Palm reading?

Be my guest.. anyone ? :D

Ahh, you're a coke fiend. You should wash that stuff off before you scan your hand and post it on the web.

Huh ? lol
I may have pressed my hand a bit too hard against the glass of my scanner in an attempt to keep absolutely still.. :D
Whorls ? lol




whorl (hwôrl, wôrl, hwûrl, wûrl) Pronunciation Key


1. A form that coils or spirals; a curl or swirl: spread the icing in peaks and whorls.
2. Botany An arrangement of three or more leaves, petals, or other organs radiating from a single node.
3. Zoology A single turn or volution of a spiral shell.
4. One of the circular ridges or convolutions of a fingerprint.
5. Architecture An ornamental device, as in stonework or weaving, consisting of stylized vine leaves and tendrils.
6. A small flywheel that regulates the speed of a spinning wheel.

And now my avatar is another kind of whorl.
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That's what people say when I show them. Its not a lot, its not the whole palm, but there it is.
Hmm yes, but you can see them in my pic ?

Not in my 'your pic', especially not where fingerprints are taken. I can see a little in the palm.

You can see the life line, the love line
and so on.

But your fingerprints looked burned off.

Interpol issues?
That's what people say when I show them. Its not a lot, its not the whole palm, but there it is.

Uhm Orleander.. I have found some info on palmar freckles..

A study of palmar dermatoglyphics in genodermatoses was conducted in 219 probands and 100 control subjects by standard ink and roller method, during the period 1977-81 at Government General Hospital, Madras. A study of palmar dermatoglyphics in 20 probands with definite clinical and histopathological evidence of Neurofibromatosis revealed an increased incidence of ulnar loop pattern over the finger tips in both sexes. This digital pattern was not found to be of statistical significance, but a statistically significant reduction in the mean a-b ridge count was observed in female cases. An increased incidence of palmar freckles (60%) was observed as a serendipity while taking the palm prints. Some of the palmar freckles with tiny palpable underlying nodules on histopathological study revealed miniature neurofibroma in the dermis. This serendipity has been recorded as an important clinical sign of neurofibromatosis by the author in her thesis submitted for Doctorate degree in 1981.;issue=1;spage=11;epage=15;aulast=Premalatha

Neurofibromatosis is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder. It encompasses a set of distinct genetic disorders that cause tumors to grow along types of nerves and, in addition, can affect the development of non-nervous tissues such as bones and skin. The tumors can grow anywhere on or in the body. Incidence is 1:3,000.

Have them checked out.. :(
Nope. I know a bit, but not enough.
Plop in your birth info including time and location and then we can talk.

Will do, tomorrow.

I was also thinking of starting a thread about handwriting.
You think someone here can analyze handwritings ?
Should be a cool thread if I get some participation :)
....Some of the palmar freckles with tiny palpable underlying nodules on histopathological study revealed miniature neurofibroma in the dermis. ...

thanks for the concern Enmos. :)
There are no underlying nodules.
I was wondering what it meant in palm reading, not in medical terms. Does it mean good luck or bad?
Be my guest.. anyone ? :D

Looks like you will live linger. It is hard to read. Send me the full size at hotmail or take a still pictures of yours with a 5MP or higher picture. Also do a close up of the little finger area.

Or you can put it in your web site and send me the link.
Be my guest.. anyone ? :D

Looks like you will live linger. It is hard to read. Send me the full size at hotmail or take a still pictures of yours with a 5MP or higher picture. Also do a close up of the little finger area.

Or you can put it in your web site and send me the link.

Oh heh, I totally forgot this thread.
I will upload a better one.