Our attitude concerning mockery of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon

But does not each individual base the label "perfect religion" on their own personal criteria? What may seem perfect to one person may not seem so to another.

Ah yes, the perfect label is based in some cases on personal criteria, but Islam is complete and perfect because it deals with every aspect that may arise in a manner which promotes peace and harmony and closeness to God and always leans towards peace.

Q said that there should be alternatives to violence, which I have shown him there to be i.e. negotiations and non-violence. So for him that criteria needed to be ticked. And it has. Unfortunately, now he has realized that Islam will never allow Muslim to initaite aggressive wars hes taken the absurd stance that selfdefense promotes violence and war even in cases where you did not start hostilities but are merely defending yourself from attack and a certain death. Unfortunately for him the international community regards sefldefense a very important human right. After all, if you have right to a property but not the right to defend that property from attack or whatever then your right to that property is futile.
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That is actually unfortunate for all non-Muslims, especially the fact that your religion prescribes the violence and war Muslims are involved or initiate.

First of all you say it prescribes violence. So im asking you what the difference is between violence and self-defense, if you dont see any difference than I urge you to read up on what the international community regards selfdefense as and why it is a universal human right.

Secondly, the right to selfdefense, a universal human right, can never lead to the initiation of war because selfdefense only comes into place when you are already being attacked. You are not allowed to start fights and then claim self-defense. You seem to miss out on that point. I know that self-defense may be hard to understand for you, but I suggest you read up on recent House of Lords resolutions for example on why it is an essential right for people to defend themselves against attack.

I have repeatadly asked you for proof where Muslims have used the right to selfdefense to engage in aggressive wars and then to tell me why they are wrong to claim taht right. So far, not surprisingly, you have failed o provide me with any proof. Lets not forget that the burden of proof is on you since you are claiming it.

Thirdly, tell me what kind of violence it prescribes when Muslims are actually fighting for their lives in a battle or war they did not start but one which was initiated against them. Once again, I ask for proof. And no, proof doesnt consist of one liners showing your lack of understanding.

Yes, and we attempt NOT to use violence to solve those conflicts.

As does Islam. Peace negotiations and treaties are always prioritised. If you had read what I had posted in htat link instead of trying to misquote me, you would see that treaties and negotiations, i.e. talking, and nonviolence as we saw in the life of the Prophet himself, are the actions Islam prescribes to prevent any conflict. And that is also what international law and the international human community prescribes. Pray tell what exactly is wrong with what verse or shut up and admit your spouting nonsensical garbage.

Your propaganda and fabrications don't fly.

Neither do your oneliners.

Yes, it is irrelevant to the brainwashed, indoctrinated cultist.

Ah yes, ad hominen i think is what this is called. It renders your argument void.
demands? demands??????

You're kidding right?

Would you like to compare to western demands on the natives of countries they immigrated to?

I mean, really????:mad:

Meh, dont waste your time with vids from that guy. Hes a fearmongerer bent on creating tensions and spreading hatred and lies.
As does Islam. Peace negotiations and treaties are always prioritised. If you had read what I had posted in htat link instead of trying to misquote me, you would see that treaties and negotiations, i.e. talking, and nonviolence as we saw in the life of the Prophet himself, are the actions Islam prescribes to prevent any conflict. And that is also what international law and the international human community prescribes. Pray tell what exactly is wrong with what verse or shut up and admit your spouting nonsensical garbage.

I know that as a Muslim, you'll never understand what it is you're trying to support, which is the justification of violence by your cult. That is wrong. No religion has the right to prescribe violence or war, whether it is in self-defense or not. That IS the point entirely.

It is you who is spouting garbage. Intolerant garbage.
I know that as a Muslim, you'll never understand what it is you're trying to support, which is the justification of violence by your cult. That is wrong. No religion has the right to prescribe violence or war, whether it is in self-defense or not. That IS the point entirely.

It is you who is spouting garbage. Intolerant garbage.

Ah, "intolerant garbage" :rolleyes: Why did I expect you to answer any of the questions anyway :confused:
Unfortunately, now he has realized that Islam will never allow Muslim to initaite aggressive wars hes taken the absurd stance that selfdefense promotes violence and war even in cases where you did not start hostilities but are merely defending yourself from attack and a certain death.

Self-defense or not, no religion has the right to prescribe violence and war. You cannot make a case for it. It's really that simple.

Unfortunately for him the international community regards sefldefense a very important human right. After all, if you have right to a property but not the right to defend that property from attack or whatever then your right to that property is futile.

Strawman. :rolleyes:
Ah, "intolerant garbage" :rolleyes: Why did I expect you to answer any of the questions anyway :confused:

Your questions are pointless. You need to understand your religion is wrong when it comes to supporting violence and war.

By supporting your position and the position of the Quran, you firmly place yourself in a position of complete intolerance.
Self-defense or not, no religion has the right to prescribe violence and war. You cannot make a case for it. It's really that simple.

But Islam isnt prescribing violence and war. Theres a big difference between saying "go out and fight everyone" and saying "you are permitted to defend yourself" :bugeye: Strange that someone who wants to appear intelligent does not see the apparent differences between prescribing and permitting and selfdefense and war... And no questions answered either...

Strawman. :rolleyes:

Thats an example given by a prominent contract lecturer. I think he knows a thing or two about construction valid arguments :rolleyes:
Your questions are pointless. You need to understand your religion is wrong when it comes to supporting violence and war.

Islam isnt supporting violence and war. The Quran denounces it time and time again in various places.

By supporting your position and the position of the Quran, you firmly place yourself in a position of complete intolerance.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you heard it here first! Selfdefense is equal to complete intolerance!! .../sarcasm
But Islam isnt prescribing violence and war.

Yes, it is. But, you don't seem to get that.

Theres a big difference between saying "go out and fight everyone" and saying "you are permitted to defend yourself" :bugeye: Strange that someone who wants to appear intelligent does not see the apparent differences between prescribing and permitting and selfdefense and war...

Strange that you don't seem to understand that religion should not condone violence or war, under any circumstances.

You don't seem to understand that, most likely due to your indoctrination.
Strange that you don't seem to understand that religion should not condone violence or war, under any circumstances.

You don't seem to understand that, most likely due to your indoctrination.

And why should religion not permit people to defend themselves when they are being attacked and have themselves done nothing to deserve it and have not initiated hostilities?

My indoctrination? :roflmao:I knew nothing about my religion until people spat on me while i was walking on the streets after 9/11... Hardly indoctrination now is it :p
And why should religion not permit people to defend themselves when they are being attacked and have themselves done nothing to deserve it and have not initiated hostilities?

I've already explained that to you, but in your zeal, you must have forgotten.

My indoctrination? I knew nothing about my religion until people spat on me while i was walking on the streets after 9/11... Hardly indoctrination now is it

But Islam IS your parents religion, is it not?
I've already explained that to you, but in your zeal, you must have forgotten.

You said that God should have "prescribed" another way besides selfdefense. Then I told you about negotiations and treaties and nonviolence. Then you ignored that and continued with the garbage.

But Islam IS your parents religion, is it not?

Yes, it is. Quite a deduction there.
You said that God should have "prescribed" another way besides selfdefense.

Gods have never been shown to exist, including yours. Hence, it is people who have written the Quran, warring people, from an age gone by, a dark age full of superstitions and myths.
Gods have never been shown to exist, including yours. Hence, it is people who have written the Quran, warring people, from an age gone by, a dark age full of superstitions and myths.

So thats the reason God should not permit selfdefense and that is how it promotes violence and war. Thank you for enlightening me :rolleyes: /sarcasm