One for atheists: If you had to choose...

Funny, before I got to your post those were the two pages I had on tab! But thanks nonetheless. And what do you recommend for looking into Franklin?

I don't have any pages on him, but you might want to check out a documentary called "Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings - Vol. II - Riddles in Stone - Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C." which talks about this stuff. The viewpoint is Christian so naturally it's skewed that way, but the data is well researched.

You won't find it on Google video as it was removed, but if you really want it maybe I can get it to you.
And I know right now that we are speaking off topic but, from my readings is it under my understandings that we are paying for the taxes of the stockholders, ie, we are the beneficiaries of the trustees?

I'm not sure about that, but I know the income tax only goes toward paying the interest on the national debt. Yet the government reports on its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report that all taxes only total 30% of the government's actual income. The rest comes from its investments in corporations both foreign and domestic. Walter Burian has a page up here explaining the full scope of the governments finances.

Long story short, they don't need our taxes anymore to pay their bills. They just take the money because they can.
Going back to the Organic District of Columbia Act of 1871. Do you think that Ron Paul's stance on reverting back to the constitution stands on what was originally written or what we are deceived to believe?
Going back to the Organic District of Columbia Act of 1871. Do you think that Ron Paul's stance on reverting back to the constitution stands on what was originally written or what we are deceived to believe?

Reversion is impossible at this point. Just ask Lincoln or JFK.

Ron Paul may not be what he says he is. His connection with the John Birch Society makes me nervous. The JBS is a known Masonic organization with ties to the Mormon Church (another Masonic org.).

I believe it is a moot point anyway since all elections are pre-decided for us. Also even if he could win you would immediately find the Congress conveniently reasserting its authority and stifling any chance at a change.

I honestly don't see a realistic out.
A new anti-atheistic fascist government has taken over your country.
This government has written a new law saying, "You must convert to any religion of your choice or be executed."
Which religion would you choose?

(It must be theistic.)

Pantheism, aka "Einsteinian Religion".

That's theism, right?
Pantheism, aka "Einsteinian Religion".

That's theism, right?

You know I've considered that philosophy as well. Not sure how the theistic establishment views it, weather they consider it a legitimate theism or not. Kinda seems like a gray area to me.