Open Letter to God (please contribute)

Dear God,

Why do all these people thank you for many things (we created) in your name? So that means you have plans for us and that you control our fate? Like that movie I saw last night, Signs with Mel Gibson (so religious), why do people blame things on coincidences and that there are bigger plans for us? I don't believe in coincidences but good chances. I believed in free will :(. It is just like those who thank God for almost everything in their life.
*Originally posted by GB-GIL Trans-global
Although I do not believe You exist,...

This is the atheist's downfall.
Who are you talking to?
If he really didn't exist, then you wouldn't say things like that.
It's something like starting an anti-seven-legged green camel club; who would care?

*1. If You care for everybody, why do You send people to hell to suffer for eternity?...*

He doesn't.

But the wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the LORD shall be as the fat of lambs: they shall consume; into smoke shall they consume away.
(Psalms 37:20, KJV).

*2. If You love Your creations, why do You tempt them towards hell with such false evidences as fossil evidence of evolution, dinosaur bones, &c.?...*

LOL, I find it hard to believe this.
Your "teachers" are the ones providing you with false evidence.
They're the ones telling you about evolution when they themselves know there isn't any evidence for it.
They sucked you in because you were a little kid when they started on you, so you didn't end up with any doubts.
You should have though, since the theory of evolution is so laughable that some doubts should have cropped up somewhere.

*...I personally would much rather be controlled directly by You like a robot than to live in pain and suffering. Perhaps You could cure me of my disease and pain?*


Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.
(1 Peter 2:24, KJV).

No reason to be in pain.

*It's honestly unbearable, and one of the main reasons I'm going to hell. ...And what about random things like tay-sachs, why don't You even protect God-fearing Christians from such things?*


Put me in remembrance: let us plead together: declare thou, that thou mayest be justified.
(Isaiah 43:26, KJV).

Just say the word.

*Perhaps you could grant me this wish and destroy my existance from day 1? I have no wish to commit suicide, however.*

This is a piece of cake; see answer to point one.

And so I saw the wicked buried, who had come and gone from the place of the holy, and they were forgotten in the city where they had so done: this is also vanity.
(Ecclesiastes 8:10, KJV).

You see, this is all going to work out just the way you want it.
Choose what you want carefully.

*Originally posted by Xev
If you could do something about all those idiots killing each other in your name, that would be really nice.

God's name isn't Allah, nor is it God, for that matter.
So what is it then? Jahwe? Jehova? All the same old bastard isn't it?

Thought to say "Hello" to you, Tony...
God's name isn't Allah, nor is it God, for that matter.

Ah, "He is that He is". The Alpha, the Omega, G-d, IWAH....

No reason to be in pain.


Dark Master:

What makes you think that G-d could possibly be concerned with you?

I am not putting you down, I mean this as a legitamate question. An athiest might rant about why a merciful God would let the innocent suffer....

Why do we assume He would give a rat's arse? What can the innocent be to one so exalted as G-d? Nothing.

You step on ants, don't you? You might not want to, you might try to avoid them, but you'll squish a few bugs in your time.

Same difference.


I think we know Tony's feelings about the unspeakable priest of the great old ones. ;)
Dark Master:

What makes you think that G-d could possibly be concerned with you?

My post wasn't meant for any sympathy...should've made it more clearer. That with the way I put, "I believed in free will :(," indicates from me that that God is illogical, with the 'sad face,' the one that "has plans for you." I believe personally in free will. Those that babble and go on about how God has plans for you and "coincidences" in life (maybe to make themselves feel better in what they do?), they make it seem you "have" a fate. Well I believe you can do whatever the hell you want, and to not listen to those brainwashed people.

Like after I watched that movie, "Signs" with Mel Gibson in it, with all my friends. They go on ranting about God and all that crap, and of course, that movie was scary so it only makes them talk about it more.

I already got into an argument with them once about denominational crap, but people should just find things out on their own, when they learn more, get old enough to make a decision for themselves.
Well, due to how fast many people perceive things....but yeah, it's more of when they have enough knowledge to make the decision themselves. Better?

haha, what I said above ment I agree

I have my own observations confirming that
Dear Goddess & God,

Thank You so much for the message about the watch! It was right where You said it would be, of course. I wonder how it got there?

*kisses for Gaia and booty-shakes for Herne*
Dear <u>g</u>od,

Why the hell would people you "speak" to not relize that if someone doesn't believe the Bible, they won't be scared of passages, or change their minds on religon because of them?


Do I have free will? Be carefun now god.

Can I get a car?

Will you let me live forever?

Why do you condem killing, but premote moving into Cannan And command to<b>KILL</b> everything?

Why did you make Bush the president?
oh this is a test right see if we can handle a dumbazz president.

k god i'll be listing for your responce, it should be in hebrew or somthing i won't understand it. So...
Originally posted by Ender
Dear <u>g</u>od,

Why the hell would people you "speak" to not relize that if someone doesn't believe the Bible, they won't be scared of passages, or change their minds on religon because of them?


Do I have free will? Be carefun now god.

Can I get a car?

Will you let me live forever?

Why do you condem killing, but premote moving into Cannan And command to<b>KILL</b> everything?

Why did you make Bush the president?
oh this is a test right see if we can handle a dumbazz president.

k god i'll be listing for your responce, it should be in hebrew or somthing i won't understand it. So...

^^Dear Lord, please give Ender a spellchecker....:D ...........just kidding..
Dear dear goddie, please explain why you contradict yourself by sanctioning rape and murder of fellow brethren in the Bible (I'm talking to the Christian god). You disturb me. And stop taking all the credit for evolution, you didn't do a single fucking thing you bastard.
A note to all theists participating in this topic

My advice is to let atheists have this topic.

• They are going to say these things anyway
• Maybe if they get it out of their systems, such small issues as we see will cease to be as fascinating

Those who are familiar with my posts know that while I don't give atheists clearance, I don't give religions a whole lot of clearance. Don't believe that? Ask any one of our Christian advocates.

So I would urge you all to perceive this topic in a human context: these are the things that become important according to what theists tell them. These are the riddles that prevent notions of God from making coherent sense to any not predisposed to believe in this or that notion of God.

And as Christians know of compassion, our knowledge can only grow from considering these things honestly.

Beyond their labels, when we speak of what religions do, and what issues they address--abstract issues such as origin and development--these issues are still reflected in the questions posed.

Among notions of God there is a common element best expressed anthropologically and psychologically in the sense that gods tend to resolve issues which human knowledge does not ordinarily contain.

These resolutions, obviously, are inadequate for some just as they suffice for others.

If these resolutions suffice for you at any given moment,is that merely enough? Does this mean that there is nothing left to learn? Can we truly say that the resolutions account for every factor, or are the factors one individually considers the whole of relevant factors?

As such, why would any questions exist at all? Does this state then reflect the idea that the present state of the world is a necessity and the only possible option?

Is compassion something to be given at will or the natural state?

Compassion as a natural state of human association would indicate that one owes such questions honest consideration. That honest consideration includes the fact that the resolutions upon which one person might rely are inadequate for another.

With compassion, our knowledge only grows.

Admittedly, I find the atheist inquiries generally juvenile. Then again, I find the religious response to reinforce a certain mentality I find within religions that I do consider juvenile. If those atheistic inquiries are truly juvenile, perhaps that's because the terminology has been willfully set there by the beliefs the atheists are examining.

Beyond that, the tone of expression is up to each individual. A lack of sincerity is merely a testament to the fruits of atheism; I say let 'em have at it.

• • • • • • • • • •

Oh, and GB-GIL--given the form of address, I would never object to your addressing the God of your choice.

That's generally the point. When you want to speak to God, I'm not going to stop you from addressing the God of your choosing. When you want to speak of God, it's better if you're more precise about which version of God that actually is. (There's a lot of them, you know.)

Tiassa :cool:
Bluesoul, nice one.

Dear Go....sorry, can't bring myself to type it, lets just call you Bill

Dear Bill

I am only gonna say this once and only once, so you better listen closly


Thank You for your time

*Originally posted by Banshee
Thought to say "Hello" to you, Tony...

Hello to you, too.

*Originally posted by Avatar
I think he was meaning Cthulhu

Suuuure you do.

*Originally posted by Xev

There is that.
However, I thought the point of that was ultimately pleasure.

*Originally posted by Dark Master
Well I believe you can do whatever the hell you want...

You can, until you die.

*people should just find things out on their own, when they learn more, get old enough to make a decision for themselves.*

Nobody lives that long.

*Originally posted by Ender
Why the hell would people you "speak" to not relize that if someone doesn't believe the Bible, they won't be scared of passages, or change their minds on religon because of them?

That isn't always the point behind passages.
Sometimes they are there to pronounce your doom.

*it should be in hebrew or somthing i won't understand*

You mean English?

*Originally posted by Zero
You disturb me.


*And stop taking all the credit for evolution*

He isn't taking any credit for evolution; he's taking the credit for creation.
Perhaps you've heard of it.

*Originally posted by tiassa
My advice is to let atheists have this topic.

•They are going to say these things anyway

They are also going to die anyway.

*Those who are familiar with my posts know that while I don't give atheists clearance, I don't give religions a whole lot of clearance. Don't believe that? Ask any one of our Christian advocates.*

You're the most religious guy here.

*If these resolutions suffice for you at any given moment,is that merely enough? Does this mean that there is nothing left to learn?*

There is at least one thing left to learn.
Where do you get those amazing mind-altering drugs?

*Originally posted by Thor
Thank You for your time

Based on this, I can only conclude that you are not an atheist, but intend to join the group of those who simply wish to be identified as antiGod.
I always like that Christians can take Jesus' original philosophy of love thy neighbor and compassion for others and turn it into, all you athiests are going to burn in hell.