Our attitude concerning mockery of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon

: the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion
Thats what I thought.:p

Pretty much represents all the Islamophobia rampant these days.

On the contrary, Islamic terrorists know exactly what they are doing; they are committing acts of terror in the name of Islam, to spread terror, terror cells cannot be everywhere, but ordinary Muslims are widespread.

These terrorists are using Islam to keep fear in the minds of those they oppose, they are using everyday Muslims as unwilling recruits to their fear factory. People see a guy with a Koran and an AK47 on Al Jazeera, then see people outside a Mosque, and wonder how many of those entering are terrorist sympathisers. The association is made by terrorists.

The only way to stop the 'Islamophobia' that has been created by the terrorists, is for ordinary Muslims to clean house, and eject and marginalise radicals. Decry them, out them, and work with security forces to expose them. Once the press and public see this happening your slate will be clean.
Yeah they use the Arabic word youm which can mean anything from one day to 50,000 years in the Quran.

Well that's what I call a flexible language. Using the highest value of youm suggests that the earth is 350,000 years old. Do you believe that ? Also, consider that the duration of a day is the time it takes for the earth to complete a rotation on its axis. Can you imagine what a catastrophe there would be if took 50, 000 yearsto do so ?

A year of such days would mean the earth could not remain in its orbit and would tumble into the sun. It follows, that the whole process would never have got started in the first place. The alternative is that the earth would have to orbit the sun at such distance as to make life here impossible.
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I'd say hundreds of tonnes of bombs are pretty systematic. Incarceration, torture, desecration of the Qur'an, portrayal of Muslims as terrorists, demonising Muslim beliefs, mocking their distress with cartoons and movies that dehumanise them and portray them as less than human is pretty systematic.

There are those "perceptions" again, sam, the ones Muslims have that give them the justification to use violence or prescribe war.
There are those "perceptions" again, sam, the ones Muslims have that give them the justification to use violence or prescribe war.

Yeah, its all fantasy, none of it is really happening.:rolleyes:
phlogistican said:
The association is made by terrorists.

The only way to stop the 'Islamophobia' that has been created by the terrorists, is for ordinary Muslims to clean house, and eject and marginalise radicals. Decry them, out them, and work with security forces to expose them. Once the press and public see this happening your slate will be clean.
Actually, that association is not made by the terrorists, but by the outside observers who can't tell one mosque and one Muslim from another.

It's sort of as if you were to go to your local Greek Orthodox, Methodist, Unitarian, and Catholic churches and demand they "clean house" after a Christian abortion clinic bombing in a nearby state.

It is not really the responsibility of all Muslims everywhere to get some bigots and fools somewhere to come to their senses. It's a very good idea for them to do what they can to reassure the ignorant and so forth, but you have to recognize you are requesting a favor in your own time of trouble, not demanding that someone fulfill an obligation.
SAM said:
Yeah, its all fantasy, none of it is really happening.
So do you or do you not believe that W&Co invaded Iraq, bombed the shit out of millions of Iraqis, and instituted policies of terrorism in the occupation of Iraq, because of Islamophobia ?
So do you or do you not believe that W&Co invaded Iraq, bombed the shit out of millions of Iraqis, and instituted policies of terrorism in the occupation of Iraq, because of Islamophobia ?

Not because of, but its been a convenient conduit. And has spawned idiots of the same ilk everywhere, the internet anti-jihadists.

I still remember some of the responses I used to get to my posts when I first came here. :bugeye:
If someone kills another person—unless it is in retaliation for someone else or for causing corruption in the earth—it is as if he had murdered all mankind. And if anyone gives life to another person, it is as if he had given life to all mankind. Our Messengers came to them with Clear Signs, but even after that, many of them committed outrages in the earth. (Qur’an, 5:32)

Say: "Come, and I will recite to you what your Lord has forbidden for you": that you do not associate anything with Him; that you are good to your parents; that you do not kill your children because of poverty—We will provide for you and them; that you do not approach indecency—outward or inward; that you do not kill any person God has made inviolate—except with the right to do so. That is what He instructs you to do, so that hopefully, you will use your intellect. (Qur’an, 6:151)

[Quran 5:32] "......, we decreed for the Children of Israel that anyone who murders any person who had not committed murder or horrendous crimes, it shall be as if he murdered all the people. And anyone who spares a life, it shall be as if he spared the lives of all the people. .......
"GOD does not enjoin you from befriending those who do not fight you because of religion, and do not evict you from your homes. You may befriend them and be equitable towards them. GOD loves the equitable."

[Quran 8:61]"If they resort to peace, so shall you, and put your trust in GOD. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient."

[Quran 4:90]"...... Therefore, if they leave you alone, refrain from fighting you, and offer you peace, then GOD gives you no excuse to fight them."

The religion of Islam should not be confused by what these so called Muslims have done. They actually, by the definition of the Quran, are not Muslims or at least as much Muslims as the Ku Klux Klan are good Christians. We should not let our emotions overcome our logic and understanding.

United we stand against all kinds of terrorism , as only through unity will we be able to eradicate them and bring them to justice. We will serve the terrorists cause by name calling and false accusations of everyone who happens to be a TRUE God fearing Muslim.

Those who act cruelly and unjustly in the sacred lands, those who yearn for the ways of the ignorant, and those who wrongly shed human blood." (Sahih Bukhari Hadith)

Allah did not write the Koran anymore than Moses or Jesus wrote the Bible. Just tell me whether you believe that the earth was made in seven days ,bearing in mind that a day is defined as the time it takes for the earth to make a complete rotation on its axis, approximatelky 24 hrs. Like so much else, this was not known when the OT the NT and the Koran were written.
They are not reliable documents.

Use your own words ! Your quotations from the Koran are becoming tiresome and impressing nobody
Allah did not write the Koran anymore than Moses or Jesus wrote the Bible. Just tell me whether you believe that the earth was made in seven days ,bearing in mind that a day is defined as the time it takes for the earth to make a complete rotation on its axis, approximatelky 24 hrs. Like so much else, this was not known when the OT the NT and the Koran were written. They are not reliable documents.
Fundamentalists of many religions believe that their supreme being either wrote their holy book or dictated it to their prophet.

The rules of discourse on SciForums are relaxed on the Religion board. That's why we provide this board, so these discussions can take place here instead of taking up bandwidth on Politics, Biology, etc. This is where religionists come because they are invited. They must obey the rules about trolling, personal insults, racism, staying on topic, etc., but their assertions are not subject to testing by the scientific method.

If they say, "This is the true word of my god," and you reply, "No it isn't because there's no such thing as gods," the dialog is pointless.

Surely you can find some meaningful comment to make about this thread without falling back on the rules of science. If you can't then you'll just have to agree to disagree and let it go.
Use your own words! Your quotations from the Koran are becoming tiresome and impressing nobody
If you're going to attempt to engage in a discussion of religion with a religionist, you're going to have to do a lot better than that.

Please rise to the challenge and make us glad we set up this little corner.
I was not aware that their assertions are not subject to testing by the scientific method. So , when I am told that a day (youm) can mean anything from 1 day to 50,000 years ( see earlier posts), the only way I can see to counter it is by talking about the consequences for rhe earth, as I have set out above.

Anyway, I shall take your advice and bow out. No hard feelings.
Anyway, I shall take your advice and bow out. No hard feelings.
Don't bow out. Just come back stronger. If you want to stick to logic and the scientific method, try the Comparative Religion subforum. That's why we have two.

Besides, I can't be too critical of this thread. I've gotten into the "Evangelical Atheist" thread on this board and it's gotten heavily into science.
On the contrary, Islamic terrorists know exactly what they are doing; they are committing acts of terror in the name of Islam, to spread terror, terror cells cannot be everywhere, but ordinary Muslims are widespread.

Nope, please keep up with the research in this field.

Actually, that association is not made by the terrorists, but by the outside observers who can't tell one mosque and one Muslim from another.

It's sort of as if you were to go to your local Greek Orthodox, Methodist, Unitarian, and Catholic churches and demand they "clean house" after a Christian abortion clinic bombing in a nearby state.

It is not really the responsibility of all Muslims everywhere to get some bigots and fools somewhere to come to their senses. It's a very good idea for them to do what they can to reassure the ignorant and so forth, but you have to recognize you are requesting a favor in your own time of trouble, not demanding that someone fulfill an obligation.

Thank you. Have you read Marc Sagemans work on terrorism?

I was not aware that their assertions are not subject to testing by the scientific method. So , when I am told that a day (youm) can mean anything from 1 day to 50,000 years ( see earlier posts), the only way I can see to counter it is by talking about the consequences for rhe earth, as I have set out above.

Anyway, I shall take your advice and bow out. No hard feelings.

A youm can; I don't know that you can just translate stuff anywho and expect it to be identical.
We get it that more than one language is a giant sacrifice on your part, but its not really other peoples responsibility to ensure you know what they are saying in their own language.
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QURAN IS TRUE . BIBLE IS TRUE . TORAH IS TRUE . ABRAHAM TABLETS ARE TRUE.ADAM IS TRUE.hELL IS TRUE,Paradise is true.Moses is true, Eisa is true, David is true,MoHAMED is true.All the prophets are true and islam is true.You problem is that though u rely on the intellect . u do not reflect UPON your self and this universe.
Don't bow out. Just come back stronger. If you want to stick to logic and the scientific method, try the Comparative Religion subforum. That's why we have two.

Besides, I can't be too critical of this thread. I've gotten into the "Evangelical Atheist" thread on this board and it's gotten heavily into science.

You may have misunderstood me; I was only referring to this thread, not the entire site.
QURAN IS TRUE . BIBLE IS TRUE . TORAH IS TRUE . ABRAHAM TABLETS ARE TRUE.ADAM IS TRUE.hELL IS TRUE,Paradise is true.Moses is true, Eisa is true, David is true,MoHAMED is true.All the prophets are true and islam is true.You problem is that though u rely on the intellect . u do not reflect UPON your self and this universe.

Prove it. These are all books based on hearsay written by men, not gods. Grow up already, there is no Santa Clause, no Tooth Fairy, no Easter Bunny and no gods and there is zero evidence to claim that there is.
evidence is within u.reflect upon u self and ask u self why QURAN IS INTACT.why real muslims go to mosques five times a day.why they do deeds and try not to do evils any.Why i woke at dawn and perform abulution with cold water and go to mosque.I AM NOT BRAINWASHED.i KNOW Allah and his signs are everywhere.RAISE U HAND TO SKY AND ASK HIM TO GUIDE U.U WILL SEE HIS WONDER.I PEAK OUT OF EXPERIENCE
I still remember some of the responses I used to get to my posts when I first came here. :bugeye:

You are still an Islamic propagandist as you were when you came here. The only difference is that more members here are realizing that.

I think the responses to your belief that the moon was split in half were the most entertaining. :D
QURAN IS TRUE . BIBLE IS TRUE . TORAH IS TRUE . ABRAHAM TABLETS ARE TRUE.ADAM IS TRUE.hELL IS TRUE,Paradise is true.Moses is true, Eisa is true, David is true,MoHAMED is true.All the prophets are true and islam is true.You problem is that though u rely on the intellect . u do not reflect UPON your self and this universe.

A severe case of childhood indoctrination. My condolences to your mind.