
Warm and time

How energy can be thiny and not so thiny?

How thiny sun energy was 5 billion years ago?

And how thiny is now? Lets remember that sun is open own energy all that time.

I can go more thiny when i take my legs and my hands near my body and then i am little bit warmth what i am, if i open my legs and hands straight.

At least i dont open my energy so quickly far a way from me

Next text what i put here with good english. There i told how you can be near black hole and moving far a way same way what black hole open energy waves expanding energyparticle moving. There you realase more cold what you realase same area near star.

Even black hole energy is more hot/thiny what star energy is.

This is because black hole energyparticle speed dont acceleration so fast what photons speed acceleration.

So, if you moving same way far a way from star, what you moving far a way from black hole, star photons catch up you and then star interactive with you straigt with photons.

If you moving far a way from black hole same way what black hole energy waves moving, then this expanding particle dont hit you straight.

So, then black hole dont interactive with you straight.

Is doing that indirectly with this expanding energyparticle.

This energyparticle expanding and open energy waves, put that energy dont get you so warmth what star photons get straight.

It is easier acceleration small boat speed what it is acceleration big galley/ship speed.

Photons and big energy energyparticle speed acceleration all a time same way what the expanding and opening energy waves, because they pushing themselfs to area where is not so much energy.

Later same thing with better english

Savorinen Jukka


The temperature and the time of the black hole

Time in black hole advances slower.

Its "atoms" vibrate slower.

They are more massive and they have less exterior surface.

They expand slower and open up their energy as waves slower.

If the heat of the black hole is compared to the heat of a star according to how fast its "atoms" vibrate, the black hole wouldn´t be as hot as the stars are.

Yet the energy of a black hole is thicker / hotter than the energy of the stars.

If you would push yourself away from the expanding black hole in a same relation as the expanding energybundles do, you would feel colder than pushing yourself away from the star in same relation.

Now there would be three-dimentionally expanding energybundles around you and they would be coming from the expanding black hole.The energywaves from these energybundles around you would not warm you up as much as the expanding energybundles opening up from the stars would when they hit you.

So, if you would push yourself away from the star in a same relation as you push yourself away from the black hole, the photons of a star would reach you.

So the black hole would effect you indirectly with the opening energywaves of the energybundles that open up from the black hole . The star would effect you directly with the energywaves that open up from the star.

The speed of the photons accelerates easier than the speed of the large-energic particles.

The expanding energybundles that push themselves away from the expanding energy concentration make each others speed to accelerate towards a less dense area with the energywaves that open up from themselves.

It´s much more easier to accelerate the speed of a small boat than of a massive ship.

Savorinen Jukka



The speed of a sounder accelerates when the sounder passes the planet nearby.

When the sounder approaches the planet, it begins to have more interaction with the planet. The energywaves opening up from the planets energybundles make the atomcores of a sounder to explode their energy more. Now these waves make the energybundles coming from the planet explode their energy more towards the atomcores of a sounder ect.

After passing by more and more energy comes from the atomcores of a sounder towards the energybundles coming from the planet and this is how they explode their energy more towards the sounders atomcores.

So now they transfer their kinetic energy more to the sounder.

Savorinen Jukka


How about when the energybundles opening up from the magneto and from the iron item have interaction with each other so that when they fall inside the object nextby (iron item / magneto), they are driven nearby some atomcore of a object and swing around it like comets and continue their journey to that very same direction where they came from?

So now they move their kinetic energy towards a object in a way that the expanding atoms of a magneto push each other towards the expanding atoms ofn iron item and the expanding atoms of an iron item push each other towards the magneto.

With Savor english

Swing around almost half round and continue next atom nucleus. There that energyparticle expanding and pushing that atom that way.

Savorinen Jukka


How probes/sounders get more moving energy, when they going near planet.

Planet open massive energyparticle who dont have a lot of skin. So, this energyparticle dont interactive with probes atoms nucleus so much what old energyparticle, who coming from space. That why this energyparticle who coming from space, pushing probes and then that probes orbit change same way what panet skin.

When probes coming near planet, probes atoms nucleus get more and more hits and thats why prpbes nucleus start to open more energy.

That energy hits energyparticle who coming from planet and thats why this massive energyparticle start to expanding more and more energy. So they giving more and more ginetic energy for probes atoms nucleus.

Later with good english.

Savorinen Jukka


When the sounder goes by the planet, more massive energybudles come towards
the sounder from the planet. These energybundles have less exterior surface
and this way they can have interaction with the atomcores of the sounder
less than the energybundles that come from the space.

The energybundles coming from the space make the orbit of a sounder to bend
in accordance with the planet with the energywaves opening up from
themselves. So they expand and bombard this expanding atomcore with a
radiation that opens up from themselves. This radiation contains very small
exploding energybundles.

Little by little the charge of a sounder changes and more and more energy
begins to open up from its atomcores.

Now the more massive / more energic energybundles coming from the planet get
more and more hits towards themselves and begin this way to transfer more
and more kinetic energy towards the sounder with the help of energywaves
that open up from themselves.This is why the speed of a sounder accelerates
when the sounder moves away from the planet.

Savorinen Jukka


!!!!! Magnetism !!!!!!

A Riddle from Savolainen*

There are a lot of rollerskaters on a flat floor.

The only equipment they have are the skates and pelota rackets.
These skaters stay still at their positions and the distance between them is
from five to ten meters. A lot of balls come towards them.

They are not allowed to use their feet for example for skating. The only
thing that they can use their feet is to stay in balance and be able to keep
their feet in such a position that the skates point straight ahead.

How can they make themselves to move forward?

Savorinen Jukka

more about magnetism

Let us think that outside the galaxy there would come an energy concentration towards the centre of the galaxy. Now there would come a lot of energy from the stars of the outer circle and this way the orbit of this energy concentration would bend according to the centre of the galaxy.

The energy coming from the centre would however start to push it little by little away from the centre of the galaxy and this way it would be thrown after a scant half round away from the galaxy. With a faster speed than it came to the galaxy.

When it now hits the galaxy centre, it would explode strongly and move all its kinetic energy towards it.

If we drop an item into a roundabout, it will be thrown away from the roundabout with speed.

Savorinen Jukka


There are a lot of rollerskaters on a flat floor.

The only equipment they have are the skates and a safety clothing.
These skaters stay still at their positions and the distance between them is
from five to ten meters. A lot of exploding handgrenades come towards them.

They are not allowed to use their feet for example for skating and also they
are not allowed to explode the handgrenades behind their backs. The only
thing that they can use their feet is to stay in balance and be able to keep
their feet in such a position that the skates point straight ahead.

How do they can move forward?

Exploding handgrenades come from magnets. Skaters are the atom nucleus of the steel item.

Savorinen Jukka


When an iron item is brought close to a magneto, the energybundles opening up from them have interaction with each other.The energybundles opening up from a magneto slow down the energybundles that come from an iron item and the energybundles coming from the iron item slow down the energybundles coming from the magneto.

This way their speed does not accelerate. When the energybundles coming from the magneto get inside the iron item and energybundles coming from the ironitem get inside the magneto, they make the atomcores of the magneto and iron item themselves to go to the orbit so that they turn around scant half a round and then are thrown to the same direction where they came from. The speed has accelerated in a same than the speed of a sounder does while passing the planet.

Now the energybundles are directed straight towards some expanding atoms core and they explode there.

This is why we can feel how the magneto and a iron item aspire towards each other when they locate close enough each other.

The repulsion of two magnetos can be explained so, that the magnetos make eac others atomcores to explode their energy towards each other. Perhaps a part of the energybundles are directed straight towards the atomcore of a magneto nextby.

Let us think that the atoms of a magneto and iron item are galaxies.

If there comes from outside an energyconsentration towards the centre of the galaxy, does this energyconsentration get so much energy as waves from the stars of the external circle of the galaxy. Now these energywaves make this energyconsentration to explode its energy away from the galaxy centre. The orbit of the energyconsentration bends according to the galaxy centre.

Energybundles come also towards the energyconsentration from the centre of the galaxy. These energubundles are more massive and they have less external surface. The longer time the energycentre locates nearby the hot centre of the galaxy, the more the massive energybundles coming from the galaxy centre begin to have interaction with the atomcores of the energyconsentration.

The denser energywaves the atomcores of the energyconsentration do open, the more the energybundles coming from the galaxy centre get hits towards thenselves and the more they do explode their energy towards the atomcores of the energyconsentration and also the more they move their kinetic energy
towards the atomcores of the energyconsentration.

Now the speed of the energyconsentration begins to accelerate and it pushes itself away from the galaxy centre faster than the "surface" of the galaxy centre. The further the energyconsentration pushes itself from the galaxycentre, the more it has stars behind it and the more its speed accelerates away from the galaxy centre.

This way we can explain without using the drawing force, how the energybundles coming from the magneto and from an iron item turn around the atomcore inside the magneto and an iron item scant half a round and are then thrown powerfully towards some atomcore, where they explode and move their kinetic energy towards it.


The overquantity and underquantity of the electrons

The so called electron quantity of atoms is based on how dense energywaves open up from the atomcore.

These waves make the energybundles that move in an area between atomcores to explode their energy towards the atomcores ect.

If some energybundle that moves in an area between atomcores cleans up with itself more energy opening up from the atomcore than it opens itself towards the atomcore, the atom can have a dificit of electron that stays.

That happens because from the atomcore there does not come so much energy that it would make the energybundles passing by the atomcore to explode their energy as much towards the atomcore ect.

If an energybundle that explodes in an atomcore is directed to the atomcore, it will open now more energy from the atomcore and this way the overquantity of the electron stays.

The overquantity of the electron stays because a denser energywave from the atomcore makes the energybundles passing by to explode more of their energy to the core of the atom ect.


External pressure*
A stronger external pressure is directed to the black hole than to the other orbs.

This is because the massive and a little external surface possessive energybundles opening up from the black hole don´t have interaction with the expanding energybundles that pass by the black hole.

Now the expanding energybundles passing by the black hole push each other towards the black hole with the energywaves opening up from themselves. This is why more three-dimentionally expanding energybundles go towards the black hole.

They also move their kinetic energy more towards the pieces that locate nearby the black hole than the energybundles opening up from the black hole can move their kinetic energy towards the pieces close to the black hole.


The charge of a corpuscule*

Why does the positively charged corpuscule bend at its track in a magnetic field?

The track of a corpuscule can bend only when the corpuscule explodes its energy more towards one side than the opposite.

The corpuscule holds its charge because the energy opening up from it makes the small energybundles coming towards it to unite as in cold fusion.

The energybundles opening up from the corpuscule clean the energywaves of the smaller energybundles that come towards the corpuscule with them away from the corpuscule. Now the small expanding energybundles coming towards the corpuscule don´t push themselves away from each other. They expand and reach out each other without actually moving towards each other.

The corpuscule itself continues to expand and this way it gets more exploding energybundle hits. This is why the corpuscule is able to keep its charge, still opening up energywaves, which make the energywaves coming towards the corpuscule thicker and the energybundles passing by to bend towards the corpuscule ect.

Let us think about that different kind of energywaves come from the magneto and these energywaves have for example lots of extremely small expanding energybundles. Now the energywaves that open up from positively charged corpuscule won´t be able to make the much smaller enrgybundles to bend towards the corpuscule.

This way the positively charged corpuscule explodes more of its energy away from the magneto and the orbit of a corpuscule bends a little towards the magneto.


The charge of a particle*
Why does the positively charged particle bend at its track in a magnetic field?

The track of a particle can bend only when the particle explodes its energy more towards one side than the opposite.

The particle holds its charge because the energy opening up from it makes the small energybundles coming towards it to unite as in cold fusion.

The energybundles opening up from the particle clean the energywaves of the smaller energybundles that come towards the particle with them away from the particle. Now the small expanding energybundles coming towards the particle don´t push themselves away from each other. They expand and reach out each other without actually moving towards each other.

The particle itself continues to expand and this way it gets more exploding energybundle hits. This is why the particle is able to keep its charge, still opening up energywaves, which make the energywaves coming towards the particle thicker and the energybundles passing by to bend towards the particle ect.

Let us think about that different kind of energywaves come from the magneto and these energywaves have for example lots of extremely small expanding energybundles. Now the energywaves that open up from positively charged particle won´t be able to make the much smaller enrgybundles to bend towards the particle.

This way the positively charged particle explodes more of its energy away from the magneto and the orbit of a cparticle bends a little towards the magneto.


"Thats what i already told for you.

If two galaxies moving near, galaxies centre expanding black holes open energywaves all a time and with this opening energywaves they get other big black holes expanding a lot of energy out side."

Lets read about guasars page and also protons and neutrons page.


Protons and neutrons

Lets remember that galaxies centre very big black holes expanding and opening energywaves who have protons personality.

Photon in a optical fiber cable

The light is possible to make move along the optical fibre cable even though the cable is wavekind bend.

The photons move in accordance with the cable, because in a curve they get more energy from the outer circle of the curve and this is how the photon explodes its energy towards the outer circle of the curve and makes the orbit to bend in accordance with the cable. Surely the cable is in an inner edge denser. The photon aspires to continue its movement straight ahead, but in a curve more energy comes towards it from the outer circle. Now the frontside of a photon that locates in a curve side begins to explode more of
its energy away from the photon and this way the orbit of a photon bends in accordance with the optical fibre cable.

In an double-slit experiment a sensitive sensor opens up denser energy from some zones and when a photon falls into a zone where denser energy comes towards, the photon starts to explode more of its energy forwards from its other side and this way it twists itself towards a zone where denser energy comes towards it. So in a space there exists in a away immaterial "optical fiber cables", through which the photons are guided towards certain zones in a sensitive sensor.

When one remembers that the photons themselves are three-dimentionally expanding, so to say exploding concentrations of energy its easy to understand that they make these zones to explode their energy more away from the sensitive sensor ect.


E = m * c^2 * RT/(pV) * |c|

Units are E = kg * (m/s)^2 * 1 * 1

Now for the arithmetical operations' unit can have E = Joule (in other words J = kg * m^2 / s^2 )



Post from my friend

Post from my friend

" Dear Sir,
> Here is a new theory suggesting that everything is energy.
> E = (mgh * ½mv^2) * RT/(pV) * |c|
> mgh = potential energy
> ½mv^2 = kinetic energy
> R = (gas) constant
> T = temperature
> p = pressure
> V = volume
> |c| = mass specific heat capacity, absolute value only
> Feel free to use, copy, review, do what ever You would like to do with this theory."