

1. The surface of the expanding globe pushes us away from the centre of the globe in the same relation as we and everything else expand.

2. Energy flows as waves between the atomcores of the globe and the expanding eneregybundles in these waves get hits towards themselves from the from the energybundles that open up from the atomcores. That is why they open up their energy towards the atomcores and move this way their kinetic energy to the expanding atomcores.

3. There comes energywaves also from the space and these waves have energybundles that have had interaction with eachother by the energywaves that open up from themselves. From these energywaves that open up they have received themselves energyfields at the same principle than the centers of the galaxies have received energyfiels around them from the stars. So the stars have arised from the energywaves that come from the giant energy concentraions of the galaxy centres and can be assumed to be particles of a substance of larger size. This way the energybundles comimg from the space move their kinetic energy more towards the atomcores of the globe than the energybundles that move between the atomcores of the globe do.

4. When one remembers that for example the energywaves opening up from the globe have interaction with the energywaves coming towards the globe, one can easily understand this theory. In other words to say, the energybundles that push themselves away from the globe clean / absorb with themselves the opening energywaves coming from the energybundles that move towards the globe. Now the energybundles moving towards the globe expand without pushing themselves away from each other. That is why a larger amount of them move towards the globe than would have moved if the globe did not open up energy as waves away from itself.

The external pressure towards the orb is so based on what kind of energywaves the orb itself opens up away from itself, because the energywaves opening away make the energy in a way to bend towards the orb.

The interior pressure pushing away from the orb is based on how massive small energybundles the piece itself opens up away from itself.

The smaller energybundles are, the less they get hits from the expanding energywaves of the atomcores. The massiver and the smaller energybundles the orb itself opens up, the less they have interaction with the atomcores of the pieces nearby the orb and the less they move their kinetic energy towards them.

Simply it does not exist any so called drawing force. That is why it is unnecessary to even try to make an explanation how the so called drawing force would transfer.

Freezing water

Let us imagine that the expanding footballs are water molecules which open up expanding table tennis balls, so to say energy as waves in every direction.

When the temperature of the water is over four degrees, the table tennis balls are partly directed beyond the footballs nextby. Then a different amount of energy (=table tennis balls) is directed towards the footballs from different directions.

When the temperature of the water gets down under four degrees, those table tennis balls are directed all the time less and less beyond the footballs nextby.

This happens because the table tennis balls coming towards twitch with them even smaller balls that open up from the table tennis balls and then these table tennis balls that move to a same direction don´t push themselves away from each other at the same relation as they expand themselves. Then the footballs expand faster than the table tennis balls coming towards them do spread.

Now a bigger and bigger part of the expanding table tennis balls hit to the expanding football nextby and this way the footballs finally lock out to expand side by side so to say the water freezes.

The more table tennis balls hit directly to the footballs nextby, the more energic the expanding footballs have strenght to push themselves away from each other and this is why the water expands when its temperature gets down under four degrees.

This is when towards the water there doesn´t come so much energy as waves outwards and this way the water molecules can find a well-balanced way to expand side by side.

PS. I describe the water molecules bigger than the energybundles locating in energywaves opening up from them are. Surely for example there exists a lot more energy in the atom cores than there is in electrons, but still the electrons cover the space more than the atom cores do. In so called electrons there exists considerably less dense energy than the energy in atom cores is.

When an electron coming from the atomcore nextby reaches the expanding atomcore, it moves to a denser form. The energywaves opening up from the separate expanding energybundles of the electron burn out when they meet energybundles opening up from the atomcore and then snatch themselves along them away from the atomcore towards which the electron is heading.This way the capacity of the
electron is reduced in a relation to the atomcore and finally the electron itself burns out to the energy
opening up from the atomcore and snatches with it away from the atomcore that it had just headed.

Later from that and from all the other energy coming outwards from the atomcore rises new electrons (according to my theory).

Entropy = Expanding stuff

Its meaning stuff who expanding all a time

It is that simple

Peace and love

A logical story

A logical story
How do the particle coming from the space move their kinetic energy more
towards the atomcores of heavier substaces?

According to my theory this is how it should be, because a hammer drops to
the surface of the moon at the same time as the feather does!

The massiver the atomcore is, the denser energywaves it opens up and the
more it possesses so called electons.

The denser energywaves the expanding atomcore opens up, the more it makes
the expanding particle passing by to explode energy towards itself.

And this is how all the atoms get an equal amount of kinetic energy
(towards that piece in whose neighbourhood the atom locates) from the
expanding particles coming from the space.

When for example the surface of the globe simultaneously pushes itself away
from the centre of the globe, we don´t have to try to explain how the globe
draws the items towards itself. Everything can be explained with the
variation of the pressure. The pressure pushes all the expanding atoms of
the expanding globe away from the centre of the globe and the external
pressure keeps us on the surface of the expanding globe.

So you can forget all about the gravitation and start to wonder how the
universe really works.

The accelerating movement of all the substance away from one certain point
that is really far away from the visible universe, may take the visible
universe in a moment away from the space where it locates now and at the
same time all energy concentrations have had room to expand

The speed of the galaxygroups that move ahead us accelerate faster than our
speed and their speed accelerates more the further they are from us. The
speed of the galaxygroups behind us accelerates in relation to us slower the
further behind us they move. Because of the expanding of the sector the
galaxygroups moving by the side of us draw away faster the further they
locate from us and this is how the common redshift can be explained without
a magical expanding of the space.

When the stars formely arised relatively all at the same time, the new light
did not meet with the light coming towards and this is how the expanding
photons could make their speed to accelerate easily at the same relation as
they expanded three-dimentionally. So the expanding photons also open up
energywaves with which they push eacother away from eachother. The old light
assembles for example when it comes towards the sun, because it meets energy
that comes towards it and makes the photons to explode their energy more
forwards in relation to the motiontrack. Still the common redshift of the
light does not vanish entirely from the old light.

Peace and love!
For example

For example in the sun the energy is denser than outside the sun. In the
atom cores of the sun the energy is denser tham in an area between the atom cores. In the protons and in the neutrons the energy is denser than in an area between them. In the quarks the energy is denser than in an area
between the quarks ect.

When one can understand that all the energyconsentrations do expand and
emit their energy, one can also understand that there is less dense energy
in the area between the energyconsentrations than in the
energyconsentrations themselves.

There is no reason to doubt that the neutrinos and the photons also do
expand and emit their energy according to the entropy.

Peace and love

Are we bad "God"?

If we are one and same energy in other words creator in other words intelligent designer. Then all it which we do to our another, we do rather like to our self. If like this is, so either this rather important matter should get all to the knowledge? If like this is, so then prayer of each is directed to us to our self. Why we don't help self ourselves? Are we bad "God"?
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More than in this proof to it from the expansive Sun radiates expansive neutrino, which move to their kineticenergy Globe to expansive to the atoms' cores. Neutrino so expand and radiate enegy away towards themselves. Produce radiation can't observe. Let think about galaxies to be big neutrino! In the galaxies' centres are colossal particle which is developed themselves round from the energy field's star which radiate extremely small particle in the relationship galaxy centre to colossal energiaconcentration (to big vestige). Galaxies so are big particles which are originated really a long distance visible outside visible universe , as being energy from concentrating on which still to explode and radiates energy waves which have galaxies personality. On his journey galaxies centres explode energyconcentration have interacted themselves avutuvien with the energy waves , which have atom personality. Stars so are originated from the galaxy's centre and they radiate to their energy and so on. At same time in the way to the neutrino born around themselves energy field and to the herring!

Now pioneerproblem gets their explanation so that from Sun come neutrino interact it with the more atoms cores, what further off from Sun they get, because they have time to interact with each other and develop for itself energy field which radiates neutrino business energy to the atoms' cores!

In other words should pioneerprobes of expansive speed then accelerate according to this thought ? Yes, but expansive gas planets the pace picks up more and like this pioneerprobes is observed towards the inexplicable acceleration, Sun!

In other words expansive neutrino don't move to their kineticenergy of fixed to the atoms' cores so much as gaseous ingredients.

Crucial is of course understand it that in the planets' centre is hard pressure and neutrino move to their business energy to the planets' centres powerfully and from there its come across atom from the atom to all to the planets' atoms and also to the planets' moons. Truly moons atoms get business energy from the neutrino also direct!

The evidence is increasing all the time!

The entire visible universe of energy is coming from one direction and moving in any direction.

Now, the background radiation has been detected differences in support for this idea!

Detailed measurements made by the satellite have shown that the fluctuations in the microwave background are about 10% stronger on one side of the sky than those on the other.

Sean Carroll conceded that this might just be a coincidence, but pointed out that a natural explanation for this discrepancy would be if it represented a structure inherited from our universe's parent.

Meanwhile, Professor Carroll urged cosmologists to broaden their horizons: "We're trained to say there was no time before the Big Bang, when we should say that we don't know whether there was anything - or if there was, what it was."

If the Caltech team's work is correct, we may already have the first information about what came before our own Universe.


"Because the MOVEMENT takes place towards a less dense area, then the visible universe MOVES as an entity away from that one point that is really far away from the visible universe and where the energy is much denser than it is in a visible universe."

As if the mysteries of dark matter and dark energy weren't vexing enough, another baffling cosmic puzzle has been discovered.

Patches of matter in the universe seem to be moving at very high speeds and in a uniform direction that can't be explained by any of the known gravitational forces in the observable universe. Astronomers are calling the phenomenon "dark flow."

The stuff that's pulling this matter must be outside the observable universe, researchers conclude.

When scientists talk about the observable universe, they don't just mean as far out as the eye, or even the most powerful telescope, can see. In fact there's a fundamental limit to how much of the universe we could ever observe, no matter how advanced our visual instruments. The universe is thought to have formed about 13.7 billion years ago. So even if light started travelling toward us immediately after the Big Bang, the farthest it could ever get is 13.7 billion light-years in distance. There may be parts of the universe that are farther away (we can't know how big the whole universe is), but we can't see farther than light could travel over the entire age of the universe.

Mysterious motions

Scientists discovered the flow by studying some of the largest structures in the cosmos: giant clusters of galaxies. These clusters are conglomerations of about a thousand galaxies, as well as very hot gas which emits X-rays. By observing the interaction of the X-rays with the cosmic microwave background (CMB), which is leftover radiation from the Big Bang, scientists can study the movement of clusters.

The X-rays scatter photons in the CMB, shifting its temperature in an effect known as the kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect. This effect had not been observed as a result of galaxy clusters before, but a team of researchers led by Alexander Kashlinsky, an astrophysicist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., found it when they studied a huge catalogue of 700 clusters, reaching out up to 6 billion light-years, or half the universe away. They compared this catalogue to the map of the CMB taken by NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) satellite.

They discovered that the clusters were moving nearly 2 million mph (3.2 million kph) toward a region in the sky between the constellations of Centaurus and Vela. This motion is different from the outward expansion of the universe (which is accelerated by the force called dark energy).

"We found a very significant velocity, and furthermore, this velocity does not decrease with distance, as far as we can measure," Kashlinsky told "The matter in the observable universe just cannot produce the flow we measure."

Inflationary bubble

The scientists deduced that whatever is driving the movements of the clusters must lie beyond the known universe.

A theory called inflation posits that the universe we see is just a small bubble of space-time that got rapidly expanded after the Big Bang. There could be other parts of the cosmos beyond this bubble that we cannot see.

In these regions, space-time might be very different, and likely doesn't contain stars and galaxies (which only formed because of the particular density pattern of mass in our bubble). It could include giant, massive structures much larger than anything in our own observable universe. These structures are what researchers suspect are tugging on the galaxy clusters, causing the dark flow.

"The structures responsible for this motion have been pushed so far away by inflation, I would guesstimate they may be hundreds of billions of light years away, that we cannot see even with the deepest telescopes because the light emitted there could not have reached us in the age of the universe," Kashlinsky said in a telephone interview. "Most likely to create such a coherent flow they would have to be some very strange structures, maybe some warped space time. But this is just pure speculation."

Surprising find

Though inflation theory forecasts many odd facets of the distant universe, not many scientists predicted the dark flow.

"It was greatly surprising to us and I suspect to everyone else," Kashlinsky said. "For some particular models of inflation you would expect these kinds of structures, and there were some suggestions in the literature that were not taken seriously I think until now."

The discovery could help scientists probe what happened to the universe before inflation, and what's going on in those inaccessible realms we cannot see.