Open Letter to God (please contribute)

You can, until you die.

Yeah, when I die, I die. Simply as that, nothing more, my energy returns to the universe. So what are you trying to imply with that? I'm a nondenominational theist btw, and I don't believe in denominational theists, which I think you probably are one.

They are also going to die anyway.

"LOL" :rolleyes: Like you're not going to die.
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They are also going to die anyway.
One of these days, sir, I wish you would bother to have a point.

I mean, woo-hoo.

You're the most religious guy here.
It's entirely possible. I mean, just because I have more respect for religion than religious people at this forum ... yeah, I can see how you would come to think of me that way.

But it's hardly an answer to the question.

Take you, for instance. In the time I've had anything resembling a discussion with you I can remember you having a useful, relevant point once. You know, if the Christians are right, Christ will come twice. Maybe you'd better work a little harder on having a point.
Where do you get those amazing mind-altering drugs?
Dude, I live in Seattle. Duh. :rolleyes:

We have really, really good dope here, Tony1. From Washington north through Canada and into Alaska, we grow bud that makes Amsterdam tremble and drool. This ain't Kansas, boy.

If you're going to introduce drugs into topics at random, at least have a clue what the hell you're talking about.

Tiassa :cool:
From Washington north through Canada and into Alaska, we grow bud that makes Amsterdam tremble and drool. This ain't Kansas, boy.

HAHAHA. Damnnnn dude :eek: How I miss good bud, good Hawaiian bud. Korea we don't have much but flithy leftovers from the states, brown frowns. And now we are stuck with Canadian hash. :(
Canadian hash is okay

Really ... I promise; there's nothing wrong with Canadian hash. But there's nothing coming in from Thailand, though?

Tiassa :cool:
Dear God

Thank you for giving me a dramatic name to call out at the point of orgasm!:D
Really ... I promise; there's nothing wrong with Canadian hash. But there's nothing coming in from Thailand, though?

Oh yeah, damnnnn you DO know your shit. :cool: Another source from where we get it. From Texas comes the brown frown, and also Thailand's bud is brown. We call it Thai-shit over here...haha. Three pounds were sent over. :eek: But the main man got caught with like one pound on him...damn I shouldn't be talking anymore... But bud is always better then hash dude, I just like that 'natural' feeling.
*Originally posted by Angelus
I always like that Christians can take Jesus' original philosophy of love thy neighbor and compassion for others and turn it into, all you athiests are going to burn in hell.

Very just and fair, tho.
After all, you may say there is no God, so how fair would it really be to you to force you to live thru all eternity with the proof of your error looking at you.


For yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be: yea, thou shalt diligently consider his place, and it shall not be.
(Psalms 37:10, KJV).

*Originally posted by Dark Master
Yeah, when I die, I die. Simply as that, nothing more, my energy returns to the universe.

See above quote.

*So what are you trying to imply with that?*

I'm actually not trying to imply anything.
What I'm saying is that you can try anything as long as you're alive.
If you're too far off base, that won't be for very long.

* I don't believe in denominational theists, which I think you probably are one.*

How do you manage that?
How can I be something that you don't believe exists?

*Originally posted by tiassa
One of these days, sir, I wish you would bother to have a point.

Maybe I've spent too much time "discussing" things with you.
Having a point is almost a non-sequitur with you, so that may just have rubbed off.

*But it's hardly an answer to the question.*

Seeing as your question was "Don't believe that?" you may be right.
However, it is a response to your statement that you don't give religion a lot of clearance.
In actual fact, you give religion a LOT of clearance, provided it is yours.


That's what I thought.

*Originally posted by Teri 2
Thank you for giving me a dramatic name to call out at the point of orgasm!

Canadian hash?
Teri 2:
Thank you for giving me a dramatic name to call out at the point of orgasm!*

"Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn! Ph'nglui nw'mlw Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fthagn!"

Much more dramatic.

Canadian hash?

Now that's when you know you're a stoner, if you cry out the names of drugs.

There is that.
However, I thought the point of that was ultimately pleasure.


Well yes, but you're taking all the fun out of my smart-ass comments. *Xev sulks*

Can I be anti-something?

Be anti-Microsoft. :D
An easy post for you, Tony1--just a simple question

In actual fact, you give religion a LOT of clearance, provided it is yours.
Remind us again, Tony1 ... what religion is that?
Having a point is almost a non-sequitur with you, so that may just have rubbed off.
Don't write your reading comprehension problems onto me, Tony1. Only you can make the decision to improve your reading skills.

Tiassa :cool:
Bud & hash

But bud is always better then hash dude, I just like that 'natural' feeling.
Indeed. I shan't argue that.

Tiassa :cool:
Tony1--a second question ... I hope it doesn't confuse you

Extracted from your post sir, Teri2's comment as you cited and your chosen response:
*Originally posted by Teri 2
Thank you for giving me a dramatic name to call out at the point of orgasm!*

Canadian hash?
Um, Tony1? Come on, dude. Are you really so focused on me that you think everyone is addressing me? What, can Teri2 not address the topic? By what principle did you determine she was talking to me?

Take these questions rhetorically, if you want. The actual question at hand is, simply:

Why are you so focused on me instead of the topics?

I should be honored, I suppose. But it's just a little creepy.

Tiassa :cool:
*Originally posted by Xev
Now that's when you know you're a stoner, if you cry out the names of drugs.

That's why I was wondering.
It sounded like that was Teri 2's point.

*Well yes, but you're taking all the fun out of my smart-ass comments.*

That's just it.
You might actually have to consider the ramifications of what you're saying once in a while.

*Originally posted by tiassa
Remind us again, Tony1 ... what religion is that?

I would if I could tell what it was.
It appears to change like the wind, oh, or the latest batch of intoxicants you got your hands on.

*Only you can make the decision to improve your reading skills.*

However, there is the issue of having to degrade my reading ability to match your point-making ability, such as when you get on some long-winded wordplay thing like...

---So I would urge you all to perceive this topic in a human context: these are the things that become important according to what theists tell them. These are the riddles that prevent notions of God from making coherent sense to any not predisposed to believe in this or that notion of God.--- tiassa

I'm not sure I could degrade my reading skills to the point where that would be comprehensible.
Sounds cute, tho.

*Are you really so focused on me that you think everyone is addressing me?*

I was addressing Teri 2.
However, I detect a certain sense of self-importance in your thinking that my comment to Teri 2 was based on some indirect reference to you, what with you being the center of the universe, and all that.

*By what principle did you determine she was talking to me*

She wasn't talking to you as far as I know.
I thought it was rather cute that she would make her comment after a discussion about the names of various different herbs.

*Why are you so focused on me instead of the topics?*

What are you on?
That's why I was wondering.
It sounded like that was Teri 2's point.


That's just it.
You might actually have to consider the ramifications of what you're saying once in a while.

Of sadomasochism or of smart-ass comments? Or of Tiassa's grudge against you, me, well, against anyone who disagrees with him...... ;)

• Why are you so focused on me instead of the topics?

Now that's not exactly fair, seeing all your references to Tony1 while he was gone.

Sheesh boy, the way you go on about Tony1's "disrespectful path of diversion, condemnation, bigotry and supremacy. For the longest time, that guy basically lived to bury intelligent posts under a mountain of "pithy" ( ) diversions that had little to do with any topic whatsoever and much to do with agitating other posters."

You've given him shit, he's giving you shit back.

I mean, hell Tiassa, Tony's acerbic but that's not the point, is it? He simply failed to kiss your ass to the appropriate amount. Do you forgive people for this monumental sin, Tiassa?

Thought not.


P.S: Tony, you can agitate me anytime.....
Easy enough?

I would if I could tell what it was.
It appears to change like the wind, oh, or the latest batch of intoxicants you got your hands on.
In other words, you don't know what you're talking about. Nobody's surprised.
However, there is the issue of having to degrade my reading ability to match your point-making ability, such as when you get on some long-winded wordplay thing like...
See? The only issue of having to degrade your reading ability seems to be yours to deal with.
I'm not sure I could degrade my reading skills to the point where that would be comprehensible.
Here, I'll try a sentence or two for you that I know you can understand:

• The cat is on the mat.
• God is on the dog.
I was addressing Teri 2.
Yes, but that doesn't explain what the hell Canadian hash had to do with her post, Tony1. Perhaps you could connect those dots for us.
I thought it was rather cute that she would make her comment after a discussion about the names of various different herbs.
Ah. I see. Get laid. I mean, get laid really well for once. You'll figure it out. Oh, and after you do, try reading through the topic again.
What are you on?
Well, you just can't seem to leave my post out of your pointless response to Teri2. And given how little you contribute to topics in general, it does make me stop to wonder why you bother with me at all.

After all, your inflexible sense of humor, your presumption that you're funny. Sarcasm and scorn. Like I said: my advice to theists is to let the atheists have this topic. Although a pointless side argument like this has its merits. Nonetheless, it is a fair question in my mind why you bothered addressing me if you had nothing relevant or useful to say. Spare yourself the effort.

--Tiassa :cool:

I mean, hell Tiassa, Tony's acerbic but that's not the point, is it? He simply failed to kiss your ass to the appropriate amount. Do you forgive people for this monumental sin, Tiassa?
What the fuck is your goddamn problem, honey? Did the batteries die?

I wouldn't mind Tony1 nearly as much if he ever actually contributed to topics. I may have my differences with Adam, for instance, but unlike Tony1 he is demonstrably aware of the topic he is participating in.

Is that so complicated?

Apparently so.

Is it really so much to ask?

Thought so.

In the spirit of diversity I can even choose to view it as best I can interpret Christianity. I need not hold a single sin over him, merely be wary of the fact that he never really stops.

In all the time I've known him to post here, I have yet to see him make a useful contribution to any topic in which he chose to address me.

You, for instance, make many useful contributions in topics in which you choose to address me. You also offer plenty of drivel. What's the point of holding a permanent grudge against the drivel when you obviously have more valuable things to offer? I cannot say that Tony1 has those things to offer. Perhaps he does, but it would be wise for him to show them every once in a while.

I'm starting to think people really do enjoy it being pointless around here. Keep working at it, Xev. Pretty soon you can swim in all the pabulum you would like.

Tiassa :cool:
Originally posted by tiassa

I may have my differences with Adam, for instance, but unlike Tony1 he is demonstrably aware of the topic he is participating in.
WTF is this topic? Why am I here? Who the hell are all you people?

What the fuck is your goddamn problem, honey? Did the batteries die?

Yup! I finally find a nice picture of Nietzsche wearing those sexy glasses and this happens. :(

Get a fucking clue, Tiassa.

Ah. I see. Get laid. I mean, get laid really well for once. You'll figure it out. Oh, and after you do, try reading through the topic again.

Wow, Tony's sexually frustrated too?

I thought it was just me....oh wait, it's anyone who disagrees with the All High and Most Sublime Tiassa the Great. Apparently disagreeing with the Great One is a sign that Tony isn't getting any, as well as for me.

Or perhaps it's a simple case of projection?

*Xev winks and nudges Tony1, noting that they both have the same problem, at least in whatever feverish dreamworld Tiassa inhabits*

WTF is this topic? Why am I here? Who the hell are all you people?

Hush now, Adam, or Tiassa will critique your sex life.
Oh, Xev, if you need a hand with that "getting laid" thing... :D
Oh, Xev, if you need a hand with that "getting laid" thing...

I have a hand, that's not the problem. :p

*Xev walks off, giving Tiassa the finger and singing:
"If you want to talk my name is kinky thing
If you want to flirt then I'm your secret fling
I'm your cyber slut, I'm going to make you see
I can make you happy if you play with me"*