Our attitude concerning mockery of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon

what's jeem in english? are you saying one arabic word can only be written in exactly one particular way, and although it can be pronounced differently in several dialects it can only have one meaning

yes it can have one meaning

in phonology we call it free variation different sound same meaning like the aspirated p the English say phut and put
minimal pairs are different sound and meaning
like sip and zip the first one is voiceless the second is voiced both are fricatives .they have the same place of articulation but the manner is different.
I have to make a disclaimer here - that context can ascribe subtleties of meaning.

Arabic has lots of subtleties. Thus, though you can say what you mean, very often what is said has a different relation than its meaning. Its a figuratve language by culture not by written meanings. However, the context of use makes it clear what the meaning is ;)
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IN MOROCCO for example some people say q while other say G.Both are uvular stop or plosive For example some Morocan say QAL AND GAL .Both mean said .If u study sociolinguistics , phonolgy and morpholgy in linguistics u will have no ambiguity. The way one talks is related to his her social class and education.
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IN CANDA OR FRANCE the an is prnounced differently.Some for example say j ai 13 ans thirteens years old, others would say the an with a slight difference.but both have the same meaning.Difference lies only in pronounciation not in meaning.It depends on the region where u live.One should bear in mind that language is acquired through exposure .The environment has influential impact on the speaker of a launguage.

By the way q G are uvular stop.the q is voiceless while G is voiced.See the example above
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You got it. :)

You learn the alphabet, the rules, the roots and you can derive the meanings of the words. In classical Arabic.

e.g. root = ktb = to write
katîb writer
.... and on and on. This is only a limited sample of the immense variety of words that can be formed by simple and predictable usage of the basic root which was only the three consonants k-t-b.

There are mixtures like Moroccan darija, which is why classical Arabic speakers don't understand Moroccan.


And jeem is a letter in the Arabic alphabet (fifth)


being an indonesian muslim of arab descent of course i can read arabic and know at least some of what you explained above (i can even understand some indian (urdu?) words because they have the same sounds and meanings). both my english and arabic are not that good so i have trouble understanding what you mean by "in arabic, the sound is the language". :)

IN MOROCCO FOR EXAMPLE some people say q while other say G.tHEY ARE UVULAR PLOSIVE OR STOP.
FOR EXAMPLE WE SAY QAL AND GAL .BOTH MEANS SAID.If u study sociolinguistics , phonolgy and morpholgy in linguistics u will have no ambiguity. The way one talks is related to his her social class and education.
:D here in our arab community we use gal instead of the standard qal. and my father once said that in egypt(?) the word gahwa (coffee) sounds more like 'ahwa.
being an indonesian muslim of arab descent of course i can read arabic and know at least some of what you explained above (i can even understand some indian (urdu?) words because they have the same sounds and meanings). both my english and arabic are not that good so i have trouble understanding what you mean by "in arabic, the sound is the language". :)

:D here in our arab community we use gal instead of the standard qal. and my father once said that in egypt(?) the word gahwa (coffee) sounds more like 'ahwa.

Thats interesting. My Indonesian friend is Christian, I did not know there were Indonesians of Arab descent.

Urdu is actually Hindi+Persian (with some Arabic and Turkic influences) in Persian script, we have some additional alphabets which do not exist in the Arabic. A Hindi speaker and an Urdu speaker can understand each other without difficulty.


"in arabic, the sound is the language"

I guess what I am saying is that the words represent themselves by derivation, no matter how you say it, they are all written the same way, the differences in language are not differences in words, but in the sound of the word.
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Thats interesting. My Indonesian friend is Christian, I did not know there were Indonesians of Arab descent.

Urdu is actually Hindi+Persian (with some Arabic and Turkic influences) in Persian script, we have some additional alphabets which do not exist in the Arabic. A Hindi speaker and an Urdu speaker can understand each other without difficulty.


are you kidding? who do you think brought islam to indonesia? i spent my childhood in a place where christians are majority, i even go to a protestant elementary school so most of my friends are christians. when i said 'our arab community' i was referring to the market, my arabic skills are mostly about numbers/prices. most of arab merchants sells textile competing with indians :D . of course there are lots of arabtowns just like chinatowns or any other 'ethnictown' here in indonesia, i just don't live in one.

what language do they used in bollywood movies? that's what i meant when i said some words have similar sound and meaning with arabic.

well, admiral zheng he and ma huan came to in indonesia on 13th century while arabs from hadramawt, yemen was as early as 11th century.

edit: and zheng he was hanafi muslim while the yemen traders were shafi'i muslims. indonesian muslims are mostly shafi'i.
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are you kidding? who do you think brought islam to indonesia? i spent my childhood in a place where christians are majority, i even go to a protestant elementary school so most of my friends are christians. when i said 'our arab community' i was referring to the market, my arabic skills are mostly about numbers/prices. most of arab merchants sells textile competing with indians . of course there are lots of arabtowns just like chinatowns or any other 'ethnictown' here in indonesia, i just don't live in one.

I always thought it was the Indonesian traders operating with traders from other regions where Islam was present. :)
what language do they used in bollywood movies? that's what i meant when i said some words have similar sound and meaning with arabic.

It used to be that the Bollywood movies and songs were written by Urdu writers and poets (not necessarily Muslim), Urdu is the language of romance and poetry (yup, I'm biased). :p

Nowadays they write the scripts in English and find someone to translate it into the local dialect. :(
Would u mind telling us u age .

I would like that the aim of our discussion is to be friends and share sorrow and happiness .Moreover,information without looking down on each other and sending charges against each other.

Tell me my indonesian friend.how are u treated by real muslims.

Muslim scholars claim iislam was brought to the region directly from Arabia in the Middle East. Other scholars claim that Muslim Chinese who introduced islam by good conduct and by being honest in dealing with others.
Arabic scholars also came to Malaysia and Indonesia, facilitating information about the new religion.

The successful spread of Islam in Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines owed much to the introduction of the Noble Quran and other Islamic books and references.
This contrasts with thefalse belief that islam was spread by sword.
Tell me my indonesian friend.how are u treated by real muslims.

Muslim scholars claim iislam was brought to the region directly from Arabia in the Middle East. Other scholars claim that Muslim Chinese who introduced islam by good conduct and by being honest in dealing with others.
Arabic scholars also came to Malaysia and Indonesia, facilitating information about the new religion.

The successful spread of Islam in Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines owed much to the introduction of the Noble Quran and other Islamic books and references.
This contrasts with thefalse belief that islam was spread by sword.

real muslims? are you implying that i'm not a real muslim? there are twisted muslims here as anywhere else in the world and i'm pretty sure i'm not one of them.

in my knowledge about our history (we arabs are pretty particular about our history/genealogy) our great2 grandfathers came here as traders and at the same time spreading islam. either they were preaching islam intentionally or the locals were attracted to islam because of the good conduct of our great grandfathers. islam wasn't spread by sword here in indonesia, it wasn't forced.

i think islam was widely accepted because most of our great grandfathers acted as advisers to local rulers at that time, after the rulers embraced islam when they recognized the knowledge our great grandfather had. later when transportations were more convenient because advancement in technology and funding by local rulers, people went to middle east to study and more scholars from there came to indonesia.
so where exactly are muslims being ethnically cleansed ?
You tell me.
Finally the ban is lifted.

I would to voice my dissatisfaction over the fact i was banned and charged with trolling.I am really sad for such act.How many of u agree with the administration decision
Well Tresbien, you are copying and pasting a lot of stuff which some people deem “Preaching”
In the name of Allah:
Originally Posted by Middle East News
Residents of the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip on Thursday evening erupted in joyous celebration after receiving news of the gruesome slaughter of Jewish seminary students by a fellow Muslim in Jerusalem.
Thousands reportedly poured into the streets of Gaza hailing the killing of eight young unarmed Jewish bible students as Allah's revenge for Israel's ramped up military efforts against Gaza's terrorist infrastructure....

And they wonder why Muhammad is mocked as a terrorist.....
You think its funny to say “In the name of Allah” and then post an article from an extremely biased, anti-Islam site? In case you don’t know the answer: its not. Why didn’t you say “In the name of Yahweh” and post that article about Israelis shouting “Death to the Arabs!”? Double standards much?
Some Gazans may be celebrating yes. But blaming it on religion is pure bollocks. You making this claim shows you have not kept up to date with the humanitarian disaster in Gaza as a result of the tightening noose by Israel. That is the reason some are celebrating, not because of their religion.
And this has what to do with mockery of Mohammed?

You tell me, I did not bring those verses up. But don’t you know that every thread about Muslims or Islam will descend into Muslim bashing and verses from the Quran will be misquoted and thrown around and all the vile acts will be attributed to the Muslims or Islam.
Look it up for yourself, Arsalan. You have fingers, a keyboard, and Google. More than this you shouldn't need.
I cant find any. Thats why I was asking you since you keep making that claim. And this challenge is open for the likes of Q as well: give me written, oral, or video confessions of all suicide bombers or terrorists saying that what they are doing, they are doing because of those verses and to spread Islam
Are you saying this justifies killing unarmed teenagers in a seminary? That your link has something to do with mocking Muhammad, this thread's topic? Do you really think any two wrongs in the world make a right?
So killing 1 person justifies bombing and killing 120 people? Why don’t you pout that high moral to Israel instead of expecting the occupied Gazans, living like slaves in inhumane conditions, to behave as you want them to? Pathetic.
Originally Posted by tresbien
Didn't know they had bombs back in the 7th century. Wow, you learn something new everyday about Islam.
It’s called terror you retard. Try listening to what the other is saying instead of trying to nitpick your way out of saying “Yes, youre right.”
And yet, the act of terrorism is in the name of Allah, in which the perpetrator becomes a martyr.
You have not given me proof of any of those so kindly shut up. Or provide proof. Burden is on you.
Originally Posted by S.A.M.
Whats an act of terrorism? How do you define it?

From that link:
the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion
That means the US is guilty of terrorism. So is Israel. And the UK. Dumbass...
On the contrary, Islamic terrorists know exactly what they are doing; they are committing acts of terror in the name of Islam, to spread terror, terror cells cannot be everywhere, but ordinary Muslims are widespread.

These terrorists are using Islam to keep fear in the minds of those they oppose, they are using everyday Muslims as unwilling recruits to their fear factory. People see a guy with a Koran and an AK47 on Al Jazeera, then see people outside a Mosque, and wonder how many of those entering are terrorist sympathisers. The association is made by terrorists.
The single most effective tool for the terrorists is the Wests racism, bigotry and double standards towards Muslims. And once again, you provide me proof that these people are doing what they are doing simply because of their religion and for no other matter. The burden of proof is on you.
The only way to stop the 'Islamophobia' that has been created by the terrorists, is for ordinary Muslims to clean house, and eject and marginalise radicals. Decry them, out them, and work with security forces to expose them. Once the press and public see this happening your slate will be clean.
Islamophobia wasn’t created by the terrorists, it was created by the Western governments who refused to listen to the occupied who, like everyone would, got fed up that their country was being destroyed and they were being systematically terrorised through the war and the economy. This wave of terrorism is not the fault of Muslims or Islam, it is the fault of the Western governments and their foreign policies.
There are those “perceptions” again, sam, the ones Muslims have that give them the justification to use violence or prescribe war.
Perceptions!?? Haha! You really are completely retarded. Iraqis have had their country bombed endlessly, their jobs are gone, the rebuilding work, which Iraqi companies are perfectly able to do and which would lead to employment, has been outsourced to US firms, their water has been privatized, their healthcare, their education, their museums and libraries have been looted, they don’t get enough food and no one listened to them when they were out there in their 100s of 1000s protesting these awful conditions peacefully. Only after these protests remained unheard, and their sitatuion worsened did they take to violence. So, there are no perceptions. This is the cold hard fact. Terrorism in Iraq is simply people fed up with the occupying forces and their country being prostituted to any multinational corporation who can bid the highest
This contrasts with thefalse belief that islam was spread by sword.

Fairy tales.

The rapid expansion of Islam was a result of military conquest and conversion starting from the raids on caravans to full scale wars, the promise of salvation for those who died fighting for Islam, and the lure of fortune for those who succeeded in conquest.
Fairy tales.

The rapid expansion of Islam was a result of military conquest and conversion starting from the raids on caravans to full scale wars, the promise of salvation for those who died fighting for Islam, and the lure of fortune for those who succeeded in conquest.

You need to read something other than the frothing of anti-Islamists.

The conceptualization is dominated by two stereotypes; the first popularized and captured by Gibbon in the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire is of a fanatical Arab horseman riding forth from the desert with a sword in one hand and the Quran in the other offering victims a choice between one of the two,[3] however such "old notions of forced conversions have been abandoned, at least in scholarly literature".[2] The other image is one of an interfaith, interracial utopia where different races and peoples lived together in harmony. This has also been discredited for more shaded and complex views such as; an acculturation of Arab-Islamic social norms and language,[4] or a process of dialog between the monotheistic Arabs during the Muslim conquests with other faith traditions.[5]

American historian Ira Lapidus points towards "interwoven terms of political and economic benefits and of a sophisticated culture and religion" as appealing to the masses.[10] He writes that :

"The question of why people convert to Islam has always generated intense feeling. Earlier generations of European scholars believed that conversions to Islam were made at the point of the sword, and that conquered peoples were given the choice of conversion or death. It is now apparent that conversion by force, while not unknown in Muslim countries, was, in fact, rare. Muslim conquerors ordinarily wished to dominate rather than convert, and most conversions to Islam were voluntary. (...) In most cases worldly and spiritual motives for conversion blended together. Moreover, conversion to Islam did not necessarily imply a complete turning from an old to a totally new life. While it entailed the acceptance of new religious beliefs and membership in a new religious community, most converts retained a deep attachment to the cultures and communities from which they came."[10]
It’s called terror you retard. Try listening to what the other is saying instead of trying to nitpick your way out of saying “Yes, youre right.”

He's not saying anything, he's preaching, jackass.

You have not given me proof of any of those so kindly shut up. Or provide proof. Burden is on you.

Is that supposed to be some kind of joke, jackass? When will you are any other Muslim take on the burden of proof for your claims?

Perceptions!?? Haha! You really are completely retarded. Iraqis have had their country bombed endlessly, their jobs are gone, the rebuilding work, which Iraqi companies are perfectly able to do and which would lead to employment, has been outsourced to US firms, their water has been privatized, their healthcare, their education, their museums and libraries have been looted, they don’t get enough food and no one listened to them when they were out there in their 100s of 1000s protesting these awful conditions peacefully. Only after these protests remained unheard, and their sitatuion worsened did they take to violence. So, there are no perceptions. This is the cold hard fact. Terrorism in Iraq is simply people fed up with the occupying forces and their country being prostituted to any multinational corporation who can bid the highest

See, they're all perceptions, with no one taking responsibility for their own actions, or lack thereof. I noticed you did state they did take to violence, jackass.
He's not saying anything, he's preaching, jackass.

Is that supposed to be some kind of joke, jackass? When will you are any other Muslim take on the burden of proof for your claims?

See, they're all perceptions, with no one taking responsibility for their own actions, or lack thereof. I noticed you did state they did take to violence, jackass.

Is this a joke?:bugeye: