

pehaps mystech would like to be the first volunteer for a reading from raj?

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Re: Charlotte Wolff - chirologist

Originally posted by spookz

Charlotte Wolff (1897-1986)

I'd have to question the validity of any researcher doing work around this time on trying to connect physical appearance to psychological factors.

Do a little research on phrenology if you want to know what I'm talking about. These sorts of research are usually used to try to prove the 'racial superiority' of one group over another. Given she seems to have been born just a little late to really get in on that sort of thing, but I still doubt it :p
volunteering someone else mystech? hehe i thought that now that there is a chance for you to prove this "silly thing" wrong, you would be gald to give it a shot;)
Well, I am extremely new here so don't jump all over me! I have always had an interest in reading palms, and I have known the "basics" for a good 15 years. However, I have begun studying Palmistry more in depth and I have found I have a knack for seeing things in the hands of others.

First, let me say that I do not believe Palmistry will tell your "fortune" or "future". It is simply a guide.

Mystech, I would love to read your palms. I don't know you and it would be fun to give you pause in this subject. You can make ink prints of your palms and send them to me on the honor system. I could view them and put together my thoughts for you and send them back.

Not to say you are wrong, or I am right... but simply to see for fun.

If you are interested, or heck... if any of you are! I would like the practice.
i do strongly believe in astrology , it is very much possible to know the future ( tho not 100% ) , your past ( almost 100% ) ...

@ Rajagopals - should i scan my hand prints to you , .... :D
I had my palm read once and not much came true as to what was supposed to happen. One thing that was said was that I had a short life line but I'm really old now so that also didn't hold up. Palm reading is just an amusment type of trick like astrology, something to make you think someone can predict your future when everyone knows that it cannot be done.
When I was about eleven years old, I had read a book on palm reading. This woman asked me to read her palm. Of course, I didn't know what I was doing, so I took a good look at her, her home and children and told her she has alot of relationship problems. She was so shocked and thought I was psychic or something. I should have charged her.
Feel free to discuss this all you want, but this belongs in the pseudoscience forum, not the parapsychology forum.

Here's my input:

Critical thinking is a skill which is desperately lacking in American society. Here's a transcript of an episode of an excellent PBS program, I have pulled select quotes. (Palm reading is the first issue discussed)
We've asked DIANNA PAZ to visit a palm reader. She doesn't know it, but the reader -- who's a University of Oregon psychology professor -- says palm reading is pure fiction. And Dianna doesn't believe in it herself. But something strange is about to happen -- Dianna's going to become a believer.
ALAN ALDA (Narration) Ray Hyman gently raises common topics, like money or career, on the lookout for give-away responses -- a nod here, or a word there.
ALAN ALDA (Narration) After about twenty minutes, Ray is feeding back to Dianna what he's gathered she probably wants to hear.
RAY HYMAN I call it a symbiotic relationship. She wants me to be right, because it could help her, and of course I want to be right because it's an ego trip for me as a reader, and so we're helping each other.
ALAN ALDA This is really interesting. You're thinking about the things that he told you and you're considering them, and you're reconsidering your life in a way, even though he... it was like a put-up job!

DIANNA PAZ I think that I was taking the stuff that I believe, I want to happen, to be true.

ALAN ALDA (Narration) Most of us look at the world the same way as Dianna. We pick the bits of a horoscope we like -- and read them in the stars. We want to believe we're in touch with the forces of nature -- through extra sensory perception. And we believe that beings from outer space visit the earth -- just to see us humans. It's a thoroughly human way of viewing the world. But for scientists like Steven Weinberg, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist at the University of Texas, this kind of thinking is irrational -- it's not scientific. Weinberg has an explanation for why people think this way.

I got the important bits regarding palm reading but you all should really read the entire thing, as well as the rest of the transcript.
It is easy to notice how new born babies hold their fists tight at the time of their birth, this in turn forms the sketch of the first sings on a person's palms. Further as the child grows the hands play a considerable role as a tool for making the first interactions with the sorrounding reality, further signs may be formed as the intrests and actions which the child is involved with, grow. These changes are all limited and they end up to a specific age when the skin becomes perfectly fitted to the person's hand. Further aging will have less effect and the skin would eventually become old until the marks of the old appear on the hands.

The information that can be gathered from all these processes is very limited and almost in all cases unreliable since during a considerably long time in the life span of a person, he/she changes psychologically, emotionally, morally without having these changes recorded on the palms.
Palm reading its great to cath the attention of a girl :)

Just pretend u will read her hands adn grab them. Liie if u need, but read her hands!

Interesting topic, I have had my palm read once, and it seemed pretty accurate to me; however, it was done a few years ago (5 years ago actually, to be exact). I remember that as my palm was being read, the reader who was reading my palm told me that as i was going to grow older, my personality would begin to change, and it is because of this that my palms will also begin to change, as well. So although the reading of your past and present may currently seem accurate (if you've ever had your palm read before), your future will not be as completely accurate, simply because the lines on your hands are not set in stone, it will change as you, a person, begins to change as well. You can test this be examining your hand a year later from now (well, if you remember, that is), i don't think it will be exactly the same.
I believe that palm reading is really something used to find out more about a person's personality, the faults he/she may carry that pushes them away from success, or problems that may arise in their health. It is also a really good tool to use for fun, and a great conversation starter.
Whether if it's true or not, I really am not sure about that, since I'm not sure if palm reading has been scientifically/statistically tested yet, but the idea of being able to tell more about a person simply by looking at the lines of their hands is really quite interesting to me.
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Eh, I guess renx-2 isn't here anymore, but I guess it's still worth it to respond to his post for others to read.

Interesting topic, I have had my palm read once, and it seemed pretty accurate to me; however, it was done a few years ago (5 years ago actually, to be exact). I remember that as my palm was being read, the reader who was reading my palm told me that as i was going to grow older, my personality would begin to change, and it is because of this that my palms will also begin to change, as well. So although the reading of your past and present may currently seem accurate (if you've ever had your palm read before), your future will not be as completely accurate, simply because the lines on your hands are not set in stone, it will change as you, a person, begins to change as well. You can test this be examining your hand a year later from now (well, if you remember, that is), i don't think it will be exactly the same.

It sounds like the chiromancer was just covering his ass. "This is your future as determined by your current circumstances, but uh, it might not be completely accurate because, uh... your palm changes as circumstances in your life change! Yeah, that's it."

I believe that palm reading is really something used to find out more about a person's personality, the faults he/she may carry that pushes them away from success, or problems that may arise in their health. It is also a really good tool to use for fun, and a great conversation starter.

A good conversation-starter? I'll give you that.

Whether if it's true or not, I really am not sure about that, since I'm not sure if palm reading has been scientifically/statistically tested yet, but the idea of being able to tell more about a person simply by looking at the lines of their hands is really quite interesting to me.

It isn't true. It's widely considered pseudoscience because no credible evidence exists for the ability to tell much of anything by looking at palm lines. Wikipedia's article on the subject is pretty good as an introduction to that.
anyone able to palm read, or have a palm reading turn out right?

I used to read Palm and the results were 85% accurate on past histories. The future is not definitive in the sense that one can not predict quantitative information and hence is useless.

I think, Palm reading is more of a "How to read People" than any real science. Besides, the Palm lines change over time...

The Palm lines are unique and related to the DNA of a person. Which means one could discern the type of personality...may be...
anyone able to palm read, or have a palm reading turn out right?

Sure, as long as whatever is written on it is written in English I can read it just long as the ink doesn't run when your palm gets sweaty...
I've been reading my Palm trees out back for awhile now and I think I can read them pretty well. They need certain fertilizers once in awhile that make them respond with a wave of their fronds, gently waving to me while I bask under them in my hammock.;)
I'd have to question the validity of any researcher doing work around this time on trying to connect physical appearance to psychological factors.

Do a little research on phrenology if you want to know what I'm talking about. These sorts of research are usually used to try to prove the 'racial superiority' of one group over another. Given she seems to have been born just a little late to really get in on that sort of thing, but I still doubt it :p

So because phrenology had these qualities we know that that what Wolff's work must be incorrect.

Because some people used one kind of evaulation to prove racial superiority than anything with some qualities in common with that kind of evaluation will also use this to prove racial superiority.

Is it OK to use poor logic about things science has not verified, but bad to use poor logic in other contexts?
I think, Palm reading is more of a "How to read People" than any real science. Besides, the Palm lines change over time...

Well, this would be a science. It sounds like you are saying you 'actually' read the person's body language, perhaps the focus on the patterns in the hands frees up intuitive, body language reading facets of your intuition. Essentially that the palm reading acts as a placebo. On the other hand 85% is very high. Perhaps we can learn to control placebos. Both metaphorical ones and literal medicinal ones. Does it really matter if this is magic or not?

The Palm lines are unique and related to the DNA of a person. Which means one could discern the type of personality...may be...

If it relates to the DNA then perhaps it is not simply how to read people, in the body language sense of it.

Perhaps we need to distract our conscious mind that is cluttered and gets in the way of more intuitive abilities, magical or otherwise. Again, who cares which. The 'scientific' explanations for why it might seem to work, seem to be the question about how far we can take this seeming into valuable experiences for the recipients. Why is there so little curiosity in the scientific community about that?