Owning a person

How is a single person "they"?

How about this instead?

LONDON: An increasing number of female students in the uk are resorting to prostitution or other jobs in the sex industry to pay rising
university tuition fees, a study claimed on Sunday.

Research by Kingston University in southwest london suggested that there has been a 50% rise in numbers over the past six years in such cases.

In a survey that asked 130 students whether they knew any friends involved in the sex industry, one in 10 said they knew of students who had stripped, lapdanced or worked at massage parlours and escort agencies to support themselves. Over 6% said they knew students who worked as prostitutes, the Sunday Times said, quoting the survey.

The academics found that alcohol and mental problems led some women into stripping and lap-dancing. But those resorting to prostitution were simply working to earn money, it said. University tuition fees, first introduced in 1998 at £1,000 a year, have risen to £3,000 pounds this year.


Research by Kingston University in southwest London found that one in 10 students had friends who had stripped, lapdanced or worked at massage parlours and escort agencies to support themselves.

President of the Union of Students (USI), Richie Morrisroe, said it was "not surprising" that people felt they had to turn to prostitution given the shortfall in financial support available to students.

"It really is shocking. It's really sad that people are turning to prostitution," said Mr Morrisroe.

"It's definitely a concern. But I can understand why people feel they have to turn to something like this. It is extremely expensive to manage all of the expenses that come with going to college," he said.

The prostitution aid and lobby group, Ruhama, said it was seriously "seriously concerned" that anyone would consider prostitution as an "easy option" to meet any financial commitments.

"When entering prostitution, you are entering an environment which is extremely harmful and dangerous to women", said Ms Geraldine Rowley, head of the group.


Do you think these organisations are deluded for being concerned?

25% of prostitutes students, says sex industry

25 Jun, 2005 09:34 AM

...Hannah, 19, is a Year 12 student at a prominent Canberra school. She is also a sex worker.

Instead of retail or fast food, she has chosen a far more lucrative trade to pay for her studies, working at Fyshwick's Northside Studio for the past eight months.

She is far from alone, with as many as 25per cent of the ACT's prostitutes thought to be at university or school.

An Eros Foundation spokeswoman said a survey conducted some years ago revealed that 15per cent of sex workers were university or senior school students.

"I think that figure has increased. I'd put it as high as 25per cent," she said.

All of the brothels contacted by The Canberra Times said it was common to have students over the age of 18 on their books.


Hannah, a single mother of a 2-year-old daughter, became a sex worker after she got into $1800 debt. Her earnings enabled her to pay it off in three months. Her teachers know what she does, and so do her parents.

"Mum and Dad see it as a profession," she said. "Dad doesn't have a problem as long as I save half of what I earn. I do it for the money, to help pay for the extra courses I'm taking. My teachers are not fine with it, but they are supportive and help me with my schoolwork and make sure it gets done on time."

She makes between $800 and $1200 a week, depending on whether it is a public service pay week or not, and her clients range from public servants to labourers to school teachers.


Kate, who also worked as a prostitute while she was studying, said students were seldom adversely affected by the experience.

"Often they are the more successful workers because they are working for a set period of time and they are definite about their motivation. The girls who are adversely affected are those who feel they have no choice, single mothers or drug addicts, for whom prostitution comes second to something else."

She said today's students were more likely to work privately than in a parlour, because they could make more money.

"We all do it for the money. If you just want sex, you can go to a nightclub. It's not as lucrative as it used to be - we copped a minimum 40per cent crash almost overnight when the pokies came in. That's been the biggest blow."


Eros's Fiona Patten said, "It's legal and well regulated. It enables people, women in particular, to earn a high hourly rate with a minimum of experience. It's up to women to choose how they use their bodies. It is legal to work when you're 18 and have sex when you're 16, although it takes an extraordinary 18-year-old to work in the industry, as it takes a certain degree of maturity. But she could be working at Maccas and having to work twice as many hours for half as much money."



Student prostitution in France

Blog comment on another student prostitute story

Meanwhile, in Bangkok...


These are just a few hits on the first page of Google results that came up when I did a brief search.

How is a single person "they"?

I suggested you start there. I've also helpfully provided a few more links for you.

How about this instead?


"It's definitely a concern. But I can understand why people feel they have to turn to something like this. It is extremely expensive to manage all of the expenses that come with going to college," he said.

The prostitution aid and lobby group, Ruhama, said it was seriously "seriously concerned" that anyone would consider prostitution as an "easy option" to meet any financial commitments.

"When entering prostitution, you are entering an environment which is extremely harmful and dangerous to women", said Ms Geraldine Rowley, head of the group.​

Do you think these organisations are deluded for being concerned?

Well, I think that any "prostitution aid and lobby group" probably has a particular agenda to push, SAM.

I've never said that I'm not concerned about people who feel they have no option but to turn to prostitution. But that's way off the original topic of the thread.
Here is an interesting study:

Eighty-nine male and female undergraduates completed the Attitudes toward Feminism Scale and the author-devised Attitudes Toward Prostitution Scale, which contained five factors. Profeminist attitudes were related to three out of five factors. Respondents scoring in a profeminist direction were more likely to view prostitution as reflecting exploitation and subordination of women, less likely to believe women become prostitutes out of economic necessity, and less likely to approve of decriminalization and legalization of prostitution. Gender differences also appeared that were not explained by differences in profeminist attitudes: women were more likely than men to disagree with decriminalization and legalization efforts and were more likely to view prostitution as reflecting exploitation and subordination.


Perhaps men are more likely to favour decriminalising prostitution. Not surprising.
It is relevant, it explains why iceaura, for example, thought a man who pays women to go home after he's finished with them, is not treating women as if he owned their bodies.

The topic, btw, if its still obscure, is whether prostitution is like human trafficking.

What's the big mystery about prostitution for you? A contract for services is a contract for services, whether sex is involved or not.

You could argue that you pay a professional plumber to go home when he has finished fixing your blocked toilet. An alternative would be to call a friend to come and fix your toilet, but then you'd probably "pay" by talking to the friend, giving him/her coffee, taking him/her to lunch, returning the favour at some later date, or whatever.

What's the fundamental difference between paying a plumber and paying a sex worker?
What's the fundamental difference between paying a plumber and paying a sex worker?

The same one between giving a kid a lollipop and a dick to put in his mouth.
The same one between giving a kid a lollipop and a dick to put in his mouth.

You still haven't grasped the point I explained to you before. The child you mention here cannot consent to having a dick in his mouth. An adult sex worker can. It's a simple enough point.

I think you need to review this thread and spend some time thinking it over. Your responses are becoming simple knee-jerks.

And, don't think I don't notice when you don't answer questions. It is an annoying habit you need to get over. It shows a lack of good faith and/or capacity for introspection.
You still haven't grasped the point I explained to you before. The child you mention here cannot consent to having a dick in his mouth. An adult sex worker can. It's a simple enough point.

I meant, the child cannot tell the difference either until its explained to him.

Most child sex workers in Asian countries also do the job willingly, we don't accept their consent as justification. We also do not accept the consent of people to accept bonded labour and slavery [its why we strive for minimum wage laws]. If you see no difference between paying a person to unplug your toilet and paying them to relieve you of sexual tension, then clearly, its not something I can explain to you.

You'll excuse me if I don't take you very seriously. I have no faith in your capacity for good faith or introspection.
Besides, I get the feeling you are looking for a fight.
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Child prostitution is illegal for a reason..at least in Europe. So, I wonder why do people here always drag children into this topic?
Child prostitution is illegal for a reason..at least in Europe. So, I wonder why do people here always drag children into this topic?

Because Europeans also frequent child prostitutes where they are not illegal. So does making something illegal make it immoral or to turn it around, if its legal does that mean its moral? After all, one can go around minimum wage laws by outsourcing labour. And thats not illegal.

Also, its interesting that one can easily own a childs consent simply by denying it to them.
I don't know, S.A.M. I'm not much into using morality as an argument to refute, or justify something. I would say that it depends on the case. But I presume that most would consider child prostitution as immoral even if it weren't illegal. The legitimacy of things doesn't predetermine whether it's unethical, or not.

Well, I presume that anyone who had psychology would understand why there's no such thing such as consensual pedophilia, or consensual child prostitution.
most would consider child prostitution as immoral even if it weren't illegal.

Not the ones who practise it, though. Its like Mike Tyson said to Desiree after he raped her, do you love me now?

Apparently the victims are always asking for it, consenting to it and deserving it. Its like a generic Stockholm Syndrome, they all want it hence its justified.
Not the ones who practise it, though. Its like Mike Tyson said to Desiree after he raped her, do you love me now?

Apparently the victims are always asking for it, consenting to it and deserving it.

But those are individual cases. If the majority would agree with such behaviour then it would have become the norm long ago, but it didn't.
But those are individual cases. If the majority would agree with such behaviour then it would have become the norm long ago, but it didn't.

What didn't? Prostitution has always been around and it has always been the womens "fault". Just like rape.

Read any of the polls on it on this forum.
I was referring to child prostitution, and pedophilia.

Anyway, yes, prostitution has always been around. What has been the women's fault? This is nothing new, people always come up with stupid excuses to justify the atrocities they've done, or are going to commit, but it doesn't mean that these 'excuses' are true, or by any means realistic. Luckily men who think like that have become a minority in Europe as with the rising feminism movements patriarchy went slowly down hill.
Yeah, now prostitution is what women do freely as a consensual act. Thats progress.