Open Letter to God (please contribute)

The open letter to "it"?.

I've read the whole thing!!, wow.


I much liked the orgasm debate, lol, that's a good one specially for an open letter to god, lol.

Then the little spat between Tiassa, Tony & Xev. Damn what a boring night I was having tonight to go through the whole thread.

But I do have to agree with Ekimlaw, why would an athiest need to write "an open letter to god"?

Trully that was very incomprehensible, and Tiassa was correct to call on it.

I have no wish to ask god for anything, because "it" has no identity so "it" is just a remnant of the bicameral mind of man. As for the existence or the lack of such a mythical being, this would be a waste of time. Because no matter of which side one would be, the other always couter reacts the argument which has existed as long as men have been drawing in caves.
Dear God

Even if you exist even if you don't..I know how you feel to have everyone question you all the time. This world is full of people you created, that are full of nothing other than themselves. We even have the audacity to say that we're made in the image of you, which must be true because there's about 6 billion people out there who would have given up on us as well. But first and foremost, thanks for making some people happy. Personally I don't really have much of a grudge with you like everyone else, but if you watched us long enough most people are too damn afraid of making a change or being different in the first place, so they wish someone else would do it for them, so after 6 billion people I'm sure you understand. After all, we're in the image of you, if we were inspired enough to make the change, we would. On the flipside however, it seems we can't even bring simple peace, and the thought of it starting at home doesn't even cross our minds. If we're like you then we ought to be smart enough to figure out that we don't really need you just like you don't need us. We need what you gave us, not what you didn't give us. If it's true that we didn't need each other, then I wouldn't be so hasty about giving my own life to save my other half's. I can't beleive we're so influencial that it only takes one person, a god even, to tell us what to do and we'll snap to attention. Kinda funny, in a sense we're just like the animals we've tamed. The children we teach. Through it all, we still found some way to place a blame on you rather than the problem. Go figure...humans...

*Originally posted by Xev
Of sadomasochism or of smart-ass comments? Or of Tiassa's grudge against you, me, well, against anyone who disagrees with him.....

Well, tiassa's got this thing where he runs a dictionary through a blender, and calls the result a post.
I call him on that, and he "responds."
Occasionally, the response is less blender work than the post, sometimes, more.

*Now that's not exactly fair, seeing all your references to Tony1 while he was gone.*

He's just manifesting demons, so it's not as big a deal as you might think.
They're pissed, because I'm kicking their buddies out all over.

*Sheesh boy, the way you go on about Tony1's "disrespectful path of diversion, condemnation, bigotry and supremacy. For the longest time, that guy basically lived to bury intelligent posts under a mountain of "pithy" ( ) diversions that had little to do with any topic whatsoever and much to do with agitating other posters."*


I should have been popping in from time to time to keep up with the humor.
It's too bad I missed all that.

*You've given him shit, he's giving you shit back.*

Nah, I'm just making fun.

*He simply failed to kiss your ass to the appropriate amount. Do you forgive people for this monumental sin, Tiassa?*

To speak for him, no.
tiassa's a pretty bitter dude.
The fact that he's got his goddess controlling him in a puppet-like manner isn't making things easier for the poor guy.

*P.S: Tony, you can agitate me anytime..... *

I get that a lot.

*Originally posted by tiassa
In other words, you don't know what you're talking about. Nobody's surprised.

Nope, I don't know what YOU are talking about.
Nobody's surprised.

*... it does make me stop to wonder why you bother with me at all.*

You're, like, Ubercomedian.

*After all, your inflexible sense of humor, your presumption that you're funny.*

I'm not presuming.
You're the one calling it a sense of humor.

*Although a pointless side argument like this has its merits.*

What merits?
Do you not understand what pointless means?

*Nonetheless, it is a fair question in my mind why you bothered addressing me if you had nothing relevant or useful to say.*

It's just the new dimensions of pointlessness you keep uncovering are mind-boggling, to say the least.

*Spare yourself the effort.*

Oddly enough, I have effort to spare.

*In all the time I've known him to post here, I have yet to see him make a useful contribution to any topic in which he chose to address me.*

Since you define "useful contribution" as basically equivalent to "agreeing with tiassa," I can see why you would say that.

*Originally posted by Xev
Xev winks and nudges Tony1, noting that they both have the same problem, at least in whatever feverish dreamworld Tiassa inhabits

I note tiassa's frustration subsides somewhat after he attends some pagan festival.
I'm guessing things happen there that release some tension.
Of course, tiassa's unaware that STDs aren't the only things one picks up with random sex.
Hence, the increased tension level months after the pagan festivals.
Mind you Samhain's on the way, if he survives it, there will be another period of ease followed by even more increased tension levels.

*Originally posted by tiassa
...scream, "Canadian hash" at orgasm. This speaks to a deeper need.

You're taking highs to a new low here.
You're creating entire new universes of missing the point.

*No, Xev. You're just a freaking overreactive, self-righteous bitch.*

Have you ever considered relaxing once in a while, tiassa?

*Tony1? Like I said: it's been a long time and I recall him having a point once.*

That's just due to your tremendous overuse of mind-altering drugs.
I think you're lucky to be able to figure out how to return to this forum.

*So why try to change it to another issue equally void of substance?*

This is your idea of a better way?
From stuff like this we are supposed to think that you DO have a point?

*but I tried being civilized and actually having a point. Like that ever gets me anything.*

It gets you laughter.

*It's entirely possible, but not even the professionals who I've paid to determine the extent of that damage can connect much of anything to drugs and alcohol.*

It's your "Goddess."

*It's pretty cool. They'll tell you and tell you and tell you about the potential for damage, but every time I change physicians the poor guy is surprised when he finds out how long I've been smoking.*

He thinks it's for fifty years, until you tell him you're only 29.
Most people ARE surprised by things like that.

*(PS ... you really do seem to admire Tony1. For instance, I really do think you can do better than this. Whether you're attempting legitimate communication or proving your proficiency at being a professional bitch, you really can do better. I know. I've seen it.)*

Oh, this is PRICELESS.
Xev, look out.
He'll grind on this over and over and over and over and over and over...
He's into the "you can do better" stage, which is just tiassa code for "I can't think of anything else to say."

*Originally posted by Godless
Then the little spat between Tiassa, Tony & Xev. Damn what a boring night I was having tonight to go through the whole thread.

What are you pretending?
The only new thing is that Xev is involved, instead of you.
As for boring, I've had to read your posts, too.
*Note to Xev: when Godless is involved the sex talk goes way down. Just so you don't wonder too much.*

BTW, how ARE you doing anyway, Julio?

*Originally posted by Strange
We even have the audacity to say that we're made in the image of you

Nothing audacious about it.
He told us that.
Well, tiassa's got this thing where he runs a dictionary through a blender, and calls the result a post.
I call him on that, and he "responds."
Occasionally, the response is less blender work than the post, sometimes, more.

Really? I thought it was just the Wiccan equivalent of glossolalia combined with a "Barron's list of pretentious-ass words for the SAT".

I should have been popping in from time to time to keep up with the humor.
It's too bad I missed all that.

Meh, it was in a completely unrelated thread. If you get really bored some time, do a search with keyword "Tony1" poster "Tiassa" and find the recent ones.

I get that a lot.

I'm not suprised, sexy thang.

I note tiassa's frustration subsides somewhat after he attends some pagan festival.
I'm guessing things happen there that release some tension.

I wouldn't know, not my sort of crowd. Somehow, neither women who think shaving is giving into the patriarchy or men reeking of patchuli oil really "turn me on". Bleh.

Of course, tiassa's unaware that STDs aren't the only things one picks up with random sex.
Hence, the increased tension level months after the pagan festivals.

Cranky pagans! *Laughs* Oooh, Cthulhu, that explains my town.
hey- was to a pagan/heavy metal festival Baltic Sun 2002 on te 21st of sept

was really cool
were celebrating atumn solstice


Pagan metal? Is there such a thing? Or do you mean pagan and heavy metal?
*Originally posted by Xev
I thought it was just the Wiccan equivalent of glossolalia combined with a "Barron's list of pretentious-ass words for the SAT".

You may have a point there.
Mind you, I think I recall that he said he wasn't wiccan, or satanist, or Catholic, or anything, really.
Let me see,... hmm... that would make him nothing, so let's go with wiccan, and hope the wiccans aren't overly distressed.

*If you get really bored some time, do a search with keyword "Tony1" poster "Tiassa" and find the recent ones.*

I'm not THAT sorry I missed it all.

*I'm not suprised, sexy thang.*

You, otoh, tease a lot, tho, correct?

*I wouldn't know, not my sort of crowd. Somehow, neither women who think shaving is giving into the patriarchy or men reeking of patchuli oil really "turn me on". Bleh.*

Oddly enough, tiassa never mentioned either of those two things.
What he mentions makes one imagine that all of his friends are ubermenschen and uberfrauen, par excellence, if you'll permit the mixing of languages.

And further yet, one wonders how he can soil himself with us ordinary mortals here at this forum after spending time with them.

*Cranky pagans! *Laughs**

Is there any other kind?

*Oooh, Cthulhu, that explains my town. *

Your town is full of cranky, demonized pagans?
Well, of course.

They could have been playing lead guitar instead of steel guitar, which would make it very heavy metal, or...hmm...uranium guitar.
That would be really heavy metal.
You're BOTH wrong! Ha!

Oddly enough, tiassa never mentioned either of those two things.
The funny thing is that it seems there's some confusion about the difference between a stereotypical hippie and a stereotypical pagan. Shaving is stylistic among pagans, and bathing rather important.

Hippies ... well, I have to admit the stereotype does find support among the living result.

And in that case you forgot about the environmental stickers pasted all over the VeeWee Microbus, with all its shitty gas mileage and pollution. (Okay, the hippie driving the old T&C station wagon with the V-8 is even funnier, but it's a crying shame that the irony is lost on you.)

Stupid f--kers ....

Tiassa :cool:
You may have a point there.
Mind you, I think I recall that he said he wasn't wiccan, or satanist, or Catholic, or anything, really.
Let me see,... hmm... that would make him nothing, so let's go with wiccan, and hope the wiccans aren't overly distressed.

He's, like, choosing his own path rather than rely on organized religion, you know, man? [Insert "Depak Chopra-esque gibberish here]

You, otoh, tease a lot, tho, correct?

No. See my below comments about my town. A general festering nausea towards humanity doesn't help either.

Oddly enough, tiassa never mentioned either of those two things.
What he mentions makes one imagine that all of his friends are ubermenschen and uberfrauen, par excellence, if you'll permit the mixing of languages.

I'll permit the languages, but I'm a bit annoyed at the association of my Friedrich's ubermensch with.....

Your town is full of cranky, demonized pagans?
Well, of course

I don't know about "demonized", I generally don't get to know them well enough to tell. *Smiles* But yes, cranky pagans. Oooodles of them.

I see.

Stupid f--kers ....

At least I can spell "fuck".

And, judging from the tension in your posts and the lack therof in Tony's and mine, we can also use the verb as noun. :rolleyes:
Ooh, sorry Xev

At least I can spell "fuck".

And, judging from the tension in your posts and the lack therof in Tony's and mine, we can also use the verb as noun
What's your fucking problem, twat?

Jesus H. Baldheaded Fucking Christ, I was just trying to be pithy according to your fucking standards.

Give a guy a fucking break, eh, Bitch Queen?

(See what happens when you set such low standards for yourself, Xev? I mean, why are you so pissed just because I chose to stoop down into your gutter?)

Take some fucking Midol and fucking chill, woman.

--Tiassa :cool:
What's your fucking problem, twat?

I have a somewhat (somewhat?!) warped sense of humour. I love watching you become hysterical.

(See what happens when you set such low standards for yourself, Xev? I mean, why are you so pissed just because I chose to stoop down into your gutter?)

While you're there, could you hose out some of the leaves? Thanks.

Take some fucking Midol and fucking chill, woman.

Actually, I'm like this every day of the month, every hour of the day, every day of the year.
Um ... wrong gutter.

I have a somewhat (somewhat?!) warped sense of humour. I love watching you become hysterical.
Fair enough. At least you know your priorities.
While you're there, could you hose out some of the leaves? Thanks
In your gutter, I would be more worried about the syringes and used condoms. In other words, I don't spend a whole lot of time hanging out on the roof.
Actually, I'm like this every day of the month, every hour of the day, every day of the year.
Try chlorpromazine, then.

Tiassa :cool:
Dear God...

How DO they get the caramel into the Caramilk bars?!?


Dear God. I hope you can understand why I do not believe in you. If you exist, then when I am judged, please do it the only way I see fair, and see I lived a moral life, even if I didn't need fear of you to do so. Shouldn't that count for something?

P.S. If you could find the time, once I'm dead, could we pleeeaaase sit down and have a looooong talk, I got some questions!
What's a caramilk bar?

- and Godless, why are you rolling your eyes at the women? Seems to me there's a few males contributing to this little discussion, huh?:D :rolleyes:

I wonder if god loves athiests too? Maybe I should write a letter and ask?

Cheers everyone
Teri ;)
According to my christian *cough*bullshit*cough* ex-girlfriend, even if I was really good all my life, I might end up in hell...