Oxnard shooting victim has died

how sad, they are MUCH less likly to hurt your kids than a hedrosexual male is
how sad, they are MUCH less likly to hurt your kids than a hedrosexual male is

physically perhaps, psychologically he/she will be bullied at school and whats more as any child copying their parents has more chance of becoming...blah blah

look I said this all before and many people are way too liberal here on sciforums and I don't want another war starting.
As I said, the best plan is to give them a tiny piece of land in antarctica where they can live by themselves. Everyone wins, no one gets hurt.

And Asguard, they are still sexually off-sides and perverted. Where can our classic and traditional society go if we continue to "accept" these new [ridiculous] people?
dragon can i point out the flaw in this logic (then once you have read this PM me and i will delete the post because its not what the thread is about)

If what a parents sexuality had ANYTHING to do with a childs sexuality then there WOULD be no gay's (well eventually anyway) because MOST children are concived and raised by hedrosexual couples

If hedrosexual's dont influence there child's sexuality then why do you think a GAY parent
s sexuality would have anything to do with what sexuality the CHILD has????????

Its an irrational argument
I feel sad for children raised to gay parents
This is simply a ridicule thrown at society and should not be tolerated. We need a proper, respectable, conservative, and traditional society.
dragon can i point out the flaw in this logic (then once you have read this PM me and i will delete the post because its not what the thread is about)

If what a parents sexuality had ANYTHING to do with a childs sexuality then there WOULD be no gay's (well eventually anyway) because MOST children are concived and raised by hedrosexual couples

If hedrosexual's dont influence there child's sexuality then why do you think a GAY parent
s sexuality would have anything to do with what sexuality the CHILD has????????

Its an irrational argument

I can tell you irrationality of your "rationality"

I said I don't need to start another war.
Mod Hat - Thread Merge

Mod Hat — Thread merge

A second thread on this subject ("Boy killed for being gay") has been merged into the present discussion.
i guess i can now see where this comes from. Its sad that a group of people who are hurting NO ONE should be subjected like this
As for the boy who murdered him where the hell did HIS atitude come from?
I mean distaine, ridicule i could understand but what could possably make a KID murder because someone, ANYONE asked him out??????
Is that a serious question? Obviously murdering the kid was going way too far, but sexuality is a very touchy subject in high school.

Suggesting that he is gay is damned near the worst insult you can throw at an adolescent male in high school. By asking the guy out, the victim was suggesting that he thought the murderer was gay. An insult to his developing manhood and honor.

This explains the public murder of the victim. By killing him in front of witnesses, he was proving his manhood, publicly proclaiming that he considered the implication that he was gay a capital offense. He could have accomplished the same thing by punching the guy in the face.

Were the murderer more mature and secure in his own sexuality, he might have simply declined the invitation. Sadly, he was not.
for the first the thing that would protect people from guns is BANNING them.

As for the problems inherant in the US system i agree but i would go one step further, and thats your fear and hatred of your own goverment.
Asgard, you have no understanding whatsoever of the American mindset. Our whole system of government is built upon the idea that government can not be trusted. Our constitution was created not to grant freedoms to the people, but to limit the power of government to those powers specifically enumerated in the constitution.
Goverment is about more than roads, foreign affairs and the millarty. Hell even the millarty is about more than killing foreigners.
Not really. As Thomas Jefferson said, "The government that governs best, governs least.
Until you start trusting your goverment your not going to get the help from them you deserve
So you say. Might I counter with a quote from president Ronald Reagan:
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'
mad i sugest you actually go across the boarder and look at canda, fly to Australia, england, france, NZ ANY first world nation and look at the atitude to the goverment. Reagan was a right wing anti goverment fanatic. Now i realise YOUR right wing as well but providing a quote from someone who was KNOWN to dispise any goverment "interfearence" isnt proof

As to the actual incident im sorry but this just wouldnt HAPPEN in any other nation. Not sure how i would have reacted if i was asked out by a boy because at school NO ONE asked me out:p (didnt have any relationships, girls or guys) but i CERTIANLY wouldnt have punched the kid let alone shot him. There is NO excuse for this action but one step to avoid it happerning again would be to actually teach that homosexuals are human for starters. This is a NATIONAL discrace and ALL of you should be hanging your heads in shame that you have manifactured such an intolerant sociaty
I feel sad for children raised to gay parents
This is simply a ridicule thrown at society and should not be tolerated. We need a proper, respectable, conservative, and traditional society.

I'd rather have a society where homosexuals are free to be who they are than to live in a society dogged by religious zealots who view homosexuality as being a perversion and state it should not be tolerated.

As I said, the best plan is to give them a tiny piece of land in antarctica where they can live by themselves. Everyone wins, no one gets hurt.

And Asguard, they are still sexually off-sides and perverted. Where can our classic and traditional society go if we continue to "accept" these new [ridiculous] people?
I am strongly quelling the intense desire to simply speak my mind on this issue and tell you exactly what I think of people with beliefs such as yours.

Homosexuality is not new, nor is it perverse. Is it really any of your business if a person has sex with someone of the same sex? Did you choose to be heterosexual? Or was it natural to you? To say it is somehow "new" or a choice to be homosexual says more about you than it does about any homosexual on this planet.

I have a better idea. Why don't we place all the individuals, with backwards beliefs, in Antarctica? I imagine a world without such bigotry and it would be quite a lovely place to live. But then again, Antarctica is a pristine environment and having such individuals on its soil would simply pollute it beyond salvation.
Now i realise YOUR right wing as well but providing a quote from someone who was KNOWN to dispise any goverment "interfearence" isnt proof
Reagan was a wildly popular president. His re-election was a gigantic landslide. I'd wager most Americans would agree with that quote.
As to the actual incident im sorry but this just wouldnt HAPPEN in any other nation.
You're obviously way overstating your case here. I'm sure you mean no other Western, industrialized nation. But even that's not true. A quick google search revealed:
SCOTLAND: A man has been jailed for life and another for nine years for beating a gay man to death in a "callous and brutal" attack in a city centre park.
James Kerr, a catering worker, died in hospital after being repeatedly punched and kicked in the face and head by three people in April. They had hunted him down and attacked him for allegedly "trying it on" with one of the gang.
After leaving Kerr, 51, dying in a pool of blood in South Inch park in central Perth, the group went to a party nearby, where they boasted about the attack.
As he left the scene of the attack, the teenager was heard remarking: "I hate gays and poofters."
"He had major head injuries, and the photographs of his body are horrifying," the judge said. "This was a killing of a callous and brutal character, which appears to have been marked by a homophobic element."
As all three youths looked straight ahead at the high court in Edinburgh, the judge said the most violent assailant, Meehan, 19, had launched a "savage and sustained attack upon a defenceless man who had done you no harm".
His assault was so vicious and sustained that Kerr died without recovering consciousness. Meehan later told a social worker he believed Kerr was a paedophile. http://www.lgbt.bz/2007/11/scotland-hate-crime-murder.html
Now the facts aren't exactly the same. But we have the same motivation and the same response. A homosexual apparently approached a gang member, so they hunted him down and beat him to death. No gun involved. Not in the US. And this was just the first story I clicked on in my search.
Not sure how i would have reacted if i was asked out by a boy because at school NO ONE asked me out:p
I'm sorry to hear that. Did you ask anyone out?
There is NO excuse for this action but one step to avoid it happerning again would be to actually teach that homosexuals are human for starters. This is a NATIONAL discrace and ALL of you should be hanging your heads in shame that you have manifactured such an intolerant sociaty
I agree there's no excuse. But our different outlook is clear. I see no societal problem. I see an out of control kid, a murderer over reacting to what was probably intended as a complement.
Syzygys why should HE have to hide his sexuality?

For the same reason why soldiers have to. If you ask me, below 16 they are too young to express their sexuality. Second as I said being gay is not cool in highschool just like it is not cool in Musmil countries, so you hide it.

There is a huge difference between heterosexual relationship in highschools, namely that it is ACCEPTED. Not to mention a boy wouldn't be allowed to take showers with the cheerleading team, so for a gay boy taking showers with the rest of the other boys the effect is the same. So just hide your sexuality, nobody likes unwanted sexual advances...

oh BTW Syzygys do you have a link to the incident?

You mean you don't know how to find info on the internet? Google News would be a good start...
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As to the actual incident im sorry but this just wouldnt HAPPEN in any other nation.

Yeah, it would. It does. It's called real life.

It doesn't matter, the reason. As long as there are people with conflicting interests, crazies will kill em, no matter what country, no matter what for.

- N
Neildo im sorry your wrong, compare the murder rate of the US to anyother first world country.

Also compare the atitude of a country that holds the biggest gay pride match every year (which people LOVE, it brings in ALOT of buiness for starters) to a country where gays are villifide at every turn
Het shame

Norsefire said:

Encouraging sexual perversion (which is what homosexuality is) is nonetheless wrong. The boy doesn't have to be gay, he chooses to be (or fools himself into thinking he just is). Not only that, it goes against conservation of tradition and classical ideals. What next, legalizing drugs and prostitutes?

Norsefire, until you come to terms with your own closeted self, you're going to continue to sound like a cheap political stereotype. As I noted before, it's okay to admit to temptation.

• • •​

Syzygys said:

If you ask me, below 16 they are too young to express their sexuality ....

.... There is a huge difference between heterosexual relationship in highschools, namely that it is ACCEPTED.

An interesting contrast that strikes right to the heart of the matter.

Not to mention a boy wouldn't be allowed to take showers with the cheerleading team, so for a gay boy taking showers with the rest of the other boys the effect is the same.

To borrow from another topic:

In the end, such homophobia may well be a petulant extension of a broadly-seeded male sexual fantasy. Men want to be propositioned, want easy access to sex, but from women. So they project their own sexual aggression onto other men, which makes the homosexual all the more frightening, because the frightened het-man is imagining that the gay is as sexually aggressive, nondiscriminating, and indifferent to proper human respect as the het-man believes himself to be.

In the end, the paranoid hets are all imagining that gay men will be as ridiculous and annoying as the hets themselves ....

You think homosexual teenagers aren't already hiding it? I'd like to see your honest-to-goshen, red-blooded, down-home American heterosexual boy do so well in the shower with the cheerleaders.
Neildo im sorry your wrong, compare the murder rate of the US to anyother first world country.


You said an incident like this wouldn't ever happen in any other country yet they do. Now if you want to make a case for it happening more frequently here than other places, go ahead, but don't say they don't happen because the world is a fucked up place and fucked up things happen no matter where you live.

- N
Interestingly enough after a few seconds of research i found this:


Now i dont know what to think.

Highlights of the study indicated that:

The percentage of the population that suffered "contact crime" in England and Wales was 3.6 percent, compared with 1.9 percent in the United States and 0.4 percent in Japan.

Burglary rates in England and Wales were also among the highest recorded. Australia (3.9 percent) and Denmark (3.1 per cent) had higher rates of burglary with entry than England and Wales (2.8 percent). In the U.S., the rate was 2.6 percent, according to 1995 figures;
"After Australia and England and Wales, the highest prevalence of crime was in Holland (25 percent), Sweden (25 percent) and Canada (24 percent).

The United States, despite its high murder rate, was among the middle ranking countries with a 21 percent victimization rate," the London Telegraph said.
England and Wales also led in automobile thefts.

More than 2.5 percent of the population had been victimized by car theft, followed by 2.1 percent in Australia and 1.9 percent in France. Again, the U.S. was not listed among the "top 10" nations.

The study found that Australia led in burglary rates, with nearly 4 percent of the population having been victimized by a burglary. Denmark was second with 3.1 percent; the U.S. was listed eighth at about 1.8 percent.
