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If we dont know how gravity working, we have to ask, is there any gravity at all

I can explain everything with pressure chance, so i dont need gravity at all.

If atoms are expanding energycentrums, who open energyswawes who have elektrons and photons personality, we have a idea and then we mide have a theory for everything later.

This website explains through text, images, video and voice (which is fluctuating pressure just like our universe, as I am about to explain), how the universe possibly works.

One simple principle
According to this simple principle (the Savonian theory) the universe consists of only energy and space. Energy is the one and the same energy that has the ability to wrap up into denser space and the ability to open up into less dense energy in space, which does not expand or bend. You can perform an experiment by trying, how a single concentration of energy (you, in this case) can wrap up into smaller space (foetal position), in which less energy is released from you. Then you can try to think how the energy in the core of an atom is always denser and denser, depending on how close the energy is to the center of a separate energy concentration.

Does history repeat itself? People, who believed that the earth was the centre of universe, thought erroneously that the earth stays in its own place and all the celestial objects circle us. Modern theories suggest that all visible objects of the universe mostly stay in a static area in space, which expands in such way that the universe does not expand outwards into existing space. This model requires an additional space dimension, which is rather impossible for people to understand.

The Big Bang
According to the Big Bang theory, in the beginning there was only a very dense concentration of energy and space was created inside this concentration in a big explosion. But what if all this energy begun to open up outwards to a space that already existed?

We do not have to assume that all energy in that concentration opened up evenly. According to my theory, all energy in that concentration begun to push itself away from the center of the concentration while expanding at the same time. When all the energy tried to expand into every direction, it caused an enourmous pressure towards the center, and that pressure kept this energy hot and dense. The farther the energy traveled, the faster it could expand, and thus the faster the movement became.

Let us assume that there was another similar concentration in space, and the energies from these two concentrations collided. As a result, these energies from the two sources no longer had unlimited space to expand into, so instead they were squeezed into separate, smaller concentrations, which then started releasing their own energy waves.

This can explain how smaller particles and separate concentrations were created from two larger concentrations of energy as they were expanding three-dimensionally.


energy and space?

yes.... i agree.

it then becomes a question of the nature and quality of the space and the energy... and since energy is ALWAYS changing.. we must ask.. what is the original nature of energy.. within or on.. or effecting our space.

and what is space, that it could respond to energy as it does.?... did?

alot of question, and few answers... but i have some proposals.


lets take a look this clips too

Lets go to my page and push ---videopätkiä--- word.


Space is not expanding.

Its energytimespace who moving all a time cuiglier and cuiglier, and expanding all a time cuiglier and cuiglier in space who is not expanding.

So, thats the way there is only three dimensious and thats something what we can understund.


If we dont know how gravity working, we have to ask, is there any gravity at all

If we do not know how JukriS' brain is working, we have to ask, does he (she) have any brain at all?
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Where you are now?

Are you sire that you are inside you brain?

If we are not sire where we are, we mide be everywhere same time.

Even man can making videocamera and take some livepicture, what you can look other side world and get the picture, that you are other side world.

So, we he/she can be everywhere same time.


Einstein showed how gravitational force could be done away with in favor of warpage of space-time.
Protons and Neutrons

Protons and Neutrons

According to my theory protons and neutrons are similar 3-dimentionally expanding concentrations of energy and they unroll energywaves which have the nature of even smaller 3-dimentionally expanding concentrations of energy. This way protons and neutrons (which we could call with a mutual name) get more energy from the samekind of concentrations nearby and that causet that the protons and neutrons explode / uproll energy towards each other. With this energy they push themselves away from each other with the same respect as they expand.

From the middle of the “surface” towards the centre, the energy is four times denser wrapped and from this point towards the middle of the centre even more four times denser wrapped energy. Therefore in an area which has the same size has 16 times more energy than on the “surface” of the consentration. This distance can be divided in halves in endless times and that makes us ask if there is enormeous amount of dense wrapped energy in the centre of energyconsentration.

In the atom cords of heavy substances these consentrations exist more side by side. Consentrations can push themselves away from each other faster than they expand rarely and then there is a question about atoms going halves. The atoms of heavy substances go halves faster because their centres have more consentrations, which burn each others energy faster and because of that from the cords of heavy atoms it opens up denser energywaves than from the light atomcords. That is not enough because by reason of 3-dimentional expansion it must all the time open up more and more energy from the cords of heavy substances in relation to the atomcords of light substances so that these heavy substances would expand observably as fast as the light substances. So in principle the energy of heavy substances expands faster ja because of that all the substances as we see expand with a increasing speed at the same as they preserve their form and capasity from the point of humans view for a reasonably long periods.

With the help of the videoclip attached, I will show you how the protons and neutrons have always expanded with an increasing speed. It may be difficult for you to accept this theory even though it´s understandable. If I am right about my theory, please remember that people about 500 years ago were in a same situation when Copernicus and Galilei overturned our opinions about the universe. The sun seemed to circle us, but it doesn´t! The objects that drop seem to be moving towards the centre of earth, but according to this new theory they also push themselves away from the centre of earth slower than the surface of the earth and then they only seem to move towards the centre of earth while dropping towards the surface of the earth.




According to my idea the space does not expand or bend.

All the substance as to say mass consists of expanding energyconcentarions. They open up energywaves and with these energyconcentarions one can think that the massconcentrations are bending space, but they don´t bend to a dimple but to the other way round.

A star, for example the sun, is a top of one certain mountain (so to say galaxy), so that this mountain (=sun) declines and expands three-dimentionally opening up energywaves or slopes. The planets rumble in a slope that opens up from the sun or push themselves away from the sun in a bender orbit at the same ralation as they expand. Finally all the massconcentrations have declined or expanded smoothly to an energy that has the same density in a space that does not expand or bend.

Atoms nucleus expanding all a time and expanding nucleus open energywaves who have electrons and photons personality.

Also electrons and photons expanding all a time three-dimensinally.


Why different ingredients expand at the same speed? The nucleus of atom
consists of separate three-dimensionally expansive particles which open
energy waves. Also these consist of different three-dimensionally
expansive particles and so on.

The energy waves, that are opened from the atom, can go to certain depth
inside the next atomnucleus. Finally they face so densed energy, that they
burn up and get away from the nucleus.

When the expansive particle (going towards the nucleus of an atomic bomb )
gets to the area between separate particles, it begings to explode much
more powerfully. Because it will face densed energy from the several
different directions. This makes it to explode lots of energy towards
separate particles of nucleus. This energy makes the separate particles to
explode lots of their energy towards the centre of nucleus.

With this energy at least two separate expanding particles are twitched to
the nucleus of the next atoms and a chain reaction has born (an atombomb).

Will this opening energy of an exploded particle get inside of the protons
and neutrons to an area between separate particles (quarks)?

(The protons and the neutrons are similar three-dimentionally opening
particles that open up energywaves.
The protons and the neutrons consist of separate expanding particles that
also open up energywaves.)

In atombomb so dence energy comes to to the atomcore that it can go much
further than normally before burning out and going away from the atomcore.
Even thought any energy wouldn´t come towards the nucleus, it continues to
expand anyway.

After the certain point the outside energy can´t enter even inside of an
atomic bomb.

Still the quarks continue to expand and open as energy waves. With
the waves quarks make each others to explode more and more energy towards
each others.

The more there are protons and neutrons inside the nucleus the more they
make each others to explode energy away from the centre of an nucleus.
Same time the more densed energy waves of the nucleus will open and the
more electrons will be seen..
Heavy atoms nucleus explode more of their energy away from the nucleus.
They continue exploding faster and faster and that´s why they have more
electrons than the light ingredient have all the time.

The atoms of heavy ingredients burn their energy faster and that´s why
their volume will relatively/proportionally stay same than the volume of
light ingredients.

Onesimpleprinciple com

english and then you can look map for pages


Cold fusion*

Apparently nowadays most of the people in science societies don´t presume that the so called cold fusion could be possible. According to my theory it however is possible. As a matter of fact it is a relevant part of the
principles of the universe.

As I understand, observations of cold fusion can be observed in a certain substance, that has hydrogen atoms. A sound (=a certain pressure wave) is conducted to that substance and according to my theory this sound cleans the
energywaves opening up at that that moment from two different hydrogen atomcores with the sound. After that these two cores of hydrogen atom don´t push themselves away from each other at the same relation as they expand.

The other atoms around them continue to expand and push this way these two hydrogen atomcores close to each other with the energywaves that open up from themselves. This is the way that helium atom is born. At the same time it releases so called pure energy, which could maybe be used by a convenient technology.

It is possible, that the solid substance of the sufrace of earth has born like in cold fusion. Maybe the energybundles that came towards the globe and were energic enought caused that the liquid altered to a solid substance.
Maybe the globe once was a gasplanet and a gas altered to a liquid and a liquid to a solid substance.

There are lots of researches about tornados, but this phenomen is still not quite understood.

Often lightnings belong to the birth of tornado. Let us think how the energy of a lightning cleans up the energy opening up from the atomcores of atmosphere with it and the atomcores of that area don´t push themselves away. The atoms outside this area continue pushing themselves away from each other and this is how the atomcores in target area of a lightning push themselves close to each other. This is how a gas statue developes. After that the atom cores start to push themselves forcefully away from each other. The atoms of the statue don´t have the power to push each other towards a less dence area, that is to say upwards so that the statue could stay straight. It twistes itself to a tornado, and its atoms / molecules capture with them the molecules of the atmosphere alongside. This is how masses of air begin to flow towards the tornado on account of variation of pressure.
Age of globe*

If I am right about my theory, how many times has the globe circulated the sun? It might very well be so, that once the planets have pushed themselves away from the sun much more directly. Not until then when there has become
energywaves from other galaxies has the orbit of each planet bended more curved and settled to the stable speed it has now. So the atoms of the globe have vibrated for 4,5 billion years, but if the globe once did´t circulate the sun nearly as fast as it nowadays does, we can ask how old the globe really is? If the age is counted so that one year is one circuit, so how old is the globe then?


Einstein said there was no such thing as matter... only energy... but he might not (especially Minkowski) have agreed that only space exists alongside energy... but thank God for Copenhagen, saying that time was the human mind somehow.

As for the rest of your work, i actually liked it. original, and refreshing round here.
Thank you

Thank you!

If you like, you can coming to help.

Lets told this Onesimpleprinciple com pages for other people, who is interesting about new cosmology ideas.

Lets change together picture of cosmology.


The Lightnings

Lightnings exist in a certain weather, when there is a certain kind of pressure variation in atmosphere. At first the energy rapidly explodes from down to up towards a less dense area and this dense energypulse cleans the energy opening from the atomcores with the energypulse up towards a less dense area.

The energybundles of this energic pulse open energy itself forwards. Now one energybundle in this energyfront hits to some atonscore higher up, before the actual energypulse reaches there. It makes really a lot of energy to explode from there. This energy is now directed also to an area that has the least dense energy and locates now down, from where the front of the energypulse (the pilotwave) has cleaned energy upwards with it.This is why the actual lightning strikes straight towards the energypulse that has opened up from downwards.

Look also ”the Tsunami 2004” subject in Geology section.

Many blue jets exist in upper atmosphere and they release really a lot of energy upwards like fans. Is this a mystery to a modern technology?

Let us think, that towards the globe there comes energywaves from space and the energic energybundles of these energywaves meet energybundles that open up from the globe. The energybundles coming from the globe clean with them away from the globe the energywaves that come from energybundles coming towards the globe. Now the energybundles coming towards the globe don´t push themselves separate from each other at the same relation
as they expand. This is how they reach out each other without actually moving towards each other.

The energybundles coming towards the globe unite themselves to more energic energybundles. At the same time they themselves clean with them the energywaves opening up from the upper atmospheres atomcores. At some point one energybundle in that energypulse hits to some three-dimentionally expanding centre of energyconcentration that locates in atomcore of atmosphere.

This makes a lot of energy to explode from that towards a less dence area up above from where the energypulse itself has just cleaned energy with it towards the globe. During the movement of energypulse coming towards the globe, those atomcores from which the energypulse cleaned energy with the pulse, have had time to push themselves away from the centre of the globe so that now the strongly exploding energy can spread powerfully upwards as a fan.

