
The tracklevel of planets*

The tracklevel of planets*
Planets always try to push themselves away from their stars to a area, where they get the least thick energy from the star. And every planet in a way float in an energysea opening from the star (the same way as the fishing float does) plumping around its axle depending which side of the planet is thicker. The thicker side of the planet is plumping down towards the sun (= the "the bottom of the sea).

Also the galaxy is like a plate, this way for example towards the sun there comes more energywaves from other stars in equator level of sun than from the direction of the sunpoles. The sun makes the energywaves of other stars to bend. When the stars pass the sun above, they bend and go gross with the energywaves that have passed the sun beneath. These waves also bend. That is why there is in a way an energyfurrow in a energysea coming from the sun and all the planets take their places according how thick the planets themselves are. This is compared to a thing how the water take its place in a river at the bottom of a valley or a pass.


Ice age*

Ice age*
Let us think, that more energy than normally comes towards the sun and this makes the sun open up more energy than usually. Then towards the globe there comes more energy than usually and this causes that the globe begins to push itself away from the sun in a curved orbit faster than normally. The seas and the lakes vaporize more humidity to atmosphere than normally. In some point there woun´t come any more energy towards the sun than normally and
then also there woun´t open up energy from the sun more than usually.

Then the globe is pushing itself further away from the sun and that´s why the temperature of the globe drops rapidly a lot. Then the humidity in the atmosphere freezes and this is how continents become covered with ice. This surface does not totally melt when the globe sinks "deeper" than normally to the energysea that opens up from the sun. When the energywaves coming from the sun have made the globe rise over the "seasurface" in the energysea opening up from the sun, the seas vaporize again strongly and freeze again over the ice cover at the continents.

For some time the movement orbit of the three-dimentionally expanding globe swings more than usually at the same time as the expanding globe pushes itself away from the three-dimentionally expanding sun.

During some time this swinging reduces and the ice begins to melt.

Savorinen Jukka


Acceleration +
Why dont we on the globe orbit observe the acceleration away from the Globe?

Same time we also dont observe the acceleration away from the Sun.

The neutrinos coming from the Sun expand three dimensionally and move their kinetic energy to the atomic cores.

Also same kind of energy coming from the Globe expand three dimensionally and move their kinetic energy to the atomic cores of the spaceport on the Globes orbit seperately.

When we move away from the surface of the Globe, we can see more of it.
There will also be more opening energy bunches which expand and move their kinetic energy to other materials on the Globe orbit.

The farer away off Globe s surface we go the more energy can come towards us the outskirts of the Globe. And the outer pressure that push us towards the Globe s surface will decrease relatively.

Savorinen Jukka

The Planets

The Planets

The heavier substace the planet consists of, the deeper in an energysea opening up from the sun it pushes itself in a curved orbit away from the sun.

A new species of the Planets

The astronomers have located several bizarre light gasplanets.

They move close to their star and circulate around it in 4-5 days.

According to my theory the gasplanets of the solar system push themselves away from the sun further than the rock planets, because the gas planets are lighter.

Why do these even more lighter planets circulate around their stars so close?

Why do the Pioneer sounders have an unexplainable acceleration towards the sun?

According to my theory the atoms of the planets expand and open up energywaves. These waves make the neutrinos to explode their energy towards the atomcores of the planets. This is how a neutrino transfers its kinetic energy.

At some point the atoms of gasplanets have expanded for so long time, that the energywaves opening up from them are able to push the atomcore nextby easily further. Now between the atomcores there doesn´t move relatively such dense energywaves as earlier.

Neutrino that moves between the atomcores of such a light gasplanet don´t affect with dence energy. That is why neutrino does´t explode its energy as much towards that light planets atomcores.

Now the surface of expanding star begins to reach for expanding gasplanet relatively. The gasplanet approaches the star without moving towards it. Then it settles down and pushes it away from its star nearby.



Do the planets open up more energy from their poles?

That would explain the location of the rings that have been observed around the gasplanets. The material of the rings has found its way to a energyfurrow around the planet and pushes itself away from its expanding planet in that area. This happens also in Uranus case.

At least the energy coming from the sun reflects partly out of the planets and because the planets are round, this energy does not go back towards the sun. Also in case of the Uranus this reflecting energy would form its own share of the energyfurrow, because it it really doesn´t reflect from Uranus towards its rings.

Approximately in 30 years distance there is a big strorm observed in Saturn. The maximum amount of sun points appear in 11 years distance. Saturn itself circulates around the sun once in 29,5 years.

I predict that energywaves come from the galaxy centre in approximately 11 years distance. These energywaves have the nature of the quarks. Because the regular storms of Saturn in 30 years distance last just for a little time, I claim that only one out of three strorms is observed from the globe.

These energywaves in the centre of the galaxy maintain also the red spot of the Jupiter and maybe also can explain the spots of Uranus and Jupiter.

The energybundles heading towards the sun burn out so deep inside the sun that the energywaves coming out of them appear in 11 years delay. When the outcoming energysreams are staunched there are only sunspots left.

Savorinen Jukka


Venus rotates around its axle clockwise. The other planets rotate around their axles anti-clockwise. All the planets rotate around the sun anti-clockwise.

Venus is the only planet that has average temperature also at nights in plus degrees, hundres of degrees!

Does the energy that comes from the sun and commits to the Venus open up mostly in mornings of Venus? This would make Venus rotate clockwise around its axle. At the same time Venus would get kinetic energy to a curved orbit, that would take Venus around the sun anti-clockwise.

Suns energy committing to other planets of rock would open up mostly at nights.

The energy of Venus opening up in the mornings is then rotating Venus with downthread in relation to the surface of the energysea opening up from the sun. Does this cause friction that keeps Venus hot?

Jukka Petteri Savorinen

Sun s Corona

Sun's corona*

Is it so, that new massive photons coming out of sun are seeds of a substance in a galaxy that is one size smaller? When they come out of the sun, they already are far away from each other and so the so called
Inflation-theory is not necessary.

Quasars, that is to say one size smaller substance´s intensive optical phenomenons arise in a corona area. The giant black holes in the centre of the new galaxies receive hits from the photons coming towards the sun. Above all from the energywaves that open up from them and have had time to arise stars that are one size smaller substance.

Also the old photon centres that past the sun receive hits to themselves. This is how they explode more of their energy away from the sun and this is how the light bends while passing for example the sun.

Savorinen Jukka


New model of an atom

The atomcores expand three-dimentionally, opening up energywaves that have the nature of electron and photon.

Savorinen Jukka


The molecules are formed of two or several expanding atoms.

The atoms of the molecules open up expanding molecule´s common energywaves.

In liquids these waves are directed partly beyond the centres of molecules nextby. Between the molecules of the liquid there moves energy for a longer time than in solid substances. This is why often into the molecule of the liquid there comes a larger amount of energy from another direction. With this energy the molecule moves a long journey between the other expanding molecules towards another direction.

Between the molecules of the gases the energy, that comes from the atomcores of the gas, moves even longer journeys. Now there comes relatively even more energy towards the centres of the gas molecules from another direction. That is why the gas molecules are thrown even longer distance between other molecules.

Savorinen Jukka

who needs to go to college or uni's just log on in here everyone is very intelligent and anyone can have a say here and learn a thing or two ..............

Lets learn that too!

The Interaction / The Black Holes

How do the orbs interact with each other?

They open up energywaves, by which they interact with each other.

The less the orb has exterior surface, the less it interacts with other pieces. Also the density of energy matters as well.

In a energy concentration there can be a lot of energy, although it would have just a little exterior surface in relation to other orbs.

The denser the energy in an orb is, the less it has exterior surface in relation to the quantity of energy.

The less exterior surface, the slower the energy opens up away from the orb and the less it interacts with other orbs.

The denser the energy of a piece is, the more efficient it stops to itself for example the neutrinos coming from the stars and also the less there comes neutrinos away from the piece.

There woun´t come any neutrinos of the stars from the direction of a black hole, because they stop themselves to a black hole.

However, towards the black hole there move neutrinos all the time and they expand and open up energywaves, while transfering their kinetic energy with them to the orbs.

From the pieces that move near the black hole loose more neutrinos from the side that it away from the black hole. This is how a certain exterior pressure is formed around the black hole.

The closer to the black hole the piece is, the less energybundles come from backside of the black holes and the stronger the exterior pressure is.

When one understands that all the energy concentrations expand and open up energywaves that have the nature of expanding energyconcentration, one can undestand that the black hole does not draw other pieces towards itself. It devours all the other pieces, because it expands and pushes pieces that locate nearby away from itself slower than the pieces and the black hole itsel do expand.

However, some of the black holes are in a way in a diet. They push the gas that locates nearby away from themselves faster than they expand.

Someone may wonder, why the black hole finally begins to reject the pieces that approach the black hole faster than the black hole and the piece themselves expand. It is based on a fact, that allthough the black hole opens up slowly its energy, do these dense energywaves have large energic particles, which also transfer their kinetic energy with energywaves opening up from themselves towards the expanding atomcores of other orbs.

The modern physics does not understand these large energic particles. According to my theory, the speed of these large energic particles has accelerated just because of the fact, that they also do expand and open up energywaves by which they can make the large energic particles in front of them to speed up all the time.Their speed accelerates slower than the speed of the photons. Correspondingly their speed slows down slower than the photons speed when they move for example towards the sun. The speed of a ship accelerates slower than the speed of a boat. The speed of the ship also slows down slower than the speed of a boat.

This way it is easy to understand how the expanding star that pushes itself away from the expanding black hole explodes a lot of its energy towards the black hole. Those opening and expanding energybudles that come from the expanding black hole make the expanding atoms of a star explode faster than normally. It achieves an illusion that the black hole absorbs with some kind of gravitation from a star the mass of a star towards itself.

In fact, the energy coming from the black hole makes the expanding star to explode its energy much stronger than normally. With this energy that explodes towards the black hole it pushes itself away from the expanding black hole in a curved orbit.

Savorinen Jukka


The galaxies rotate like wheels. If there would exist a drafting force, should the galaxies have ten times larger mass than it is at present observed. This is because the farthest stars of galaxies circulate the centre of galaxy so fast. The gravity of observed mass is not able to keep them in their orbits. The stars that circulate the furthest should be thrown away from their tracks.

Although the modern physics does not understand how the gravitation is transfered, it still has found out that galaxies consist of some mystery substace that has this drawing force.

The dark substace is different from the observed substance. Yet it has the the same kind of drawing force as the observed substance has.

No, there is no gravitation!

All the stars of the galaxies have arised from the black holes of the giant centres of the galaxies. They expand three-dimentionally, opening up energywaves that have the nature of atoms. The stars expand and push themselves away from the galaxy centre in a curved orbit in a same relation as they expand.

That is to say that also the furthest stars are thrown away from the centre of the galaxy. The same way as their speed of movement around the galaxy centre lets us suppose. Only this is not observed, because everything expands three-dimentionally in same relation.

Savorinen Jukka

The time

The Time*
Slow time

The thicker the energy in a concentarion is, the less it has exterior surface. The slower the time is. The less exterior surface, the slower the concentration opens up energy as waves.

For example the new massive photons have a slower time than the old light photons do.

Accelerating time?

The faster the spacecraft moves, the faster it expands. The more the spacecraft expands, the more it affects energy that comes towards.

The more the the spacecraft affects energy coming towards, the faster the spacecraft expands. The more the spacecraft expands, the more it needs energy to accelerate and so on.

To catch up the speed of light, the craft needs all the energy from the universe. The craft heading straightforward may even catch fire before reaching the speed of light.

What if the craft would be formed like discus and rotates around its axl wildly? Does the energyfield forming around the craft prevent that the energy coming towards can not get to the atomcores? Can the discus shaped craft that turns wildly around its axl catch up easier the speed of light?

Savorinen Jukka

Stopping of light

Stopping of light*
The spavecraft and the photon are both made of the same energy than all the other substance/energy is.

The speed of a spacecraft can be accelerated when its fuel/energy is exploded faster than normally. Speed can be slowed down when the spacecraft turns and explodes its energy / fuel more forwards in relation to its movement track.

The energy of a photon has exploded all its way away from three-dimentionally expanding atomcore backwards in relation to its movement track. The speed of a photon slows down in the intermediate agent where sometimes comes more energy to the photon from forwards.

When a train moves forwards, it pushes air in front of it. The air resists the moving of train. Behind the train there is formed a less dense zone that is like a tube. Three-dimentionally expanding molecules of the atmosphere is pushed towards
this zone. They hit in the middle of the tubelike zone and then open up energy from themselves. This energy still does not make the stopped train to move forwards again.

A similar phenomen happens also to the photon. The photon cleans up a less dense area to the space. Energy comes towards that area from every direction and during the hit the releasing energy makes the photon that just stopped to move again.

This news is essentially related to stopping of light and to the fact how the light just after it has stopped continues to move again.

Savorinen Jukka


Does the Jupiter boil? Do the boiling gasbubbles come out from a same area? Is this an explanation to the red spots of Jupiter?

A continuous energy influx comes from the inside of Jupiter towards the surface of Jupiter. The atoms of this energystream expand faster than the atoms of another area. This could explain the fact that atoms of an
energystream push towards a less dense area faster than the atoms of another area.

Does this energystream get more energy towards itself from the expanding energybundles that come from space? Do they burn out in a area between atomcores of the energystream? This is how they would increase the energy of an energystream with themselves. This would also explain the red spot of Jupiter or in other words the continuous energystream that pushes out from the same area.

Savorinen Jukka


The Uranus is so far pecular gas planet that it circulates the sun atilt.

As I understand, Uranus rolls over its axel so that a specific part of it is all the time towards the centre of the galaxy. From time to time one of the poles is towards the sun and after half a round another pole is towards the sun. Applying my theory one could think that the energybudles of energywaves coming from the galaxy centre effect more to Uranus. They move their kinetic energy to Uranus and this way Uranus pushes itself away from the galaxy centre. Sometimes slower than the sun and sometimes faster than the sun. And of course, the energybundles coming out of sun push Uranus away from the sun in the same relation as the sun and Uranus expand.

Savorinen Jukka


Metals transmit often electricity very well. According to my theory, this is based on a fact that energywaves opening up from the atomcores of metals move staight towards the atomcores nextby and they don´t expand to every direction like sectors.

Continuously expanding energystream from the core of an expanding atom towards another core of expanding atom.

Maybe between the atomcores of metals there are continuously small plasmatornados.

In this way a lot og empty space exists in a area between atomcores of metals. In this area the three-dimentionally expanding energybundles have room to push each other fast towards a less dense area in a space that does not expand or curve.

The expanding atomcores of the metals have previously expanded close to each other like in cold fusion. After that they don´t have strenght enough to push themselves away from each other faster than they expand / explode.

Now thick energywaves towards the expanding atomcore nextby are sufficient to keep on the energystorm all the time and this way energy flows between the atomcores of metals like an energystream.

Savorinen Jukka

A test

A test

In physics it´s very important to be able to make repeatable tests, that confirm theories.

I have only one repeatable test that I have developed myself and which confirms my theory.

Most of us can perform this repeatable test my themselves physically and every one of us can perform it in our minds.

I can curl up the energy of my body to a embryo position, when less energy opens up away from me. After that I can unfold (=expand/explode open) to a less dense position when energy opens up / explodes away from me more and faster.

According to my theory I myself also explode all the time and my straightening accelerates opening up. This way this repeatable test proves, that opening / exploding / expanding of energy can very well be accelerating in a space that does not expand.

When this test is repeated with several persons, one can get a better image how for example the continually expanding atoms of the globe make pressure towards the centre of the globe without gravitation.

A captured animal can hide and curl up to a dense position. This way it opens up less energy away from itself and is also more difficult to observe.

The energy of the black holes is energy that is extremely at frequent intervals curled up.

Savorinen Jukka

Black hole time and warmth

Black holes time is not so fast what stars time is.

Stars "atoms" shaking/vibration more quickly what stars atoms shaking. Even that, black hole have more thiny/hot energy what stars have.

Black hole atoms are more massive what stars atoms are. Also black holes atoms nucleus dont have so much skin what stars atoms nucleus have. Thats why black holes atoms dont open/expand so guickly whta stars atoms expanding. Also black holes expanding "atoms" nucleus dont open so guickly energy waves what stars atoms nucleus open.

Still black hole have more hot energy what stars have.

I meen, stars dont have so hot energy what black holes have. Still stars atoms nucleus vibration/shaking more quickly what balck holes massive "atoms".

Savorinen Jukka


Also the magnetism can be explained by the variation of the pressure. The energywaves that open up are once again in a key position. The separate three-dimentionally expanding energybundles of the waves and how they have interaction with the energywaves that meet them. And of course, how they have interaction after that with the atomcores of a piece. Or in other words how much or how little do they move their kinetic energy to the pieces.

The particles that rotate wildly round their axles have been observed tohave a magnetic field. The best way to observe a particle rotating wildly round its axle is to observe our galaxies. On the other hand the time is such a relative phenomen, that in our point of view the galaxies do not rotate round their axles.

When we observe the galaxy, we can notice that stars rotate around the galaxy centre. These stars open up energywaves to every direction. This way the stars that push themselves away from the centre of the galaxy, open themselves their energy back towards the galaxy centre.

This is how the stars make each others movement tracks to bend away from the galaxy centre.

The situation is different if the particle does not rotate wildly round its axle.

When a magneto and a iron item dash against each other, we can ask does the magneto draw the iron item towards itself. Or is it so that the three-dimentional magneto that advaces with accelerating speed does not push away from itself the three-dimentional iron item that also advances with accelerating speed in same relation as they expand? Now their surfaces crash together because of the variation of pressure, without any drawing force. When we stretch a rubber strip, we can feel the stretching. The atoms of a rubber strip between our fingers push themselves towards a less dense area. The atoms inside the rubber strip are less dense in a area where to the expanding atoms of a rubber strip push each other.

A tension holds because we are pushing ourselves away from the centre of the globe. Our hands diverge at the same relation as they expand. Proportionally our hands don´t draw away from each other. Still the expanding atoms of a rubber strip don´t have time to push one another towards a less dense area so quickly that the tension would fade away from the rubber strip.

We feel also how a iron item strives towards a magneto. This doesn´t base on a fact that the magneto would have a capasity to draw the iron item towards itself. It bases on a fact that the pressure variates. The variation of the pressure is based on expanding of atomcores, opening up energywaves.

The expanding molecules of air in a spacecraft push each other towards the emptiness of space if the door of a spacecraft is opened. The emptiness does not draw the air out. There does not exist any drawing force.

Savorinen Jukka
