Palm reading?

sure. the marriage part hasnt come true tho (there is still time)

rudimentary knowledge of palm....major lines and a buncha little ones....been a very long time.

i believe!
This is interesting thing that i thought.

May be our own hands show Magnetic Lines of force and these Major lines are just strong fields emphatic!...what do you think?

there are many events in life, can and will change what you expect to gain from lfe, meaning if you will have a long marrage short life, two kids or a 3 story house on the north shore, to say a few lines on my palms will open up a glance into what the future has comming up for me, is just like asking "has anyone ever found a pot of gold at the bottom of a rainbow before?

If i were told i was going to be driving a bmw, have a long life, beautiful wife, three kids, a big house along with a pool and a dog.
And i was happy with this, quit my job, applied for the doll sit in a pub for the rest of my life waiting for my destiny, would the lines on my hands change because there is noway i would be finding the pot of gold at the end of that dull rainbow that i would be calling life!
I was looking in a palmistry book and my hand (shape and lines) was identical to one of a child elephant rider in a circus. It was freaky.
Now call me completely crazy, but I have doubts about the ability of one's hands to tell his destiny.
Perhaps, then, the lines in wood grain can be interpreted in order to tell tomorrow’s lottery numbers, or perhaps to discern the true will of the divine nature spirit.

You can pull stuff out of your ass all you like, it doesn't mean anything, there is no connection.
i am not randomly pulling stuff out of my ass. If you were to analyze the wood grain, you would more likely be able to tell something about the tree it came from:)
Edit: me has not good grammer
yeah, you might be able to tell how old it is, if it's ever survived a forest fire, maybe if it was ever infested by bugs, possibly what kind of tree it is. . . but all of these things have one thing in common, that being the fact that they were all caused at the time in which the stimuli was present! You can't read things that haven't happened from the grain in wood, because they HAVEN'T HAPPEND YET, and on the same note, you also can't read your future from the lines on your hand, because they ALSO haven't happened yet, and get this, most of the stuff that people try to read from a palm wouldn't even have any effect on the hand even AFTER the event took place, there is simply nothing to make it so! That’s why palm reading isn’t a big business, hehe, it just DOESN’T WORK!

As i mentioned before somewhere in the Pseudo Science forums,since there was no Para forum before that Palmistry today is based on statistics.But in ancient times it was not.Every planet or a star System has a Magnetic Field associated with,and feeds of these Fileds can provide direct Inputs to the Brain.This can affect you in may ways.this can affect your own present state of Emotions...Since emotions of present have a direct impact on your future,therefore one was able to predict the possibilities.As time went by people were able to record their own observation with respect to this.Today Scenario has changed we have our own Electronic devices Magnetic fields so impact may reduced.

The lines on hands can be considered to Magnetic Lines of Force.The lines length and position represents Magnetic fields strength and position.

Just guessing...

Im assuming here that there is a "life line" on a tree. However, this isnt necassarily on the grain of the wood, it could be on the outside of the tree. Of course, i dont take my time to "bark read" trees. As for the rest of your post, i dont understand what your saying there. please elaborate, i cant understand you when your being confusing.:)
Originally posted by man_of_jade
Im assuming here that there is a "life line" on a tree. However, this isnt necassarily on the grain of the wood, it could be on the outside of the tree. Of course, i dont take my time to "bark read" trees. As for the rest of your post, i dont understand what your saying there. please elaborate, i cant understand you when your being confusing.:)

Well, Jade, I'm mostly referring to the number of rings a tree has when you cut the sucker clean in half, you can tell it's age from that. Given it'd be hard to do this with just a plank of wood, but with a slice of a tree you could figure out hold old it is. . . you've never heard of this?

Also, zion, you are just guessing about that, as I don't believe that palm readers who take themselves seriously even go by that philosophy, and there is also no evidence at all to suggest that any of the factors you mentioned have any link to one another, and as such are void. The magnetic fields of various planets aren't powerful enough to have any effect on us here on earth, let alone shape the lines on our palms, even if only cosmetically, and that in turn has no link with how our lives are 'destined' to turn out. You could approach a university and attempt to receive a grant to do research to prove me wrong by collecting data that you can use to draw a straight line through all of these factors, but somehow I don’t think things would work out for you in the end.
Yes, which is why it's so infuriating when I see people trying to take any of it seriously, hehe.
Be able to tell how old it is, yes. But that isnt necassarily the tree's "lifeline".
Ahh, so, jade, through your own scientific reasoning and logical methods of deduction you have concluded that there must be one single line on a living object which tells it all? Clearly a human palm and a tree work in exactly the same way in respects to a mystic practice with no actually observable results. . .

no, wait, you're a complete flake. Go read a book. . . preferably one on biology. . .
kinda interesting how my palm has turned out correct so far... im not saying it tells all, im saying that it says SOME stuff
Lo mystec, 1 question...

I dunno about palm-reading, I am skeptical about that a bit...
But let's face it, I can't believe every religion and paranormal existance, I already believe a lot...

But to give my opinion on a tree's lifeline...
count the rings, devide by 2, increment by 1 *technical word* and that equals the tree's age...
Or so I learned in technical class...
so if you have a tree whit 185 rings...

185 : 2 = 92.5 + 1 = 93 and a half years...
But tell me, how do you see a lifeline of a :m:weed plant:m:?
I'll ask my brother, and i'll check your awnser later :D